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发布时间: 2021-02-14 06:35:23

㈠ 翻译几个英文句子

Is it hard for you to find out where he lives?

This is the second time I have seen him face-to-face.

What happens if they fall in love with each other?

I used to live in New York for a while.

Because she was sick, she didn't go to school yesterday.

10th grade level. 或 High school year one level.

㈡ 我想要几个英文的立志短句

Pain past is pleasure.
All things are difficult before they are easy.
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
Where there is life, there is hope.
I feel strongly that I can make it.
Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
The shortest answer is doing.
Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful indivials above the crowd: a little bit more.

㈢ 每月两次的英文短语

twice a month 每月两次

㈣ 翻译几个英语短句

合理利用资源 Rational use of resources
过度浪费资源 Excessive waste of resources
形成强烈对比Stark contrast to the
开发新能源 Development of new energy
不可专再生资属源 Non-renewable resources

㈤ 若干次,好几次.的英语短语

a few times
a couple of times

㈥ 一周两次的英文短语

once a week
twice a week
three times a week
four times a week
once a mouth
up to three times a mouth
most of students
none of students
three or four times a week

㈦ 一周一次至三次用英语短语

once or three times a week .

㈧ 帮忙翻译几个英文短句

These words: Self introction The time (should not translate time probably) the corporate name, no matter what the position dispatches the member of society to relate the method also has these short phrases: Through national English four levels of (CET-4) test; Some 8 months in Japanese native place employment history, Japanese 2 level of quite university period obtains multiple scholarship to attach: Until now myself participation project and operating region

㈨ 几个英语短句帮翻译下

我认为你说得的 没看懂,是我认为你说的对么?
I think you are right.

这是一个好问题:That's a good question.

让我想想:Let me see.

我就回是这个学校的学生答:I am the student of this school.(如果要强调你正是此校学生的话,读am时语气稍微重点)

㈩ 翻译几个英语句子

1.你妈妈通常在周末干什么?What does your mom usually do on weekends?
她通常做家务和购物 She usually does the housework and goes shopping.

2.你爸爸每周吃几次苹果?How many times does your father eat an apple per week?
7次 He eats it seven times.

3.你每周看几次电影?How many times do you see a movie every week?
每周一次 Once a week.

4.我最喜欢的电影是记录片和动作片 My favorite movie is the action movie and the documentation.

5.两个双胞胎姐妹之间有一些差别 There are some differences between the twins.

6.许多蔬菜和水果能帮助你保持健康 Many fruits and vegetables keep you fit.

7.昨天我不得不在家照顾我的奶奶 Yesterday, I had to take care of my granny.

8.我今天感觉不舒服 I don't feel good today.

9.吃均衡饮食很重要 Keeping a healthy diet is very important.

10.他不应该在课堂上听音乐 He shouldn't listen to music in class.

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