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发布时间: 2020-12-22 23:08:55

⑴ 关于学习的英语名人名言

1、the success of revolution hinges on profound learning. ——sun yat-sen


2、books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors; and the most patient of teachers. ——c.w.eliot


3、learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age. ——aristotle


4、that we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of child. ——bernard shaw


5、I would like to live to study, and not study to live. ——Bacon


⑵ 英语学习问题,名言警句

Actions speak louder than words。行动胜于言辞;事实胜于雄辩;坐而言不如起而行。
After a storm comes a calm。否极泰来;雨过天晴。
After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile。饭后坐一下,晚饭后运动。
After night comes the day。黑夜过后,白昼将至;否极泰来。
After pleasure comes pain。先乐必后苦。
All cats are grey in the dark。猫在黑暗中都是灰色的。
All good things come to an end。好景不长;天下没有不散的筵席。
All rivers run into the sea。条条江河通大海;条条大道通罗马;殊途同归。
All roads lead to Rome。条条大道通罗马;殊途同归。
All's well that ends well。凡事结局好,则全部都好。
All things come to those who wait。懂得忍耐的人是最大的赢家;忍为上策。
An apple a day keeps the doctor away。一天一苹果,医生远离我。
The apple never falls far from the tree。叶落归根。苹果只会掉落苹果树下。
April showers bring forth May flowers。四月阵雨带来五月花。
Art is long, life is short。人生短暂,而学问无穷。
As you brew, so must you drink。自己酿的酒,自己喝;自作自受;自食其果。brew 读音仿 blue
As you make your bed, so you must lie on it。自己铺的床,自己睡;自作自受;自食其果。
As you sow, so will you reap。种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。sow 读音仿 know
Bad news has wings。/Bad news travels fast。坏消息长了翅膀;好事不出门,坏事传千里。A bad workman always blames his tools。拙劣的工匠总是埋怨工具不好。
Be just to all, but trust not all。公道待人,但不可尽信之。
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder。情人眼里出西施。
Best is cheapest。最好的即是最便宜的。
Better a bare foot than no foot at all。光脚总比没脚好,有总比没有好。
Better a glorious death than a shameful life。光荣赴死,好过苟且偷生。
Better give than take。施比受有福。
Better late than never。迟做总比不做好;亡羊补牢,尤为晚矣。
Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know。已知的危险比未知的好;明枪易躲,暗箭难防。
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush。一鸟在手,胜于二鸟在林;到手的才实在;把握现在,不要空想未来。
Bite not the hand that feeds you。别反咬喂你的手;不要忘恩负义。
Business before pleasure。先做完工作,再享受娱乐;先劳后乐。
Business is business。公事公办;就事论事;亲兄弟明算帐。
Business is the salt of life。事业能替人生增添趣味。
A cat has nine lives。猫有九条命;吉人天相;命大。
Charity begins at home。仁爱先从家里开始;老吾老,以及人之老。
Civility costs nothing。礼貌不花分文。
Cleanliness is next to godliness。洁净仅次于敬神。
Clothes do not make the man。衣冠不能造人品。
Clothes make the man。人要衣装,佛要金装。
The course of true love never did run smooth。真爱无坦途,好事多磨。
Creep before you walk。先学爬,再学走;按部就班。
The darkest hour comes before dawn。黎明之前,是最黑暗的时刻。
Do in Rome as the Romans do。在罗马,就照着罗马人的习俗去做;入乡随俗。
Do your best. Angels can do no better。只要努力做,天使也不会做得比你更好。
Dog does not eat dog。狗不吃狗;同类不相残。
Doing is better than saying。做比说好;坐而言,不如起而行。
Don't bite off more than you can chew。贪多嚼不烂;不要自不量力。chew 读音仿 choose
Don't burn the candle at both ends。蜡烛不要两头烧;不可过分透支体力/财力。
Don't change horses in mid—stream。渡河途中莫换马;临阵莫换将。Don't count your chickens before they are hatched。不要打如意算盘;不要过早乐观;小鸡孵出之后才算数。
Don't cross a bridge till you come to it。船到桥头自然直;勿杞人忧天。
Don't cry over spilt milk。牛奶洒了,哭也没用;不要为无法挽回的事懊恼。
Don't cut off your nose to spite your face。不要割下自己的鼻子来和脸过不去;不要和自己过不去。
Don't have too many irons in the fire。不要把太多的铁放到火炉里;不要同时做太多事;不要操之过急。
Don't judge by appearances。别以貌取人;人不可貌相。
Don't meet trouble halfway。勿杞人忧天;勿自寻烦恼。
Don't paint the lily。不要给百合花涂上颜色。
Don't put all your eggs in one basket。不要把所有的蛋放在一个篮子里;勿孤注一掷。
Don't put the cart before the horse。不要把马车放在马前;勿本末倒置。
Don't ride the high horse。不要骑高马;不要摆架子。
Don't set fire to your house to keep yourself warm。不要焚屋取暖。
Don't tell tales out of school。不要泄露秘密。
Don't wash your dirty linen in public。家丑不可外扬。
Don't wear out your welcome。莫停留太久以致不受欢迎;常客不受欢迎。
Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad。在家吃干面包,好过在外吃烤肉;在家千日好,出门事事难。
Dying men speak true。快要死的人说真话;人之将死,其言也善。

