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发布时间: 2020-12-18 15:53:38

1. 用下面几个单词造句。turn around四年级

I wish I could just make you turn around.

2. 很有难度的英语造句,有英语功底和诗意的人进


3. turnclimb

We became friends.
He fell off the bike.
He broke the windows.
He posted the letter.
He sent the e-mail.
He turned around .
He climbed up the hill.
He started the game.

4. turn round造句(意思是回头)

Seeing the beautiful girl,I turned around

5. 环顾四周的意思,还有造句


6. 关于turn的短语


1、turn off关掉 ; 关上 ; 关 ; 拐弯

2、turn up开大 ; 出现 ; 来到 ; 找到

3、turn down关小 ; 调低 ; 拒绝 ; 调小

4、turn over移交 ; 翻过来 ; 仔细考虑 ; 翻身

5、turn back回来 ; 折回 ; 翻过来 ; 往回走

6、turn around转身 ; 转向 ; 转过身 ; 转圈

7、linguistic turn语言学转向 ; 语言转向 ; 语言的转向 ; 语言论转向

8、Turn time等泊时间 ; 回合时间 ; 等泊时候 ; 转换时间

9、Spot turn原地转身 ; 点转 ; 原地转 ; 定点转



1、We must make a turn at the next street.


2、The cheater boasted that he could turn stone into gold.

那个骗子吹嘘道, 他能点石成金。

3、We were so demoralized by that one wrong turn that were lost for hours.


7. 高分求英语造句!

1, opposed to
I am here on business as opposed to a holiday.
I am washing my hand as opposed to playing water.
2, at times
He rang me up at times.
I go to KFC at times.
3, be unaware of
I am still unaware of what he said.
Ladies were unaware of Enstein's theory.
4, count…out
Can u count out the points he get?
The jury counted the confession out.
5, give up
No matter how hard it is,I won't give up.
Problems will not be solved when you give them up.
6, have a shot
I'll have a shot at getting it back.
We'll have a shot to make it right.
7, in the way
The chairs are in the way.
I am swipping the floor,but you're in the way.
8, loaded question
It's a loaded question.
What is the meaning of "loaded question"?
9, stop in one's tracks
I went to Shakespeare's house with a stop in his tracks.
People went to beijing would stop in its tracks.
10, turn around
Please turn around the table.
I won't turn around even though you've apologized to me.

Hey guy,U really do a good job.You want others to do homework for you.But I don't care.I care for the scores,would u please give me?

8. turn with the tide造句

Kubica is hoping to turn things around in Hungary where he should have a lot of support, being the nearest race to Poland.

9. 英语造句!

43.Would you like to have some tea?
44.My dad is not only a teacher,but also a writer.
45.A good monitor is always ready to help others.
46.I look forward to watch a movie with friends.
47.How about going out for a walk?
48.She isn't as tall as her mother.

10. turn around造句

He turned around ,but couldn't see anything.

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