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发布时间: 2020-12-20 19:40:57

1. 三嫁豪门的《大长今》女主,如今怎样了

17年前的一部韩剧《大长今》,相信大家肯定都还有印象。 有多少人对韩剧的痴迷也是因它而起。 李爱英,15岁就已经出道的她, 凭借漂亮俊俏的外貌 ,在韩国本身就已很有名气。 在《大长今》更是成为韩国知名女星,她在剧中把大长今的角色塑造得淋漓尽致,充分展现了作为一名演员的实力演技。 已经算是韩国女神级的演员明星, 事业有成。最后选择了嫁为人妻,结婚后的她逐渐淡出了娱乐圈,直到去年才在《异梦》和《来找我》中看到了她的身影。


看的第一部韩剧,记得当时和我妈一起睡,我妈每次都让我先睡然后她偷偷看。她不知道其实我每次都装睡然后偷偷和她一起看 。真的是很怀念,一部励志的剧集,适合全家人一起看 。长今的命运很坎坷,但她却从未放弃,记得剧中有这样一句台词 ,一直激励的我。希望自己也能像她一样,不论顺境逆境,都不忘初心,勇往直前 。

2. 告别8月进入9月的励志语录

1、 愿你阳光里像个孩子,风雨里是个大人。愿你拥有和生活博弈的能力和胆量,愿你珍惜陪你走过一程的良师益友。愿你想要的明天,都如约而至。八月,再见!九月,你好!

2、 九月一到,就有了秋意,秋意在一个多雾的黎明溜来,到了炎热的下午便不见踪影。它踮起脚尖掠过树顶,染红几片叶子,然后乘着一簇飞掠过山谷离开。

3、 九月,你好。告别夏日的蝉鸣,放下七月的浮躁,且让贪慕虚荣,相互攀比的心,也随倾盆大雨流去,一个人应该活得是自己,并且干净。

4、 八月,再见。九月,你好!希望九月有惊喜和收获等着我。

5、 九月到了,温和地对镜子里的自己笑一笑、哭一哭。故作坚强,强颜欢乐都不是最好的,接纳不完美的自己,不易的人生,也一样真实。有时候呀,哭哭笑笑也走过大半生了,挺好。

6、 不是看一个人有多少,而是看一个人能给你多少;不是看一个人有多好,而是看他对你多好。

7、 新的九月,请你做手机的主人,而非奴隶。请你做生活的主宰,而非浮萍。请你自律、惜时、坚持、勤勉。请你不要因任何人浪费你的生命,包括你自己。

8、 九月你好:新一天,新一月。过去的8月,不管你过得怎样,不必太在意。若是美好,叫做精彩;若是糟糕,叫做经历。人生没有折返的通道,只有努力才会改变,只要努力就会改变。

9、 今天是开学的日子,愿接下来的时光,你可以沉迷于学习无法自拔。

10、 从今天起,往事不再回头,今后不必将就。努力生活,努力成长,努力做自己。用最乐观的态度、最积极的心情对自己说一句:8月再见,9月你好!

11、 时间如水流,一路向前,转眼间8月已过,9月来到。没有谁能留住时间,但努力的人能够把握时间。从此刻起,莫负时光,8月再见,9月你好。

12、 你脸上云淡风轻,谁也不知道你的牙咬的有多紧;你笑得漫不经心,没人知道你深夜的无声落泪。你必须非常非常努力,才能让人觉得你毫不费力。度过这段自己都能把自己感动的日子,之后,你想要的时间统统会双手奉上。

