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发布时间: 2020-12-21 06:54:31

1. 求英语演讲稿子五句就够!附上中文

The Power of the Dream
When someone looks into your eyes they should see something alive within you. Having a dream is like owning a lighthouse1 which directs you on your journey.
At every turn we come across its mystery. At each new level we become more of the person we were meant to become. In lonely times, when we pass through a storm of disappointment, we find our faith is unshaken, our strength still strong.
Believe in your faith. Set the vision before your eyes. Write down your most sincere dreams and when the opportunity comes, step into your dream. It may take one season or more, but the result is the same. Make big dreams and then go out and make them realities. The highest hopes of the dreamer are revealed with every step taken in their journey to the impossible. For a season we must protect the dream so that it can grow quietly on the inside. But if we tenderly care for our deepest expectations, slowly but surely the dream will become new life.
Dreaming is an act of faith. The light of your expectations will cast off the shadows of a disbelieving world. God has given us the dreamer as a gift to light an unbelieving world.
Find your treasure within and cherish2 it. Tomorrow is waiting for you to take the first step.


励志小短文三:A Better Tomorrow
People often wonder why historians go to so much trouble to preserve millions of books, documents and records.
Why do we have libraries? What good are these documents and history books? Why do we record and save the actions of men, the negotiations1 of government officials and the events ring wars?
We do it because, sometimes, the voice of experience can cause us to stop, look and listen. Sometimes, past records, when understood in the right way, can help us decide what to do and what not to do. If we are ever to create lasting peace, we must seek its origins in human experience and in the records of human history.
From the stories of courage and devotion of men and women, we create the inspirations of youth. History records the suffering, the self-denial2, the devotion, and the heroic deeds of people in the past. These records can help us when we are confused and when we really need peace.
The main purpose of history is to create a better world. History gives a warning to those who promote war, and inspiration to those who seek peace.
In short, history helps us learn. Yesterday’s records can keep us from repeating yesterday’s mistakes. And from the pieces of mosaic4 assembled5 by historians come the great murals6 which represent the progress of mankind.

我们为什么要有图书馆呢?这些文献和史书有何用处呢? 我们为什么要记载并保存人类的行为、政府官员的谈判和战争中的事件呢?

2. 震撼世界的演讲《梦想》英语演讲稿

I don’ know what that dream is that you have, I don’t care how disappointing it might have been as you’ve been working toward that dream, but that dream that you’re holding in your mind, that it’s possible!
Some of you already know, that it’s hard, it’s not easy, it’s hard changing your life. That in the process of working on your dreams you are going to incur a lot of disappointment, a lot of failure, a lot of pain. There are moments that you are going to doubt yourself. You said, God why is this happening to me? I’m just trying to take care of my family, trying to give them a good life, I’m not trying to steal or rob from anybody. Why does this have to happen to me. For those of you that have experienced some hardships – don’t give up on your dream.
The rough times are gonna come, but they have not come to stay, they have come to pass. Greatness, is not this wonderful, esoteric, illusive, God like feature that only the special among can achieve. It’s something that truly exists, in all of us. It’s very important for you to believe that you are the one!
Most people they raise a family, they earn a living and then they die. They stop growing, they stop working on themselves, they stop stretching, the stop pushing themselves. Then a lot of people like to complain but they don’t wanna do anything about their situation. And most people don’t work on their dreams – why?
1. Is because of fear, fear of failure “what if things don’t work out“?
2. Is fair of success “what if they do and I can’t handle it?”
These are not risk takers
You have spent so much time with other people, you have spent so much time trying to get people to like you, you know other people more than you know yourself. You’ve studied them, you know about them, you want to hang out with them, you want to be just like them. You’ve invested so much time on them, you don’t know who you are. I challenge you to spend time by yourself.
It’s necessary, that you get the losers out of your life, if you want to live your dream. But people who are running towards their dreams, life has a special kind of meaning. When you become the ‘right-person’, what you do is you start separating yourself from other people you begin to have a certain uniqueness, as long as you follow other people, as long as you are being a ‘-cat’, you will never ever be the best -cat in the world but you will be the best you can be!
I challenge you to define your value.
Everybody won’t see it, everybody won’t join you, everybody won’t have the vision…it’s necessary to know that you are an uncommon breed. It’s necessary that you align yourself with people and attract people into your business, who are hungry, people who are unstoppable and unreasonable, people who are refusing to live life just as it is and who want more!
The people that are living their dreams are parting with winners, to attach themselves to the and the people who are living their dreams are the people that know that if it’s going to happen it’s up to them!
If you want to be more successful, if you want to have and do stuff you never done before then I’m asking you to invest in you!
Someones opinion of you does not have to become your reality.
You don’t have to go through life being a victim. And even though you face disappointments, you have to know within yourself that ‘I can do this, even if no one else sees it for me, I must see it for myself!’
No matter how bad it is, how hard it gets, say to yourself, I’m going to make it!
I wanna represent an idea. I wanna represent possibilities. Some of you right now, you wanna go to the next level. You wanna be a civil engineer, you wanna council, you wanna be a doctor.
Listen to me: You can’t get to that level. You can’t get to that level until you start to invest in your mind
I dare you to invest in your mind.
I dare you to invest time.
I dare you to be alone.
I dare you to spend an HOUR alone to get to know yourself.
I challenge you to get to a place where people do not like or do not even bother you anymore. Why? Because you’re not concerned with making them happy anyway. Because you’re trying to blow up. You’re trying to get to the next level. Because you’re investing in your mind.
If you’re still talking about your dream and your goals but you have not done anything just TAKE THE FIRST STEP.
You can make your parents proud, you can make your school proud you can touch millions of peoples lives and the world will never be the same again because you came this way. Don’t let anybody steal your dream!
After we face a rejection and a “no” or we have a meeting and no one shows up, or somebody says “you can count on me” and they don’t come through, what if we have that kind of attitude that cause reposes, nobody believes in you, you’ve lost again, and again, the lights are cut off but you are still looking at your dream, reviewing it everyday and saying to yourself: IT’S NOT OVER UNTIL I WIN!
You can live your dream!