The early bird catches the worm。早起的鸟儿有虫吃;捷足先登。
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise。早睡早起使人健康、富有又聪明。
Eaiser said than done。说时容易做时难;知易行难。
East or west, home is best。东奔西跑,不如家里最好;金窝、银窝,不如自己的草窝。
Easy come, easy go。来得容易去得快。
Eat to live and not live to eat。吃饭是为了活着,活着不是为了吃饭。
Every cloud has a silver lining。乌云背后是银边;否极泰来;因祸得福。
Every couple is not a pair。两个人未必就是一对。
Every day is not holiday。不是每天都是假日。
Every dog has his day。狗也有走运的一天;凡人皆有得意日。
Every little helps。点滴都有用;积少成多。
Every man has his faults。每个人都有缺点;人非圣贤,孰能无过。
Every man has his price。人各有价;人人可以被收买。
Every man is his own worst enemy。每个人是自己最大的敌人。
Everybody's business is nobody's business。众人之事无人管;三个和尚没水喝。
Everyone to his taste。人各有所好。
Everything comes to him who waits。等待的人终必得到。
Everything has an end。所有的事情都有终结;天下无不散之筵席。
Experience is the best teacher。经验即良师。
The eye is bigger than the belly。眼大肚子小。
Faith will move mountains。信念可撼山。
A fault confessed is half redressed。承认错,就等于改正了一半;知过能改,善莫大焉。
First come, first served。先到先得,捷足先登。
First impressions are most lasting。初次印象最持久;先入为主。
First think and then speak。先想好了再发言。
A fool and his money are soon parted。愚人难聚财。
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread。天使不敢涉足的地方,愚人却冲进去;无知的人,天不怕,地不怕。
Forbidden fruit is sweetest。禁果最甜。
Forgive and forget。既往不咎。
God helps him who's willing to help himself。天助自助者。
A friend in need is a friend indeed。患难见真情;患难之交才是真朋友。
A friend to all is a friend to none。对谁都友好的人,等于对谁都不友好。
Give a fool rope enough, and he'll hang himself。任由愚人自为,他将自取灭亡。
Give a thief enough rope and he'll hang himself。多行不义必自毙。
God helps those who help themselves。天助自助者。
God is a sure paymaster。上帝绝不欠人的债。
A good beginning makes a good ending。有善始必有善终。
Good company makes short miles。良伴同行路途短。
A good dog deserves a good bone。良犬应得好骨头。
A good face needs no paint。姣好的脸毋须化妆。
Good fences make good neighbours。篱笆筑得牢,邻居处得好。
A good husband makes a good wife。夫好则妻贤。
A good name is sooner lost than won。好名声得之难,失之易。
A good tale is none the worse for being told twice。好戏不厌百回看;好故事百听不厌。

