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发布时间: 2021-03-09 23:51:44

⑴ 十条校规用英语说

1.don't pick litter.2.don'tshout at teachers. 3.don't fight with each other. 4. don't buy some snacks5.don't destroy glasses

⑵ 我们学校的校规英语60字

Our School Rules
1、 We don't walk on the grass. 不踩踏草坪
2、 We don't pick flowers. 不随意摘花
3、We don't destroy our tables and chairs. 不毁坏公物
4、We can't fight in the school. 不打架
5、We can't throw things in the school. 不乱丢垃圾
6、谈吐文明Talk civilization
7、不大声喧哗Not talking loudly
8、We should keep the classrooms clean and tidy every day. 保持教室卫生
9、We should respect each other. 尊重他人
10、No smoking at school. 不得在校园内吸烟。
11、We can't run in the school aisles. 不在走廊里跑动
Be friendly with each other, despise him whoever talks dirty or uses violence.
Your behavior is ecation, under all the supervision, students are welcomed to report any misconct of teacher.

⑶ 关于校规的英语句子带翻译

Don't eat in the classroom.上学不要迟到
Attend classes on time.按时上课
Wear a school uniform.穿校服
Not eating in the classroom.不在教室里吃东西
Don’t wear a hat in the classroom.不要在教里戴帽子。

⑷ 关于校规的英语作文,简单一些的不少于8句话

there are many rules in our schools, and i hate them. We have to wear uniform when you are at school. And we must get up at 6:00 because of the morning exercise. Also, we cannot have our own cellphone. If we got sick or something, we need to tell the teacher then we cannot go out of school to buy the medicine. I don't like it, it's like we live in a prison.

⑸ 用英语写15条校规和家规10条

1 Wear uniforms everday 每天都要穿制服
2 Don't take your phones to school 别带你们的手机上学
3 Don't be late 不要迟到
4 Don't talk in class 不要在课堂上说话
5 Don't eat in class 不要在课堂上吃东西
6 Help each other 互相帮助
7 Finish your schoolwork on time 及时完成你的作业
8 Wear your sport shoes in gym class 上体育课要穿运动鞋
9 Finish your work by yourself 做你自己的作业
10 Don't fight with others 不要打架
11 Don't run or shout in the classrooms 不要在教室跑或叫喊
12 Try to answer teacher's questions 尝试回答老师的问题
13 Discuss questions with your groups 和你的群组讨论问题
14 Study hard 刻苦学习
15 Be polite 要有礼貌
1 Don't go out on school nights 上学夜不要外出
2 Don't play computer games on school nights 上学夜不要玩游戏
3 Don't get up late on school mornings 上课别迟到
4 Don't watch TV on school nights 上学夜不能看电视
5 Don't meet your friends on school nights 上学夜不要见你的朋友
6 Don't stay up late on school nights 上学夜不要太晚睡
7 Wash your clothes on weekends 在周末的时候要洗你的衣服
8 Help with housework when you're free 有时间的时候要帮忙做家务
9 Be friendly to your family members 对你的家人要友善
10 Take care of yourself 多多保重自己

⑹ 用英文写出校规10条!急阿,英语高手来帮忙

..- -你是不是做8B牛津教材P57页的练习啊,我也做的.- -刚完成...

⑺ 求一些用英语写的校规,班规,越多越好! 要有中文意思

you should not drink beer.你不能喝酒 you should not smork.你不能抽烟 you must wear school unimfor.你必须穿校服

⑻ 用英语写出20条校规

1st, does not have to be in love 2 in the campus
, does not have to destroy public property 3 in the campus
, must cherish the campus flowers and plants trees
4, must understand cared about schoolmate
5, saw teacher wants to greet
6, pays great attention to the measuring appliance.Student everybody wears the school sign, members all Dai Tuanwei
7, the hard work and plain living.Lives thriftily, does not parade one's wealth, not randomly spends; The cherishing grain, saves the water and electricity.
8th, does not have to skip classes, plays hooky, ditches school
9, is filial piety the parents.
10th, manner civilization,

⑼ 用英语写十条校规

校规(School Rule)
1、 We don't walk on the grass.
2、 We don't pick flowers.
3、We don't destroy our tables and chairs.
4、We can't fight in the school.
5、We can't throw things in the school.
6、We can't speak other people swearword.
7、We should comity in the class.
8、We should keep the classrooms clean and tidy every day.
9、We should respect each other.
10、We shouldn't take any toys in the school.
11、We shouldn't take any foods in the school.
12、We shouldn't play dangerous games.
13、We can't run in the school aisles.
14、We can't spit saliva in the school.
15、We should observe school discipline.
16、We shouldn't pilfer things in the school.

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