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发布时间: 2021-02-08 20:00:57

1. 华为mate7柏林发布会中英文演讲稿


2. 华为mate20发布会中英文演讲稿


3. 谁有2010ipad发布会乔布斯的演讲稿


4. 请英语专业人士,英语老师或其他英语高手帮忙写篇简易的100个单词左右的英文的产品发布会演讲稿

The news conference location of this proct is in ChiZhou collage.The proct is pink rectagular small bag which has the size of a pen bag.There is the Mickey Mouse pattern on the surface of bag which is colorful and elegant, especially suit for the female collage students. The good quality -and -rable bag has three layers, with the style of zippered, it could be used not only as the pen bag, but also as the cosmetic bag to store girl's minor things. By using this elegant bag, your vitality will be showed thoroughly.

5. 请问一下,谁有ipad2发布会上乔布斯的英文演讲稿,有急用,万分感谢


6. 2007年iphone发布会Jobs演讲稿


Thank you for coming. We're going to make some history together today. So, welcome to Macworld.

You know, it was just a year ago that I was up here and announced that we were going to switch to Intel processors. A huge, heart transplant to Intel microprocessors. And I said that we would do it over the coming 12 months. We did it in seven months, and it was the -- it's been the smoothest and most successful transition that we've ever seen in the history of our instry. And it was because we made a beautiful, seamless version of OSX for Intel processors. And our team created Rosetta software which lets you run PowerPC apps on top of OSX on Intel processors. Our hardware team got to cranking out a new Mac with Intel processors every month, and we completed this transition in seven months. But we didn't do this alone. We did this with the help of a lot of folks. Our new colleagues at Intel really helped us. Thank you very much. Our third-party developers rapidly moving their apps to universal versions to run at native speeds on Intel processors. Thank you very much. And most of all, our users. The minute you saw these lightning-fast machines, you bought 'em. And we've had an extremely successful year, and I want to thank our users very much.

Now, as many as you know, our retail stores have for a while been selling over half their Macs to people who have never owned a Mac before: switchers. Well, I'm pleased to report that now, in the U.S., Macs selling through all channels, over half of them are selling to people who have never owned a Mac before. It's not just limited to our retail stores anymore. Half the Macs we're selling in the U.S. We are picking up lots and lots of new members of the Mac family, and we couldn't be happier. As a matter of fact, here's one that might be coming on soon. Jim Allchin at Microsoft was quoted recently as saying if he didn't work for Microsoft, he would buy a Mac, and he's retiring soon, so I've alerted our Seattle stores to keep an eye out for him and give him really good service. You know, Vista's coming out, and you know our ads with the Mac guy and the PC guy, we made a little ad for Vista, and I'd love to show it to you now, if you'd like to see it.

(ad, pc and mac)

So, 2007 is going to be a great year for the Mac. But this is all we're going to talk about the Mac today. We're going to move on to some other things and over the course of the next several months we're going to roll out some awesome stuff for the Mac. But for today, we're going to move on.

So, the first thing I like to do is give you an update about our music business. As you know, we've got the iPod, best music player in the world. We've got the iPod nanos, brand new models, colors are back. We've got the amazing new iPod Shuffle. The iPod, in addition to being the world's best MP3 player, has become the world's most popular video player, and by a large margin. The iPod Nano is the world's most popular MP3 player, by a wide margin. And the new shuffle is the world's most wearable MP3 player. So we had an incredible line-up for this holiday season, all refreshed and new procts.

Now I'd like to tell you a few things about iTunes....

7. 求一篇英语演讲稿 主题是If I were a billionaire,要求3分钟的长度

I wanted to be a very small billionaire, and now I have to think about when I become a billionaire I would do it!
(1) I will raise my Health repay my parents, I will sort out half of my retirement assets to them.
(2) I will donate a lot of money for those poor children in the disaster areas so that they can play, this is equivalent to the motherland more than nurture a lot of hope.
(3) This is for my own, so I will be out of my own and my family to buy a big mansion, to build a playground, an airport ... ... to enrich our family life.
(4) I will always hold a press conference, so that children all over the world can not only think more fun to learn, grow up to become a useful person to society
(5) I will open our own luxury aircraft throughout the world.
(6), you can not when my children will be more than that, in order to allow them to experience the childhood experiences of hard living, it is my intention to establish a foundation, we are in charge of the company's shareholders, not to any disposal of any of my children. When the country when they have a disaster in my name those who donated to the disaster areas. When I passed away, they would have a lot of the money donated to the International Monetary Fund.
Of course, if these plans will be necessary, action will have to pay. I do not learn how, when a billionaire on it!
In order to be able to hundreds of millions of people become rich now, I must ... ... ... ... efforts to!
我从很小就想成为一个亿万富翁了 ,现在我就先想一下当我变成亿万富翁后我会做些什么吧!
(3)这就是为我自己的了,我会为我自己和我的家人买个很大的豪宅,再建一个游乐场,一个飞机场 …… 来充实我们一家人的生活。
为了能当上亿万人民富翁我现在一定要 ……努力……努力!

8. iPhone8发布会演讲稿

Apple CEO Tim Cook Keynote at WWDC 2017 (Full Transcript)
TSP Staff June 7, 2017 7:35 pm Technology

Here is the full transcript of Apple’ annual event WWDC 2017 conference. The company’s CEO Tim Cook hosted and addressed the iPhone maker’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference at San Jose Convention Center, California. This event occurred on Monday, June 5, 2017.

参考链接: https://singjupost.com/apple-ceo-tim-cook-keynote-at-wwdc-2017-full-transcript/


9. 库克 iphone4s 发布会苹果秋季发布会 英文演讲稿


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