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发布时间: 2021-02-05 13:40:30

㈠ 斯宾塞爱情 十四行诗 七十五首 赏析

诗人通过恰到好处的比喻提出一个关于爱的问题并且找到成功解决的途径。诗中描写一个男人在海边的沙滩上写着爱人的名字,可是他留下的字迹被海浪洗去。男人与大海在较量。爱人嘲弄他的徒劳无功,妄图把尘世间的东西变为永恒,说某一天她也会像那被海水冲去的名字一样的化为乌有,死亡无法避免。男人以诗末尾对句巧妙的回答了恋人的疑问。诗人认为他的诗中会留住女孩美德,万物都会消亡只有他们的爱世代流传。“我们的爱将长存” 或许诗人暗示他和恋人会结合,养儿育女,这样他们的爱就生生不息地传承下去了。就得到永恒。相信诗歌有力量使人不朽——成为文艺复兴时期的运用广泛的主题之一。

Sonnet 75 十四行诗第七十五
Edmund Spenser 斯宾塞
One day I wrote her name on the strand, 拟把芳名沙上雕,
But came the waves and washed it away: 怎奈潮袭立时消。
Agayne I wrote it with a second hand, 挥笔再战不停手,
But came the tyde, and made my paynes his pray. 恶浪重卷夸功高。
"Vayne man," sayd she, "that doest in vaine assay, 伊人笑我太痴拗,
A mortall thing so to immortalize, “试将凡物化不朽,
For I my selve shall lyke to this decay, 肉体凡胎犹且逝,
And eek my name bee wyped out lykewize." 小字岂能沙上留?”
"Not so," quod I, "let baser things devize, “余者俗物逝不惜,
To dy in st, but you shall live by fame: 唯汝美名与天齐,
My verse your vertues rare shall eternize, 旷世令德存此诗,
And in the heavens wryte your glorious name. 将汝芳名传万世。
Where whenas death shall all the world subdew, 来日万物归尘土,
Our love shall live, and later life renew." 此情此爱生生复。”

㈡ Make a comparison between sonnet18 by William Shakespeareand sonnet75by Edmund Spenser.


㈢ 求助!!莎士比亚的Sonnet 18英文赏析,要短篇的…

Shakespeare - Sonnet 18 This sonnet is by far one of the most interesting poems in the book. Of Shakespeare's sonnets in the text, this is one of the most moving lyric poems that I have ever read. There is great use of imagery within the sonnet. This is not to say that the rest of the poems in the book were not good, but this to me was the best, most interesting, and most beautiful of them. It is mainly e to the simplicity and loveliness of the poem抯 praise of the beloved woman that it has guaranteed its place in my mind, and heart.The speaker of the poem opens with a question that is addressed to the beloved, "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" This question is comparing her to the summer time of the year. It is ring this time when the flowers are blooming, trees are full of leaves, the weather is warm, and it is generally thought of as an enjoyable time ring the year. The following eleven lines in the poem are also dedicated to similar comparisons between the beloved and summer days. In lines 2 and 3, the speaker explains what mainly separates the young woman from the summer's day: she is "more lovely and more temperate." (Line 2) Summer's days tend toward extremes: they are sometimes shaken by "rough winds" (line3) which happens and is not always as welcoming as the woman. However in line 4, the speaker gives the feeling again that the summer months are often to short by saying, "And summer抯 lease hath too short a date." In the summer days, the sun, "the eye of heaven" (line 5), often shines "too hot," or too dim, "his gold complexion dimmed" (line 6), that is there are many hot days ring the summer but soon the sun begins to set earlier at night because autumn is approaching. Summer is moving along too quickly for the speaker, its time here needs to be longer, and it also means that the chilling of autumn is coming upon us because the flowers will soon be withering, as "every fair from fair sometime declines." (Line 7) The final portion of the sonnet tells how the beloved differs from the summer in various respects. Her beauty will be one that lasts forever, "Thy eternal summer shall not fade." (Line 9), and never end or die. In the couplet at the bottom, the speaker explains how that the beloved's beauty will accomplish this everlasting life unlike a summer. And it is because her beauty is kept alive in this poem, which will last forever. It will live "as long as men can breathe or eyes can see." (Line 13)On the surface, the poem is on the surface simply a statement of praise about the beauty of the beloved woman and perhaps summer to the speaker is sometimes too unpleasant with the extremes of windiness and heat that go along with it. However, the beloved in the poem is always mild and temperate by her nature and nothing at all like the summer. It is incidentally brought to life as being described as the "eye of heaven" with its "gold complexion". The imagery throughout the sonnet is simple and attainable to the reader, which is a key factor in understanding the poem. Then the speaker begins to describe the summer again with the "darling buds of May" giving way to the " summer抯 lease", springtime moving into the warmth of the summer. The speaker then starts to promise to talk about this beloved, that is so great and awing that she is to live forever in this sonnet. The beloved is so great that the speaker will even go as far as to say that, "So long as men breathe, or eyes can see," the woman will live. The language is almost too simple when comparing it to the rest of Shakespeare抯 sonnets; it is not heavy with alliteration or verse, and nearly every line is its own self-contained clause, almost every line ends with some punctuation that effects a pause. But it is this that makes Sonnet18 stand out for the rest in the book. It is much more attainable to understand and it allows for the reader to fully understand how great this beloved truly is because she may live forever in it. An important theme of the sonnet, as it is an important theme throughout much of the poetry in general, is the power of the speaker's poem to defy time and last forever. And so by doing this it is then carrying the beauty of the beloved down to future generations and eventually for al of eternity. The beloved's "eternal summer" shall not fade precisely because it is embodied in the sonnet: "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see," (line 13) the speaker writes in the couplet, "So long lives this, and this gives life to thee."(Line 14) With this the speaker is able to accomplish what many have done in poetry and that is to give the gift of an eternal life to someone that they believe is special and outshines everyone else around them. Perhaps it is because of a physical beauty that the speaker see, but I believe that it is more because of the internal beauty as seen in line 2, "Thou art more lovely and more temperate", that the beloved is deserving to live on forever.

