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发布时间: 2021-02-11 17:20:29

❶ 英语演讲稿3分钟带翻译

Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “”. I hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.
First I want to ask you some questions:
1、 Do you know what is youth?
2、 How do you master your youth?

Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .
Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals.
Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to st .
Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart there’s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .
When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.
Thank you!

❷ 求一篇英语演讲稿

1 Precious metal 贵重金属
2 Sweating the money 从货币里提取贵重金属成分
3 Holey dollar 有洞的钱币,这是十九世纪在澳大利亚新南威尔士州流通的货币,因为缺乏金属材料而将钱币穿洞
4 Token 辅币,具有象征性的货币,代表的价值高于本身的价值
5 Plastic note 塑料钞票
6 Plastic card (塑料)信用卡,也叫 credit card

Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlement. today I would like to talk about the history of money. As is known to us all,Money's got a very colourful history, because a number of things have been used in the place of what we use as money. Feathers, shells, cloth ...salt in Roman times when the Roman soldiers were paid in salt and that's how we get the word salary, from the Latin sal for salt.

And a number of tribes used cattle, which were useful because they were transportable. But they were quite bulky and you weren't always sure of the size of cattle you were going to get, so there was a problem there of quality.


In the ninth century in China(our country) we had paper money for the first time. It wasn't quite the paper money that we know, it was more like a piece of paper saying a promise to pay.


And then in the seventh century we had money in the form of precious metal. There was always a problem of making sure that the coin that you got had enough precious metal in it to give it a value. When things got tough, you often found some civilisations were quite good at what they called sweating the money, which was effectively taking out the precious metal content so that what you got actually wasn't what you thought you got.

另外在七世纪时出现了贵重金属货币。但如何确切知道货币中有足够的贵重金属含量以使它具有相应的价值则一直是个问题。当时局艰难时,一些文明古国会从这种货币中提取贵重金属成份,使得货币已不再拥有你原来以为它拥有And In ancient China, our great motherland.we once have a form of the holey dollar which means that there was a hole in middle of the coin because there was a shortage of metal.


And in those days, Spanish coins were used a lot. Sometimes stores used certain tokens because there was a shortage of actual coinage. And then there is money as we know it today in notes and coins - plastic notes.


And of course, if we were talking about this issue in a hundred years time we might talk about quaint little things called money, notes and coins, because all we'd be using would be plastic card.

Thank you very much.


❸ 我想要一篇有关民族风的英语演讲稿

I Love My Hometown

Lishui, where I was born and brought up, is a small and beautiful town Located in the coastal areas, being rich in fish and rice. Everyone is proud of her or his hometown. I was no exception .I love my hometown and I am so pleased to introce my hometown to you.

Surrounded by towering mountains, Lishui is the first pilot area of state-level ecological demonstration area in Zhejiang, with Ou river runs through. The sky is very blue and the water is very clean. You can often hear birds singing and sheep bleating, see big trees and nice flowers everywhere, and breathe fresh air full of the fragrant flowers. It just likes a cute lady stand quietly here, waiting for her beloved gentleman. It has many nice scenic spots, such as Xian, mountain Baishanzhu, Grottoes Shimen, and so on. The food here also tastes very delicious. Thousands of people from other parts of China and foreign countries come here every year, especially in holidays, most of who enjoy every minute here.

My hometown is so lovely. All the more I love people there. The majority are hard working so as to make it richer and more beautiful. Furthermore, they are all friendly and warm-hearted to others. If one is in trouble, do not worry, there always be a hand from others. I’ sure you will have a wonderful time in my hometown.

I love my hometown – Lishui, a bright pearl god lost in the world.






❹ 汉服课前3分钟演讲


❺ 中国传统文化英语演讲稿3到5分钟

中国传统文化演讲稿 英语:
Hello everyone,today i want to say something about chinese traditional culture .
our chinese nation, with its instriousness and wisdom, has created a long and over-lasting history and a rich and colorful culture.as a chinese,we are supposed to understand the traditional culture and realize its importance.
first,what’s the traditional chinese culture .traditional chinese culture includes material and moral procts of ancient chinese people. the moral procts involve confucianism, taoism, legalism, buddhism and social system. material ones include historic and cultural relics, ancient architectures etc.no matter how broad chinese culture is, the core of it is the moral.

