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发布时间: 2020-12-21 13:11:02

⑴ 用在线这个词怎么造句


⑵ 英语在线造句,急!

1. One can't enjoy oneself if he is too tired.
2. Not until eleven o'clock did he come home.
3. We'll decide on our team as and when we qualify for the competition.
9. IF Tmac is healthy they will be elite, if not they will just be good with Yao being a dominating center.
10. He was hatchet-faced and not at all handsome.

⑶ 在线造句用一会儿一会儿造句,前面先加一句话


⑷ 英语造句在线造句初三

Why not we have lunch first我们先吃中饭吧
He is always late for school.他总是迟到
I will come back as soon as possible.我会尽快回来的
He didn't sleep until his mother returned home 知道他妈妈回到家他才睡
He is considering doing it or not 他正在考专虑做属不做
I hope to see you right away.我希望马上能见到你

⑸ 英语单词在线造句 在线 急急!!!!!

humour(幽默):The story is full of humour.
punchline(点睛之笔): statement is the punchline of this article.
up to now (到目前为止) : Up to now, the work has been quite smooth
content(满足的):He was content with his work
performer(表演者):He is a rotten performer on television
astonish(吃惊的):We were astonished at the news of her sudden death
ordinary(平常的) :She had on an ordinary dress
bored(厌倦的):The show is bored
subtle(微妙的) :She smiled a subtle smile
entertain (使欢乐,使娱乐)We were all entertained by his humorous stories
charming(令人高兴的;迷人的)She is a charming young lady
overcome(战胜;克服)The learner of a second language has many obstacles to overcome

⑹ 英语单词在线造句survival

This life is a great puzzle and the survival is a greatest mystery!!!生活是一个伟大的谜,而生存内下来是一个最伟大的谜!!!Survival or death. this is a problem.生存或死亡.这是一个问题.Nature is what we humans depend upon for survival.大自然是人类赖容以生存的有限空间。

⑺ 在线造句大全

江山如画[在线造句大全]: 六十五个春秋,锦绣大地神采飞扬;六十五个春秋,江山如画诗专意酣畅;六十属五个春秋,轰隆的铁牛梳理著田野的歌喉,翻卷出丰收的喜悦与欢唱。



⑻ 在线造句网


⑼ 英语单词在线造句 在线等!!!

They are filthy with money.他们有的是钱。
Do not eat sordid food。不吃不干净的食物。
Technical foul is often occurred in the football match.足球赛上常常发生技术犯规。
His behaviour caused his parents a great deal of pain.他的所作所为使他的父母极为难过。
She felt an ache in her back.她感到后背隐隐作痛。
Do you have soreness or dryness? 有疼痛或干燥的感觉吗?
Conversation is one of pleasures of life.交谈是人生一大乐趣。
We chat together sometimes.有时我们在一起闲聊。
He discoursed on an interesting topic.他就一个有趣的题目发表了演讲。
I assist my grandfather to his feet every morining.我每天早上搀扶我爷爷起来。
Air, food and drink are necessary to support life.空气、食物和水是维持生命所必需的。
A woman who gives aid, especially financial aid。这个女人是捐助人,特别是钱财。
The polices gave up their search,when someone find the evidences.当有人找到证据时,警察停止了搜索。
How can we seek out a really good person for the job?我们怎能找到一个真正适当的人来做这项工作?
He had a good rummage inside the sofa。他把沙发内部彻底搜寻了一翻。


⑽ forget在线造句简单

I can't forget you.
Don't you forget me?

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