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发布时间: 2020-12-30 02:35:37

❶ C罗体现高尚精神的故事200字,两则

训练,这一项看起来再简单不过形式却被C罗发挥的淋漓尽致。当C罗还是那个意气风发的少年时,他就努力训练,不曾懈怠,终于在联赛中崭露头角,让世界都认识了这个少年。当C罗功成名就,是名扬天下的世界巨星的时候,他更未放弃训练,而是更刻苦地磨练自己的身体,这才有了如今铁人般的C罗。 C罗在训练中永远身先士卒,他总是第一个来,却是最后一个离开,队友都不禁被他感染。无数荣誉就是对C罗刻苦训练的最好嘉奖。从当今饱受质疑,不被看好,被另一位天之骄子梅西压制,到如今证明自我,屡夺佳绩,在金球奖上也追平梅西。可怕的C罗,他就是这么在悄无声息间完成了自己的升华。在比赛中更是如此,前半段C罗往往是不发力的,但是到了比赛后半段的时候,当所有人都开始精疲力尽的时候,C罗还是活蹦乱跳,一次次将皮球送入球网。 C罗刻苦的训练态度,来自于他强大的精神力。那股永不认输的劲头,C罗只是一个普通人,但他的精神却是一个超人。C罗的自律人尽皆知,是因为他那股不断提升自己的精神促使着他;很多人认为C罗不如梅西,但C罗那股不认输的劲头帮助着他。C罗是一个天才,但是他却没有很多天才骄傲自满的通病,刻苦的训练,认真的态度,这些造就了如今的C罗——当今足坛最为出色的球员。
C罗能在30岁后捧起金球奖,其职业精神是很重要的原因。 何谓职业精神?科学健康的饮食、良好的生活习惯、勤勉的训练态度等均在其列。这些看似容易,能够坚持下来却并不简单。曾有传言说,C罗用自己在曼联挣到的“第一桶金”专门聘请了私人体能师来提升自己的身体机能。传言的准确性未有定论,但却留下了一个值得国内球员回答的问题:我的薪水,应该用在哪里? 在如今中超“不差钱”的年代,拿到高额薪金对于国内球员甚至不少年轻球员都已不是难事。但是,中超有多少球员能够在领着高薪的同时,依旧保有不断提升自己的上进心?中国足球多年来给人形成了奇怪的刻板印象:由于国内球员锻炼机会少,难以冒尖,二十三四岁依旧被称为年轻球员,而一过30岁就好像立刻下了一个台阶,很难跻身主力阵容。这与其说是观念的差别,更不如说是职业精神的缺乏导致了职业寿命的缩短。

❷ 请帮忙写一篇介绍C罗特点和成就的英语文章,谢谢。

Early life
Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro was born on 5 February 1985 in Funchal, Madeira, the youngest child of Maria Dolores dos Santos Aveiro and José Dinis Aveiro. His second given name, "Ronaldo," was chosen after then-U.S. president Ronald Reagan, who was his father's favourite actor.He has one older brother, Hugo, and two older sisters, Elma and Liliana Cátia.

Club career
Early career
At the age of eight, Ronaldo played for amateur team Andorinha, where his father was the kit man. In 1995, Ronaldo signed with local club CD Nacional, and, after a title-winning campaign, he went on a three-day trial with Sporting CP, who subsequently signed him for an undisclosed sum.

Sporting CP
Ronaldo joined Sporting's other youth players who trained at the Alcochete, the club's football academy. He became the only player ever to play for Sporting's U-16, U-17, U-18, B-team, and first team, all within one season.He scored two goals in his Sporting debut against Moreirense, while featuring for Portugal in the UEFA Under 17 Championships.

When he was 15, Ronaldo was diagnosed with a racing heart, a condition that might have forced him to give up playing football. The Sporting staff were made aware of the condition and Ronaldo's mother gave her authorisation for him to go into hospital. While there, he had an operation in which a laser was used to cauterise the area of his heart that was causing the problem. The surgery took place in the morning and Ronaldo was discharged from hospital by the end of the afternoon; he resumed training only a few days later.

He was first spotted by then-Liverpool manager Gérard Houllier at 16, but Liverpool declined to take him on because they decided he was too young and needed some time to develop his skills. However, he came to the attention of Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson in the summer of 2003, when Sporting defeated United 3– in the inauguration of the Estádio José Alvalade in Lisbon. Ronaldo's performance impressed the Manchester United players, who urged Ferguson to sign him.

Manchester United

Ronaldo with Manchester UnitedRonaldo became Manchester United's first-ever Portuguese player when he signed for

❸ C罗和梅西的成长经历,哪一个更励志


❹ C罗励志经典语录,哪一句打动了你


❺ c罗梅西谁更励志



❻ 求关于C罗的英文比较励志的文章 英语课准备小节目,准备读一篇文章。高三党励志


❼ 英语作文对我重要的人 c罗励志

To straighten your chest!
More than 70 years ago,a young man Piaoyang Norway to France,he wanted to apply for the famous Paris Conservatory of Music.The exam,although he was trying his level of play to the best condition,but the examiner still did not fancy him.
Penniless young man went to college outside a busy street not far away,tighten its belt in the banyan tree under the pull of the hands of the piano.He pulled up a song also attracted many people stop to listen.Eventually winning the hungry young man's own Qin He,surrounding people have put Qin He pays for.
A rogue scorn to throw money at the foot of the young men.Young men looked at the rogue,the money eventually bent down to pick up on the ground and handed rogue,said:"Sir,your money lost on the ground."
Rogue took the money,re-throw the young man's foot,once again arrogantly said:"This money is yours,you have to accept it!"
Young men looked at the rogue again deeply bowed to him,said:"Sir,thank you for your support!You just lost money,I bent over to pick up for you.Now my money out on the floor,You can also pick up trouble for me!"
Rogue was an unexpected move shook the young people and eventually pick up the money into the young man's Qin He,then dingy to go.
Onlookers are pairs of eyes have been quietly watching the young man,was the one who just examiner.He will be young men back to college and eventually enrolled him.
The young men called Biersading,and later became a minor celebrity Norwegian musicians,and his masterpiece is "to straighten your chest."
When we fall into the lowest valley of life,they often will lead to a number of unwarranted contempt; when we are struggling to survive the moment,often you will encounter deliberately trampled on the dignity of people.Tit for tat resistance is our instinct,but often make fewer of those virtues and lack of knowledge is more oppressive.We had better reason to respond,in a tolerant attitude to show and to preserve our dignity.At that time you will find that any evil before justice can not be a firm foothold.
Curved waist,pick up your dignity!

❽ 足坛励志传奇,从里斯本到尤文,C罗是怎么炼成的



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