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发布时间: 2021-02-12 13:55:11

1. 金银岛电影中的台词7~10句,一定要中文和英文并存的


Parents' words are not trusted, happy home is not love.


My pocket watch is broken. It's just a personal matter. The big clock in the church tower was broken and the whole parish was held up.


Sudden surprise like sadness, also make people for a time to bear.


I have nothing, but I'm still alive.


All the good things in the world do us no good except to use them.


All things in the world, only the useful, is the most precious.


The fear of danger is ten thousand times more terrible than the danger itself.

2. 《金银岛》经典中英好句10句

1)描写人物外貌的词语 虎头虎脑 眉清目秀 面红耳赤 白净柔嫩 满面红光 满头银发 目光炯炯 双目如潭 火眼金睛 浓眉大眼 慈眉善目 气宇轩昂 高大魁梧 英姿飒爽 衣着得体 (2)描写人物表情的词语 眉开眼笑 破涕为笑 捧腹大笑 笑逐颜开 满面春风 洋洋得意 和颜悦色 悠然自得 容光焕发 神采飞扬 气势汹汹 神情沮丧 愁眉苦脸 没精打采 泪流满面 (3)描写人物心情的词语 心花怒放 满心欢喜 归心似箭 心旷神怡 心潮起伏 心悦诚服 心事重重 忧心忡忡 心如刀绞 悲痛欲绝 怒火中烧 心惊胆战 心慌意乱 心急如焚 心灰意冷 我们在河边急三火四地脱光衣服,扑进小河里,立刻开始打水战,追逐嬉戏了。你看,我们分两队,一队为“敌人”一队另是“红军”。一双双小手掌把水往对方泼去,泼得人人脸上满是晶莹的水珠。水把眼睛弄模糊了,我们便各自退到一边,用手拭去,然后再猛烈“进攻”。整个小河立时一片喧哗,叫喊声,欢笑声此伏彼起,汇成了快活的交响曲。水仗打累了,就在河里追逐嬉戏。一个追,一个跑,在水里穿来钻去,小身子像条泥鳅一样滑,怎么也抓不到。河面上的欢歌笑语,在和两岸远远的荡开了。 我们这些小淘气会不顾家长的再三忠告,三五成群来到小石湾,脱下裤头,赤条条地钻进水里。又是扎猛子,又是竖蜻蜓,又是打水仗,翻江倒海,一个个像小泥鳅似的,在水里追来逐去,又喊又叫,玩耍嬉戏,真有说不出的惬意。

3. 金银岛英语经典语句

We're not always the men who hopes we would be.

4. 金银岛介绍(英文版)


The story is told in the first person by Jim Hawkins, whose mother kept the Admiral Benbow Inn, and who shared in the adventures from start to finish. An old sea dog comes to this peaceful inn one day, apparently intending to finish his life there. He hires Jim to keep a watch out for other sailors, but despite all precautions, he is hunted out and served with the black spot that means death. Jim and his mother barely escape death when Blind Pew, Black Dog, and other pirates descend on the inn in search of the sea dog’s papers. Jim snatches up a packet of papers to square the sailor’s debt, when they were forced to retreat from the inn. The packet contains a map showing the location of the pirate Flint’s buried treasure, which Jim, Doctor Livesey, and Squire Trelawney determine to find. Fitting out a ship, they hire hands and set out on their adventure. Unfortunately, their crew includes one-legged Long John Silver, a pirate also in search of the treasure, and a number of his confederates. Jim, hidden in an apple barrel, overhears the plans of the crew to mutiny, and he warns his comrades. The battle between the pirates and Jim’s party is an exciting and bloody one, taking place both on the island and aboard ship. Jim escapes from the ship, discovers the marooned sailor, Ben Gunn, who has already found and cached the treasure, and finally the victors get safely aboard the ship with the treasure.


5. 金银岛中句子中英对照



"People are not afraid of defeat, I am afraid crush."
"Life is not to in order to be defeated, can be destroyed, but can not be defeated." (The classic one)
"Gangcha the elderly in his right hand held high, it Yuechu surface in the moment, to make every effort to throw to the heart of it, the end of the big fish out the whine of life, it quietly floating in the water……"
"Happy to little things! Old guy," he said: every one minute, you closer to home, lost 40 pounds fish you voyage to the more lighthearted.
He no longer dreamed turmoil, the women no longer dream, the dream is not great, no longer dreamed big fish, no longer dreamed fighting, not dreamed wrestling, no longer dreamed of his wife.
Now he only dreamed of some localities and the lions on the beach. In the twilight of their general Xishua like a kitten, he loved them, as this child the same love