Good to begin well, better to end well。有善始很好,有善终更好。
A good wife makes a good husband。有好妻子就有好丈夫。
Good words are worth much and cost little。说好话最划算。
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence。篱笆外的草总是比较绿;外国的月亮比较圆。
Great minds think alike。英雄所见略同。
Half a loaf is better than no bread。半条面包总比没面包好;聊胜于无。
Half empty is half full。半空就是半满。
Half the world knows not how the other half lives。世界上有一半的人不知道另一半人如何生活。
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world。推摇篮的手支配世界。
Handsome is as handsome does。行为漂亮才是美;心美貌亦美。
Haste makes waste。欲速则不达。
A hasty meeting, a hasty parting。聚的匆忙散得快。
He helps little that helps not himself。连自己都帮不了的人,不会有大用处。
He laughs best who laughs last。笑到最后的人笑的最甜;别高兴得太早。
He that gains time gains all things。能争取时间,便能获得一切。
He that runs fastest gets the ring。谁跑得快,谁得奖;捷足先登。
He that runs fast will not run long。跑得快的人跑不久。
He who begins many things, finishes but few。虎头蛇尾。
He who denies all confesses all。全部否认即全部承认;欲盖弥彰。
He who hesitates is lost。迟疑者必失良机。
He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones。自己有缺点,就不应该说别人。
Health is better than wealth。健康胜于财富。
A heavy purse makes a light heart。钱袋重,心快活。
Home is home, be it ever so humble。家虽简陋,但没有一个地方比家更温暖;在家千日好,出外事事难。
Honesty is the best policy。诚实为上策。
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst。抱最好的希望,作最坏的打算。
Hope is the poor man's bread。希望是穷人的面包;穷人靠希望活下去。
Hope springs eternal in the human breast。希望永远在人的心中滋生。
A house divided against itself cannot stand。有内讧的家不能存在;家和万事兴。
If a man deceives me once, shame on him; if he deceives me twice, shame on me。人欺我一次,他可耻;欺我两次,我可耻。
If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well。如果一件事值得做,就值得做好。
If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again。再接再厉,终会成功。
If the shoe fits, wear it。如果鞋子合适,就穿吧;有则改之,无则嘉勉。
If you want a thing well done, do it yourself。欲事成当自为之。
Ill got, ill spent。悖入悖出;不义之财,不可久享。
Ill news comes apace。坏事传千里。
In for a penny, in for a pound。既已投下一便士,索性再花一英镑;一不做,二不休。
In union is strength。团结就是力量。
It is a sad heart that never rejoices。永无欢乐的心是可悲的;哀莫大于心死。
It's a small world。人生何处不相逢;冤家路窄。
It is always darkest just before the day dawns。黎明之前最为黑暗;否极泰来。
It's an ill bird that fouls its own nest。弄脏自己巢的鸟,不是好鸟;家丑不可外扬。
It's an ill wind that blows nobody good。无人得到好处的风可真是坏风;凡事皆有利有弊。
It is as well to know which way the wind blows。最好知道风吹往哪个方向;识时务者为俊杰。
It is best to be on the safe side。小心谨慎为上策。
It is better to be alone than in bad company。交恶友不如无友。
It is better to do well than to say well。说得好不如做得好。
It is better to give than to take。施比受有福。
It is easier said than done。说比做容易。
It is love that makes the world go round。爱情使世界旋转。
It is more blessed to give than to receive。施比受更有福。
It is no use crying over spilt milk。打翻牛奶,哭也没用;覆水难收。
It is too late to lock the stable when the horse has been stolen。亡羊补牢,为时已晚。
It never rains but pours。不雨则已,一雨倾盆;屋漏偏逢连夜雨;祸不单行。
It takes all sorts to make a world。世界是由各式各样的人组成的。
The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step。千里之行,始于足下;万丈高楼平地起。
Judge not a book by its cover。不能光用封面来评断一本书的好坏;不能以貌取人。
Jump once but look twice。三思而后行。
Keep something for a rainy day。未雨绸缪,有备无患。
Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open。少说话,多观察。
Keep your purse and your mouth closed。不浪费,不多言;把钱包与嘴巴闭紧。
Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs。
Kill two birds with one stone。以一石杀二鸟;一举两得。
Knowledge is power。知识就是力量。
The laborer is worthy of his hire。一分辛劳,一分收获。
The last straw breaks the camel's back。最后一根稻草,压断骆驼的背;凡事宜节制,过则必败事。
Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone。欢笑,则世界与你同乐;哭泣,则独自悲伤。
Laughter is the best medicine。笑是最好的药。
Learn to walk before you run。学跑之前先学走。
Let bygones be bygones。让过去的事成为过去;既往不咎。
304.Let sleeping dogs lie。让睡觉的狗躺着;勿惹是生非;勿打草惊蛇。
306.A light purse makes a heavy heart。钱袋轻,心沉重。
307.Like father, like son。有其父必有其子。
308.Like will to like 。物以类聚;同声相应;同气相求。
309.A little learning is a dangerous thing。一知半解最危险。
312.Live and learn。活到老,学到老;学无止境。
313.Live and let live。自己活,也让别人活;互相帮助,共存共荣。
314.Live not to eat, but eat to live。活着不是为吃,吃是为了活。
317.Long absent, soon forgotten。离久情疏。
318.The longest day must have an end。最长之日终有尽时;否极泰来。
319.The longest night will have an end。
320.Look before you leap。三思而行。
321.Love is blind。爱情是盲目的。
322.Love me, love my dog。爱我,也爱我的狗;爱屋及乌。
323.The love of money is the root of all evil。
324.Love will find a way。真情所至,金石为开。
325.Make haste slowly。要快中有慢;欲速则不达。
326.Make hay while the sun shines。有太阳时快晒草;把握时机。hay 干草
327.Make much of what you have。善于利用手边的东西。
329.Make the best of a bad job。善处逆境。
330.A man can lead a horse to the water but he cannot make him drink。师傅领进门,修行在个人。
332.A man is known by the company he keeps。观其友,知其人;物以类聚。company公司;伙伴
333.Man proposes, God disposes。某事在人,成事在天。
334.Man shall not live by bread alone。人生活不只靠面包。人活着不单靠食物(人还有灵魂,依靠上帝)。
335.Man's work lasts till set of sum; woman's work is never done。男人的工作从日出到日落,女人的工作永远做不完。
337.Many hands make light work。人多好办事;众擎易举。
338.Many heads are better than one。
341.Measure yourself by your own foot。
343.Men may promise more in a day than they will fulfill in a year。人一天内许的愿,会比一年内能实现的多。
346.Misery loves company。/Misfortunes never come singly。祸不单行。
348.A miss is as good as a mile。失之毫厘,差之千里。
350.Money begets money。钱生钱。利滚利。Money draws money。
351.Money burns a hole in the pocket。钱在口袋里烧了个洞;有钱必花光。
353.Money is the root of all evil。钱是一切罪恶的根源。
354.Money makes the mare go。有钱能使鬼推磨;金钱万能。
355. More haste, less speed。欲速则不达。
356.More than enough is too much。超过所需就是太多;过则为灾。
357.The more you have, the more you want。拥有愈多,想要愈多。
359.My son is my son till he has got him a wife, but my daughter's my daughter all the days of her life。儿子一娶妻就不再是儿子,女儿却终生是女儿。
360.Nature is the best physician。大自然是最好的医生。
361.Necessity is the mother of invention。需要为发明之母;穷则变,变则通。
363.Never answer a question until it is asked。没人问起,别先回答。
365.Never cross your bridges till you come to them。船到桥头自然直;勿杞人忧天。
366.Never do things by halves。勿半途而废。
367.Never judge by appearances。人不可貌相;勿以貌取人。
368.Never look a gift horse in the mouth。不要看别人赠送的马的嘴;不要挑剔得到的礼物。
369.Never make threats you cannot carry out。不要做不能实现的威胁;勿虚张声势。
370.Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today。今日事,今日毕。
371.Never say die。永远不要说“完了”;不要气馁。
372.Never speak ill of men behind their backs。别在背后说人坏话。
373.Never spend your money before you have it。钱到手了再花;量入为出。

