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发布时间: 2021-01-01 03:17:38

1. propose idea us 造句

1.Please don't say nothing when you are received customer like her.
2.Can you explain the position of that building by detail to me?
3.She proposed so many good and brilliant idea that may help us.

2. our.you.like.idea.do怎么造句


3. the mainidea of造句 急需啊!!!

I could not understand the main idea of his speech.

4. idea单词如何造句

Good idea! 好主意!
I have no idea! 我没有任何办法(主意)。
I have no idea of the job. 我对自己对工作没有任何了解~
She always has some strange ideas.她总是会有内些奇奇怪怪的想容法。

5. 怎么用group,idea,place,share,trip来造句

she shared a good idea with me on our group trip to the place where i have never been

6. such a great idea造句

It is such a good idea.

7. 用that's a great idea 造句

If I can pass the final exam ,that's a great idea !

8. 英文造句lhadnoidea

I have no idea 意思:我不知道/我没有想过/我没有主意.
I have no idea how he got into China. 我不知道他是怎样进入中国的

9. 用have no idea造句子 别太难 简单即可

I have no idea when he will come.

10. It's a good idea to do sth.造句

its a good idea to go out to play
It's a good idea to take a deep breath when you are nervous.
it's a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook every day.
Generally, it's a good idea to wear a suit for a job interview.

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