3. 英语演讲稿

Predicting Our Future
China, our great motherland, is developing very fast. More and more techniques are being used into our daily life. Well, let's imagine what our future will be like in 50 years.
First, there will be more trees but less pollution. It's very important for us to protect our living environment. However, some people are destorying it only because they want to fullfill their selfifh purpose-to get more and more money. We are being told that it's wrong to bulid our happiness on the sufferings of our descendants. So, I think we should do something to change the present situation. And now our goverment is trying to solve this problem, and some relevent policies will come into force very soon.We could expect a bright future for our environment.
Second, much more advanced technologies will be used, which will provide us much more convinence. After 50 years, we will have our own robots help us with the housework, and the life will become easier and more comfortable. When you are free, you could fly to the moon for vacation or fly rockets to the moon. Everything is possible.
Last but not the least, I'd like to say that we could predict the future, and I believe with our continuous efforts, all of our dreams will come true one day. Do you agree with me?
Let's take action now!




"The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing."With the motto "New Beijing, Great Olympics", Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics", a "Hi-tech Olympics" and the "People's Olympics".

Chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of Olympic ideal, support the efforts of Olympic Games to promote world peace. The Chinese Government and people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, and shooting at the pageant with advocating Olympic ideal, sparkpluging world peace and enhancing the relationships among the world. Olympic spirit are gonna spread again in orient cultural ancient China.

The government and people of China have always admired the purposes and principles of the Olympic spirit and supported the efforts made by the Olympics in promoting world peace. The Chinese government and people are doing our utmost in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. It is our hope to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the Olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization.

中国人民一向赞赏奥林匹克精神的宗旨和原则,支持奥林匹克运动为促进世界和平所做的努力。中国政府和中国人民正全力以赴,做好2008年北京奥运会的筹备工作,力争把2008年奥运会办成一次弘扬奥林匹克精神、促进世界和平、增进各国人民友谊的盛会,让奥林匹克精神在中国这一东方文明古国 再次得到发扬。

A Young Idler,An Old Beggar
Almost everyone knows the famous Chinese saying:A young idler,an old beggar. Throughout history,we have seen many cases in which this saying has again and again proved to be true.

It goes without saying that the youth is the best time of life,ring which one's mental and physical states are at their peaks. It takes relatively less time and pains to learn or accept new things in a world full of changes and rapid developments. In addition,one is less likely to be under great pressure from career,family and health problems when young. Therefore,a fresh mind plus enormous energy will ensure success in different aspects of life.

