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发布时间: 2021-03-07 03:54:31

Ⅰ 英语在线造句。 快。

There will be a storm tonight.
There will be less sick people in the future.
There will be less thief in the future.
There will be more flower in the garden.
There will be more animals in the future
Let us do exercise.
let he go home quickly
Let’s do some spelling exercises.
My mother often makes me do housework.
Don't make me make sentences, or I will kill you. (呵呵)
Now you make me make sentences for you.
Your father makes you marry me when you grow up. (呵呵)
Your teacher made you sweep the classroom this morning.(惨啊,).
I saw him did shopping every day
it is time for Tom to do his homework
It's time for me to go to sleep

How beautiful you are !
How quickly the bus driver drives!

what a good boy you are!
what an old pen it is!

Ⅱ 在线英语造句网

你可以到 www.iciba.com 金山词霸里面搜索。输入之后,有汉语解释和例句。如果想摇更多例内句,还可以点容下面的“搜索更多短句”来查找。

一般单词的好找,短语的话 动词尽量用一般时,最好把 be 动词换成 is am are 的形式来查找。


Ⅲ 英语单词在线造句。。。。急急急

1. Please clam down.
I can't clam down!
2.Son you should be concerned about your grade.
You should be concerned about your health.
3.After you go through the subway, you will reach to the bus stop.
He go through a hard life.
4.I had set down a table for two .
Please help me set down this tent.
5.A series of his comic, had being sell to a anime company.
One Piece is a series of anime.
6.She grow crazy about Justin Bieber.
May don't grow crazy about him, he's a cheater.
7.Mr.Wang, in order to join our group, you have to pay 1200 dollars.
In order to get a A in the test, all answers mush be correct
8.These two boxer are having a face to face battle.
They are face to face, which made them to blush.
9.I can wait no longer, any longer for her !
This won't take no longer, any longer then five minutes.
10.He had suffer from a cold.
They had suffer from a poor life.
11.Sandy don't get alone with dogs.
Jim don't get alone with his parents.
12.Did you fall in love for someone?t
I can't fall in love with you Kevin.
13.Join in our membership for discount.
Join in this class and you will earn extra point in your report card.
14.When this two is add up, there will be big trouble.
Two classes add up to sixty people.

Ⅳ 英语在线造句,急!

1. One can't enjoy oneself if he is too tired.
2. Not until eleven o'clock did he come home.
3. We'll decide on our team as and when we qualify for the competition.
9. IF Tmac is healthy they will be elite, if not they will just be good with Yao being a dominating center.
10. He was hatchet-faced and not at all handsome.

Ⅳ 在线英语造句

Class will begin at 3o'clock

Ⅵ 英语单词在线造句 在线 急急!!!!!

humour(幽默):The story is full of humour.
punchline(点睛之笔): statement is the punchline of this article.
up to now (到目前为止) : Up to now, the work has been quite smooth
content(满足的):He was content with his work
performer(表演者):He is a rotten performer on television
astonish(吃惊的):We were astonished at the news of her sudden death
ordinary(平常的) :She had on an ordinary dress
bored(厌倦的):The show is bored
subtle(微妙的) :She smiled a subtle smile
entertain (使欢乐,使娱乐)We were all entertained by his humorous stories
charming(令人高兴的;迷人的)She is a charming young lady
overcome(战胜;克服)The learner of a second language has many obstacles to overcome

Ⅶ 在线英语短语造句!!!!


Ⅷ 在线英语单词造句


Ⅸ 在线求英文造句

I am very busy in my study at school, and my parents do not allow me to watching TV at home. I cannot get on with my classmates. I will go into the high school right away. It is said that the subjects in high school are very difficult. I feel worried.

Ⅹ 在线英语单词造句网

I’m hungry. Could you get a sandwich for

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