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发布时间: 2021-02-17 23:53:29

⑴ 有关《诚信》的英语演讲稿

Can the good honesty days be back to return somebody askes. Indeed, the question itself has aroused great concern and its implication should be given deeper consideration. The fact that dishonesty going around everywhere has made us have no choice but to need dwelling upon that proverb, which goes : Honesty is th

e best policy.

It must be pointed, nevertheless, that when it comes to the honesty , honesty of enterprise nowadays should still be taken more seriously. To begin with, if your company wants to win the trust and respect from consumers, you have to be honest. People are ready to love those companies which take honesty as their cardinal principle, whereas a liar company is not believed even no matter what he sometimes says. In addition, if a company wants to make it especially ring the fierce competition, the first qualification is honesty. No better illustration just mentioned before can be weighed than the case as listed below, Accordingly, no issue is as basic to a enterprise survival and prosperity as following the spirit of honesty.

Obviously, from what has been argued above, efforts should be taken to build up the honesty-oriented society, or else we will be exposed to danger. For one thing, it is imperative for the government to make law to punish those who proce the the inferior and fake goods and prize those who turn out inexpensive but of fine quality commodities. For another, we should spare no effort to bring home to people the value of honesty. Only by undergoing these measures, can we say those good honesty days will be back.


As is vividly depicted in the picture , with a clear cracking sound , two bowls clashed into each other , in which the shinning one keeps its integrity , whereas the shabby one breaks into pieces. Just like being symbolically revealed in the set of drawing, the fact that the intact bowl, as a symbol of soly-invested companies , overwhelms the broken bowl representing the state-owned companies, with collision standing for fierce companies, profoundly indicates that it is time that our state-owned companies entailed reform especially after china’s entry into WTO when facing soly-invested companies abroad.

To the popular mind , it is immediately assumed that when reform in state-owned companies is argued ,it is car instry that is meant. To account for the above-mentioned phenomenon , several points should be figured out. For one thing, some of car instries once enjoyed the glorious past , They have ,however, graally lost their market shares when soly –invested companies were sweeping into domestic market. For another , in order to turn the corner ,the leaders of them should adopt the policy of reform such as acquisition, re-engineering and introction of advanced technology and concepts of management. No better illustration of this idea can be thought than the example mentioned below, No 1 Motor Vehicle Plant has witnessed from predicament to rejuvenation through none other than effective steps mentioned above. Therefore ,no issue is as critical to indivial and national survival and prosperity as reform in state-owned companies.

Accordingly , it is vital for us to derive some positive meanings from this thought-provoking picture. It is ,hence, necessary that efforts be made to follow the spirit of reform concerning state-owned companies. On one hand, the government should make law to perfect irrational rules and regulations being visible in reform process. On the other hand, the leaders of state-owned companies should enhance the awareness of reform .Only by undergoing these steps ,can our more state-owned companies become members of Top 500 in the world, which, indeed, has gone to the heart of maintaining good momentum of national economy growth.

⑵ 急!!!一篇关于诚信的英语演讲稿,2分钟长度,初一水平。最快的加分!!!!!!!

Honesty means speakingthe truth and being fair and upright in act. He who lies and cheats is dishonest.: Those who gain fortunes not by hard labour but by other means is dishonest. Honesty is a good virtue. If you are honest all the time,you’ll be trusted and respected by others.

liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people around. Once you lie, people will never believe you even if you speak the truth. However, in the tide of commodity economy today, it seems that more and more people believe in money at the sacrifice of honesty. To them, among such things as health, beauty, m6ney, intelligence, honesty, reputation and talent, honesty is the only thing that can be east away. They don’t understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune humans own, and that it is the prerequisite for doing everything well. I think these people areto be pitied. In short, honesty is gold. Honest, your reputation will become great;dishonest, your name will be spoiled and your personality degraded.

Therefore, we should never make such an excuse as "A little dishonesty is only a trifle thing. We should eradicate immediately the seed of dishonesty once it is sowed in our minds.