Fish ah, 'he said gently Chusheng,' and I Fengpei you to death. '
They (scar) as a fish to play in the erosion of desert where the ancient general.
He was all the more ancient, in addition to Nashuang eyes, as they generally blue sea, is the happy and refused to admit defeat.
He dreamed that the long yellow beach, the first head to see the lion in the evening came to the beach, and then also to the other lions, his sense of the chin left the template in the bow, the ship anchored into the parked there, Wanfeng blowing off, he has no more waiting to see the lion to feel happy.
The other end of the main roads in the elderly Wopeng, he fell asleep. He still facing lying under, the children sitting next to him, he Shouzhuo. The elderly are dreamed Lions.
"But this is not fair, he would like to, but I let him know how many people capability, the number of people to enre hardships.
'And I said that from a child, I was an unusual Lao Touer,' he said. 'Now is the time to confirm this,. '
He has been confirmed to have more than 1,000, is not really what. Now he just another confirmation of a return. Each time the four have re-started, he doing so, has never been not to think about the past. "

6. 《金银岛》英语版读书笔记怎么写


7. 金银岛好句

We sailed at the first light of day.I was more tired than ever before,but everything was so new and interesting I would not leave the deck.
But soon the sails began to fill with wind,and the land and other ships moved past on each side.The Hispaniola had begun her voyage to Treasure Island.
We had come so far to find this.Already it had cost the lives of seventeen men from the Hispaniola.And how many others?How many ships had gone to the bottom of the sea?How many brave men had been murdered for this?Perhaps no man alive could tell.
Captain Smollett no longer goes to sea.Gray saved his money and is now half-owner and captain of a fine ship.Ben Gunn got a thousand pounds which he spent or lost in three weeks,then he came begging and was given a job as a gatekeeper.
Of Silver we have heard no more.That frightening seaman with one leg has.gone out of my lift.I will never return to Treasure Island,but in my worst dreams I still hear the sharp,high scream of Captain Flint the parrot:‘Pieces of eight!Pieces of eight!’
至于西尔弗,我们没有再听到有关他的任何消息.那个可怕的独腿海员总算从我的生活中消失了.我永远不会再回到金银岛上,但在我的噩梦中常常响起那只叫弗林特船长的鹦鹉那尖厉的叫声:“八个里亚尔!八个里亚尔!” 他身材高大,结实而笨重,皮肤经风吹日晒成了栗壳色.他穿着一件沾满灰尘的蓝外套,黑糊糊的辫子垂落在肩膀上.他的双手青筋暴露,布满了伤疤,黑黑的指甲也残缺不全;一侧的脸颊上留有一道灰色的刀疤.