Of course,we all know:no pains,no gains. If we don't make every effort to make good use of the advantages youth brings us,it is impossible to achieve any goals. As students,we should now try our best to learn all the subjects well so that we can be well prepared for the challenges that we will face in the future.


4. 求一篇英语演讲稿子,要1~2分钟

I don't think that to be a class leader will affect your study. To be chosen as a class leader would mean that you have the ability to lead the class. To be chosen as a class leader also gives you more opportunity to learn something. If you are a class leader, what you should learn is how to lead the class, how to create a good studying atmosphere. A good class leader also helps others to solve problems. He or she often solves whatever problems other classmates may meet with, by which he or she also learns something, just as a saying goes, "Teaching others teaches yourself." So I agree to be a class leader. Actually, I hope to be a class leader myself.

5. 英语演讲稿

There are many ways to learn English, summing up down outside the following methods:

1. 坚持不懈,从不间断。每天至少看 10-15 分钟的英语,早晨和晚上是学英语的最好时间。

(Never give up, keep working on. Speak English at least 10-15 minutes every day. The best time to learn English is in the morning and the evening.)


(Different kinds of ways to learn English. One way is boring, you can use other ways, so that you won't feel bored.)


(Connect up to down, don't make it alone. According to the passage, remember the words and phrases, try to graspe the meanings of the words. )


(Remember useful expressions, and make sure it's right. Practice makes perfect.)


(Try to Remember idioms and setences with the first calling, make sure to remember deeply.)


(Learn English in different ways. Read newspapers, listen to the radio , watch English movies, listen to English lectures, read textbooks and talk with each other ect.)


(Speak English as much as possible, don't be afraid of making mistakes. Everyone can make mistakes, it is possible. Try your best to learn it well.)


(Set up situation, strength comunacation practice. Language can't leave away from the situation, you'd better do more practising and you can learn it well.)

Make good use of the above methods, I believe you can do well English.

6. 求写一篇英语演讲稿子,200单词左右,高中水平,不要太难

Good moring,Ladies and Gentlemen.
My name is XXX.I am from Class a Grade b. As you know, my english is not so good, but i hope all of you can understand me.
When i heard that there will be some teachers to help us with our english, i have been exciting all the time. It's our honor to invite so many seniors to help us improve our poor english. I will make good use of this chance and i hope all of you can help me.
i have tried many methods to study english, but i still can't improve it. so could you share some efficient methods with us?
Thank you very much.

7. 帮忙找一篇英语演讲稿子

With the development of our modern society, people's living conditions become much more comfortable. But along with intense competition, parents have less time to consider children's needs in all-round. One method to solve this ontradiction is to give children some pocket money. Pocket money is useful to children. But whether the children are considerable enough to make correct use of these money. There are two viewpoints about the pocket money. Some people think that giving children pocket money will make them become luxurious. Others think that will not lead to such disadvantage. In my opinion, both of them are partially reasonable.

Someone believe that giving children pocket money really has many advantages. With pocket money, children can buy their daily necessities such as pencils, little toys, and snack food they like. It will give children a certain freedom to select what they want, make them aware rules of the equivalent exchange. Since time to parents is very precious, giving pocket money to children help them to save time spent in shopping, but used in busy working and earning money.

I think that parents should give their children a limited amount of pocket money. There are some preconditions: the amount of pocket money must be finite; the parents should instruct their children how to use the money moderately and what is suitable to them; for a costly merchandise, parents themselves should take children to buy it. With these preconditions, pocket money will do no harm to their children.

8. 求一个英语演讲稿子



by David J. Ebner

Looking into the sunset I can’t help but notice that despite her beauty,
a sense of struggle and hopelessness surround the sky.
Deep inside you realize that this day is gone
and everything that it had brought is lost forever.
Every thought, every action, every dream, every hope,
every sight, every sound is gone.
There is no chance of every being returned the same,
exactly the same.
For every moment has a limit to what it can capture,
Even memory has a limit to what it can retrieve.

And the colours in the sky try to entertain us.
One last act with painted smiles,
for they too know that nothing can be done to save the day.
So futile their attempt to comfort our fear of the night,
our horror as we try to find our way,
like children who wander into a forest and never return.