⑶ 一篇关于诚信的英语演讲稿,2分钟长度,

Honesty means speakingthe truth and being fair and upright in act.He who lies and cheats is dishonest.:Those who gain fortunes not by hard labour but by other means is dishonest.Honesty is a good virtue.If you are honest all the time,you’ll be trusted and respected by others.
liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people around.Once you lie,people will never believe you even if you speak the truth.However,in the tide of commodity economy today,it seems that more and more people believe in money at the sacrifice of honesty.To them,among such things as health,beauty,m6ney,intelligence,honesty,reputation and talent,honesty is the only thing that can be east away.They don’t understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune humans own,and that it is the prerequisite for doing everything well.I think these people areto be pitied.In short,honesty is gold.Honest,your reputation will become great;dishonest,your name will be spoiled and your personality degraded.
Therefore,we should never make such an excuse as "A little dishonesty is only a trifle thing.We should eradicate immediately the seed of dishonesty once it is sowed in our minds.

⑷ 诚信英文演讲稿 100字

If You are Honest, I Will Believe in You 
I don’ know whether you have noticed a note while you were eating in the dining room. There was a note put up on the vending machine, and the word on the paper really touched me. It said that, if you are honest, I will believe in you. 
The word recalls a story kept in my mind, and now I am so glad to share with you. I believe most of you have watched CCTV Spring Festival Gala this year, but who still remember an old man named Wu Hengzhong. (Look)This man, as a representative of “national moral models”, was invited to pay a New Year call to the people, and was also the protagonist of the story I am going to tell. 
He was a common 58-year-old peasant in Tongnan ,Chongqing. What makes him well-known is that he has been repaying a debt, which replaced his dead son. In 2001, his son, Wu Jun, borrowed money from his relatives and then bought a truck to make a living from it. However, in 2003, a misfortune befall him as well as his family was involved. He died in a car accident, leaving a 4-year-old child and 19 thousand debt. On the day of bury, he cried at his son’s grave, and said, don’t worry, I will replace the debt instead of you. After that, he was in great distress over the death of his son, but still was strong and alive. However, 19 thousand debt was a really huge sum for him, so for repaying the debt, he just reclaimed all the wasteland in the mountain, the total area 52 mu and became the largest local grower. How much is the 52 mu? Let’s make a calculation together. Each mu is approximately equal to 666 square meters, so 52 mu is about 35 thousand square meters, and is approach to the area of 5 qualified football court. Can you imagine that? An old man cultivated a so huge area. It means that he had to work day and night, and actually he did so. At the same time, for repaying the debt, he has been lived frugally, and the clothes he wore were all from others’. While he was still optimistic, he would rather lived hard hi

⑸ 关于诚信的英语演讲稿

good morning everybody.
it is true that most of us value honesty highly. however, nowadays we often confront confidence crisis such as cheating, overcharging, fake commodities and so on. i think that we should be honest because being honest is not only beneficial to ourselves but also to others and the whole society. the reasons can be listed as follows.firstly, only honest people can be truly respected by the others and can make more friends over a long period of time.
secondly, honesty, which is the traditional virtue of the chinese people, can make our life easier and more harmonious. thirdly, honesty can make our society more stable. a case in point is that singapore, a society featuring trustworthiness and integrity, has a comparatively low criminal rate
that is all ,thank you .
希望能帮到你- -

⑹ 诚信英语演讲稿

What is integrity? From morality, the integrity of doing things that others in good faith, honestly, talk about credibility, true in word and resolute in deed, have kept their promises as good as gold. In "Shuo Wen Jie Zi" in the explanation is: "Honest, Trust also" and "Trust, honesty also." Can be seen that the original meaning of good faith is to be honest, sincere, trustworthy, there are believed to oppose the concealed fraud, against the fake and inferior opposition to fraud

⑺ 一篇关于诚信的英语演讲稿 两到三分钟

Honesty Is Gold
Honesty means speakingthe truth and being fair and upright in act. He who lies and cheats is dishonest.: Those who gain fortunes not by hard labour but by other means is dishonest.
Honesty is a good virtue. If you are honest all the time,you’ be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people around. Once you lie, people will never believe you even if you speak the truth.
However, in the tide of commodity economy today, it seems that more and more people believe in money at the sacrifice of honesty. To them, among such things as health, beauty, m6ney, intelligence, honesty, reputation and talent, honesty is the only thing that can be east away. They don’t understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune humans own, and that it is the prerequisite for doing everything well. I think these people areto be pitied.