8. 金银岛英文生词

‘Did any of you gentlemen want to argue with me?’ Silver.‘Well,I'm ready.Let him take a knife,and I'll see the colour of his inside!’
Not a man answered.I listened to my heart beating.Silver waited calmly,his pipe in his mouth,as he watched his followers.Slowly,they got together at the far end of the house and whispered to each other.
‘We'll go outside and talk,’replied one man.And he stepped calmly towards the door and disappeared out of the house.One after another,the rest of the men did the same.
‘They're going to kill you,Jim,’said Silver when the two of us were alone,‘and they're going to stop me being their captain.When I looked into that bay and saw the ship was gone,I knew it was all over.Now,I'll save your life,if I can,but it must be a bargain----you must save Long John from dying under the law.’
‘There's trouble coming,Jim,’he said.‘And talking of trouble,why did the doctor give me the map?’
I stared at him in great surprise.Why indeed?
‘Well,he did,’Silver went on.‘And that's strange.’
The door opened and the five pirates came in.They pushed one man forward and he gave something to Silver.
The sea cook looked at what the man had given him.‘The black spot!’he said.He turned the paper over.‘What's this?No longer captain.You're becoming quite a leading man in this crew,George Merry.You'll be cap’n next,I suppose.But tell me what's wrong.’
‘I'll tell you what's wrong!’said George.‘First,you made too many mistakes on this trip.Second,you let the enemy out of this trap for nothing.And then there's this boy.’
‘Well,I'll answer you,’said Silver.‘You all know what I wanted but you wouldn't listen,would you?In my plan,we'd be on the Hispaniola now,every dead man alive and the treasure on ship,by thunder!Next,this boy.Well,we'll use him to bargain with.He might be our last chance.And the doctor?You've been glad enough to have a doctor coming to see you every day----you,John,with your head broken…or you,George,sick and shaking with fever only a few hours ago.I made a bargain,that's why I let’em go!’He threw a piece of paper on to the floor.It was the map with the three crosses.
The pirates jumped on it like cats upon a mouse.
You tell me,George!’shouted Silver.‘You and the others lost the ship;I found the treasure.But I'll not be your captain any longer!’
‘Silver for cap’n!’shouted the pirates.
After a moment,the sea cook smiled.‘George,’he said.‘I think you'll have to wait a while before you get another chance to be captain.’
Early in the morning Dr Livesey came to the stockade.
‘We've a surprise for you,doctor,’Silver called out.‘We've a little stranger here.’
The doctor was now inside the stockade.‘Not Jim?’
‘The very same Jim,’said Silver.
The doctor stopped.‘Well,well,’he said.Then he went on,Let's see these sick men of yours,Silver.’
A moment afterwards,he entered the house.With one look at me,he went to his work among the sick.‘Well,that's done,’he said,after visiting each man.‘And now I'd like to talk to that boy,please.’
‘Silence!’shouted Silver.‘Hawkins,’he went on in his usual voice,‘will you promise not to escape?’I gave the promise.‘Then,doctor,’said Silver,‘you just step outside that stockade,and when you're there,I'll bring the boy down on the inside.You can talk through the fence.’
The men's anger exploded after the doctor left the house,and they accused Silver of trying to make a separate peace for himself.Silver waved the map in front of them and told them they were stupid.
‘By thunder!’he cried.‘We'll break the peace when the right time comes----and that's not now!’And then he walked out on his crutch,his hand on my shoulder.‘Slowly,boy,’he whispered to me.‘We don't want to worry them.’
Dr Livesey was waiting outside the stockade.‘The boy will tell you how I saved his life,’Silver said through the fence.‘Will you say a good word for me?’
‘I don't like the idea of dying by the law,’said Silver.‘And now I'll leave you and Jim alone.’
‘So,Jim,’said the doctor,‘here you are.I'm disappointed in you.You went away when Captain Smollett was wounded,which wasn't a brave thing to do.’
‘Doctor,’I cried,‘I've blamed myself enough.’
‘Jim,’said the doctor,his voice changed.‘Jim,I can't have this.Jump over and we'll run!’
‘No,’I said.‘I promised Silver I wouldn't escape,and I must go back.But listen,I took the ship and she's in North Inlet,on the beach.’
‘The ship!’cried the doctor.
I told him my story and he listened in silence Then he said,‘It's you that saves our lives,Jim,and now we'll save yours.Silver!’he called,then as the cook came nearer,said,‘Some Advice----don't hurry to find that treasure.If you do,watch out for storms.’
‘What's the game,doctor?’said Silver.‘Why did you give me the map?’
‘I can't say more,’said the doctor.‘It's not my secret to tell.But if we both get out of this alive,Silver,I'll do my best to save you.Now,keep the boy close beside you,and when you need help,shout for it.’
Then Dr Livesey hurried off into the wood.
The ship and its men
We went out to the His paniola in a small boat. Mr Ar-row met us, and it was clear that he and the squire were very friendly .But things were not the same between Mr Trelawney and the captain. Captain Smollett seemed angry with everybody on board, and told us why.
I don't like this voyage,’he told us.‘I don't like the men, and I don't like my first officer.’
‘Perhaps ,sir ,you don't like the ship?’said the squire ,an-grily.
‘I can't say that ,sir ,as I haven't yet sailed her, replied the captain.‘She seems a good ship.’
‘Possibly, sir, you don't like your employer either? said the squire.
‘Now, now, let's not argue,’ said Dr Livesey. He turned to the captain.‘You say you don't like this voyage,’ he said.‘Please explain.’
‘I was employed, sir,’said the captain,‘on secret orders ,and to sail this ship where that gentleman ordered me to sail it. Now I find every other man on this ship knows more than I do .I don't call that fair, do you?’
‘Next,’said the captain, I learn we are going to look for treasure-hear it from my own crew! Now, I don't like trea-sure voyages at the best of times, and I certainly don't like them when they are secret. Also, a captain is usually allowed to choose his own crew.’
‘That's true, ’agreed the doctor.‘And you don't like Mr Arrow?’
‘No, sir, ’replied Captain Smollett.‘He's too friendly with the crew.’
‘Tell us what you want, ’said the doctor.
‘First of all, the men are putting the powder and weapons in the front of the ship,’said the captain.‘Now, you have a good place under the cabin .Why not put them there ?Second, you are bringing four of your own people. Let them sleep here be- side the cabin.’
‘What else?’asked Mr Trelawney.
‘Only one thing, sir, ’said the captain.‘There's been too much talking already. I'll tell you what I've heard. That you have a map of an island; that there's crosses on the map to show where treasure is; and that the island is-’Then he told us the exact place.
‘I never told that to anyone!’cried the squire.
‘The crew know it, sir,’replied the captain.‘I don't know who has this map, but I want it to be kept secret ,even from me and Mr Arrow. If not ,I will ask you to let me leave the ship.’
‘You want us to keep all this a secret,’said the doctor,‘and you want all the weapons and powder to be kept near us. In other words ,you fear a mutiny.’
‘I did not say that ,sir,’replied Captain Smoll ett.‘No cap-tain could go to sea believing that.’And he went away.
‘ Trelawney, said the doctor, I believe you have managed to get two honest men on board-that man ,and John Silver.’
‘Silver, yes,’ said the squire, ‘but the captain acts neither like a man, nor a good seaman!’
‘Well,’ said the doctor,‘ we shall see.’
We were moving the weapons and powder when Long John came aboard. The cook came up the side as quick as a monkey and saw what we were doing.
‘What's this?’he wanted to know.
‘My orders,’said the captain, coldly.‘You may go below, my man .The crew will want supper.’
‘Yes ,sir,’said the cook, and disappeared quickly.
‘That's a good man, captain,’said the doctor.
‘That may be ,sir ,replied Captain Smollett.

