❺ 【英语作文】是以道德为题的,,,,求一些相关的句子或者短语,,,越多越好,,谢谢啦(我是大一的)
相关短语:degenerate; moral degradation;道德败坏/ public morals;公共道德/ old moral concepts;旧道德观念/ transgress morality;违背道德
相关句子:1.信仰能加强道德原则。Faith undergirds moral principles.
2.他按照严格的道德准则生活。He lives by a strict moral code.
3.我们在严格的道德、价值和行为准则下成长。 We were brought up with strict morals, values and guidelines.
4.中国曾经是一个依靠道德进行统治的国家。 China was once a country governed by morals.
相关段落:Morality refers to the good and evil as the standard, through the social public opinion inner beliefs and traditions to evaluate people's behavior, adjusting interpersonal and action of the relationship between indivial and society standardize its role in the sum of the moral subject to moral function of full implementation of moral understanding ecation direction adjustment function and political consciousness of legal art form has a close relationship between the Chinese traditional culture, formed on the basis of righteousness 道德是指以善恶为标准,通过社会舆论 内心信念和传统习惯来评价人的行为,调整人与人之间以及个人与社会之间相互关系的行动规范的总和 道德作用的发挥有待于道德功能的全面实施 道德具有调节 认识 教育 导向等功能 与政治 法律 艺术等意识形式有密切的关系 中华传统文化中,形成了以仁义为基础的道德
❻ 描写或赞美人高尚品德的词语或短句。例如:舍己为人
❼ 关于品德的名言短句
1、衡量一个人的真正品格,是看他在知道没有人发觉的时候作些什么。—— 孟德斯鸠
2、纯朴无瑕的爱情,具有诚实的品格;装腔作势的爱情,披着虚伪的外衣。—— 佚名
3、品格是最难下的定义,但它却是人生中最具影响而重要的东西。—— 谚语
4、几乎每个人都将自己的一部分生命浪费在试图表现出来某些自己并不具备的品格,或赢得某些自己无法享有的喝采上面—— 塞约翰逊
5、任何本领都没有比良好的品格与态度更易受人欢迎,更易谋得高尚的职位。—— 培根
6、留给子孙的最佳的遗产,是光明无瑕的模范品格。—— 温司洛普
7、人们似乎没有懂得,他们对于世界的见解其实也是他们品格的自白—— 爱献生
8、苦难可以试验一个人的品格,非常的遭遇可以显出非常的气节—— 莎士比亚
9、每一个人都会开列出一张长长的清单,要求他的朋友应具备哪些美德与良好品格,但却很少有人愿照着自己的清单去培养自己的品德。—— 爱迪生
10、品格如同树木,名声如同树阴。我们常常考虑的是树阴,却不知树木才是根本。—— 林肯
11、对一个人的评价,不可视其财富出身,更不可视其学问的高下,而是要看他的真实的品格。—— 培根
12、良好品格是人性的最高表现。好的品性不仅是社会的良心,而且是国家的原动力;因为世界主要是被德性统治。—— 史迈尔
13、不同的品格导致不同的兴趣爱好。—— 西塞罗
14、使人高贵的是人的品格。—— 劳伦斯
15、品格和名誉,好像一棵树的生命和枝叶,树嘲是否茂盛,全在于地的有无生气。—— 华伦
16、如果我小心照顾我的品格,我的名声便会照顾它自己。—— 模蒂
17、我们拼命赞扬别人身上某些我们明笑并不存的品格,条件是别人对我们坚信自己具备的种种美德报以同样的赞美—— 让罗斯唐
18、战士对人民的爱是蓝色的,因为这种爱是来自天一样的气质,海一样的品格。—— 佚名
19、宁信其品格,勿信其誓言。—— 无名氏
20、凡是教师缺乏爱的地方,无论品格还是智慧都不能充分地或自由地发展。—— 卢梭
❽ 【英语作文】是以道德为题的,,,,求一些相关的句子或者短语,,,越多越好,,谢谢啦
There is no denying that, currently, a controversial debate has risen as to whether American TV dramas are beneficial to our study or merely entertaining . As I see it, the American TV dramas to study is what roofs to rooms, packs to bags , attaching exceedingly importance to our English studies .Hardly can I imagine the world without the fascination of it which gets indivials all over the world work themselves into buries over it . Nevertheless , as the old saying goes “No garden has two weeds”,therefore , on no account can we turn a blind eye to the unforeseeable consequences it caused . There is no consensus among people concerning this controversial issue
Some people hold the perspective that watching American TV dramas can enhance their language sense while someone maintain that watching American TV dramas has nothing to do with learning. When it comes to our studies, I frown on the latter, because watching American TV dramas not only help us learn multitudes of words but broaden our horizons, strengthen our humanistic attainments and enrich our lives, making us more competitive in the society. So hence one can see that studies have a significant relation with watching American TV dramas. However, needless to say, nothing will be more cogent than to be stated as follows. In accordance with a recent survey concted by UNESCO .among people of all ages around the world ,about 79.4﹪ of the teenagers tend to watch comedies of American TV dramas ,That is to say, The majority of person watch American TV dramas only for purpose of relaxing themselves .But is there no advantages involved in ? we shouldn’t take apart for the all
To illustrate this, next, I will make an analysis of my viewpoint. First and foremost, some American TV dramas have standard pronunciation that will help us improve language sense, thus enhance our oral level. Having seen more than ten American TV dramas, you will find a great progress in your interactions with foreigners. But, undoubtly, there are also some adverse plots exist in American TV dramas, which will have an unfavorable impact on teenagers, even have the teenagers addicted to it, delaying their studies .In my opinion ,Talking without practice is fake. we should take actions to prevent the bad effects it had on us and have it to serve us well.For instance, we can make notes while watching it and try nor to
See the subtitles because average persons cannot understand the dramas through it automatically.Additionally,it was not a bad way for us to make an role play that will make us feel the effect and importance in our life and studies that will improve our English genuinely .
Taking into account all above mentioned into consideration, we may safely draw the conclusion that the American TV dramas, free of any reward, has play an indispensable role in every aspects in our lives, However it is an two– edged swords, But I strongly believed that we an make good use of it by ourselves, not only a person ,but the whole society can make it
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❾ 一束鲜花阅读答案 你从短文画横线的句子体会到周总理什么样的品德