374.Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you。勿自寻烦恼;勿杞人忧天。
376.No answer is also an answer。没有答案也是一种答案。
377.No gain without pain。/No pain(s), no gain(s)。不劳则无获。
378.No man is an island。没有人是个孤岛;没有人是孤立的。
379.No news is good news。没消息,就是好消息。
381.No time is like the present。现在就是最好的时光;大好时光,莫如今朝。
384.None so blind as those who won't see。没有人比不愿看的人更瞎。
385.None so deaf as those who won't hear。没有人比不愿听的人更聋。
386.Not to advance is to go back。不进则退;没有进步就是退步。
387.Nothing attempted, nothing gained。不试则一事无成;不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
388.Nothing for nothing。没钱买不到东西;天下没有免费的午餐。

⑶ 谁知道努力学习的英语名言

Time tries all.
Tomorrow never comes.
Too much knowledge makes the head bald.
Too much liberty spills all.
Too much praise is a burden.
To save time is to lengthen life.
Truth never grows old.
Turn over a new leaf.
Two heads are better than one.
Two of a trade seldom agree.
Two wrongs do not make a right.
Unity is strength.
Unpleasant advice is a good medicine.
Until all is over one's ambition never dies.
There is no royal road to learning. 学习没有捷径
While the prospects are bright, the road has twists and turns.
Man proposes, but God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。
Whatever you do, do with all your might.不管做什么,都要一心一意
Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才不过是勤奋而已。
What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave.儿时所学,终生难忘。
A man becomes learned by asking questions. 不耻下问才能有学问。
All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事总是由难而易。
Care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。
Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.
Custom makes all things easy. 有个好习惯,事事皆不难。
Doing is better than saying. 与其挂在嘴上,不如落实在行动上。
Do nothing by halves. 凡事不可半途而废。
Eat to live, but not live to eat. 人吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭。
Every man has his faults. 金无足赤,人无完人。
Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 自己的命运自己掌握。
Every minute counts. 分秒必争。
No cross, no crown. 不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。
No pleasure without pain. 没有苦就没有乐。
No pains, no gains. 没有付出就没有收获。
No rose without a thorn. 没有不带刺的玫瑰。
One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays. 百闻不如一见。
Observation is the best teacher. 观察是最好的老师。
Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。
Nothing seek, nothing find. 没有追求就没有收获。