The man of the island
But almost immediately I ran into a new danger.As I ran, I heard some small stones falling from the side of a steep hill. I stopped to look round, and saw a figure jump quickly behind a tree.Frightened, I turned back towards the boats, but the figure appeared again and moved with the speedof an animal. But it was a man, I knew that now.
I remembered I had a pistol if I needed it, and turned back towards this man of the island. He was hiding behind another tree but stepped out to meet me.
‘Who are you ?I asked, staring at him.
‘Ben Gunn ,’he answered, and his voice sounded rough andstrange .His skin was burnt nearly black by the sun and his clothes were made from pieces of a ship's sail.‘Poor Ben Gunn,’he went on.‘Alone for three years.’
‘Were you shipwrecked?’I asked.
‘No ,my friend,’he said.‘Marooned.’
I had heard the word before, and knew it meant a cruel pun-ishment often used by pirates-leaving a man alone on some distant, empty island.
‘Marooned three years, he continued,‘ living on wild goats and fish. But I'm desperate for real English food. You don't have a piece of cheese, do you? Many nights I've dreamed of cheese.’
‘If I can get on board ship again, ’I said, ‘you can have as much cheese as you want.’
‘Who's going to prevent you?’he said.‘And tell me your name.
‘Well, Jim,’he said, looking around and lowering his voice to a whisper, ‘I'm rich.’I was now sure the poor man was crazy ,but he repeated his words.‘Rich, I say! Now ,Jim ,that isn't Flint's ship, is it?’
I began to think that I had found a friend, and I answered him at once.‘It's not Flint's ship. Flint is dead, but there are some of Flint's men aboard, and that's bad news for us.’
‘He's the cook, and their leader ,too.’ And I told him the whole story of our voyage, and the danger we were now in.
‘You're in trouble, Jim,’he said when I'd finished.‘Well, Ben Gunn will help you. Will your squire be generous if I do, do you think? I don't want him to give me a job, but will he give me one thousand pounds out of money that's really mine?’
‘I'm sure he will,’I said.
‘And take me home on your ship?’
‘If we can escape from the others,’I told him,‘we'll need your help to get the ship home.’
He seemed happy with this.‘I was in Flint's ship when he and six seamen hid the treasure,’he said.‘They were on shore nearly a week,then Flint came back alone.Not a man on board could guess how he had killed the others.Then I was in another ship,three years ago,and we saw this island.“Boys,”I said,“let's go ashore and find Flint's treasure.”Twelve days we searched,and the men got angrier with me every day.Then they went back to the ship.“Ben Gunn,”they said,“you can stay here and find Flint's money.Here's a gun,a spade and an axe.”Well,Jim,I've been here for three years,and no real food from that day to this.But I've found things to do,oh yes!’Here he closed one eye and smiled at me.‘Now go to your squire and tell him Ben Gunn is a good man.
‘I will,’I said,‘but how will I get on board?’
‘There's my boat that I made with my two hands,’he said.‘I keep her under the white rock.We might try that after dark.’
Although there was another hour before the sun went down,we suddenly heard the sound of the ship's gun.
‘They've begun to fight!’I cried.‘Follow me.’

9. 金银岛英文简介


"Treasure Island" is a novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson, a British novelist. It tells the story of Jim, a young Englishman in the mid-18th century, who got the legendary treasure map from the dying sailor Burns and organized an expedition to Treasure Island with the support of local squires.

He fought pirates wisely with Gunn people and eventually put an end to the story of the rebellion and the successful acquisition of the treasure.








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