13、 新的九月,愿你释怀后一身轻,愿你心上再没有补丁。愿你忘却所有不愉快的片段,把漫长的不满变得短暂,把旧日的愤懑化为潇洒的释然,把美好事物纯真的走完。

14、 愿你活得自由认真,懂得取悦自己,只有你自己知道,能治好你的是什么,哪个地方吹来的风,哪里的海的颜色。做自己的太阳,无需凭借别人的光。

3. 各类古诗的英文翻译古诗的英文翻译 1励志 2思乡 3爱国 4思亲,希望家人平安健康 5风 6花 7雪 8月 9爱情

关于励志的诗句A lazy youth, a lousy age. Han dynasty, ancient words "long '"
Practice makes perfect, in a waste. - the Korea "into learning solution"
Time is money, but money is not time. - the augmented xianwen"
As heaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman should constantly strive for self-perfection. - the book, dry, like"
He don't strong wisdom does not reach. Mozi, cultivate one's morality "--
Green, take to the blue and green in blue; Ice, water to cold in water. - the xunzi, QuanXue"
He should have a lofty. The various ge is bright, the commandments passenger book "volunteer husband all over the world, and of the a. -- cao planting the present white horse WangBiao"
Where there is a will there is a way. - the summer-autumn cultivation, were biographies of
"The view" of the east JieShi to view the sea. What water DanDan, mountain island has not respected master. Trees from birth, grass lush. Autumn wind bleak, HongBo upsurge. The trip to the moon and sun, if out among them. XingHan brilliant, if out in it.
To have to zai, song of volunteers to. Face upwards laugh out, my generation is it PengHao people. - li "NaLing don't children in Beijing"
War back yulong three million, defeated scale resial JiaHai empty fly - li
Water is too pure have no fish, people is too tight, no wisdom can't wait to hang long YuQingTian, soft this day of the fly. MoXiao others old, they must also to the old
1, bed bright moonlight,
Doubt is the ground frost.
Withdrawing my eyes bright moon,
Lower the head remembering home - tang. Li < < quiet night think > >
2, alone in a strange city for a lonely stranger in a strange land,
All the more on every festive day.
Remote know brother uphill place,
In a little over cornel. Tang. Wang wei < < 9 September have shandong brother > >
3, the mountains and rivers in the country, city spring vegetation deep.
When feeling flower splash tears, and hate don't bird inhumanity hurts.
Beacon even in March, letters from home are precious..
Hoary head scratch shorter, muddy to be hairpin.
4, the hotel cold light alone without sleeping,
The guest how sad heart turn.
Home tonight I think li,
Frost temples Ming another year. In addition to night as (tang) high optimum
5, loving mother sing
The loving mother hand line,
On the representation of clothes.
The packed closely joint,
Meaning to fear delays.
6, jun from home to home should know it. Sometime yee window, the cold plum flower not? (wang: "miscellaneous poems")
7, ShaoXiao home back to the boss.
An accent BinMao failure without change.
Children meet strangers,
Ask the guest to smile from where? (HeZhiZhang: "return home I book)
8, ridge outside sound book off,
The winter after spring begins.
Nearly more afraid of,
Dare not to ask. (SongZhiWen: the hanjiang river crossing"
9, guest road green outside,
Row boat before the green.
Tidal flat the width,
The wind is YiFan suspension.
Sea born on resial night,
Stories people old year.
Township where book up,
Be goose luoyang edge. (WangWan: the time north solid mountain ")
9, spring just seven days,
Has been away from home for two years.
His wild goose down,
Think hair before the flower. (XueDaoHeng: the man-day thought to ")
10, whose jade flute dark fly sound,
Scattered into the spring breeze full of Los Angeles.
The smell of nocturne in folding willow,
Who doesn't GuYuan feeling. (li : "why Los Angeles WenDi")
11, guest house BingZhou already ten frost,
Day and night have reced xianyang.
Endless more cross sanggan water,
But BingZhou is at home. (LiuZao: "the north trips")
12, Shu drum broken foot,
Edge autumn a goose sound.
Dew from tonight white,
There really is no place like home.
A brother is dispersed,
No house ask die life.
Send the book long does not reach,
Condition is not Sue soldiers. ( fu: the moonlit night have SheDi ")
Who grass-inch heart,
Reported in the apartments.
13, yellow crane tower
Qingchuan distinctly hanyang tree,
The parrot chau peaks arouse disparate thoughts.
Nightfall Confucian where is,
Falls on the river makes people worry.
14, dew from tonight white, the month is home - - - - - - tang. Du fu < < the moonlit night have SheDi > >
15, danyuanrenchangjiu, toasts - - - - - - song. Su shi < < to > >
16, jun from home to. Should know home things.
Sometime yee window, the cold plum flower not? (wang "miscellaneous poems")
17. ShaoXiao home back to the local accent, not change BinMao failure.
Children meet strangers, smile ask guest from where? The HeZhiZhang "hometown even book)
And,. Ridge outside sound book off, the winter after spring begins.
Nearly more afraid of, dare not to ask. The song of the hanjiang river crossing "),
19, spring just seven days, has been away from home for two years.
