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发布时间: 2020-12-23 16:43:41

Ⅰ 《云图》中的经典中英对白语句有哪些

  1. 我想象中的天堂,是打开一扇门,他在门后等我。

    I imagine paradise, open a door, the door waiting for me.

  2. 死亡就像是打开一扇门,关闭一扇门就打开一扇门。

    Death is like opening a door, close the door to open a door.

  3. 存在就是被感知,只有通过别人的眼睛,才能真正地了解自己。

    There is to be perceived only through the eyes of others, in order to truly understand their own.

  4. 一个人的命运会逆转的如此之快,如此之彻底,这难道不是奇迹吗?

    A person's fate will be reversed so quickly, so completely, Is it not a miracle?

  5. 弱者为肉,强者饕餮。

    Weak as meat strong gluttonous.

  6. 我们的生命不是我们自己,从子宫到坟墓,我们和其他人紧紧相连。无论前世还是今生,每一桩恶行,每一项善举,都会决定我们未来的重生。

    Our life is not our own, from the womb to the grave, and others are closely linked.Regardless of past life, an evil, each charity will determine our future rebirth.

  7. 我绝不会向暴力犯罪屈服。

    I will never yield to violent crime.

  8. “我先看见你,是冥冥之中注定的。”

    "I'll see you somewhere destined."

  9. 真不愿就那样离开你,完全不是我想象中的告别。

    Hate on the way to leave you completely not what I imagined farewell.

  10. 真正的自杀有它的节奏,是一种训练有素的必然,人们贸然得出结论:“自杀是懦弱的行为”,错的不能再错——自杀需要极大的勇气。

    The real suicide rhythm, is a well-trained inevitably, people rush to conclude: "Suicide is a cowardly act" and wrong can not be wrong - suicide requires great courage.

  11. 为什么越是需要语言的时候,语言越会是从我们嘴边溜走。

    Why the more we need the language, the more languages will slip from our lips.

  12. 真相只有一个,其他的“版本”都不算真相。

    The truth is only one, the other "version" is not the truth.

  13. 所谓的评论家就是读起书来一目十行、趾高气昂,却从不用心的人。

    The so-called critics is read from the book to Yimushihang airs, but never hard.

  14. 我们生命的不朽性质在于我们言语和行为的结果。

    The immortal nature of our lives is that the results of our speech and behavior.

  15. 一本读了一半的书就像是一段走到半路的恋情。

    A half finished book is a half finished love affair.

Ⅱ 《云图》经典台词双语

“真相只有一种,它的其他版本都不是真相”——星美 041:48

“一本读了一半的书就像是一段走到半路的恋情” ——罗伯特·弗洛比舍尔 041:48

“在我生命的这一刻,我从Sixsmith身上知道的,就是这个世界被纠缠我们心灵的看不见的力量而扭曲”——罗伯特·弗洛比舍尔 051:00

“记住星美的话:我们的生命不仅是我们自己的,从子宫到坟墓,我们和其他人紧紧相连,无论前生还是今世,每一桩恶行,每一项善举,都会决定我们未来的重生”——先知 053:52

“你可以维持对人民的统治,只要你为他们提供一些东西;剥夺一个人的一切,那个人将不再为你所控制”——星美 069:46

“知识是一面镜子,我生平第一次可以看到自己的过去和自己可能的将来。”——星美 070:42

“如果我帮你,我可能失去我的工作..或者更糟, 如果我不帮,会有许多人...任何更糟更坏的事情会发生”(伊萨克·萨赫斯 085:30)“你必须去做,做你不能不做的事情”——路易莎·雷 085:55

“谁导致了人类衰败,如果不是老乔治的话?”(扎克里)“就是先人自己...他们内心的贪婪,这种贪婪远强于他们的智慧...贪婪得到更多” ——梅洛尼姆 086:15
“信仰,和恐惧或爱一样,迫使我们需要去理解,像理解相对论和不确定原则还有决定我们生命进程的各种现象一样。昨天,我的人生朝着一个方向;今天 它朝着另一方向。昨天,我相信自己不可能做的事,今天我却做了。”
“我们的生命和我们的选择,就像量子轨迹,只有在某一刻得到理解,在每一个交叉点上,每一次遭遇都蕴含着新的或潜在的方向。” ——伊萨克·萨赫斯 086:52

“像这样的时刻,我能清晰的感受到你的心跳就像能感受着自己的一样,我知道分离是一种幻觉...我的生命远远超越了我自己的极限。”——罗伯特·弗洛比舍尔 120:25

“我们必须战斗,甚至必要的牺牲,用真相来教育人民”——星美 143:40
——星美 146:04

伊萨克·萨赫斯的侄女 149:54

“我相信死亡只是一扇门,当它关闭时,另一扇就会打开”——星美 155:18

Impressive lines from Cloud Altalas
(Initial work, subject to further edition)

"Truth is singular, it's versions are mis-truths". —— Sonmi 004:51

"A half finished book is a half finished love affair" —— Robert Frobisher 041:48

"At this point in my life, All I know from Sixsmith, is this world bends from unseen forces that twists our hearts" --- Robert Frobisher 051:00

"Mind the words of Sonmi: Our lives are not our own, from womb to tomb, we are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime, and every kindness, re-birth our future". ——Prophet 053:52

You can maintain power over your people, as long as you give them something, robe a man of everything, and that man will no longer be in your power. ——Sonmi 069:46

"Knowledge is a mirror, and for the first time in my life I was allowed to see who I was, and whom I might become". ——Sonmi 070:42

"If I help you, I could loose my job.. or worse, if I don't, a lot of people...anything worse and worse" —— Isaac Sachs 085:30

"You have to do, whatever you can't not do" ——Luisa Rey 085:55

"Who triggered the fall, if not old George? "——Zachry 086:15

"Oldens.... the hunger in their heart, the hunger are stronger than their smart...hunger for more" ——Meronym 086:00

"Belief, like fear or love, is forced to be understood as we understand 'theory of relativity' and 'principles of mis-certainty', phenomena that determine the cause of our lives".
"Yesterday my life was headed in one direction, today it has headed to another;Yesterday I believe that I would never had done, but I did today".
"These forces that often re-make time and space, they can shave and alter who we imagine ourselves to be, began long before we were born and continue after we perish".
"Our lives, and our choices, like quantun-trajectories, are understood only at a moment, and each one of the inter-setion, each encounter, suggest a new and potential direction" ——Zachry 086:52

"I understand now,(that) boundaries between noise and sound are convintions. All boundaries are convintions, waiting to be transcended. One may transcend any convintion, if only one can firstly can see the (...)"
"Moments like these, I can feel your heart-beating clearly as I feel my own, and I know the seperation is an illusion, My life extends far beyond the limitations of me"
——Robert Frobisher 120:25

"We must all fight, even if with necessary die, to teach people the truth. 143'' ——Sonmi 143:40

"so to know ourselves, is only possible through the eyes of the others, the nature of our immortal life, is in the consequences of our words and deeds" ——Sonmi 145:50

"My uncle is a scientist, but he believes that love is real, a kind of natural phenomena, he believes that love (..) death" ——Isaac Sachs'niece 149:54

"I believe death is only a door, when it closes, another opens" ——Sonmi 155:18

Ⅲ 求云图星美451中星美最后一段的所有台词



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