❻ 求一篇关于弘扬中国传统文化的英语演讲稿,三到五分钟左右,谢谢啦

Today I read an article about our ancestors Yao, Shun and Yu. Maybe everybody knowsthis story but I will try my best to write it in English. We may read that Yao, Shun and Yu werethe first three great kings in China’ remotepast. And they all made great influence onChinese history. So for thousands of yearsafter, all the people hope that they can havesuch kings in our country and the courtofficials would yearn for yet never get toserve monarchs such as them. As we knowvery little about them a part from legend, wecan only speculate that they were probablytribal chieftains ring the transitional periodfrom primitive to slave society. It is said that Yao was a descendent of Emperor Huang. And historical recordsportray him as being open-minded asthe sky and as wise as the gods. Peopleloved him in the way sunflowers turned tothe sun and longed to see him like dryland thirsting for rain and clouds. Sucha ruler could not incur human dissent,but then an immense flood, of a scaleno smaller than that described in theBible, deluged the country. King Yaoappointed Gun to harness the flood.For nine years, Gun did all he could tostop the waters from running amok,but without success. King Yao grew fatigued after 70 yearsas monarch. He transferred power toShun, rather than his morally corrupt son.The father did not want “the people to sufferin order to benefit his son.” King Yao didn’tmake the decision imprudently: He hadobserved Shun in every aspect, evenmarrying his two daughters to Shun so asto gain a closer understanding of his moralcharacter. Shun lived up to Yao’s expectationsby accomplishing many of Yao’s hoped-forobjectives, amongst which was the tamingof the great flood. Upon taking office, King Shun killed Gun forhis dereliction, and placed Gun’s son Yu incharge of tackling the floods. Drawing lessonsfrom his father, Yu resorted to diverting, ratherthan blocking, the waters. He joined the peoplein this hard work and didn’t take time to visit hisfamily for 13 years,

❼ 求一篇关于追求时尚的英语演讲稿

Fashion clothes
I think the trainers the jeans and the jumper are in fashion now.
The trainers are young people’ favourite. I think the trainers are beautiful and comfortable if they’re made of leather. Maybe we can jumper higher and farther.
However, light blue is the best colour of the jean. They are long and tight. Maybe they are made of leather or cotton. They are very smart.
I think the jumper is made of cotton. It is a little big, so it is good for us to do some sports. I like white. Because it is clean and beautiful!

❽ 简单介绍汉服的英语

汉服,即汉民族传统服饰,,正式名称为华夏衣冠,古又称汉装、华服、汉衣冠等。汉服起源于华夏文明肇始的炎黄时代,定型于春秋战国,汉民族在汉朝正式形成后遂有汉服之名。此后,历朝历代均有沿革,但其基本特点从未改变。汉服大体上可分为周汉汉服、魏晋南北朝汉服、隋唐汉服、宋明汉服四个发展阶段,周汉风格古朴凝重,魏晋风格潇洒飘逸,隋唐风格雍容华贵, 宋明两朝为汉服的集大成时代, 古朴、典雅、华贵、明快等多种风格并存,百花齐放,形成了蔚为大观的汉服体系。满清入关后,汉服在满清政府“削发易服”的民族压迫政策下被人为禁止。此后,代表中国文化的正统华夏衣冠——汉服,从中华大地基本消失。











对于“华夏”一词究竟做何解,当然还有其它的观点。然而在世人心中华夏民族与礼仪之大和服章之美密不可分,却是毋庸置疑的。 由此可见衣冠服饰和礼仪制度、思想文化一样,是中国传统文化中不可分割的重要一环。中华古老的服饰文化绚丽多彩,与民族属性息息相关。中国也因此自古以来被尊称为“衣冠上国”、“礼仪之邦”。

《易经 . 系辞》云:“黄帝尧舜垂衣裳而天下治,盖取诸乾坤。”也就是说,早在黄帝时代,古老华夏的服饰就已经相当有规模了。而且服饰形制取诸乾坤天地,意义就更不寻常。




Han served, that is, the traditional costume of the Han nationality, formally known as the Chinese dressed, also known as the ancient Chinese equipment, and services to China and Chinese dressed, and so on. Han served in the origin of Chinese civilization Yanhuang beginning of the era, in the shape of the Spring and Autumn, an official of the Han nationality in the Han Dynasty was formed there in the name of serving the Han. Since then, the historical evolution of all ages, but never changed its basic characteristics. Han served on the whole service can be divided into the Han Zhou, Wei and Jin Han clothing, Sui, Tang and Han clothing, Han Song served four stages of development, Zhou style dignified simplicity, elegant chic style of the Wei, Jin, Sui and Tang dynasties Yongronghuagui style, Song and Ming Dynasties Han served as the master of the times, simple, elegant, Wah Kwai, crisp style and other co-exist, letting a hundred flowers bloom, the formation of the Han Weiweidaguan service system. Manqingruguan, Han served in the government of the Qing Dynasty, "Thinning easy to serve" the national policy of oppression under the prohibition of human being. Since then, representatives of the orthodox Chinese culture, Chinese dressed - Chinese clothes, disappeared from the land of China.

