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发布时间: 2020-12-28 02:26:49

A. 求写一篇提副职的演讲稿


B. 如何当好副职的演讲稿


C. 副职竞争上岗演讲稿 英文

Members of the distinguished judges, leadership, and comrades, everyone! First, the organizations are very grateful to me a "sell himself" the opportunity, I was able to participate in the first ** Public Security Bureau are proud of competition for posts. The contents of my speech today is divided into three parts: First, my work experience; second, I was the favorable conditions; three, is my working assumption. Commentary: prologue not comprehensive, but also feasible, wrote to thank and main content. First, my work experience. My name is ***, is the police station instructor, 36 years old this year. 84 Urban Police School graates to participate in public security work; 88 Urban Public Security Management Institute class of tertiary graates, 99 enrolled in the Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences, serving the law school classes. In public security work in the Spring and Autumn Annals, 16, with my enthusiasm for the cause of public security, take uphold the law, serve the people's wishes, from the area, law and order, police stem from the desk, trying to operational proficiency, experienced leadership and Comrades study, political and ideological awareness and operational level has increased rapidly. 93 as deputy secretary of the CYL Branch, 95 transferred to Golden Flower Street police station, deputy political instructor, 97, served as Jan-Street, South Street source, Hualin Street police station instructor. Has eight of the awards by the Public Security Bureau, was rated as 97-99 year Liwan District, the building of spiritual civilization advanced workers and 99 stations for outstanding party workers. Second, my favorable conditions. 16 years, the organization has given me a lot of training opportunities. I am from the grassroots to the authorities and then to the grass roots, has accumulated a wealth of grass-roots work experience and certain organs of work experience. Over the years, I persist in studying Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory and strive to improve their use of the Party's basic theory, basic line, basic principles of the problem, problem-solving skills, to develop a set of political police to ensure smooth style of work And the concept of organization and discipline. Long-term grass-roots work practice, I mastered the ranks of management skills, familiar with the business work, particularly in the face of "above 1000 line, below a needle," the real grassroots work, I learned how to use 10 fingers " Playing the piano, "the methods of leadership, the attention of light and heavy, relief, urgent, not only seize the central link, and take into account all the work. In recent years the major achievements of the following four areas: assessment: results can not be written, but the speech summed up into a number of reasons if the advantages of pioneering spirit. First, the Bureau CYL work, combining the characteristics of young people, and conct various kinds of activities to enhance the cohesion of the CYL organizations, encouraging youth league members from the majority of the work of the drive to promote the Bureau of my work. Second, in Jinhua is employed, together with the leadership, in the original, based on one hand and team-building and strengthening the construction business, Golden Flower by the rapidly changing face, entered the "first-class police station," the ranks of the Third - Jan in the work, and team members go deep into the realities, research, the first to create a laid-off workers for Street Team and implement a sentinel radiation prevention mechanisms, have achieved good results by the central, provincial, city leaders affirmed. The masses will also work, and consciously accept supervision by the masses; Fourth, it is stressed by Ren Hualin, political and ideological work and operational work of organically integrated, police officers do a good job in the ideological stability, implement the responsibility system for the posts at the same time, according to pedestrian street "Shuangqiang" The incidence of which has taken a camp security, "Shou Xiangkou" to make the pedestrian street, "Shuangqiang" incidence rate decreased significantly. 16 years of work history, I appreciate the most are two points: First, the indivial is inseparable from the progress of the training organizations and comrades for their support. Second, we need to do a good job of public security work must have a strong sense of responsibility and dedication to work. Third, the working assumption that if I trust organizations, and comrades support, I was elected Deputy Secretary, I will correctly position and coordinate relations in accordance with the regional party committee and government, the PUC party committees and sub-bureau's work deployment on " Grasping team, with team and work, security and peace, "the work of ideas," less incidence, order, and the satisfaction of the masses "as the goal, I combine the actual situation, do the following five aspects: First, adaptation Situation, strengthen the theoretical and operational study, with an open mind to Xiongju Chang, Huang, such as political commissar of the leading consult, and constantly raise the level of management and operational level. At the same time-depth investigations and studies, the real master, a large number of first-hand material for the work and lay a sound foundation. Second, in accordance with the law Congyanjing, grasp the building of the contingent. Through effective political and ideological work to "not" through the implementation of day-to-day management system so that it "can not" through strict law enforcement and discipline to "dare not." Of course, but also care for police officers, care about their lives, work and learning, enhance the team's cohesion. Third, we should make great efforts to adjust the police structure, rational allocation of police resources, human, financial, material and so on to the grass-roots tilt and enrich the frontline police officers, improving technology and equipment, improve the combat effectiveness of the grass-roots level. The fourth is to technology to the police, and further strengthen the grass roots organs and modernization, strengthening public security information of use and development, information technology and basic work of grass-roots organically integrate and improve police efficiency. Fifth, the people are our source of strength for public security work and fundamental. We should seriously study and adapt to the market economy, safeguarding social order the masses to participate in the organizational form and system of relying on the masses and maintaining stability, ease the shortage of policemen of the status quo. Finally, regardless of the outcome of this competition, I will correct view, the organization accepted the test-not arrogance, not defeated Holderness. I believe that there are comrades of the leadership and support, then according to their confidence, ability and competence to be able to post of Deputy Secretary. Commentary: attitude. I finished the speech. Thank you!

