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发布时间: 2021-01-04 04:13:19

1. 各位大神,求本杰明巴顿奇事的所有台词


2. 本杰明巴顿 台词问题

他妈妈说过的一句话:你回永远也不清楚... 接下来会发答生什么。。。

3. 本杰明巴顿奇事中结尾那段话的翻译

Some people are born to sit by a river.
Some get struck by lightning.
Some have an ear for music.
Some are artists.
Some swim.
Some know buttons.
Some know Shakespeare.
Some are mothers.
And some people dance.


4. 求本杰明巴顿奇事 中的经典台词!(要有中英对照)

And if only one thing had happened differently,
if that shoelace hadn't broken,
or that delivery truck had moved moments earlier,
or that package had been wrapped and ready , because the girl hadn't broken up with her boyfriend,
or that man had set his alarm and got up five minutes earlier,
or that taxi driver hadn't stopped for a cup of coffee,
or that woman had remembered her coat and had gotten into an earlier cab,
Daisy and her friend would have crossed the street.
And the taxi would have driven by.
But life being what it is,
a series of intersecting lives and incidents,
out of anyone's control,
that taxi did not go by,
and that driver was momentarily distracted.
And that taxi hit Daisy.

You could be mad as a mad dogat the way things went.
You can swear and curse the fates...
But when it comes to the end...
You have to let go.

For what it's worth,it's never to late,or in my case,too early,to be whoever you want to be.
There is no time limit,start whenever you want.
You can change or stay the same.
There are no rules to this thing.
We can make the best or the worst of it.
I hope you make the best of it.
And I hope you see things that startle you.
I hope you feel things you never felt before.
I hope you meet people with a different point of view.
I hope you live a life you're proud of.
If you find that you're not,
I hope you have the strenght to start all over again.

5. 谁能帮忙抄段《本杰明巴顿奇事》(返老还童)的经典中文对白

你可以像疯狗那样对周围的一切愤愤不平,你可以诅咒命运,但是等到最版后一刻,你还是得权平静得放手而去当我皮肤变得又老有松弛时,你还会爱我吗?当我满脸粉刺时,你还会爱我吗?当我尿床的时候,害怕楼上有什么的时候,你还会爱我吗?我们注定要失去所爱的人,要不然我们怎么能知道他们对我们有多重要呢? 追问: 谢谢了这正是我寻找的请问有英语对照吗?有更多 对白 吗?麻烦了! 回答: 1.Some people, were born to sit by a river. 无论什么 肤色 ,什么 体型 ,人们都是孤独的。但可怕的不是孤独,而是惧怕孤独。其实孤独没什么不好,真的。 补充: 直接给个网址你吧,上面你要的都有, http://www.douban.com/review/1767911/

6. 求本杰明巴顿奇事中的一段英文台词

A woman in Paris was on her way to
go shopping...

But she had forgotten her coat...
and went back to get it... And when she had gotten her coat the phone had rung... and so she had stopped to answer it... and talked for a couple of minutes...
And we see just that,..

And while the woman was on thephone; Daisy was rehearsing for that evening’ performance at the Paris Opera House...
And we See Daisy, in her late twenties now, at the peak of her abilities, rehearsing for that evening’s performance...

And while she was rehearsing... the woman, off the phone now...
had gone outside... to get a taxi...
The Woman standing in the street, hand raised, looking for a taxi. A Cab comes to a stop....she moves to get it... but somebody gets there first...the cab driving off... and as she waits for the next cab...

Now a taxi driver... had dropped off a fare earlier... and had stopped to get a cup of coffee...
A Taxi parked... Its Driver finishing a cup of coffee...

And all the while Daisy was rehearsing...
And we see just that...

And the cab driver who had dropped off the earlier fare, and had
stopped to get the cup of coffee...
had picked up the lady, who was going shopping... who had missed
getting the earlier cab...
We see the Woman riding in the taxi of the now familiar cab driver... the taxi, has to stop for a man running across the Street.

The taxi had to stop for a man crossing the street who had left for work five minutes later than he normally did... because he forgot to set his alarm...
We see the man sleeping... The silent alarm clock on the

...While the man, late for work,
was crossing the street... making
the cab wait... Daisy, finished
rehearsing, was taking a shower.
And we see...Daisy showering,..

...While Daisy was showering; the
taxi was waiting outside a
Boutique for the woman to pick up
a package... which hadn’t been
wrapped yet because the girl who
was supposed to wrap it... had
broken up with her boyfriend the
night before and forgot to...
The Girl standing outside the back of the Boutique,
crying, brokenhearted...

When the package was done being
wrapped... The woman, who was back
in the cab... the taxi was blocked
by a delivery truck...
We see the Taxi blocked by a delivery truck... the cab
driver honking...

All the while Daisy was getting
Daisy getting dressed...

The Delivery truck pulled off and
the taxi was able to go...
The taxi, moving off...

While Daisy, the first to be
dressed, waited for one of her
friends who had broken a
We see her friend breaking her shoelace while tying it...

While the taxi was stopped,
waiting for a traffic light...
We see just that, the taxi stopped for a light.

Daisy and her friend came out of
the theater...
Daisy and her friend, carrying their dance bags, coming
down the steps out of the theater, coming along the
street to the corner... They start to cross the street...
Daisy, showing her friend a tight pirouette, when we see
the Taxi, rounding the corner...

And if only one thing had happened
differently... if only the
shoelace hadn’t broken...
And we see the shoelace not breaking...

...Or the delivery truck had moved
moments earlier...
The delivery truck leaving earlier...

...Or the package had been wrapped
and ready... because the girl
hadn’t broken up with her
The girl and boy happily kissing...

...Or the man had set his alarm
and got up five minutes earlier.
The man’s alarm going off, waking him up...

...Or the taxi driver hadn’t
stopped for a cup of coffee...
The Driver passing by the cafe...

...Or the woman had remembered her
The woman remembering to take her coat...
...And had gotten into an earlier
The woman getting into the other cab... she beats
somebody for...

Daisy and her friend would have
crossed the street...
Daisy and her friend crossing the street... Daisy,
showing her friend her dance move, doing a pirouette...

...and the taxi would have driven
by them...

7. 求~电影《本杰明巴顿奇事》(返老还童)的一段英文台词~~~

w:i am so glad we didn't find when we knew we were 26.
M:why did you say this?
W: i was so young, you were so old,女的 又说了一句,没有挺清楚,背景内音乐响(happiness , it goes to happen好像差不多吧)容
M:hi, i want to do it each every moment i have with you.

8. 征集《本杰明巴顿奇事》(返老还童)中的经典台词


9. 本杰明巴顿 电影中的台词的英文..

1. 我们注定复要看着自己爱的人死去制,要不然怎么懂得他们的重要性.
we mean to lose people we love. How else do we know how important they are to us?

2. 我们像野狗一样愤愤不平……到最后还是默默放手.
You could be indignant, like a mad dog, at the way things happen.
You could swear,curse the fates. 你可以诅咒命运。
But when it comes to the end, you have to let it go.


10. 国外电影台词有句,我希望你能活出精彩的自己,请问是什么电影



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