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发布时间: 2021-03-01 00:33:05

Ⅰ 英语翻译 cutout

名词 n.

Ⅱ 切割出锋利的牙齿英文翻译 能不能用cut out 来造句 兄弟们快

sharpen their teeth

Ⅲ 连词成句3.cutout,I,article,in,some,this,words(.)

I cut out some words in this article.


Ⅳ cut out 虚拟语气should造句

 If it were not for…;If it hadn’t been for…这两种句型表示“要是没有”,相当于but for
If it had not been for the PLA man, he would not be studying English now.
 if…only…(或If only…)表示“要是…就好了”
 demand/suugest/order/insist/propose/request/ask/advise/prefer/command/desire that…
They demanded that the aggressor troops (should) be withdrawn immediately.
He insisted that he was right.坚持认为
He insisted that we should agree with him.坚持某事
His white face suggests that his not healthy.表明
He suggested that we have a rest.建议

If I could only see him once!
If only I had listened to your advice. 很明显,这种句型省略了主句
 as if/as though/even if…
Tom looked sad as if he had heard bad news.
I won’t lend you any money even I had money.
 wish that…(hope后的宾语从句不虚拟)
I wish I were as strong as you.
How I wish it wasn’t raining!
 would rather/would sooner/had rather that…表示“宁愿”
I would rather they came tomorrow.
I could go myself but I would sooner you went.
I had rather you told him than I did.
 It is time/high time that…
It is time we went to bed.
+(should) do:

Ⅳ 用cut out 造句

Cut out the engine,will you?

Ⅵ 切割出锋利的牙齿英文翻译 能不能用cut out 来造句

Cut out sharp teeth.(祈使句)

Ⅶ “leave out.”怎么造句

  • leave out

  • 遗漏,省去;不考虑

  • 短语

    leave angrily out of spite负气而去

    leave one out cross validationloo交叉验证

    cut out leave out停止使用

  • “leave out.”造句如下:

  • Scott, we don't want toleaveouta favorite daughter from Illinois, of course, Hillary Clinton.

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  • One of the interesting decisions Peel made was toleaveouta chat component.

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  • Manyleaveoutkey variables that can make a huge difference in determining your needs.

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  • Not toleaveoutthose who carry student loans far into their professional careers.

    FORBES:Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • "It's about what youleaveoutrather than what you put in, " he says.


  • ' And I shouldn'tleaveout'Dear Heart, ' with Glenn Ford and Geraldine Page.

    WSJ:It's His Mad, Mad World | Mad Men | A Cultural Conversation With Matthew Weiner | By David Mermelstein

  • In most European countries, peopleleaveoutshoes rather than socks for Santa to fill.

    FORBES:Everything You Wanted to Know About Christmas (but were afraid to Google)

  • Occasionally we included a compromised walk just because the place seemed too important toleaveout.

    WSJ:James Lasn on the Dark Side of Writing Travel Books | Traveler's Tale

  • Even more important, theyleaveoutthe government's generous unfunded pension arrangements for public-sector workers.

    ECONOMIST:Public finances

  • Mr Graham-Cumming deliberately chose toleaveoutsites connected with US space agency Nasa.

    BBC:Geek guide reveals tech treasures

  • What the Gasbagsleaveoutof their pontificating also tends to coincide with their professional interests.

    CNN:Titanic (Glub), Lewinsky (Blab)

  • Theyleaveoutthe people to whom the short term is all they have: our parents.

    CNN:Commentary: We owe oldest Americans an apology

  • The Indian typists have toleaveoutthe editors' notes in the Westlaw or risk right infringement.

    FORBES:Magazine Article

  • And it seems toleaveoutan important part of the debate: the student, the future leader.

    FORBES:Innovation Leadership: The Revolution Starts With Words

  • The tables starting on page 6 of the CTJ articleleaveoutthe 2001 and 2003 tax years.

    FORBES:CTJ Supports Billionaire Estate Surtax

Ⅷ 词组造句征集~!!cut

1.He tried to cut down on smoking but failed.
2.Cut down the article so as to make it fit the space available on the paper.
3.He had a finger cut off by a machine while working.
4.I was cut off on my line to London.
5.Cut out all the vulgar expressions.

Ⅸ cut out删除

1.He tried to cut down on smoking but failed.
2.Cut down the article so as to make it fit the space available on the paper.
3.He had a finger cut off by a machine while working.
4.I was cut off on my line to London.
5.Cut out all the vulgar expressions.

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