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发布时间: 2021-01-16 21:55:20

『壹』 几需一篇英文演讲稿 my university , my dream 要有译文 谢谢//






Strangers walking in the street, when all things are no longer able to feel. I have been looking forward to the day when I can have a really my thing, so long as a small, and the Moon. However, when reced to life with regret, for I have nothing to look forward to. In the long wait in what I was, in its own long-term, or be all or nothing, and I have nothing left.

This is the college entrance examination after the end of my experience, nothing is sad, but even more sad is that I do not have been aware of this. At the time, I repeat always hovering hesitant between the school and even can not find a way forward. In the uncertainty of the journey, I am still waiting for what, for those who are already in the past and did not come, perhaps some are being rushed to the scene, these are not real? Past, I could not grasp, and for the future and I Afraid to luxury.

If the candle of life, from the burning roof in the end, always bright. This is my way of the School of Architecture buses to see the generation of writers, revolutionaries, Mr Xiao F Chu. At that moment, it seems that all the clouds have disappeared without a trace of the fully mechanized. It is also just tear the lip of the first ray of sun, shining moment of pain and numbness of the long nerve. I sincerely fell in love with that moment of dizziness, that in the fresh air in my heart to hear the voice of beating effectively.

I finally understand that we have been on the road, everyone has their own sky, have the same confusion, I am not a bird flying silently. So I picked up this time hold the pen, it will be a dynamic group of the most beautiful word chapter in the life I want to write their own chapter on the road, I would like to stage their own self-display.

I finally realized that I have been looking for only a matter of fact already in the grip of the hands of the pen, it is really my thing, and will never change.

『贰』 要写‘一带一路’这篇演讲稿,请问怎么写 完全没有思绪。

可以先从古代引到现代 对比
最后 意义

『叁』 有人有一带一路的英文演讲稿吗急需

Spring comes at last. Everything begins to grow. The trees turn green, and the flowers come out. On the playground, in the fields, on each side of the road, the young grass grows everywhere.
Spring also arrives in our school. Come and see, behind our teaching building, there are some small pear trees covered with white flowers; on both sides of it, there are some other flowers smiling at you, Some are yellow, some are red. In our school garden, more flowers are there. All kinds of flowers of many colours can be seen.
Look, there are some Kites flying in the sky. The spring wind is blowing. The sun is shining brightly. Some boys are playing games in the sun, Listen, a group of girls are singing "Where’ spring?" It sounds like the singing of lark birds. All these make me think that spring is here, spring is there, and spring is just in our school. Fhe boys and the girls are all like flowers in spring.

『肆』 我的大学生活-求一篇英语演讲稿3-5分钟(带翻译)

Time flies!Our freshmen have spent two months in our beautiful campus of *** university. Every new beginning is a new challenge.We can't expect anything to be the same as our imagine.Different envirenment is a new battle.We are always curious with the things around.Though we come from different places,we have our own dream, our own ambition, our own challenge.But the mankind is sometimes so fragile that it can't withstand outside lure.
Many students are the first time to be so far away form home.They come to a foreign city, a foreign campus, facing so many foreign but friendly faces.Plenty of activities bring us fresh air and pleasant fleeing.Be busy with study and work enriches our life,helping preventing our homesick.
Life in campus is different with that in elementary school and middle school.We have much spare time dominated by our own.Our campus is just like another home.People from all corners of our country come together to form a big family.There are tears as well as laughters.We have troubles but we are also learning to conquer them.We become more and more brave and more and more stronger.We are no longer the little baby that will never grow up in our parents eyes.We are growing up day by day.
I love the life in our university. We have a new starting point, a new origin and a period of a brand new life.Our freshmen life is continuing.Please wait and see our brilliant achievement!光阴似箭,岁月如梭,转眼间大一新生在****大学这座美丽的校园里度过了两个多月。每一次的新的开始都是一次新的挑战,一切都不是自己所能预算的,不一样的环境就是一个新的战争,一切都充满了好奇,大家都是来自不同的地方……自己都有自己的一份理想,一份报复,一份挑战,然而人有时真的很脆弱,不能抵挡外界的诱惑啊!
大学是社会的缩影,社会的预科班。 学生是校园的主角,大一新生更是新鲜的血液。

