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发布时间: 2020-12-27 10:18:36

㈠ 扭曲树精的英雄台词

这股力量……我无法控制。This power… I cannot control.别再折磨我了!Torment me no longer.如果我能休息就好了。To rest, if only I could.这条命早已偏离了命运的轨迹。This life was not meant to be.你无法忤逆自然!You should not defy nature.没有地方可以安生!There is no escape.我也曾拥有过安宁。I once had peace.把我放回森林里去!Return me to the forest.我也试图终结过这困扰,但它总会卷土重来。I would end this burden, but it always returns.我讨厌拔根而起的感觉。I hate being uprooted.这些讨厌的魔法,给我滚开!Begone, vile magicks!我要惩罚他们的轻率之举!I will punish their imprudence.可恶的法师们!Reckless mages!我必须终结魔法的滥用。I must end the misuse of magic.他们会尝到我的悔恨的!They will know my remorse.你想见识下什么是扭曲?!Do you want to see Twisted?!我曾经为了打扮,和一棵糖松约会过。结果她是一棵桦树,好在它的灰烬还算不错!I dated a sugar pine once, just to spruce things up. She turned out to be a birch, nice ash though.这就是人们所说的“被蹂躏”么?Is this what they call “getting stomped?”自然,才是平衡最真实的形态。一边吃,一边避免被吃掉。Nature is the truest form of balance. Eat and avoid being eaten.动物们都是懒货!我们植物都是自己生产食物的。Animals are lazy, we plants proce our own food.

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