His wild goose down, think hair before the flower. (XueDaoHeng the man-day thought to ")
Bed bright moonlight, doubt is the ground frost.
Withdrawing my eyes bright moon, bowed their heads and remembering home. (li "the quiet night think"
21, whose jade flute dark fly sound, the spring breeze scattered people full of Los Angeles.
The smell of nocturne in folding liu, who can not afford to the national conditions. (li "why Los Angeles WenDi")
22, guest house BingZhou already ten frost, day and night have reced xianyang.
Endless more cross sanggan water, but BingZhou is at home. (LiuZao "trips the north"
23, Shu drum broken pedestrian, the side autumn a goose sound.
Dew from tonight white, there really is no place like home.
A brother is dispersed, no home ask die life.
Send the book long does not reach, the condition is not Sue soldiers. ( fu the moonlit night have SheDi ")
24, except for the night (tang) high optimum
The hotel cold light alone without sleeping, what customer heart turn sad.
Home tonight I think li, frost temples Ming another year.
25, come home (tang) d animal husbandry
Child brought clothes ask, what back too late? A total of who for years, win the temples to edge silk?
26 and township think [song] Gou lee
The setting sun is the man at the very not home.
Already hate brigitte mountain phase barrier, green mountain was MuYun screen.
Then, the teacher must home book (Ming) yuen kay
A river three, home 15 line. The line do not don't language, only way as early as the return of the native.
And, and early hao here see mountain with the Beijing QinGu send (tang) DaiShuLun
Sea bank of jianshan like sword mans, autumn to everywhere cut pent up feelings of sadness.
If change to escape the body, scattered apt at home first.
And, WenYan [tang] wei yingwu himself
GuYuan Miao where? To think FangYou zai. Huainan night rain, high WenYan zhai to.
30, miscellaneous poems (wang)
Jun from home to home should know it. Sometime yee window, the cold plum flower not?
Question 31, locates north post (SongZhiWen)
Research on the south Yin, rumors so far back. I can not have special, day to return.
At the beginning of the JiangJingChao fall, Lin faint dysentery doesn't open. The Ming dynasty at township place, should see two head mei.
32, crossing the jingmen farewell (li )
Cross culture far outside, to swim from chu. With all PingYe mountain, river into the great drought flow.
Flying on the mirror, yun-shen "sea floor. Still flow home water, the boat off.
33, moonlit night she SheDi ( fu)
Shu drum broken pedestrian, the side goose a QiuSheng. Dew from tonight white, there really is no place like home.
A brother is dispersed, no home ask die life. Send books often does not reach, the condition is not Sue soldiers.
34, farewell (sui dynasty folk songs,
Green willows on vertical, it long paddle days fly.
Wicker folding rule flower fly do, may I ask passers-by to not to?
35, 15 night full moon (wang)
Atrium to white arboreal jay, cold dew silent wet osmanthus.
On all night at all, do not know to come autumn thoughts.
36, meet in Beijing make
GuYuan east hope a long way, double sleeve grey's tears.
Meet immediately without paper and pencil, with ChuanYu jun for peace.
37, and son (lu you)
Die yuan know all the empty, but no sorrow with kyushu.
The king division north set the day, no forget characters against but weng.
And proud and accommodation facilities (fan4 zhong4 yan)
Plug the autumn scenery to different, hengyang goose to no attention, and even the sound of edge horn. Thousand over peaks, long smoke the gu city closed.
The house of a cup of unstrained wine or liquor, YanRan not le adorned meter. Qiang tube may wrinkle the ground frost. People don't believe, general hair sign husband tears.
39, changjiang boat over wujiang (jiang)
A piece of spring sorrow for wine pouring. River boat shake, upstairs for shade. Autumn niang niang bridge crossing and Thai. Wind and waving, rain and raining.
Day come home wash guest robe. Silver word sheng adjustable, incense burning heart words. Time easy away. Red cherry, green banana.
Forty, days net sand autumn thoughts (MaZhiYuan)
Dry vine old tree faint crow, water bridge the somebody else, the path westerly thin horse.
The setting sun, heartbroken people in the world.
41, prison TiBi (however)
WangMen cast stop thinking ZhangJian, enre instant death to DuGen.
I from cross knife toward laugh, future courage two kunlun.
42, inctive chapter (however)
Temporal to spring sorrow, today to pale dark a cry divorces.
Forty thousand tears together, there are is China.
43, moonlit night she SheDi tang fu
Shu drum broken pedestrian, the side autumn a goose sound.
Dew from tonight white, there really is no place like home.
A brother is dispersed, no home ask die life.
Send the book long does not reach, the condition is not Sue soldiers.
44, the crossing of the song dynasty
Ridge outside sound book off, the winter after spring begins.