『伍』 一篇英语演讲稿


感 恩 教 育 演 讲 稿



今天很高兴有机会和大家在一起聊一聊当下倡导并受到人们广为关注的感恩教育。究竟什么是感恩教育呢?我们曾被哪些事情感动过?这次高二年级语文月考卷中有一篇文章,题目是“假如今天是我生命中的最后一天”,我觉得这个题目很好,于是在班级中作了一个调查:假如今天是我们生命中的最后一天,你会做哪些事情?台下发言较为涌跃:有的就说,我们要好好地吃一顿,有的说要好好地玩,还有的说什么都不做……各种答案五花八门。这时候我想起以前看到过的一篇报导:一位母亲陪同儿子参加高考,儿子在教室里考试,母亲在外面守侯。因为天气太热,气温过高,不久这位母亲便中暑倒在了地上,被路人送到了医院。在医院,母亲一直没有苏醒过来,令众多医生束手无策,最后还一个护士想到一个好点子,在母亲的耳边轻轻地说 “高考结束了”。话还没说完,母亲便坐立起来,大声地说“我得赶紧问问我儿子考得怎么样?!”在这个生死关头,母亲心里牵挂的仍是正在考试的儿子。这是一种多么伟大的母爱啊,她永远把儿子放在了第一位,因为关心儿子,而忽略了自己的一切,甚至是生命。我相信各位同学的家长在遇到这种情况的时候,也同样会为你们付出的,因为你是她的孩子。他们爱你,她们关心你胜过自己的生命。









怀有一颗感恩的心,才更能体会到自己的职责。 在现代社会每个人都有自己的职责、自己的价值。当2004感动中国十大人物之一的徐本禹走上银幕时,人性的善良再一次被点燃,这个原本该走入研究生院的大学生,却义无返顾的从繁华的城市走进了大山。这一平凡的壮举刺痛了每一个人的眼睛,也点燃了每一个人内心未燃的火种。而让他做出这一抉择的理由很简单:怀着一颗感恩的心。徐本禹用他感恩的心,为大山里的孩子铺就了一条爱的道路,点燃了贫穷和希望,完成了他的职责,实现了他的人生价值。

怀有一颗感恩的心,不是简单的忍耐与承受,更不是阿Q,而是以一种宽宏的心态积极勇敢的面对人生。我相信,最温暖的日子来自寒冷,我更相信,最温暖其实是对寒冷的一种谅解,一种感恩中的感动。一个人要学会感恩,对生命怀有一颗感恩的心,心才能真正快乐。一个人没有了感恩,心就全部都是空的。 “羊有跪乳之恩”,“鸦有反哺之恩”, “赠人玫瑰,手有余香”,“执子之手,与子偕老,”这些都因怀有一颗感恩的心,才芬芳馥郁,香泽万里。






Thanksgiving ecation speech

Teachers, students:


I am very pleased to have the opportunity to chat with the current widely advocated and are concerned about the ecation of Thanksgiving. What is Thanksgiving ecation? We have been touched off what? High grade on the language papers in an article entitled "If my life today is the last day", I think this topic very well, so in the class made a survey: If today is the last of our lives One day, what would you do? The audience to speak : Some say, we have to eat a good meal, and some said that a good play, there is nothing to say ... ... a variety of answers to a wide variety. At this time I am reminded of the past seen a report: a mother accompanied her son to participate in college entrance examination, and the son in the classroom examination, the mother守侯outside. Because the weather is too hot, the temperature is too high, and soon the mother would heat stroke fell on the ground, the passers-by to the hospital. In the hospital, the mother has not regained consciousness, so that doctors at a loss, a nurse finally came up with a good idea, in the mother's ear gently say "the end of the college entrance examination." If not yet finished, the mother would sit up and loudly said, "I hastened to ask how my son's test?!" In this life and death, the mother was still concerned about being the son of the examination. This is how great a love, ah, she always put her son on the first, as concerned about his son, to the neglect of everything, even life. I am sure that parents of students at a time when this happens, you will also pay for, because you are her children. They love you, they care about you more than their own lives.

But the students, how many people you are the parents of this first? Always a lot of students complained to their parents this well, as wrong, for the acts and practices parents choosy, to accuse, or even directly contradict with their parents! Some students do not know their own physical health status of parents, parents do not remember their birthday, and some even their own parents in the work units which do not know, to think of it, parents pay so much for your energy and effort to ask, are you concerned about the have them? You have your parents done? If nothing done, then what reason to blame your parents? Treat their parents like this, how dare you expect you will treat the teachers and friends? Countries are difficult, how dare he expect you blood throw it onto the first group of people? If everyone is so selfish, the community where it will be warm? If we lose the warmth of life in this world, then we live, what significance does it have? Slogans alone is of no use, we should use our practical action to care for our parents! Students, I want to say, if today is my last day of life, we are the first thing to do is to return ecation to take care of me my parents! For they give their love.

