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发布时间: 2021-03-12 19:49:23

Ⅰ 张韶涵寓言曲调是哪首歌借鉴来的

God Rest You Merry Gentlemen


Ⅱ God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen和张韶涵的《寓言》旋律雷同


Ⅲ 张韶涵的“寓言”是根据哪首英文歌改编的

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌手:loreena mckennitt 专辑:a winter garden god rest ye merry

Ⅳ 张韶涵《寓言》时 是抄袭的吗

高潮部分是翻唱的,原作god rest you merry gentlemen

Ⅳ 张韶涵的那首《寓言》中的高潮是改编的吗改编自哪首歌

歌名制应该是God Rest You Merry Gentlemen才对。

Ⅵ 流行歌手张韶涵所唱歌曲“寓言”的原曲是什么

God rest you merry gentlemen

god rest ye merry, gentlemen,
let nothing you dismay
remember christ our saviour
was born on christmas day
to save us all from satan\'s power
when we were gone astray.
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

"fear not," then said the angel
"let nothing you affright
this day is born a saviour
of a pure virgin bright
to free all those who trust in him
from satan\'s pow\'r and might"
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

the shepherds at those tidings
rejoiced much in mind,
and left their flocks a-feeding
in tempest, storm and wind
and went to bethlehem straightaway
this blessed babe to find
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

but when to bethlehem they came
whereat this infant lay
they found him in a manger
where oxen feed on hay
his mother mary kneeling
unto the lord did pray
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

now to the lord sing praises
all you within this place
and with true love and brotherhood
each other now embrace
this holy tide of christmas
all others doth deface
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!


Ⅶ 张韶涵抄袭哪首歌


Ⅷ 张韶涵翻唱的《寓言》的原曲和歌词是什么

God rest you merry gentlemen

god rest ye merry, gentlemen,
let nothing you dismay
remember christ our saviour
was born on christmas day
to save us all from satan\'s power
when we were gone astray.
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

"fear not," then said the angel
"let nothing you affright
this day is born a saviour
of a pure virgin bright
to free all those who trust in him
from satan\'s pow\'r and might"
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

the shepherds at those tidings
rejoiced much in mind,
and left their flocks a-feeding
in tempest, storm and wind
and went to bethlehem straightaway
this blessed babe to find
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

but when to bethlehem they came
whereat this infant lay
they found him in a manger
where oxen feed on hay
his mother mary kneeling
unto the lord did pray
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

now to the lord sing praises
all you within this place
and with true love and brotherhood
each other now embrace
this holy tide of christmas
all others doth deface
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!


Ⅸ 张韶涵的“寓言”这首歌的曲子跟“憨豆先生的圣诞夜”中的那首曲子一模一样

叫God Rest You Merry Gentlema

Ⅹ 张韶涵的《寓言》是抄袭的吗

原作god rest you merry gentlemen

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