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发布时间: 2020-12-20 20:00:20

① 中文句子翻译成英语

We are just like two piece of cloud met by chance. They are together at fisrt sight but definitely of separation in fact.

② 把中文句子翻译成英文

  1. Will you be scared, fear or nervous if you have anesthetic in the hospital?

  2. People with fixed steady income usually make a deposit to the bank every month. Will you deposit the remaining salary to the bank?

  3. I attended a class reunion recently. There were about thirty ex-classmates and several teachers. I was upset beacuse they were not friendly to me. I decided not to attend class reunion in the future.


③ 中文句子翻译成英文句子


Recently, the Ministry of Ecation committed a survey concerning"how can high school student use pin money" in the student, among them, 32 percent of students think it's in bank and develop an economical habit, 40 percent of students think to buy some books and obtain further knowledge, 18 percent of students think donations and contributions the kid of the far mountain area studies to the lap, ten percent of students think that using is in other respect.But the in my submission concrete subject concretely analyze, the accuracy uses pin money good.

④ 怎么将中文句子翻译成英文


⑤ 汉语句子翻译成英语


⑥ 中文句子翻译成英文(超简单的)

1. I'd like to stay at home the whole weekend.
2. I will invite Mary to come out side the home.
3. This story happened on the morning of Oct.1st,2007.
4. What's the weather like in the autumn of Ningbo?
5. I need a cup of coffee with milk.

⑦ 把中文句子翻译成英文

1. Boiled Gold Sands: An accumulated swag , where lot of lucid conit well up, vagarily with sand thresh and water roll, .the water there also been warmed in winter and cool in summer .at an altitude of 2400m in winter morever, the water there will sweltering

2. Eight Mazy-map: Form of high mountain peaks dilapidation, distribute complately with numerous megalith stand amorphismly on a complanate mountaintop, like entry in labyrinth, and ultimately you can not come out if you went in when dense fog around.
3.White Dragon Pond: Echo with Black Dragon Pond with an elevation of 3240m, the first born pond is about 300m, width 180m, surrounding lush vegetation, ,limpidity green water, whose colors show itslef in succession and alternated with viridescence. The pond water's headstream partition several dimension with it's exit . encircled of meadow, sward and lush vegetation. and rise in summer yet descline in winter

4. Black Dragon Pond: Situated in a hollow on the 3800m's mountains hight.The pond surface account for more than 40 acres , clear waters slightly present black, firmly locked up by dense fog and shinning in sunday yet.Beside the pond is the meadow and cuckoo hurst.dwellers there are mysterious,who was been famed by the words "bamboozle moutains and not bamboozle water yet. In the winter there could ice up for severl dimensions and even a yark can walk on it.

Famous Longmen Mountain Landscape District and Jiuding Mountain beauty spot are located in Mianzhu City in Sichuan Province, 120 kilometers from Cheng, is West Sichuan emerging tourism area mainly of Natural Ecological Sightseeing, Leisure Tourism Vocation,International Geography and History and Fera Propagation Investigation Center.And now they were been bring into the series of Min moutain the World's Protected Nateral Heritage.


地区即可用拼音也可根据意思翻译,本人前面四段都是用的意译,eg:Boiled Gold Sands而最后一段用的拼音译法eg:Longmen Mountain,地名译法两种LZ可以自行更换。但无意义地名一般用拼音译,因为在这种情况下拼音翻译较易懂,如果用意译,外国人反而会糊涂。例如磁器口也译成Ciqikou.
translator: ciotes
sisu college

⑧ 把汉语句子翻译成英语

1.你把所抄有的数加起来就会知道结果。(add up)
Add up all the numbers and you will get the answer.

2.我们努力想让他平静下来,但他还是激动地大叫。(calm down)
We tried a lot to make him calm down, but he still shouted excitedly.

3.战争期间,我受了很多苦。我用日记记下自己的经历,以便老了以后能够记住。(auffer ;set down)
During the war, I suffered a great deal. I recorded my experience in my diary, so as to memorize it when I become an old man.

⑨ 英语句子翻译成中文

1, 没有人类做不到的事情。
Nothing can't be done by human beings./Everything can be done by human beings.
It has nothing to do with human beings.

⑩ 中文句子翻译成英文

"Money can buy the Bible, but can not buy faith."

"Money can buy a Bible, but can not buy God bless."

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