There is a report, one can not read the lives of mothers work, bought a pair of silver bracelets, was a treasure, all day long in the hands of reluctant to wear off. On one occasion she went to town to visit his son读高三, son surprised to find her mother gone hand bracelets, bracelets asked his mother where the mother took out a wide smile to a blue cloth, said: "The mother Using this pair of bracelets for you to come back for two "Book", this time she took the university entrance exam but I hope you! "looked at his mother's face full of smile, his son was very surprised, how in the world guaranteed to university the "Book" ah? The community so many of the swindlers, the deception is not it? Take over the cloth, layers of open, really, that two so-called "Double Dutch", but only two of primary school textbooks. Son of a radical, ready to tell the truth, to restore the lost hope of finding liar. But when he saw his mother's wrinkled face and eyes full of hope when his son to give it up. He can not bear to tell his mother the fact that this brutal, weak mother will not stand such a blow! Then smiled and told his mother: "Mother, you go back, I take note of it! Necessarily a good test!" Graally leave the mother looked at the little background, my son cried, cried very sad, to go back later, then the loving son of the "Book" placed in the most prominent position, let it motivate themselves. Exam after six months, his son was an unprecedented success, a focus on Beijing's University of him, since he set foot on the right track of life.

In fact, love is around us, we do not lack love, but found it missing eyes. Open your eyes every morning, I will be glad, I was still alive, how life is beautiful, the world daily so many disasters and misfortunes, but no one fell on my head, I live a very happy . What is happiness? Reminds me of so many refugees in Africa and suddenly know how to eat in fact a kind of happiness. Then compared with congenital disabilities or mental retardation, our parents gave us a sound physical and smart brain, which is a blessing. Those born with disabilities who did not even complain about the cruel and unjust God, still to be better able to survive in a constant struggle, then a sound body, we have smart brain, what grounds does the blame on others? I remember high school when the war broke out in the incident and the bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Watched television news every day fighting the ever-changing, I feel very fortunate, fortunate that I was in a strong China, rather than the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia or Iraq, our country to ensure that my life and property damage from foreign I do not need all day to beware of the missile attacks. Encountered by the People's Police on the road, I feel particularly warm, because it is hard to maintain them throughout the social stability and peace, let me not have to worry about who's wanton invasion scratch. It up, students, and to our country more prosperous and strong, for our strong and well-being of mothers, it up! I believe that as long as we can all do our best, and if not successful, we will have no reason to regret!

Thank you!

Grateful Heart (speech)

First of all I would like to thank today so that I can stand here and to participate in the activities of all people, including myself. My speech today is entitled "the heart of Thanksgiving."

It has been said that people forget is the nature of Thanksgiving. When we came to this world by chance, not too late to do anything, we had already started to bring us to enjoy our predecessors in all material and spiritual results. This is to remind every one of us, it is necessary to have a heart of Thanksgiving.

Have a grateful heart, know how to respect it more. Respect for life, respect for labor, respect for creation. Thanksgiving with the hearts of a generation in the age of Deng Xiaoping said: "I am the son of the Chinese people, I deeply love my motherland and the people!" Thanksgiving with the heart, in his poem Ai Qing wrote: "Why is my eyes full of tears, because I am Shen land." heard of a person to apologize to the tree of the story? Heard of all dogs in vehicles to make way for the story? These real stories of people touched by the love of life, moved in respect of life. When we enjoy every day a clean environment, we would like to thank those cleaning workers; when we moved into a new home, we would like to thank those of construction workers; when we travel, would like to thank ... ... know how to thank the drivers, it will equal look at each and every life, a fresh look at everyone around us, respect for each ordinary general labor, but also greater respect for themselves.

Have a grateful heart, only to better understand their ties. In modern society everyone has their own responsibilities, their own value. When in 2004 China moved one of the top ten of Xu Yu onto the screen, the kind of human nature was ignited once again, this was the college students into the graate school, but from the bustling city into the mountains. This extraordinary feat stung everyone's eyes, everyone has ignited the fire inside unburned. And let him make the reasons for this choice is simple: with a grateful heart. Yu Xu this Thanksgiving with his heart, for the children of the mountains and a love of paved roads, set fire to the poor and hope to complete his ties, the realization of the value of his life.

Have a grateful heart, and patience is not a simple subject, nor the Arab-Israeli Q, but the mentality of a generous and courageous to face life positively. I believe that the most warmth from the cold days, I believe that the most warm and the cold fact is a kind of understanding, of moving a Thanksgiving. A person to learn how to Thanksgiving, have a Thanksgiving for the life of the heart, the heart can be truly happy. Thanksgiving is not a person of the heart on all empty. "Milk of the sheep have to kneel en", "feeding of TU have crow", "gifts were roses, there are hand", "son of the hands of liffs, " These are e to have a heart of thanksgiving before Fenfang fragrance, Ze Xiang Wan.

