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发布时间: 2021-02-10 01:30:17

① 【请帮助我修改润色几个英语句子

Sing for us 为我们歌唱吧(这里指别人为我们而歌,也可以说sing the praises of us。如果想指自己为自己而歌,把us变成ourselves)
Under the love we are growing up 在爱之下我们正逐渐长大
No need to be dread 不需要害怕
Since Nike is behind our back 胜利女神眷顾著我们(NIKE是希腊神话的女神,如果你觉得像运动鞋广告,说victory goddess也OK)
Happiness spirits accompany us (spirits 跟精灵和神绪的解释比较接近,你想表达快乐的小精灵围绕我们的话这样翻译也可,不做修改了)
In the long way,the difficulties are waiting for us 在远方的道路上许多的困难正等待着我们 (删掉了希望因感觉与前面两句积极面有些重复)
Nevertheless, we try we fight, we've never stop by 然而我们尝试我们奋斗我们从不逗留
Each one of us in class 5 is the sunshine 这就是我们,这就是五班

大前提没有变,细节改了些。尽量押韵了。最后也写上sunshine呼应作结尾。我真的尽力了。 =。=
BTW, 个人感觉英文好像没有“已经逐渐长大”这一说法?either grew up-已经长大 or growing up-逐渐长大。建议翻查核实。

② 英语句子修改润色

In the last decade,China has made dazzling achievements that attracted world's attention in various fields,say, successful measures of tackling financial tsunami,complete accomplishments of holding Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai Expo and perfect realization of manned space flight.


③ 论文英文润色怎么润色啊,我总觉得自己好多语法错误


④ 英文改错,润色,整理句子

august 15 前面不需要the
just like the mean of 这算是中式英文 直接用回 it means就好了
Enjoy to savor the moon and eat mooncake 要改答成 enjoy savoring... and eating ...(enjoy doing sth)
China 's --chinese

⑤ 英语句子改错润色啦,

It looks good in my notebook but the color is lost when it is saved as HTML format. The same happens with some other functions such as column.

I've tried a number of methods to solve the problem and I found a solution which can partly solve the problem is to use item to set the background colour. However, the item size is not working properly when it is saved as HTML format.

Now I can select the words in the color frame, but the item size is too tightly aligned and other options such as spacing do not work properly when it is saved as HTML format.

⑥ 求英语大神润色一下这几个句子,十分感谢

Personally,I found most of the lessons rather uninteresting.

⑦ 求英语大神帮我润色一下几个句子。。感激不尽





⑧ 请帮我写句英文,不要直白的那种,要“润色”好的句子。谢谢大家啦

English is the bridge for global communication. Moreover, there is this touch of beauty that is so unique and subtle about this language.

⑨ 英文句式修改润色

The government, in the name of urban renewal to make big changes, including mega projects, aggressive gentrification, and special economic zones, is in fact purifying the managed areas by poverty eviction and enlarge the gap much wider between the poor and the rich.

There were a few typos, which were corrected.

⑩ 求英语大师翻译并润色这个英语句子。

not until a strong headwind comes can the birds fly high in the sky.

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