Nearly more afraid of, dare not to ask.
45, man-day thought to XueDaoHeng
One spring just seven days, has been away from home for two years.
His wild goose down, think hair before the flower.
The north LiuZao 46, the service sector
Hotel BingZhou already ten frost, day and night have reced xianyang.
Endless more cross sanggan water, but BingZhou is at home.
Moon homesickness ancient poem:
47, next month DuZhuo (li )
Flower a pot of wine, DuZhuo no blind date.
Toast to invite the moon, the shadow into three people.
Month by both drink, shadow ACTS with my body.
Temporary companion month shadow, life must be and spring.
I sing on the street, I WuYing messy.
With JiaoHuan woke up, after drunk the dispersion.
Ever "heartless swim, phase period Miao wan hon.
And, the full moon with far (ZhangJiuLing)
Sea life bright moon, the world is common at this time.
Lover quarrels with his remote night, but the day long for!
Out candle flow light full, absorb sleep AIDS dew.
With a full hand, dream come every night.
49, autumn night under the moon have conceived (meng haoran)
Autumn on suspension chooses, glorious dew wet.
Surprised magpie habitat pending, fly fireflies roll into.
Court locust cold shadow drainage, adjacent pestle night sound urgent.
What kind of desert wedding day! Looked empty stands.
Fifty, harvest moon (were)
Ten wheel cream shadow turn the court the freedom day alone feel left out
Not E meal without melancholy and resentful jade toad chilly osmanthus flowers solitary
51, harvest moon (su)
MuYun ShouJin overflow in straitened circumstances, the Milky Way silent turn tracts.
Life is not long the night, the moon where see next year.
52, August 15th night Pen pavilion full moon (tang juyi)
In former years August 15 night, apricot YuanBian qujiang pool.
August 15 night, Pen PuSha before TouShui hall.
Where is the northwest hope township, southeast saw a few months back to circle.
Yesterday the wind blows no one will, tonight I clear light like usual. 53, yesterday I went to yi, YangLiuYiYi; Now I come to think, snow falling thick and fast - - - - - - > >. The book of odes in eu
54, elegy can when tears, command can angelica - - - - - - han dynasty folk song >
55, hu horses in the north wind, the bird's nest NaZhi - - - - - - han. Ancient poem 19 first line do > > line do heavy
56, who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments - - - - - - > meng jiao tang.
57 days, nearly more timid, afraid to ask to - - - - - - don SongZhiWen >.
And king, from home to home should know things. Sometime yee window, the cold plum flower not? - - - - - - tang. Wang >
59, bed bright moonlight, doubt is the ground frost. Withdrawing my eyes bright moon, bowed their heads and remembering home - - - - - - tang li >.
Sixty, tonight as on all look, don't know autumn thoughts come - - - - - - tang. Wang 15th night plenilune send > > doctor
In 61, people graally feel different local accent, but hate the sound like the mountain - - - - - - tang. Si kong-tu diffuse book > > first five
62, only the door jinghu water, spring breeze do not change the old wave - - - - - - tang. HeZhiZhang home return I book two first > >
63, ShaoXiao home back to the boss, not change an accent BinMao failure. - - - - - - tang. HeZhiZhang home return I book > >
64, dew from tonight white, the month is home - - - - - - > fu tang.
65, sad not sad xi the birth - warring states. Chu qu yuan >.
About 66, the day has far cannot separate them for the day has slow - - - - - - han. Line do heavy line do > >
In 67, his goose down, think hair before the flower - sui XueDaoHeng >.
68, from hate like the spring grass, further more line at - - - - - - NaTang li yu >.
69, cut continuously, the reason also disorderly, is LiChou. Is generally taste in the heart - - - - - - li yu >
70, don't easily when see is difficult, what's lost is lost, heaven and earth - - - - - - li yu LangTaoSha > >
71, life is not meet, moving like participate in business - - - - - - > fu tang.
72 king to more do a glass of wine, west out without a man - - - - - - don WeiCheng song > > wang wei.
Before 73, don't worry there was no friend, who know the king - - - - - - tang. GaoShi big > > don't dong
74, peach blossom water feet deep, less than WangLun send my feeling - - - - - - li >
75, last year the flowers every gentleman don't, today blossom already a year - - - - - - tang wei yingwu himself. Send li Dan yuan tin > >
In 76, when we meet difficult don't also difficult, dongfeng unable to flowers resial - - - - - - > > tang li shangyin no title.
77, plum spring breeze a cup of wine, river's lake night ten years lamp - - - - - - song. Huang tingjian send yellow several complex > >
78, should not have hate, when long when to don't round? - - - - - - song. Su shi
79, danyuanrenchangjiu, toasts - - - - - - same as above.
80, nightfall Confucian classical - where is the nostalgia