⑷ 关于学习的英语名人名言

conceals it. (Horace, ancient Roman poet)
苦难显才华,好运隐天资。(古罗马诗人 贺拉斯)

Almost any situation---good or bad ---is affected by the attitude we bring to. (Lucius Annaus Seneca, Ancient Roman philosopher)
差不多任何一种处境——无论是好是坏——都受到我们对待处境的态度的影响。(古罗马哲学家 西尼加 L A)

Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. (Hellen Keller, American writer)
虽然世界多苦难,但是苦难总是能战胜的(美国作家 海伦·凯勒)

As fruit needs not only sunshine but cold nights and chilling showers to ripen it, so character needs not only joy but trial and difficulty to mellow it. (Hugh Black, American writer)
水果不仅需要阳光,也需要凉夜。寒冷的雨水能使其成熟。人的性格陶冶不仅需要欢乐,也需要考验和困难。(美国作家 布莱克 H)

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the freedom to choose his attitude in any given set of circumstances. (Leonhard Frand , German novelist)
我可以拿走人的任何东西,但有一样东西不行,这就是在特定环境下选择自己的生活态度的自由。(德国小说家 弗兰克 L)

Every tragedy makes heroes of common people. (Normna Stephens, American writer)
每场悲剧都会在平凡的人中造就出英雄来。(美国作家 斯蒂芬斯 N)

He who allows himself to be insulted, deserves to be. (F.C.Comford, British writer)
自己甘愿受辱的人,受污辱也活该。(英国作家 科福德 F C)

I find life an exciting business and most exciting when it is lived for others. (Helen Keller,Ameican writer)
我发现生活是令人激动的事情,尤其是为别人活着时。(美国作家 海伦·凯勒)

I wept when I was born, and every day shows why.(Jack London, American novelist)
我一生下来就开始哭泣,而每一天都表明我哭泣的原因。(美国小说家 杰克·伦敦)

If you want to live your whole life free from pain

You must become either a god or else a coupes

Consider other men's troubles

That will comfort yours

Menander, Ancient Athenian playwriter
古雅典剧作家 米南德

In this world there is always danger for those who are afraid of it. (George Bernad Shaw, British dramastist)
对于害怕危险的人,这个世界上总是 危险的。(英国剧作家 肖伯纳 G)

It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive. (William Somerset Maugham, British novelist)
说苦难能使人格得到升华,这是不确切的;幸福有时倒能做到这一点,而苦难常会使人心胸狭窄,产生复仇的心理。(英国小说家 毛姆 W S)

Let us suggest to the person in crisis that he cease concentrating so upon the dangers involved and the difficultie,and concentrate instead upon the opptunity---for there is always opportunity in crisis. (Seebohm Caroline, British physician)
让我们建议处在危机之中的人:不要把精力如此集中地放在所涉入的危险和困难上,相反而要集中在机会上——因为危机中总是存在着机会。(英国医生 卡罗琳 S)

Light troubles speak; great troubles keep silent. (Lucius Annaeus Seneneca, Ancient Roman Philosopher)
小困难,大声叫嚷;大困难,闷声不响。(古罗马哲学家 尼加 L A)

Mishaps are like knives that either serve us or cut us as we grasp them by the handle or blade.(James Russell Lowell, American poetess and critic)
灾难就像刀子,握住刀柄就可以为我们服务,拿住刀刃则会割破手。(美国女诗人、批评家 洛威尔 J R)

No one can degrade us except ourselves; that if we are worthy, no influence can defeat us. (B.T.Washington, American ecator)
除了我们自己以外,没有人能贬低我们。如果我们坚强,就没有什么不良影响能够打败我们。(美国教育家 华盛顿 B T)

No pain , no palm; no thorns , no throne ; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown. (William Penn, British admiral)
没有播种,何来收获;没有辛劳,何来成功;没有磨难,何来荣耀;没有挫折,何来辉煌。(英国海军上将 佩恩 W)

Optimists always picture themselves accomplishing their goals. (Lucius Anaeus Seneca, Ancient Roman philosopher)
乐观主义者总是想象自己实现了目标的情景。(古罗马哲学家 西尼加 L A)

Perhaps you can't control your job, but you may be able to make other changes in your life. (Alan Loy Mcginnis ,British writer)
或许你不能支配自己的工作,但你能够使生活发生转变。(英国作家 麦金尼斯 A L)

Prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth discover virtue.

Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation. (John Kennedy, American president)
从希望中得到欢乐,在苦难中保持坚韧。(美国总统 肯尼迪 J)

Sweet are the uses of adversity.(William Shakspeare,British Playwriter)
苦尽甘来。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚 W)

The chinese word for crisis is divided into two characters, one meaning danger and the other meaning opportunity. (Burejer, British writer)
中文的“危机”分为两个字,一个意味着危险,另外一个意味着机会。(英国作家 布瑞杰)

The misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never come.(James Russell Lowell, American Poetess and critic)
最难忍受的不幸是那些从未来临的不幸。(美国女诗人、评论家 洛威尔 J R)

The more you fight something, the more anxious you become ---the more you're involved in a bad pattern, the more difficult it is to escape. (Seebohm Caroline, British Physician)
你越是为了解决问题而拼斗,你就越变得急躁——在错误的思路中陷得越深,也越难摆脱痛苦。(英国医生 卡罗琳 S)

The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but what they miss. (Thomas Carlyle, British essayist and historian)
生活的悲剧不在于人们受到多少苦,而在于人们错过了什么。(英国散文家、历史学家 卡莱尔 T)

The very remembrance of my former misfortune proves a new one to me. (Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish writer)
对于过去不幸的记忆,构成了新不幸。(西班牙作家 塞万提斯 M)

Tough--minded optimists approach problems with a can-do philosophy and emerge stronger from tragedies. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Ancient Roman Philosopher)
意志坚强的乐观主义者用“世上无难事”人生观来思考问题,越是遭受悲剧打击,越是表现得坚强。(古罗马哲学家 西尼加 L A)

Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes.(H.J.Kaier, American businessman)
困难只是穿上工作服的机遇。(美国实业家 凯泽 H J)

We have all sufficient strength to enre the misfortunes of others. (La Rochefoucauld, French writer)
我们都有足够的力量来忍受别人的不幸。(法国作家 拉罗什富科)

We shall defend ourselves to the last breath of man and beast. (William II, King of England)
只要一息尚存,我们就要为保卫自己而战。(英国皇帝 威廉二世) 编
本文来自: 格言网(www.geyan123.cn) 详细出处参考: http://www.geyan123.cn/article.asp?id=8747
Look before you leap. First think, then act. 三思而后行。 It is never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,犹为未晚。 Light come, light go. 来得容易,去得快。
1.To choose time is to save time.( Francis Bacon, British philosopher )合理安排时间就是节约时间.( 英国哲学家 培根. F.)2.Time is money.( Benjamin Franklin, American president)时间就是金钱。(美国总统 富兰克林. B.)3.Something attempted, something done. -H.W.Longfellow有所尝试,就等于有所作为。 -H.W.朗费罗4.Time is a bird for ever on the wing. -T.W.Robertson时间是一只永远在飞翔的鸟。 -T.W.罗伯逊.5.He that knows little soon repeats it知识浅薄者,很快就回重复他所知的话题。6.know this will lead to knowledge. -Confucius知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 -孔子7.Ignorance is not innocence but sin. -Robert Browning无知并非纯真,而是罪恶。 -罗伯特·布朗宁8.Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. -A.Tennyson知识来了,智慧却迟迟不前。 -丁尼生9.Knowledge is one thing, virtue is another. -John Newman知识是一回事,美德是另一回事。 -约翰·纽曼10.Life is short and art is long. -Sophocles人生短暂,学术无涯。 -萨福克里斯11.Much learning shows how little mortals know. -Francis Young博学而后始知人类所知有限。 -拂朗西斯·杨12.My life is limited while knowledge is limitless. -Chuang-tze吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。 -庄子13.Our pride chiefly rests on ignorance. -Gotthold Lessing骄傲主要来自于无知。 -戈特霍尔德·莱辛14.There is no royal road to learning. -Anthony Trollope学无坦途。 -安东尼·特罗洛普15. If winter comes, can spring be far behind ?( P. B. Shelley, British poet ) 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?( 英国诗人, 雪莱. P. B.) 16.Imagination is more important than knowledge .(Albert Einstein , American scientist ) 想象力比知识更为重要。 (美国科学家 爱因斯坦. A. )17. Knowledge is power . (Francis Bacon , British philosopher ) 知识就是力量。 (英国哲学家 培根. F.)18.Life is not fair, get used to it.生活是不公平的;要去适应它。19.Follow your own course, and let people talk. 走自己的路,让人家去说吧。 -Alghieri Dante(意大利诗人但丁)