The main features of Chinese clothing is to pay the right collar overlapping part of Chinese gown, the band dected hidden, Kuanpao big sleeves, no buttons, and use string binding, giving the impression of free and easy flowing, the characteristics of these obviously are different from those of other ethnic costumes. Han and dressed in uniforms or dress suits are divided, strict standard dress for formal occasions, wear costumes; general dressed in uniforms or remove large sleeves for the common people daily. Dressed to (Chinese service), courtesy (Han-li) for the characterization of China, was dressed as the neighboring country, Liyibang.

Han is a service campaign aimed at revitalization of the traditional costumes of the Han nationality for the media to lead people to strengthen the traditional culture of the concerns and thinking, the Chinese recovered the lost plot by the Chinese service-oriented material and spiritual civilization, and ultimately to the traditional Chinese culture The transformation of modern social and cultural renaissance movement.

"China has a service called Chapter of the United States and China, that great ritual of summer", and dressed Chinese (Chinese services) is not in the form of the ceremony, but the nation's history and heritage, the roots of the nation, the Chinese service of the United States to be more ceremonial Relying on the large. The British ceremony has been respected, young and old, orderly and strict interpretation of the norms of Chinese society ideals, and the solemn, pure and simple Zhou's better to play the ceremony content.

Han served a broad scope of the ceremony, the rite of passage in the form of point to the connotation of Chinese civilization, it is serving the Han and Hui, the unity ceremony.


Author: Wind-day环佩/ Jianjia Wind / Luck Welcoming

Talking about the traditional culture renaissance, almost everyone was well supported however, said Han rehabilitation services, they are still divergent views. Why renaissance? In this regard, although a lot of water, love the Chinese people have a lot of clothes, but a real understanding of the people there are not many. If you do not mind, I slowly Congtoushuiqi from talking about more than 3000 years ago.

First of all, we have to understand the meaning of "Chinese."

We all know that they are Chinese people, the result of a wanderer overseas also referred to as "overseas Chinese." However, what is "Chinese"?

See the phrase "Zuo Zhuan" - "China has great manners, so that summer; have served chapter of the United States and that of China."

"Huaxia" What do HO solution, of course, the other point of view. However, in the hearts of the Chinese nation and the people of the world's largest ceremonial kimono chapter of the United States and inseparable from, but it is beyond doubt. Can be seen dressed costumes and etiquette systems, ideology and culture, traditional Chinese culture is an integral important part. Chinese ancient culture, colorful costumes, and the nation is closely related to property. China has also been known since ancient times as "dressed on the country", "Liyibang."

"Book of Changes. Copulative": "Yellow Emperor Yao and Shun down clothes and rule the world, using come from to build the course of events." In other words, as early as the era of the Yellow Emperor, ancient Chinese costumes have been on quite a scale. Costumes and shapes the course of events generated from Heaven and Earth, the significance is even more unusual.

In the Zhou Dynasty, although in the modern sense before the formation of the Han nationality, but the Chinese civilization has green and luxuriant.

With a civilization, it is necessary to determine the identity of a series of landmark things Canopy system is one of the service.

We have long focused on an issue in fashion, so can be called "dressed on the" why. Weeks of the service system is deeply affected by the rules of the three thousand years later the idea of wearing apparel, clothing regardless of how the post from the ever-changing, the key elements are always maintained. That is: get the right to pay overlapping part of Chinese gown, without dection knot Ying, Yi bao big sleeves.

❾ 求一篇关于时尚的英语演讲稿

Joining the league of international stars like Victoria Beckham, Madonna and Jennifer Lopez, Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor is all set to launch her own web site.

The site would inform netizens about the actress' latest fashion trends.

"Kareena's official website is going to be on an absolutely tech savvy format. It's going to be on the lines of the sites of international stars like Victoria Beckham, Madonna and Jennifer," a source close to the actress revealed Tuesday.

The source added: "Her website is going to be more fashion oriented. The site will have updates not only of Kareena's fashion trends but also other trends that take place all over the globe".

The actress has been known for her fashion presence even in the fashion fraternity and looks forward to sharing her trend sense with her fans through the site.

"She has sound knowledge about the fashion instry and the web site will give her a chance to share her fashion knowledge with her fans. There have been a number of occasions when Kareena has even actively participated in designing her own costumes for films," said the source.

Kareena is also the brand ambassador of a global fashion retail chain Globus.

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