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发布时间: 2021-01-15 02:00:12

1. 猜谜语:I have arms,but no hands.What am I

watch 手表

2. i can go all around the world. But l aiways stay at a corner. Who am I这个谜语是什么


3. 英语谜语I am everywhere in the earth. Without me, you have to die. What am I


4. i am little打一谜语

I;m a soft and furry pet.
I have four legs and a long tail.
I have sharp teeth and claws.
I like to chase mice.
I am aCAT
I have a little tail.
My nose is called a snout.
I live on a farm.
I can say,;Oink-oink;
I am aPIG
I;m very,very big.
I like to eat peanuts and hay.
I have four legs and two big ears.
My long nose is called a trunk.
I am anelephent
I have wings but I;m not a bird
I am small and colorful.
I live in gardens and fields and forests.
I used to be a caterpillar.
I am abuterfly

5. 英文谜语 What am I

A little word of doubtful number,
A foe to rest and peaceful slumber.
If you add an "s" to this,
Great is the metamorphosis.
Plural is plural now no more,
And sweet what bitter was before.
What am I?

6. 动物英文谜语:I can swim ,I can not fly,I eat fish,I am


7. 猜谜语.What am I


8. 急求谜底是动物的英语谜语,要有翻译 简短一点

I'm a soft and furry pet.
I have four legs and a long tail.
I have sharp teeth and claws.
I like to chase mice.
I am a... CAT

I have a little tail.
My nose is called a snout.
I live on a farm.
I can say, "Oink-oink"
I am a... PIG

I'm very, very big.
I like to eat peanuts and hay.
I have four legs and two big ears.
My long nose is called a trunk.
I am an... elephent

I have wings but I'm not a bird
I am small and colorful.
I live in gardens and fields and forests.
I used to be a caterpillar.
I am a... buterfly


9. 英语谜语:I jump into the water 。Who am I


把i 插入water这个单词里面~

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