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发布时间: 2020-12-20 05:49:01

⑴ 谁有中国合伙人谈判时的英文台词

Wang :Mr Bono.It's your gift ,from me.
Bono :It's got from ChinaTown?
Wang :Chinese MoonCake. Next week is the moon festival. And if the fight breaks out later, i have something to throw.
Bono : hahaha
Wang : oh hoo, you got the joke, for you.
Cheng :Mr Bone , we officialy offer a formal apology, the acknowledge the commodity right infringement and prepare to settle.
Wang :But not fifteen million.CHENG:Please, take any clause you want,any clause that is release to our copies.
Lady:Clause eleven.
Cheng: The WTO Copy rights and performances and phonograms treaties of impromenciate at of ninety nineteen eight,amended sation 101 by added《Geneva xxx》 pick an other one please.xLADY:Thirty five.
Cheng:The WTO xxx
Cheng: This beacause i memorized the entire text on the plane that i coming here, it is a skill that i mastered when i was eighteen,that year, i memorized the whole XinHua English dictionary,for your information, i was only consider the qualification of mediocrity,Chinese students are extremely adept at taking exams,you cant imagine what they willing to go through to succeed, you dont understand chinese cultrue.
Meng: Mr Bono,regardless of the finnal xxx , this meeting xxx start of our formal xxx ,we hope EES can informs rights in chinese market. We dont like to be called thief, we've come here today, hoping to ecated you about one thing, China has changed.Unfortunately, you are still stuck in the past.
Bono: Mr Meng, may i remind of you, MING is in the NBA.MENG: Thats because NBA was trying to xxx into China market, China is already the world largest market for english language ecation, today ,chinese students dont expect to stay in America, they want to go home. Yet your still stuck on whether they cheat on exams.
Cheng:Mr Bono, before we came to the state,we debated to release xxx xxx delay changed, now ,our confirm the decision, NewDream xxx will be xxx announced,today.
Bono:What make we should care.
Cheng:But you will care, our be waitting for the right oppotunity for the company to go public,now, I've got it.Thats right,it's you who give us this oppotunity, thank you Mr Bono, you are the one who has gonna xxx attention of potential investors form Wall Street, they will see us as company with integrity and courage,that takes you responsibility for xx mistakes, the more we to pay compensation,the great valuation we will get in the futrue. In addition, there will be at lease xxx more xx NewDream, someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representative of the world largest ecational service cooperation, you mean finnaly show us the respect we deserved, it wouldnt have to xxx comunicated with each other.More importantly ,im also xx for personally reason,i have a friend,who is more brilliant that i never ever be, and worth deserved of success,but when he came to America,i realized the best man of my generation destroyed here,Mr Bono,the palce here had never be equal,this is my way xxx xx to .According to our chinese xxx, im like a TUBIE, a soft shell of turtle,someone afraid to go out and take risks, now ,im standing here,terrify even i had ever speak,but as my friend said,somethings are so important,that force us to overcome our fears.

⑵ 中国合伙人里边王阳的英语诗句台词是什么

是拜伦的When we two parted,原诗:
When we two parted
In silence and tears,
Half broken-hearted
To sever for years,
Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
Colder thy kiss;
Truly that hour foretold
Sorrow to this!
The dew of the morning
Sunk chill on my brow-
It felt like the warning
Of what I feel now.
Thy vows are all broken,
And light is thy fame:
I hear thy name spoken,
And share in its shame.
They name thee before me,
A knell to mine ear;
A shudder comes o'er me-
Why wert thou so dear?
They know not I knew thee
Who knew thee too well:
long, long shall I rue thee,
Too deeply to tell.
In secret we met-
In silence I grieve,
That thy heart could forget,
Thy spirit deceive.
If I should meet thee
After ling year,
How should I greet thee?
With silence and tears.


⑶ 中国合伙人中的经典台词





5、We are too young too naive



























⑷ 《中国合伙人》里面黄晓明、佟大为、邓超的英语台词是他们自己说的吗还是配的音



I have never had a dream, I do not know what is a dream, I only know what is failure,

Chinese students are the world's students most likely to fail, because you are facing the world's most brutal examination.


Those who choose to give up from the very beginning will not fail,

because they failed from the very beginning, failure is not terrible, fear of failure is really terrible.













