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发布时间: 2021-02-18 04:19:23

『壹』 write him a letter 的同意短语短语

write a letter to him

『贰』 him能组什么句子

You can ask him the answer to this question.
He will never know how much I love him.
Yesterday I met him in the street, and chatted a lot.
The teacher told him never to be late again.
Tom said to me if I had any problems, I can turn to him for help.
Five years ago, I always tried to please him; but today, he always trys to please me.

『叁』 英语句子什么时候用him什么时候用he

him 是宾格形式 用在及物动词后
he 是主格 可以直接用于主语

『肆』 组词成句him,from,make,stop,that,noise组句子

Stop him from making that noise!阻止他制造噪音!

『伍』 I asked him whom he saw.中him的句子成分


『陆』 his放在句子后边要改成him

您这句来话 好像没有提问完整,

如This is his pencil.=This pencil is his.而him 是主语he的宾格形式,比如汉语

我最喜欢的明星是他。My favorite star is him = He is my favorite star. 您问题中所谈到的his 放在句子后面改成him 这个需要您提供更多信息才能解答。

『柒』 give,to,let's,it,him连成一个句子

Let's give it to him.

如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

『捌』 补全句子---shout at him尽量不要对他喊叫

可以填 Try not to
try to do sth 尽力(尽量)做某事
try not to do sth 尽力(尽量)不做某事

『玖』 用he him his各造两个句子 用do/does各造两个句子

He is a cook.He is tall. I hurt him.Please help him.This is his book.I am his friend.Do you like it?Do you have a book?Does she like it?Does he like it?

『拾』 youcantbuyhim的句子里为什么要用him


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