⑻ 有关诚信的英文演讲稿

Honesty Is Gold
Honesty means speakingthe truth and being fair and upright in act. He who lies and cheats is dishonest.: Those who gain fortunes not by hard labour but by other means is dishonest.
Honesty is a good virtue. If you are honest all the time,you’ be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people around. Once you lie, people will never believe you even if you speak the truth.
However, in the tide of commodity economy today, it seems that more and more people believe in money at the sacrifice of honesty. To them, among such things as health, beauty, m6ney, intelligence, honesty, reputation and talent, honesty is the only thing that can be east away. They don’t understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune humans own, and that it is the prerequisite for doing everything well. I think these people areto be pitied.
In short, honesty is gold. Honest, your reputation will become great;dishonest, your name will be spoiled and your personality degraded. Therefore, we should never make such an excuse as "A little dishonesty is only a trifle thing. We should eradicate immediately the seed of dishonesty once it is sowed in our minds. http://..com/question/62937183.html?fr=qrl&cid=197&index=1&fr2=query

⑼ 关于诚信的英语演讲稿,两分钟左右,我初中,别太难

Have one piece king because have child, want look for there aren't persons of honest child. He says to the children coming to should employ: "Give you one seed today, after the three month, see who can give me plant, proce the most beautiful flower, who is the prince. "Three pass by month, a clever one, or clever child hold one basin basin colored flower, participate in last competition. Only the empty, tearful eyes ripples ripples in a child's basin: "Dear king, I the diligent one is watered every day, the careful one applies fertilizer, even sleep, hold the flowerpot into arms, but, I but nothing plant come out ……"The king has heard and laughed heartily: "Honest prince,you can plant proce any flowers and plants,because give yours I, all fry the familiar seed! "

⑽ 关于诚信的大学英语演讲稿

Western views on honesty
Since the quality of honesty applies to all behaviors, one cannot refuse to consider factual information, for example, in an unbiased manner and still claim that one's knowledge, belief or position is an attempt to be truthful. Such a belief is clearly a proct of one's desires and simply has nothing to do with the human ability to know. Basing one's positions on what one wants — rather than unbiased evidence gathering — is dishonest even when good intentions can be cited — after all even Hitler could cite good intentions and intended glory for a select group of people. Clearly then, an unbiased approach to the truth is a requirement of honesty.

Because intentions are closely related to fairness and certainly affect the degree of honesty/dishonesty, there is a wide spread confusion about honesty--and a general belief that being dishonest means that one ALWAYS correctly understands if their behavior is either honest or dishonest. Self-perception of our morality is non-static and volatile. It's often at the moment we refuse to consider other perspectives that there is a clear indication we are not pursuing the truth, rather than simply and exclusively at the moment we can muster up evidence that we are right. Socrates had much to say about truth, honesty and morality, and explained that if people really understood that their behavior was wrong — then they simply wouldn't do it — by definition. Unfortunately, honesty in the western tradition has been marginalized to specific instances — perhaps because a thorough understanding of honesty collides with ideologies of all types. Ideologies and idealism often exaggerate and suppress evidence in order to support their perspectives — at the expense of the truth. This process erodes the practice and understanding of honesty. To an ideologist the truth quite often becomes insignificant, what matters most are their ideals and what ever supports their desires to enjoy and spread those ideals.

Human beings are inherently biased about what they believe to be good e to indivial tastes & backgrounds, but once one understands that a decidedly biased approach to what is true — is inherently dishonest, one can also understand how idealism and ideology have poorly served the quest for an honest, moral society. Both honesty and morality require that we base our opinions about what is good — upon unbiased ideas of what is TRUE — rather than vice versa (determining what is true based on what we feel is good) — the way all ideologies would have us believe.

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