I am ingratiated by the sunset because of her sensitivity
as she tries to push the darkness back for just a moment more.
But like so many times before... To no avail!






The sun is just rising in the morning of another day. What can I wish that this day may bring me? Nothing that shall make the world or others poorer, nothing at the expense of other men; but just those few things which in their coming do not stop me but touch me rather, as they pass and gather strength.

I wish that this day could bring me a few friends, who understand me, and yet remain my friends; I also wish that this day could bring me a work to do which has real value.

I wish that this day could bring me a mind unafraid to travel, even though the trail be not blazed, and I wish that this day could bring me an understanding heart.

I wish that this day could bring me a sight of the eternal hills, and the blue sea stretching to the horizon, and of something beautiful which the hands of men have made.

I wish that this day could bring me a sense of humor, and the power to laugh, a little leisure with nothing to do.

And I crave for a few moments of quiet, silent meditation in the morning of this day.

I also wish that this day could bring me the patience to wait for the coming of these things, with the wisdom to know them when they come, and the wit not to change this morning wish of mine.







9. 求一篇英语演讲稿子,三分钟的。关于windy weather的

Hello, everyone! I am the weather repoter Baoyuan. Today is January 4th. It is Sunday. Here is today's weather report. It will be cloudy this morning. This afternoon it will be a strong wind. And it's minus 6 degrees in the daylight. It is rather cold today. Please wear your warmer clothes. When you go out, please wear your hat, and your gloves. That will make you warm.
The sun will rise at 8 o'clock in the morning. And it will set at 5 oclock this afternoon. This is today's weather report. Thank you for listening. Have a good time. Spring festival
This year I have a happy spring featival with my family.
On New Year's Eve,all the family people get together to have a big dinner in the resturant.During the dinner we have a small talk and play some games.We say some good hope to each other.For example,keep good healthe,try your best to do everything,have a good mood in this year,happy everyday and so on.
Thanks to this spring festival,it make our family people get toghther.We enjoy ourselves and in the new year we all fighting.

10. 英语演讲稿


Love Can Last Forever


I can honestly say it was the best of times and the worst of times. I was joyfully expecting my first child at the same time that my once-energetic, zestful mother was losing her battle with a brain tumor.


For ten years, my fiercely independent and courageous mother had fought, but none of the surgeries or treatments had been successful. Still, she never lost her ability to smile. But now, finally, at only fifty-five, she became totally disabled -- unable to speak, walk, eat or dress on her own.


As she grew closer and closer to death, my baby grew closer and closer to life inside me. My biggest fear was that their lives would never connect. I grieved not only for the upcoming loss of my mother, but also that she and my baby would never know each other.


My fear seemed well-founded. A few weeks before my e date, Mother lapsed into a deep coma. Her doctors did not hold any hope; they told us her time was up. It was useless to put in a feeding tube, they said; she would never awaken.


We brought Mother home to her own bed in her own house, and we insisted on care to keep her comfortable. As often as I could, I sat beside her and talked to her about the baby moving inside me. I hoped that somehow deep inside, she knew.


On February 3, 1989, at about the same time my labor started, Mother opened her eyes. When they told me this at the hospital, I called her home and asked for the phone to be put to Mom's ear.


"Mom -- Mom -- listen. The baby is coming! You're going to have a new grandchild. Do you understand?"




What a wonderful word! The first clear word she'd spoken in months!



When I called again an hour later, the nurse at her house told me the impossible: Mom was sitting up, her oxygen tubes removed. She was smiling.


"Mom, it's a boy! You have a new grandson!"


"Yes! Yes! I know!"


Four words. Four beautiful words.


By the time I brought Jacob home, Mom was sitting in her chair, dressed and ready to welcome him. Tears of joy blocked my vision as I laid my son in her arms and she clucked at him. They stared at each other.


They knew.


For two more weeks, Mother clucked, smiled and held Jacob. For two weeks she spoke to my father, her children and grandchildren in complete sentences. For two miracle weeks, she gave us joy.


Then she quietly slipped back into a coma and, after visits from all her children, was finally free of the pain and confines of a body that no longer did her will.


Memories of my son's birth will always be bittersweet for me, but it was at this time that I learned an important truth about living. For while both joy and sorrow are fleeting, and often intertwined, love has the power to overcome both. And love can last forever.



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