⑸ 有关学习英语的格言

1、Between today and tomorrow, there is a very long time; while you still have the spirit of the time, learn to act quickly. --gerd
2、Reading and learning, with the help of other peoples ideas and knowledge, set up their own ideas and knowledge. - Pushkin
3、You have to learn to think and then to write -Varro
4、What constitutes the biggest obstacle to learning is what we know, not what is unknown.--bernard
5、Now, I am afraid that it is not the hard life, but can not earn and understand the world I want to understand the urgent need to understand the world. Dont work for me, or die.--lomonosov
6、Youth is the time to learn wisdom, middle age is the time to put into practice.--rousseau
7、Interest in the content of the knowledge may become a learning motivation -Zankov
8、If you dont want to spend your whole life in the world, you have to study for a lifetime -Golgi

⑹ 关于英语学习的名言

Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.
Failure is success if we can learn from it.
Learning any language takes a lot of effort, but don't give up.
Other people's interference with your work is insignificant compared to the numerous interruptions you have made yourself.
If I can survive, of course I still have to learn.
Successful people learn from others, while unsuccessful people learn from themselves.
Learning must be like a bee that has picked many flowers before it can proce honey.
The way to learn a language is to practice speaking as much as possible.
Frequent success in learning may lead to greater interest in learning and improve students'self-concept as learning.
If one wants to learn something, one should first learn to be modest.

⑺ 关于学习的英语名言

1、the success of revolution hinges on profound learning. —— yat-sen


2、books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors; and the most patient of teachers. ——c.w.eliot


3、learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age. ——aristotle


4、that we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of child. ——bernard shaw


5、I would like to live to study, and not study to live. ——Bacon


⑻ 关于学习的英文名言





1、The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible. 学习一门语言的方法就是要尽量多地练习说。

2、Other people's interruptions of your work are relatively insignificant compared with the countless times you interrupt yourself. 别人对你工作的干扰与你自己无数次地打断自己相比,微不足道。

3、If you don't learn to think when you are young, you may never learn. 如果你年轻时没有学会思考,那就永远学不会思考。

4、Learning is the eye of the mind. 知识是心灵的慧眼。

5、Don't believe that winning is really everything. It's more important to stand for something. If you don't stand for something, what do you win 不要认为取胜就是一切,更重要的是要有信念。倘若你没有信念,那胜利又有什么意义呢?

6、No success in life merely happens. 人生中没有什么成功是纯粹偶然得来的。

7、The shortest answer is doing. 最简单的回答就是干。

8、Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。

9、It takes a lot of thought and effort and downright determination to be agreeable. 要做到与人融洽相处,需要仔细地思考,认真地努力和痛下决心。

10、To sensible men, every day is a day of reckoning. -J.W.Gardner对聪明人来说,每一天的时间都是要精打细算的。(www.lz13.cn)

11、good is good, but better carries it. 精益求精

12、Relax! be patient and enjoy yourself. learning foreign languages should be fun. 放松点!要有耐性,并让自己快乐!学习外语应该是乐趣无穷的。

13、Great hopes make great man. 伟大的理想造就伟大的人。

14、God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。

15、if you want to be happy, make yourself useful.让自己做一个有用的人,这样才能获得幸福。、It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do. 不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。

16、Growth in wisdom may be exactlyi measured by decrease in bitterness. 智慧的增长可用痛苦的减少来精确衡量。

17、A great man once said it is necessary to dill as much as possible, and the more you apply it in real situations, the more natural it will become. 一位伟人曾说,反复操练是非常必要的,你越多地将所学到的东西运用到实际生活中,他们就变得越自然。

18、Only the selfless can be fearless. 无私才能无畏。

19、When work is a pleasure, life is joy! When work is ty, life is slavery. 工作是一种乐趣时,生活是一种享受!工作是一种义务时,生活则是一种苦役。

20、A man should keep his friendship in constant repair. 只有经常“浇灌”,方能保持友谊长地久

21、The force of the wind tests the strength of the grass. 疾风知劲草。

22、Very often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene. 改变自己往往改变更为需要。

23、All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难后易。

24、When the night is darkest, dawn is nearest. 夜最黑时,黎明最近。

25、Learning any language takes a lot of effort. but don't give up. 学习任何语言都是需要花费很多努力,但不要放弃。

