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发布时间: 2021-03-15 12:32:17

❶ 有什么英文问候语

1. Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。
2. Glad to see you.认识你很高兴。
3. It’s very nice to have a chance to meet you.真高兴能有这个机会认识你。
4. Hi, John.嗨,约翰。
5. Hello.你好。
6. Good morning , teachers and fellow students.老师、同学们早。
7. May I introce myself to you?我可以自我介绍吗?
8. I am pleased to see you.我很高兴遇到你。
9. I enjoy the privilege of meeting you.我很荣幸遇见你。
10.I am delighted to know you.我很高兴认识你。
11. I am honored to know you.认识你深感荣幸。
12. I am happy to see you.我很高兴见到你。
13. It’s a pleasure to know you.认识阁下深感荣幸。
14. Hi (Hello), everybody.嗨,大家好。
15. Good morning, everybody. I am Danny Chou. I am still a student in high school.大家早,我是周丹妮。我还是个中学生。
16. May I take the liberty of introcing myself to you?我可以冒味地自我介绍吗?
17. Is everything going on well?一切还好吗?
18. Long time no see.好久不见了。
19. Well ! This is a surprise! How have you been?嗯!真是个惊喜!近来可好吗?
20. How’s everything?一切都好吗?
21. How’s your family?你家人都好吗?
22.Hi, Mark.how are you doing?嗨,马克。你好吗?
23.Fine. And you?不错。你呢?
24. Hello,Jane. how are you?哈罗,珍。你好吗?
25. Pretty good. Thanks. And you?很不错,谢谢。你呢?
26. What’s upheld? Nothing much.怎么了?没什么。
27. What’s happening?近来好吗?
28.Nothing much.I’m just taking one day at a time.没什么。我只是过一天算一天。
29.How are you feeling today?你今天觉得怎样?
30.Just so so.普通。
31. How is it going?近况如何。
32. How’s everything with you?你的一切如何?
33.Hi! Are you having fun?嗨,你过得愉快吗?
34.How have you been (feeling)?你近来如何?
35. So far so good.到目前还好。
36. Hello ! You must be Wang Dong . I’m Wu Liang.你好,你一定是王东,我叫吴亮。
37. May I introce myself ? Wang Feng, City College.请允许我自我介绍,我叫王丰,在城市大学。
38. Allow me to introce our principal, Mr. Zhang.请允许我介绍我们的校长,张先生。
39. I feel very honored to attend this conference and shall begin by introcing myself.我很荣幸参加这次会议,并将先从自我介绍开始。
40. I’m a Middle student in Grade Two.我是一名初中二年级的学生。
41. When I was a Middle student, I liked maths very much.当我还是中学生时,我非常喜欢数学。
42. I think I am reasonably frank by nature.我想我生性相当坦率。
43. I am quite reserved, but I value friendship.我相当内向,但我重视友谊。
44. I am a curious person, and I like to learn new things.我是个好奇的人,喜欢学新的东西。
45. Good morning, everybody, My name is Vicky Yang. I am a student in high school.大家早。我叫杨维琪,我是一名高中生。
46. I graated from Middle school on July, 1993.我于1993年6中学毕业

❷ 早晨问候的英语句子和感谢的句子

good morning 早晨好!
hello 你好!
good evening 晚上好!
good bye 再见!
see you later 再见!
good night 晚安!
take care 保重!
how are you? 你好吗?
fine. thank you 谢谢你,我很好内!
have a nice trip 祝你旅途平安!
my name is…容… 我叫……
may i have you name? 请问你贵姓?
nice to see you 很高兴认识你。
thank you very much 谢谢!
thank you for your help 谢谢你的帮助。
you are welcome 不用谢。
that's right 你说的对
yes, i think so 我也这样认。
where is the toilet 厕所在哪里?
where are you from? 你是从哪里来的?
whom should i ask to? 我应该问谁?
what is this for? 这是做什么的?
it is important 这非常重要
i'm in a hurry 我时间很急

❸ 常见英语问候语

How are you?
Glad/Pleased/Nice to meet/see you
Long time no see

❹ 早安问候语英语怎么说

good morning !

英 [ɡud ˈmɔ:niŋ] 美复 [ɡʊd ˈmɔrnɪŋ]

int. (上午见面时用语制) 早安,你(们)好; (上午分别时用语) 再会;

[例句]Good morning. Nice to meet you and thanks for being with us this weekend.


❺ 早上好英语问候

Good morning, to my greetings, such as the cool early morning moisture as you!

Good morning, give you fresh greetings, warm wishes, early morning, a good start, I wish you the spirit of super beautiful today, lots of energy, feeling good, all right!

❻ 英语问候语大全

Nice to meet you.(适用于第一次见面)很高兴见到你。
Nice to see you again.(适用于曾经见过,但不太熟的人)很高兴再次见到回你。
How have you been?(适用于有一答阵子没见面的朋友)你过得怎么样?
Long time no see.(适用于很久没见的朋友)好久不见。
How is it going?近况如何?
How's everything with you?

❼ 用英语写一段早晨问候语

Mr Huang: Good morning, Mr Eric. How are you?
Mr Eric: Good morning! I'm fine. And you?
Mr Huang: I'm fine, too. It is a sunny day, isn't it?
Mr Eric: Yes, it is. The weather is so good today. Perhaps we can go swimmig today.
Mr Huang: I agree. By the way, how is your wife? Has she recovered from her illness?
Mr Eric: Yes, she has. She is now very well. Thank you very much.
Mr Huang: Remember me to her. She was such a good teacher that she was very popular with the students. I hope she can teach in our school again.
Mr Eric: I hope, too. It's time for class. See you!
Mr Huang: See you! Bye!

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