D. 中层副职竞聘演讲稿怎么写

希望你能满意。此段由中国演讲网整理并发布,中国演讲网专业为您撰写竞聘演讲稿并提供全方位竞聘辅导,祝您成功竞聘。 各位领导、各位同仁:大家好 今天,我之所以参加这次竟聘演讲,是因为一方面,表明我对主任推行领导岗位竞聘上岗机制的拥护和信任;另一方面,通过这次演讲,锻炼自己的能力、展现自己的才华并借此机会和大家交思想,同时,让群众评价优劣长短,接收领导和大家对我的挑选。我相信,通过这次竞聘活动,必将使我单位下一步的竞聘上岗机制呈现一个良好的开端。 首先,简单介绍一下自己的经历。......。 竞聘副主任这个职位,我认为自己具有以下几个方面的有利条件。第一个有利条件是: 一、我具有正直的人品、良好的修养以及完善的工作作风。做为领导,必须先做好人。一个领导无能,最多是件次品,而一个品德不好的领导,则是危险品。我在为人上,胸怀坦荡,公道正派,善解人意,与人为善,不搞小动作,这么多年来没有和任何人当面红过脸,背后搞过人。始终认为:沉默是金,忍让是银,帮人是德,吃亏是福。在个人修养上,认为一个人的高尚情操和修养不是凭空与生俱来的,而是经过不断学习,修练培养而来的,所以,平时我只要有空在不影响工作的前提下,读书,习字画,从不教一日闲过。努力使自己成为一个有高尚情操有修养的人。在工作作风中,能吃苦耐劳,认真负责。别人不愿做的事我做,要求别人做到的事,自己首先做到。从不揽功 诿过,假公济私,与人争名利。领导布置的工作总是尽力去做,从不无故推诿。我第二个有利条件是:我具有较全面的组织、协调工作的素质和能力。识大体,顾大局,处理问题较为周全,工作认真负责。具有团结同志,正确处理与领导和其他同志的关系的素养;做工作,办事情,能够做到思路清晰,行止有度,头绪分明,恰到好处。(举例......),没有出现过大失误。我第三个有利条件是:具有熟悉各科具体业务和具有一定的专业知识。(个人业务简介......)。第四个有利条件是:具有较好文字综合能力。诚然人无完人,在肯定有利条件的同时,我也清醒地认识到自己存在一些不足之处: 与领导、大家交心、交流思想不够。有时工作缺乏主动性,谨慎有余,泼辣不够。不过我有信心,在以后为工作实践中在同志们的帮助下不断克服自身的不足。对所竞聘岗位的认识和上岗后的设想。一、首先,作为副职,必须了解正职的主要工作思路和目标,我理想概括为24个字搞好服务,稳定大局、内强素质,外树形象,开拓发展,自强不息。具体为以下几点:1、2、3、4、5、6......。作为副手,一切都有要以主任的工作思路和目标为中心开展做好自己的工作。二、摆正位置,做好配角、当好参谋。副职的主要职责,对单位的全面工作,要尽其所有,......,其次,要有统筹兼顾的思想,...... 总而言之,要做到尽职不越权,帮忙不添乱,补台不拆台。三、天时不如地利,地利不如人和,家和万事兴。只有团结,工作才能形成合力。平时工作难免有产生误解、矛盾和磕磕拌拌的事。所以要协助主任拓宽和疏通民主渠道,遇事和大家商量,虚心真诚地听取群众意见,兼听则明,偏听则暗,做好领导和群众,群众和群众之间的协调人,多和大家交心,交朋友,一碗水端平,努力营造一个相互信任、相互帮助、相互理解的人际关系,和谐的工作环境,一个即有民主,又有高度集中,又有个人心情舒畅的工作氛围。 四、上岗后要以服务为目的,不以争取为目的,我始终认为当领导就意味着要吃苦在前,享乐在后,只有奉献,不能索取,不能有任何私心杂念,要想群众之所想,急群众之所急,公正廉明,经常和群众换位,想想群众的感受,事关群众个人切身利益问题上,多为群众争取,尽量让给群众。同时用自己的人格魅力,做好表率作用.孔子在《论语》中就有其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。这句话就是告诫领导者必须培养正气,以身示范。我的座右铭就是:律已足以服人,量宽足以得人,身先足以率人。

E. 岗位竞聘演讲稿、副职竞聘演讲稿、银行竞聘演讲稿范文哪里有


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