26、Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. 心之所愿,无所不成。

27、Rome wasn't built in a day. work harder and practice more. your hardworking will be rewarded by god one day. god is equal to everyone! 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。更加努力地学习,更加勤奋地操练,你所付出的一切将会得到上帝的报答,上帝是公平的。、Something attempted, something done. 有所尝试,就等于有所作为。

28、Whoever is in a hurry shows that the thing he is about is too big for him. 不管是谁,匆匆忙忙只能说明他不能从事他所从事的工作。




⑼ 关于语言学习的英文名言


Reading gives people happiness, glory and talent. ——The German collection of "Ji Ji"


Reading a good book is like making a good friend. —— Branding of Modern Zang Kejia


Reading for the rise of China. ——The modern selection of the book


The ideal book is the copper spoon of wisdom. ——Russian Lev Tolstoy's Resurrection


Books are the tools for making souls. —— Hugo, France, Miserable World


Books are the nutrients of the whole world. Without books in life, it is like no sunshine; without books in wisdom, it is like birds without wings. ——Shakespeare Osero of England


Reading and learning are the constant nourishment of thought and the infinite development of thought. —— Russian Goncharov's Ordinary Story


I threw myself on books like a hungry man on bread. —— Soviet Union Gorky's Childhood


Reading all good books means talking to many noble people. —— French Descartes'Methodology


Reading a good book is like talking to a noble person.——The Troubles of Young Witt by Goethe, USA

⑽ 关于学习的英语名言

All for one, one for all.
人人为我,我为人人。—— [法] Dumas pére大仲马
Other men live to eat, while I eat to live.
别人为食而生存,我为生存而食。—— Socrates 苏格拉底
Easy come, easy go.
易得者亦易失。 —— Hazlitt赫斯特
Love rules his kingdom without a sword.
爱,统治了他的王国,不用一枝利剑。—— Herbert 赫伯特
We soon believe what we desire.
我们欲望中的东西,我们很快就信以为真。—— Chaucer乔叟
The darkest hour is that before the dawn.
黎明前的时分是最黑暗的。—— Fuller 富勒
The longest day has an end.
最难过的日子也有尽头。—— Howell 贺韦尔
Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.
生活而无目标,犹如航海之无指南针。—— J. Ruskin 鲁斯金
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
手中的一只鸟胜于林中的两只鸟。—— Heywood 希伍德
One swallow does not make a summer.
一燕不成夏。—— Taverner 泰维纳
A man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make it drink.
一个人可以把马带到河边,但他不能令它饮水。 —— Heywood 希伍德
One cannot eat one’s cake and have it.
一个人不能把他的糕饼吃掉之后还留在手上。 —— Davies 戴维斯
Time is money.
时间就是金钱。—— Benjamin Franklin富兰克林
Time and tide wait for no man.
时间不等人。—— Scott 斯科特
There is no rose without a thorn.
没有玫瑰花是不长刺的。—— Ray 雷
Lookers-on see most of the game.
旁观者清。—— Smedley 斯密莱
Beggars cannot be choosers.
行乞者不得有选择。—— Heywood 希伍德
First catch your hare.
首先必须捕获兔子,然后才能宰之。—— Thackeray 萨克雷
Victory won’t come to me unless I go to it.
胜利是不会向我走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。—— M. Moore 穆尔
A great man is always willing to be little.
伟大的人物总是愿意当小人物的。—— R. W. Emerson 爱默生
Cowards die many times before their deaths.
懦夫在未死之前,已身历多次死亡的恐怖了。 —— Julius Caesar 凯撒
Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real.
但凡人能想象到的事物,必定有人能将它实现。 —— Jules Verne 凡尔纳
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
早睡早起使人健康、富裕又聪明。—— Benjamin Franklin 富兰克林
Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind.
生活只是由一系列下决心的努力所构成。—— T. Fuller 富勒
Goals determine what you are going to be.
目标决定你将成为为什么样的人。—— Julius Erving欧文
All human wisdom is summed up in two words ?C wait and hope.
人类所有的智慧可以归结为两个词 — 等待和希望。—— Alexandre Dumas Pére大仲马(法国作家)
It is not enough to be instrious, so are the ants. What are you instrious for?
光勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁也是勤劳的。要看你为什么而勤劳。—— H. D. Thoreau梭罗
You have to believe in yourself. That’s the secret of success.
人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。—— Charles Chaplin卓别林
Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom.
没有什么比独立自由更可宝贵的了。—— [越南] Ho Chi Minh胡志明

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