81, known as China's first homesickness poem "the quiet night think" is so:
Bed bright moonlight, doubt is the ground frost.
Withdrawing my eyes bright moon, bowed their heads and remembering home.
82, turns again to see the night surrender to the city WenDi ":
LeFeng back before sand like snow, surrender on outside such as cream.
Don't know where flower blow, night sign people do hope township.
Remote siyuan have. The kind of ancient poem is often a poet for scenery and cause the feeling of homesickness, and the specific content of homesickness, the poet didn't explain. Have a kind of poem is through the missing hometown of the specific situation to show the poet's nostalgia. Such as wang "9 September have shandong brother" :
83, alone in a strange city for a stranger, all the more on every festive day.
Remote know brother uphill place, then inserted cornel less one.
84, similarly, juyi of the handan to New Year's eve homesick "was also so:
Handan post on the winter solstice, tuck light shadow before with the body.
Want to have to sit at home late at night, still should say those people.
In 85, king from home to home should know it.
When yee window, the cold plum flower not?
The miscellaneous poems of wang wei -
I often think, wang wrote this poem by Chen is the writer jiang inspiration? The changan 9 ":
By 86, the heart south cloud gone, form with north goose to.
GuYuan spends under Daisy, today a few flower?
87, luoyang town see the autumn wind, the writer to book meaning all heavy.
Complex fear not in a hurry said, pedestrians and kaifeng in hair.
88, turns again to see the night surrender to the city WenDi ":
LeFeng back before sand like snow, surrender on outside such as cream.
Don't know where flower blow, night sign people do hope township.
The hope can help you!
119 | comments
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5588921 | level 4 CaiNaLv 59%
Good at areas: literature humorous funny
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Thank you very much! MM (GG)
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Article 10 other answer
When the 2012-01-07 white cat, | ten level 3
Before my bed a pool of night
Can it be hoarfrost on the ground
Looking up, I find the moon bright
Lower the head remembering home - tang. Li < < quiet night think > >
Being a stranger all alone in a strange land far away
I think of my parents all the more on a fair festival day
I know full well my brothers all would climb up the heights of a mount
Inserting cornus shoots in their hair, they'd all miss one in their count Tang. Wang wei < < 9 September have shandong brother > >
The mountains and rivers in the country, city spring vegetation deep.
When feeling flower splash tears, and hate don't bird inhumanity hurts.
Beacon even in March, letters from home are precious..
Hoary head scratch shorter, muddy to be hairpin.
The hotel cold light alone without sleeping,
The guest how sad heart turn.
Home tonight I think li,
Frost temples Ming another year. In addition to night as (tang) high optimum
And | comments
The 2012-01-07 17:55 overflow sweet a national beauty | level 9
The spring breeze and green river, south when the moon as I also.
Luoyang town see the autumn wind, the writer to book meaning all heavy.
More wind, snow, a more constant heart broken township dream no, GuYuan without the sound.
Withdrawing my eyes bright moon, bowed their heads and remembering home.
Cloud all day long line, not take long.
Jiangnan degrees plum blossom hair, the person is in the temples have spot.
Life the most said runescape flavour, listen to QiuSheng have home.
Remote desert tianyu, earnestly love of motherland.
Alone in a strange city for a stranger, all the more on every festive day.
And | comments
Report YaoLinXu | | 2012-01-09 go 4
Before my bed a pool of night
Can it be hoarfrost on the ground
Looking up, I find the moon bright
Lower the head remembering home - tang. Li < < quiet night think > >
Being a stranger all alone in a strange land far away
I think of my parents all the more on a fair festival day
I know full well my brothers all would climb up the heights of a mount
Inserting cornus shoots in their hair, they'd all miss one in their count Tang. Wang wei < < 9 September have shandong brother > >
The mountains and rivers in the country, city spring vegetation deep.
When feeling flower splash tears, and hate don't bird inhumanity hurts.
Beacon even in March, letters from home are precious..
Hoary head scratch shorter, muddy to be hairpin.
The hotel cold light alone without sleeping,
The guest how sad heart turn.
Home tonight I think li,
Frost temples Ming another year. In addition to night as (tang) high optimum
Atrium to white arboreal jay,
Cold dew silent wet osmanthus.
On all night at all.
Don't know autumn thoughts to come

4. 迎接8月励志的句子




5. 告别七月迎接八月的励志语









6. 2019年8月17日宁波电视台少儿频道播出的大型青少年励志国学古装剧海曙区环城


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