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发布时间: 2021-01-02 04:13:07

A. “limbo”是什么意思~

lim.bo 1
【复数】 lim.bos
Often Limbo Theology The abode of just or innocent souls excluded from the beatific vision but not condemned to further punishment.
常作 Limbo 【神学】 地狱的边境:不能进入天堂的正直或无辜的灵魂所在地,他们不会受到进一步的惩罚
A region or condition of oblivion or neglect:
Management kept her promotion in limbo for months.
A state or place of confinement.
An intermediate place or state.

Middle English
from Medieval Latin (in) limb½} [(in) Limbo] [ablative of] limbus [Limbo]
源自 中世纪拉丁语 (in) limb½} [(在)地狱的边境] [] limbus的夺格 [地狱的边境]
from Latin [border]
源自 拉丁语 [边境]

Our use of the word limbo to refer to states of oblivion, confinement, or transition is derived from the theological sense of Limbo as a place where souls remain that cannot enter heaven, for example, unbaptized infants. Limbo in Roman Catholic theology is located on the border of Hell, which explains the name chosen for it. The Latin word limbus, having meanings such as “an ornamental border to a fringe” and “a band or girdle,” was chosen by Christian theologians of the Middle Ages to denote this border region. English borrowed the word limbus directly, but the form limbo that caught on in English, first recorded in a work composed around 1378, is from the ablative form of limbus, the form that would be used in expressions such as in limb½, “in Limbo.”
我们用limbo 这个词指被忘却、监禁或过渡的状态, 此用法源于Limbo 的神学含义, 指那些不能升入天堂的灵魂(如未受洗的儿童)所在地。Limbo 在罗马天主教的教义中指位于地狱的边境, 这也是为什么选这个词指地狱的边境的原因。拉丁词limbus 有诸如“流苏或穗状的装饰性花边“和”嵌条或腰带”的意思, 中世纪的基督教神学家选用这个词来指这种边界地区。英语直接借用了limbus 这个词, 但出现于英语中的limbo 这种形式, 首次记载于1378年左右完成的作品中,它源自limbus 的夺格形式, 这种用法是在短语in limbo 中出现的,意思是“在地狱的边界地区”

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