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发布时间: 2021-01-30 05:21:14

A. 祝福儿童的英语的句子有哪些

1,May the joy and happiness around you today and always.愿快乐幸福永伴你左右

2,Happy and like of candy becomes the one,hope sweet you childhood.幸福像糖果化成了一片,希望甜蜜了你的童年

3,Shuttle back and forth in the happy tunnel in time幸福在时光的隧道里穿梭

4,I give you endless brand-new good wishes. Please accept them as a new remembrance of our lasting friendship给你我无尽的新的祝福,让它们成为我们永恒友谊的新的纪念

5,May the coming New Year bring you joy, love and peace.愿新年为你带来快乐,友爱和宁静

6,May the season's joy fill you all the year round.愿节日的愉快伴你一生

7,May you come into a good fortune! Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.祝好运、健康、佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年

8,Please accept my season's greetings.请接受我节日的祝福

9,Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year. I hope you will continue to enjoy good health.请接受我诚挚的新年祝福,顺祝身体健康

10,Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year.请接受我们对你及你全家的美好祝福,祝你们新年快乐

11,Season's greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy New Year!献上节日的问候与祝福,愿你拥有一个充满生机和欢乐的新年

12,Wishing every happiness will always bewith you.幸福和欢乐与你同在,

13,With best wishes for a happy New Year! 祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福

From majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you. 越过青翠的峻岭和山谷,直到晶莹湛蓝的水边,飞来了我对你的祝愿

15,clildrenI love you more than I can say.孩子我真不知该如何表达我对你的爱

B. 简短的英语交流问候语


C. 用英语说出简单的问候语

Where's she/he?用于关心病人
What's up? 亲密无间朋友间的问候
How do you do? "你好么?"
How do you feel? "你感觉怎么样?"

D. 英语小对话是问候语的 简单的6句就好了

-how are you?
-i'am fine,and you?
-just so so
-what are you going to do now?
-go home,what about you
-i am gong to have lunch~

E. 给些简单的英语日常、关心、礼貌问候语!

What's happening?在忙什么

How are you?你好吗?

Nice to meet you(适用于第一次见面)很高兴见到你。

Nice to see you again(适用于曾经见过,但不太熟的人)很高兴再见到你。

How have you been?(适用于有一阵子没见面的朋友) 你过得怎么样?

Long time no see(适用于很久没见的朋友)好久不见

Just so so普通。

How is it going?近况如何。

How’s everything with you?你的一切如何?

Hi! Are you having fun?嗨,你过得愉快吗?

How have you been (feeling)?你近来如何?

So far so good到目前还好。

Greetings with People Met Often问候常见面的人

Hi, there!嗨,哈罗!

How are you doing? I can’t complain too much你好吗?我不能太抱怨。(还不错)。

How is your business going?你生意做得怎样?

How are things going?事情进行得怎样?

How is your day going?过得如何?

How are you doing these days? Well, about the same最近好吗?嗯,差不多一样。

What’s new?近况如何。

How do you feel today?你今天觉得怎样?

I feel like a new man我觉得好像脱胎换骨了。

Are you making progress?你有进展吗?

Have gotten over your cold?你感冒好了吗?

Did you sleep soundly last night?你昨晚睡得好吗?

What’s the matter? Don’t you feel well?怎么了?你不舒服吗?

Why are you so cross today?你今天怎么这么容易生气?

You look tiredHad a big night?你看起来很疲倦。昨晚刺激吗?

How come you look so tired?你怎么看起来这么疲倦?

Why are you in such a good mood?你怎么心情这么好?

You look under the weather today你今天好像不舒服。

Is anything wrong?有什么不对劲吗?

Where are you headed?你去哪里?

I’m on my way to the library我要去图书馆。

Where have you been?你去哪里了? 我说呢,呵呵……

F. 那个软件可以让幼儿学习英语单词,和简单的问候语!


G. 英语 简单问候

What's happening?在忙什么
How are you?
Nice to meet you(适用于第一次见面)很高兴见到你.
Nice to see you again(适用于曾经见过,但不太熟的人)很高兴再见到你.
How have you been?(适用于有一阵子没见面的朋友) 你过得怎么样?
Long time no see(适用于很久没见的朋友)好久不见
Just so so普通.
How is it going?近况如何.
How’s everything with you?你的一切如何?
Hi!Are you having fun?嗨,你过得愉快吗?
How have you been (feeling)?你近来如何?
So far so good到目前还好.
Greetings with People Met Often问候常见面的人
How are you doing?I can’t complain too much你好吗?我不能太抱怨.(还不错).
How is your business going?你生意做得怎样?
How are things going?事情进行得怎样?
How is your day going?过得如何?
How are you doing these days?Well,about the same最近好吗?嗯,差不多一样.
What’s new?近况如何.
How do you feel today?你今天觉得怎样?
I feel like a new man我觉得好像脱胎换骨了.
Are you making progress?你有进展吗?
Have gotten over your cold?你感冒好了吗?
Did you sleep soundly last night?你昨晚睡得好吗?
What’s the matter?Don’t you feel well?怎么了?你不舒服吗?
Why are you so cross today?你今天怎么这么容易生气?
You look tiredHad a big night?你看起来很疲倦.昨晚刺激吗?
How come you look so tired?你怎么看起来这么疲倦?
Why are you in such a good mood?你怎么心情这么好?
You look under the weather today你今天好像不舒服.
Is anything wrong?有什么不对劲吗?
Where are you headed?你去哪里?
I’m on my way to the library我要去图书馆.
Where have you been?你去哪里了?我说呢,

H. 幼儿园小朋友学习英语有哪些简单的问候语

Hello/Hey/Hi. How do you do. How are you? Nice to meet you! Have a good day! I'm new here, what about you? I would be glad to play with you. I am sure we will be the best friends! 哈哈,感觉这些比较适合内小孩吧~容

I. 礼貌问候语英语儿歌

Hello! Hi!是"你好!",见面问好常用到。 Goodbye!是"再见!",Good night!道"晚安!"。 同学多日不见面,相见问好"How are you?"。 答语常用"I'm fine. Thank you."。 初次认识新朋友,握手问好"Glad to meet you."。 打扰别人问问题,开口先说"Excuse me."。 别人关心帮助你,感谢用语"Thank you."。 致谢用语要牢记,That's OK."没关系。"。 有了过错表歉意,I'm sorry."对不起。"。 客人来访把门开,Please come in."请进来。"。 Sit down, please. "请坐下。"。 Please have some tea . "请喝茶。"。 征求意见和请求,"May I... ?"先开头。 同意许可Yes. / Sure. / Certainly. / OK!别忘了。 2 礼貌问候语英语儿歌二 来是come; 去是go; come, come; go, go. 点头yes; 摇头no; yes, yes; no, no. 我是I, 你是you, I, I; you, you. 见面问好说Hello! Hello! Hello! 你好吗?How are you? How are you? How are you? 谢谢你 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 熟人见面说声Hi! Hi! Hi! 临走分手说Bye-bye! Bye-bye! Bye-bye! 客人来了快请坐 Sit down, please. Sit down, please 客人来了请喝茶 Have some tea, please. Have some tea, please. 早上好good morning,good morning good morning 晚上好good evening,good evening good evening 临睡之前道晚安good night,good night good night

J. 给小朋友上英语课的问候语

Good job/wonderful/great/good baby

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