⑸ 求中国合伙人中谈判时的的英文台词,需要前面两外国佬与孟晓军说的那一段,万分感谢

Wang : Mr. Bono .It's a gift ,from me. Bono :You’ve gone to Chinatown ?
Wang :Chinese Moon cakes . Next week is the moon festival. And if a fight breaks out later , I have something to throw. Bono : ha ha ha ha ha ha
Wang : oh hoo, you’ve got the joke, for you.
Cheng :Mr. Bono , we officially offer a formal apology, the acknowledge the commodity right infringement and prepare to settle. Wang :But not fifteen million .
CHENG: Please, pick any clause you want , any clause that is related to our copies.
Lady: Clause eleven.
Cheng: The WIPO rights and performances and phonograms treaties Implementation act of nineteen ninety-eight , amended section 101 by adding《 definition of Geneva phonograms convention》 pick another one please . LADY: Thirty five.
Cheng: The WIPO Copy right and performances and phonograms treaties implementation act of nineteen ninety-eight, requires that some paragraphs D of the definition of eligible country take effect a part entry into force of the WIPO performances and phonograms treaties with respect to the United States which occurred on May 20th 2002.

Cheng: This because I memorized the entire text on the plane coming here, it’s a skill that I mastered when I was eighteen , that year, I memorized the whole Xin Hua English dictionary , for your information, I was only considered mediocre among my peers , Chinese students are extremely adept at taking exams , you can’t imagine what they are willing to go through to succeed, you don’t understand Chinese culture.
Meng: Mr. Bono , regardless of the final ruling, this meeting marks the start of our formal partnership , we hope the EES can enforce its rights in the Chinese market . We don’t like being called thieves, we've come here today, hoping to ecate you about one thing, China has changed . Unfortunately , you are still stuck in the past. Bono: Mr. Meng , I remind you, Yao Ming is in the NBA.
Meng: That’s because NBA was trying to tap into the Chinese market, China is already the world’s largest market for English language ecation, today , Chinese students don’t expect to stay in America, they want to go home. Yet you’re still stuck on whether they cheat on exams. Cheng: Mr. Bono, before we came to the states , we debated whether to list the New Dream on the stock exchange , now ,I’ve come to a decision, New Dream’s IPO will be officially announced , today. Bono: What makes you think I care .
Cheng: But you will care, I’ve been waiting for the right opportunity for the company to go public , now, I've got it . That’s right , it's you who

give us this opportunity, thank you Mr. Bono, you are the one who has gained us the attention of potential investors form Wall Street, they will see us as a company with integrity and courage , that takes you responsibility for its mistakes, the more we pay you in compensation , the great valuation we will get in the future. In addition, there will be at least one more benefit from listing New Dream , someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representatives of the world’s largest ecational service cooperation, you may finally show us the respect we deserve, we won’t have to rely on lawsuit to communicate with each other . More importantly ,I’m also doing this for personally reasons , I have a friend , who is more brilliant that I will ever be, and more deserving of success , but when he came to America , I realized the best man of my generation destroyed here , Mr. Bono , the playing field has never been even , this is my way of reclaiming my friend's dignity .According to a Chinese proverb , I’m like a TUBIE, a soft shell of turtle , someone afraid to go out and take risks, now ,I am standing here , terrified even as we speak , but as my friend once said , some things are so important , that they force us to overcome our fears.

⑹ 《中国合伙人》中有哪些经典的英文台词对白

WANG :Mr Bono.It's your gift ,from me.
BONO :It's got from ChinaTown?

WANG :Chinese MoonCake. Next week is the moon festival. And if the fight breaks out later, i have something to throw.
BONO : hahahaha...
WANG : oh hoo, you got the joke, for you.
CHENG :Mr Bone , we officialy offer a formal apology, the acknowledge the commodity right infringement and prepare to settle.
WANG :But not fifteen million.
CHENG:Please, take any clause you want,any clause that is release to our copies.
LADY:Clause eleven.
CHENG: The WTO Copy rights and performances and phonograms treaties of impromenciate at of ninety nineteen eight,amended sation 101 by added《Geneva Conventions》, pick an other one please.
CHENG: This beacause i memorized the entire text on the plane that i coming here, it is a skill that i mastered when i was eighteen,that year, i memorized the whole XinHua English dictionary,for your information, i was only consider the qualification of mediocrity,chinese students are extremely adept at taking exams,you can‘t imagine what they willing to go through to succeed, you dont understand chinese cultrue.
MENG: Mr Bono,regardless of the finnal court decision , this meeting are the start of our formal promotion ,we hope EES can informs rights in chinese market. We dont like to be called thief, we've come here today, hoping to ecated you about one thing, China has changed.Unfortunately, you are still stuck in the past.
BONO: Mr Meng, may i remind of you, MING is in the NBA.
MENG: Thats because NBA was trying to tap into China market, China is already the world largest market for english language ecation.today ,chinese students don't expect to stay in America, they want to go home. Yet your still stuck on whether they cheat on exams.
CHENG:Mr Bono, before we came to the state,we debatedit's best to release the dream . now ,our confirm the decision, NewDream IPO will be officially announced,today.
BONO:What make we should care.
CHENG:But you will care, i will be waitting for the right oppotunity for the company to go public,now, I've got it.Thats right,it's you who give us this oppotunity, thank you Mr Bono, you are the one who has goodness that warns investors from Wall Street.they will see us asour company with sincerity and courage.The more we pay in compensation. the Greater valuation we will get in the future.
In addition ,there will be at least one more benefit from listing New Dream... someday,we will no long teachers.but representatives of the world largest ecation service control division.you will be finally show us that respect we deserve.we will not have to have a lawsuit to communicate with each other.
More important ,I am also doing this for a personal reason, I have a friend who is more brilliant that have never peer at were deserving success.when he came to American,the best mend of my generation destroyed here .the Columbian field has never been fair.this is my ways to click my friend's dignity.
According to chinses programm,I am like a TuBie -- a soft short turtle. someone afraid to go out ating risks.Now ,I am standing here ,terrified even as the speak.but as my friends said: some things are so important that enforce us to overcome our fears.

