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发布时间: 2020-12-19 17:39:08

㈠ 以it is awful开头造句

it is awful
It is awful to walk in the streets when the weather is wet.

㈡ 用feel awful短语造句。

I know you feel awful.

㈢ 用火冒三丈造句

Her criticisms were enough to make anyone see red.
I see red whenever I hear that man's name.
When father came home and saw it I thought he was going to blow his top.
When she saw the damage to her car she went right up in the air.
If we're in a store looking for help, it's irritating to be ignored by the clerks.
His boss was extremly angry for this thing, but Aoersen has got a good name.
Frank, white-hot, with the cry of a man wounded to death bursting from him.
smith saw red, jumped out, shouted at the other driver and started kicking the man's car.
"Why didn't you say what was involved?Having to sign a consent form means there must be risks! "he fumed.
Fighting with authority figures or lashing out at others who restrict you in any way is a strong possibility.
No wonder Ann Lee was quite pissed off when media only concentrated on nudity (Lust) and kinky fetish (Caution).
By ten minutes, I was so mad that I slammed the telephone and tore up all the papers.
all us students are up in arms at the news the school is raising our tuition ten percent.
" but the phone still continues noisy, then mother-in-law fly into a rage, howl to the telephone call that puts over aloud: "Are you deaf?
Yesterday, when she again missed the deadline for a report, he hit the ceiling and fired her on the spot.
Mr Brown ran out of the house boiling mad. All the kids except Danny ran off and left him holding the bag.
Tang a "death to your "The words, immediately Huomaosanzhang, Liaokai clothes, Paizhaoxiongtang, come to that person before, said:" Small!
Soap fans are notoriously loyal, but even loyal fans are enraged when they feel that they are being talked down to by networks.
When the Plain Dealer first said this year it needed to rece its labour costs by $5m, the newsroom was furious.
This, of course, provoked the anger of Apollo, who invited him to a contest, the winner of which should inflict whatever punishment he pleased on the loser.
I've grown up with these books, starting to read them at the age of six and would be absolutely fuming if someone spoilt this last adventure for me.
Why do you also have the stupid idea? That's brutal! It makes my blood boil to see our daughter standing in class for a long time.
For my birthday, one year, she made me breakfast in bed. But there was no bacon, no sausage, not even any eggs. It just turned into another bad situation.
马克: 当然,我知道理论上你是对的,但我就是没法忘记这件事,甚至只听到他的名字就让我火冒三丈。
Mark: Of course, logically I know you are right, but somehow I just can't bring myself to forget it. Even the mention of his name starts me fuming.
These are the times when he needs her loving acceptance the most and not her advice or criticism.
So, the players are mad, and the U. S. soccer coach is making a big stink by arguing with the referee.
I nearly have a fit if anyone in the office says something as mild as "poor you" because I feel they are trying to get one over on me.
The old fellow's fury was awful. He sprang to his feet, drew and opened a sailor's clasp-knife, and, balancing it open on the palm of his hand, threatened to pin the doctor to the wall.
It was too late, we stopped into the car Fenglin, sex, done after the body was Saola autumn leaves are red blood of MM, also spent more than February's Red teacher … (furious): stop !
Referring to Gates' arrest, Mr. Obama said anyone of us would have been "pretty angry" and he added police acted stupidly in arresting someone when there was proof they were in their own home.

㈣ look awful 用高中知识造句

He looked awful when he was sick last week.

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