㈣ 求 莎士比亚 sonnet 18 英文赏析或评论 200个单词以内






来源:(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_48700af001000c9i.html) - Sonnet18赏析_victoria_新浪博客

㈤ 赏析莎士比亚第十八首十四行诗的内容形式,分几节,突出表达了什么意义

莎士比亚的十四行诗之所以吸引了古往今来的众多读者,主要原因是因为其诗的“甜蜜”,即它们用悦耳动听的语言音韵赞颂了世间最为美好的情感—— 友谊和爱情。诗集主要涉及三个人物:诗人、“年轻朋友”和“黑肤女郎”。154首诗大体分为两部分,第一部分从第127首至第152首,是献给“黑肤女郎”的。最后两首诗与上述题材无关,像是对希腊格言诗的翻译或仿作。莎士比亚的十四行诗主要是歌颂友谊,抒写爱情,表达了诗人对人生的理想。

㈥ 莎士比亚十四行诗第75首的赏析


㈦ 莎士比亚的sonnet18 的英文赏析

Shakespeare - Sonnet 18 This sonnet is by far one of the most interesting poems in the book. Of Shakespeare's sonnets in the text, this is one of the most moving lyric poems that I have ever read. There is great use of imagery within the sonnet. This is not to say that the rest of the poems in the book were not good, but this to me was the best, most interesting, and most beautiful of them. It is mainly e to the simplicity and loveliness of the poem抯 praise of the beloved woman that it has guaranteed its place in my mind, and heart.The speaker of the poem opens with a question that is addressed to the beloved, "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" This question is comparing her to the summer time of the year. It is ring this time when the flowers are blooming, trees are full of leaves, the weather is warm, and it is generally thought of as an enjoyable time ring the year. The following eleven lines in the poem are also dedicated to similar comparisons between the beloved and summer days. In lines 2 and 3, the speaker explains what mainly separates the young woman from the summer's day: she is "more lovely and more temperate." (Line 2) Summer's days tend toward extremes: they are sometimes shaken by "rough winds" (line3) which happens and is not always as welcoming as the woman. However in line 4, the speaker gives the feeling again that the summer months are often to short by saying, "And summer抯 lease hath too short a date." In the summer days, the sun, "the eye of heaven" (line 5), often shines "too hot," or too dim, "his gold complexion dimmed" (line 6), that is there are many hot days ring the summer but soon the sun begins to set earlier at night because autumn is approaching. Summer is moving along too quickly for the speaker, its time here needs to be longer, and it also means that the chilling of autumn is coming upon us because the flowers will soon be withering, as "every fair from fair sometime declines." (Line 7) The final portion of the sonnet tells how the beloved differs from the summer in various respects. Her beauty will be one that lasts forever, "Thy eternal summer shall not fade." (Line 9), and never end or die. In the couplet at the bottom, the speaker explains how that the beloved's beauty will accomplish this everlasting life unlike a summer. And it is because her beauty is kept alive in this poem, which will last forever. It will live "as long as men can breathe or eyes can see." (Line 13)On the surface, the poem is on the surface simply a statement of praise about the beauty of the beloved woman and perhaps summer to the speaker is sometimes too unpleasant with the extremes of windiness and heat that go along with it. However, the beloved in the poem is always mild and temperate by her nature and nothing at all like the summer. It is incidentally brought to life as being described as the "eye of heaven" with its "gold complexion". The imagery throughout the sonnet is simple and attainable to the reader, which is a key factor in understanding the poem. Then the speaker begins to describe the summer again with the "darling buds of May" giving way to the " summer抯 lease", springtime moving into the warmth of the summer. The speaker then starts to promise to talk about this beloved, that is so great and awing that she is to live forever in this sonnet. The beloved is so great that the speaker will even go as far as to say that, "So long as men breathe, or eyes can see," the woman will live. The language is almost too simple when comparing it to the rest of Shakespeare抯 sonnets; it is not heavy with alliteration or verse, and nearly every line is its own self-contained clause, almost every line ends with some punctuation that effects a pause. But it is this that makes Sonnet18 stand out for the rest in the book. It is much more attainable to understand and it allows for the reader to fully understand how great this beloved truly is because she may live forever in it. An important theme of the sonnet, as it is an important theme throughout much of the poetry in general, is the power of the speaker's poem to defy time and last forever. And so by doing this it is then carrying the beauty of the beloved down to future generations and eventually for al of eternity. The beloved's "eternal summer" shall not fade precisely because it is embodied in the sonnet: "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see," (line 13) the speaker writes in the couplet, "So long lives this, and this gives life to thee."(Line 14) With this the speaker is able to accomplish what many have done in poetry and that is to give the gift of an eternal life to someone that they believe is special and outshines everyone else around them. Perhaps it is because of a physical beauty that the speaker see, but I believe that it is more because of the internal beauty as seen in line 2, "Thou art more lovely and more temperate", that the beloved is deserving to live on forever.参考资料:Sonnet 18 Essay

㈧ 斯宾塞第75首诗英文赏析






因为面孔 天空是一块
狭长的镜子 船队搁浅

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