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发布时间: 2021-02-27 12:43:26

❶ 专八的翻译要怎样提高

第一 翻译中遵循的标准
忠于文章原文的内容,也包括思想、感情、风格等,即把原文完整、准确地在译文中表达出来, 且译文风格上应与原文保持一致
译文的用词应正确得体, 行文流畅,复核目标语的表达习惯,没有逐字逐句的死译货生搬硬套,不会因僵化的“翻译腔”而使译文读起来晦涩难懂,译文语言自然、达意,具有可读性。
第二 理解和表达
一:理解原文-------忠实 理解是表达的前提,没有正确的理解就没有正确的表达。考生应该理解原文中的词法和句法结构、修辞手法,以及原文中涉及的文化背景知识等。
如:(1)我的导师是亚裔人,嗜烟好酒 (1997)。
[原译] My advisor, an Asian, was addicted to alcohols and cigarettes.
[改译] My advisor, an Asian American, was addicted to alcohols and cigarettes.
(2) Among prominent summer deaths, one recalls those of Marilyn Monroe and James Dean, whose lives seemed equally brief and complete.
(3) We sometimes fall in with persons who have much of the world, and of the men who, in their day, have played a conspicuous part in it, but who generalize nothing, and have no observation, in the sense of the word.
有时候我们遇到的一些人,这些人涉世很深, 也见过那些春风得意时曾在世上轰轰烈烈干过一番事业的人物,然而他们对什么都不善于归纳,也没有真正的观察力。
(4) John is a bull in a china shop. 约翰是个好闯祸的人
1) 联系上下文确定词语的含义
2) 字词的表达要有分寸,不能随意发挥;要注意词义的褒贬性,切忌无尺度删减。
3) 用活用词典,决不可生搬硬套。
4) 在准确传达原文信息的同时要恰当体现原文风格。
例:(1) Death in old age is rarely called untimely—a long life is thought to be a full one. (2000) [原译] 老年人到年纪很老了才死很少被认为死的不是时候,因为人们一般认为长寿着圆满。 [改译] 老年人因年迈而终很少被认为死不逢时,因为人们一般认为长寿意味着生命的圆满。
(2) Reagan has succeeded more than any president since John F. Kennedy in projecting a broad vision of America—a nation of renewed military strength, indivial initiative, and smaller federal government.(1996)
(3) 我认为最好的钓鱼场所不是舒适的、给你准备好饿鱼的垂钓园,而是那极其有吸引力的大自然野外天成的场所。(2001) To me, the ideal place for fishing are not the cozy fishing gardens, where hungry fish is in store, but the most fascinating natural places.
(4) 旅游搭台,经贸唱戏,形成本市独特的经济开发格局。
The city’s economy should be developed into a pattern of its own features with tourism paving the way for economy and trade as the activities.
本题的难点是译出原文中的比喻,“搭台”和“唱戏”,直译为:…with tourism as the stage and economy and trade as the actors”,这让没看原文的读者感到费解,实际则为“搭台”为打前站,“唱戏”为主要工作。舍型取义
第三 直译和意译
(1) With the faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to the jail together, to stand up for freedom together.
(2) Seeing that this lady was dressed entirely in white silk and her charm was such as to overthrow cities and kingdoms, General Zilong asked Fan, his advisor, “Who is she?”
子龙见妇人身穿缟素, 有倾国倾城之色,乃问范曰:“此乃何人也?”(罗贯中《三国演义》第52回)
(3) It is essential to persist in using methods as a drizzle and as gentle as a breeze, and adhere to the formula of “unity-criticism-unity”, in dealing with contradictions among the people.
(1)One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. 一个和尚有水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。
(2)My rest might have beenblissful enough, only a sad heart broke it. It plained of its gaping wounds, its inward bleeding, its riven chords. It trembled for Mr. Rochester and his doom; it bemoaned him with bitter pity; it demanded him with ceaseless longing; and, important as a bird with both wings broken, it still quivered its shattered pinions in vain attempts to seek him.
Blissful: very happy; full of joy
Plain: complain抱怨; 哀悼
Rive:split or tear apart violently

❷ 英语专八翻译

Charles Bogan, the firm's senior partner and its iron hand, had insisted the money be wired from its source into a new account, and this made sense after some discussion.
该公司的高级合伙人、铁腕人物查尔斯•博根(Charles Bogan)曾坚称,这笔钱将从源头汇内入一个新账户,容经过一番讨论后,这是有道理的。

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