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发布时间: 2021-01-03 07:39:44

Ⅰ 我的爱好的英语演讲稿

Different people have different hobbies. Let’ me introce my hobby.
My favorite hobby is singing. I had been singing when I was a 4-year-old girl. I almost love singing all kinds of music. But I am adept at country music . I can imitate some singers’ voice and sometimes I’m singing at home to share each other’s joys. I often dream that I am gonging to be a singer some day. But I don’t know whether I’ll be a successful singer like Song Zuying. But I believe anything depends on working hard, so my dream will come true, won’t it?
This is a great hobby for me witch made me feel very proud.

Ⅱ 英语演讲稿(我的爱好)

My haobbies
I have some hobbies. It can spend much spare time, and let my life colorful. I enjoy playing basketball. It is fun. And, it helps me keep fit. I know that basketball is good for the health. When I was a junior school student basketball keep me company. It lets me have the sense of achievement when I get a grade. For example, we won a basketball game, today. My companions and I felt very happy. It also hope me make many friends. My life can’ without basketball. Another hobby is watching TV. For many people television has become a major source of information and entertainment. In the past ten years, it has provided us with information and entertainment of various kinds. Many members in a family, after dinner, accustom ourselves to gathering around and turning on the channel us like. I take delight not only in the great events happening in the world but also in the news of sporting events, music, and plays. Some of me even spend almost all the night watching TV until I feel tired or there is nothing on the screen. However, the ware some people worrying about the harm television dose to some people, epically the children and young people, example, some sexual channel or some violence channel are bad for us. We should choose good channel careful. Besides, I am studying in the school. I have much spare time. And hobbies are more important for me. They make my day-to day life wonderful and colorful.

Ⅲ 3分钟英语演讲稿爱好

Good morning, everyone. It's my honour to stand here and say something about my hobbies. Different people have different hobbies, such as reading, painting, listening to music and so on. Hobbies can make you grow as a person.
My hobby is reading . Reading is very interesting. I can learn a lot from the books. It can also develop my writing, because I often get high scores. In my spare time, I like to sit down with an interesting book. When I read, I imagine what’s happening, and how the people feel, I feel the touch of the something bright and friendly. It make me happy and warm. Good Books Cleanse the heart and broaden our horizons. Reading makes a full man. How about you, my young friend. I hope you like reading books, too.
That's all. Thank you.


Ⅳ 关于个人经历,兴趣,爱好的英语演讲稿

对了 现在我报读的ABC天卞英语的外教要我明白 若想将英语学好是不难的;一定具有适合的学习情境与闇练口语对象,重点就是老师教学经验,发音纯正才可以 不间断逐日口语学习 1 on 1加强化教学才能够有非常.好.的进步效率~学习后仍要回放复习课后录音反馈,好巩固知识点。实在是真的没有练习对象的话,最好能上可可或沪江获得课余学习材料阅读,多说多问一下子语境就加强起来,学习效益是必定最佳的~Hello everyone. My name is .... Iam a student of Grade nine . Iam an outgoing , lovely girl andI am so welcomed by my friendsand my classmates.I have a best friend, xiao hai.She is very interesting and lovelytoo. She often tells funny storiesand always

Ⅳ 求一篇 介绍自己爱好的英语演讲稿 字数少点 容易背诵


Ⅵ 3分钟英语演讲关于爱好的

Good morning/evening/afternoon,ladies and gentlemen,
I am so pleased to see you here! I will talk about my feelings about nature.
I love nature because of beautiful violets and the sunshine
I always lie on the grass and enjoy the wind and the special voice
I want to be a metor in the sky
Or only a zephyer that may blow
Let me sigh upon a reed
Let me sing happily in the forest like a bird
Why people cut trees?
Why people make birds lose their homes?
Who can tell me why?
Oh,people,I can hear trees cry
Oh,poeple,I can see tears of birds
Please stop from hurting nature
Please give animals a nice home
Save the earth,it is also save ourselves.

That's all ,thank you./That's all,thank you for listening.

Ⅶ 有关于业余爱好的英文演讲稿

Everyone has his hobbies.Hobbies are things people are extremely interested in.People have hobbies will feel their life are so colorful that they are willing to devote themself to it,go out ofway to do it,pay all their attention to it,try their best to do it.每个人都有业余爱好,业余爱好就是一个人极其感兴趣的事情,有业余爱好的人们会觉得生活是如此丰富多彩以至于他们愿意致力于它,不嫌麻烦去做,一心只注意它,尽最大力去达成它。 我也有业余爱好,它就是阅读。你能想象徜徉在漫游在书中是多么令人愉快的事情吗?不论是小说还是诗集,我永远享受那些经典的。我既不喜欢和朋友出去闲逛,也不喜欢玩网络游戏,这对我来说是浪费时间,我想要把我的时间花在阅读上,我想要自己有富足的知识。我渴望有更多好书。 I also have my hobby.It is reading.Could you imagine how pleasant roaming the books is?No matter novels or poetry books,I always enjoy all the classic ones.I don't enjoy hanging out with friends,nor do I enjoy playing webgames.It's a waste of time to me.I'd like to spend all my time in reading.I'd like myslefbeing abundant in knowledge.I'm desperate for more good books. 关于小说:有些小说很感人,他们是关于亲人,朋友,爱人,或是某些最简单纯真却温暖人心的事情,当我读起这类书,我感觉我整个人都沉浸在那些情节中。有些小说十分有趣,它们的情节有时很离奇,却具极佳的讽刺性。有些小说十分令人兴奋象侦探小说,我总是认为它们可以从某种程度上使我的大脑灵活。 关于那些充满信息的书:众所周知,一本好的网络全书是一个知识的宝库,我可以在这知识宝库中寻找知识,就象在挖珍宝,我会珍视它们。 关于诗歌:诗歌是古往今来最好的文学作品,它们用最少的文字却寓意无穷。那些经典的诗歌在我的脑海里存在着。 About Novels:Some novels are moving.they are about families,friends, loversor some simplest things that will warm one's heart.when I begin to read thissort of books,I feel I am wholly addicted to the plots.Some novels are interesting,sometimes the plots are quirk but they are superextremely satiricalSome novels are excting like the detective novels.I always think that they can make my brain more flexible in a way. About books full of imformation.As we know,a good encyclopaedia is a mine of informationI can seek knowledge in the compendium of knowledge.Like digging the jewelery,every piece of them I will treasure. About poems:poems are the best literary output since time immemorial .By using the least words but express the most.The classic poems stick in my mind. overall,I love reading,I enjoy drowning in the literary atmosphere,Reading makes my life so colorful and perfect.

Ⅷ 怎么写关于爱好英语演讲稿【初二年英语作文】

My hobby is reading! I like reading books on many subjects.I often say:"I love books ,books are my best friends.They give me knowledge and make me happy.你还可逆加一点你自己的介绍,这样就可以形成一份完内整的文稿了。容

Ⅸ 我的爱好英语演讲稿(中文整句翻译)


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