Therefore, I would like to thank you, my life between the passers-by, let me know how to short to tie faded not only in the soul, and grateful for you, come and go, I will treasure; thank you, my life all the teachers, so that I know the valuable knowledge, grateful for you, year after year, I will bear in mind; thank you, loved ones in my life to close friends, happy to have you share your sorrow to listen, grateful for you, busy, I will not forget; thank you, I really loved to loved ones, in the years to come his way, quietly look after me,遮雨wind, so I also loved the well-being of learned how to love others, grateful for you, day and night, I stay in my heart.

Thanks to the rising sun, thanks to a happy pain, thanks to the sky the earth, thanks to all the stars in heaven, thanks to life, thanks to access to and lost everything, and without any loss of income of all of all, let me in the long grass flying Orioles拈起season the beauty of life!

My friends, let us hearts with gratitude for the world now! Let us treat the heart with gratitude in our lives it! As long as we live is full of thanksgiving for the heart, full of hope and passion, our world would be less blame and shift responsibility onto others, a little more tolerance and understanding, will be less bickering and indifference, more harmony and warmth, will be less fool with the slack, a little more good faith and unity, our spiritual home will always be young ... ...

Finally, let us come together to listen quietly to the song "Grateful Heart" now: the heart of Thanksgiving, grateful for you, with my life, let me have the courage to do so myself, the heart of Thanksgiving, thanks to the fate of the flowers bloom, I like to cherish.

I end today's speech, thank you!

『陆』 急求一份英语带有翻译的英语演讲稿


If I had a time machine, I will go back to the primary school, back in six (7) class. Back to the sixth grade, that belongs to our tiny times. In the small time, the sky is always so blue; clouds always so soft; the grass always so green; we, always so happy. A rainy day as sunny as too; and sunny day, ha ha, is a brilliant live. I would like to have, step on the car and the green and light bicycle, and a group of sisters say all the way to the school. That is called Lukou primary school places. I remember, is the sky blue color shed. Do not know now whether to change. Then carrying gently Qiaoqiao white bag, hand moving in a cute kitten Keychain jingling trotted to the classroom. Open the door, put the bag under the bench. This time, I may see always comes early for Zhang Xiaoyong, but it is possible to find a job to make up only when will arrive early Zhang Wenjing, then, I will look at her poor begging eyes said: "no way, don't call me work idea." And maybe, I'll see a large group of standing at the door to open the door of the students, then I will self reflection: "I on the bed?" Or "I eat breakfast to spend too long time?" To the morning reading time, the picture is perhaps you read "spring has come in look pleased with oneself, Li Xiang and long fat" (the original is: "spring, willow germination") or Li Qianqian on the podium, "bird, bird, qi". Then we heard the students reading English and I play die hards use English book voice. Maybe even Zhou Ying and I - language lesson representative and representative of the English class in the "stone scissors cloth" decided today who will take the appearance of early reading. Nap, who cares? I? Zhou Ying? Gan Qian instrument? Zhu Nannan? Still, Li Qianqian? If I were you, I will be in a desk to squat, and then see the pairs of drops and big eyes panic appearance. I will smile to him or her to say: "the afternoon left ty pyronaridine!" The afternoon of the minor or not, usually naughty naughty will change seats. To get a good friend or be forced to change to a less familiar classmates around. Close one eye when the class teacher, the direct result is the following a laughing forever. After school, and like to school. So blue sky, so soft cloud, that green grass. Also, as we are happy. If I had a time machine, I will go back to that belongs to a small age, we even, even if, for one day only.

『柒』 英语经典演讲稿

《I HAVE A DREAM》(我有一个梦想)是美国黑人运动领袖Martin Luther King(马丁.路德.金)的一次非常出色的演讲。




一九六三年八月二十八日在华盛顿林肯纪念堂举行的「为工作的自由进军」是民权运动的重要里程碑。那天最激励人心的,是马丁.路德.金恩牧师代表南方基督教领导会议所作的讲演。 一位新闻记者指出,金氏的演讲「充满林肯和甘地精神的象征和圣经的韵律」。他既义正严辞又有节制;公开宣扬-这是其基本哲学的一部分--非暴力的改革途径;并且侃侃陈词,雄辩有力。在六十年代和七十年代,美国国会、总统和法院将金氏在讲演中提到的各种法律障碍解除了。





























『捌』 英语演讲稿3分钟带翻译

Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “”. I hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.
First I want to ask you some questions:
1、 Do you know what is youth?
2、 How do you master your youth?

Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .
Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals.
Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to st .
Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart there’s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .
When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.
Thank you!

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