⑺ 中国合伙人英语台词

Wang :Mr Bono.It's your gift ,from me.
Bono :It's got from ChinaTown?
Wang :Chinese MoonCake. Next week is the moon festival. And if the fight breaks out later, i have something to throw.
Bono : hahaha
Wang : oh hoo, you got the joke, for you.
Cheng :Mr Bone , we officialy offer a formal apology, the acknowledge the commodity right infringement and prepare to settle.
Wang :But not fifteen million.CHENG:Please, take any clause you want,any clause that is release to our copies.
Lady:Clause eleven.
Cheng: The WTO Copy rights and performances and phonograms treaties of impromenciate at of ninety nineteen eight,amended sation 101 by added《Geneva xxx》xxx pick an other one please.xLADY:Thirty five.
Cheng:The WTO xxx
Cheng: This beacause i memorized the entire text on the plane that i coming here, it is a skill that i mastered when i was eighteen,that year, i memorized the whole XinHua English dictionary,for your information, i was only consider the qualification of mediocrity,Chinese students are extremely adept at taking exams,you cant imagine what they willing to go through to succeed, you dont understand chinese cultrue.
Meng: Mr Bono,regardless of the finnal xxx , this meeting xxx start of our formal xxx ,we hope EES can informs rights in chinese market. We dont like to be called thief, we've come here today, hoping to ecated you about one thing, China has changed.Unfortunately, you are still stuck in the past.
Bono: Mr Meng, may i remind of you, MING is in the NBA.MENG: Thats because NBA was trying to xxx into China market, China is already the world largest market for english language ecation, today ,chinese students dont expect to stay in America, they want to go home. Yet your still stuck on whether they cheat on exams.
Cheng:Mr Bono, before we came to the state,we debated to release xxx xxx delay changed, now ,our confirm the decision, NewDream xxx will be xxx announced,today.
Bono:What make we should care.
Cheng:But you will care, our be waitting for the right oppotunity for the company to go public,now, I've got it.Thats right,it's you who give us this oppotunity, thank you Mr Bono, you are the one who has gonna xxx attention of potential investors form Wall Street, they will see us as company with integrity and courage,that takes you responsibility for xx mistakes, the more we to pay compensation,the great valuation we will get in the futrue. In addition, there will be at lease xxx more xx NewDream, someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representative of the world largest ecational service cooperation, you mean finnaly show us the respect we deserved, it wouldnt have to xxx comunicated with each other.More importantly ,im also xx for personally reason,i have a friend,who is more brilliant that i never ever be, and worth deserved of success,but when he came to America,i realized the best man of my generation destroyed here,Mr Bono,the palce here had never be equal,this is my way xxx xx to .According to our chinese xxx, im like a TUBIE, a soft shell of turtle,someone afraid to go out and take risks, now ,im standing here,terrify even i had ever speak,but as my friend said,somethings are so important,that force us to overcome our fears.王阳: 波诺先生,送你的礼物


王阳:中国月饼,下个礼拜就是中秋节了 还有,等会儿如果打起来,还可以那它来扔你。


王阳:我就是喜欢你有幽默感 给你




孟晓俊: 波诺先生,无论官司的判决如何,这将是我们正式合作的开始,我们希望EES在中国市场实现版权规范化,我们不喜欢被你们说成窃贼,我们今天来到这里,其实只想告诉你一件事,中国在改变,但很遗憾,你们一直没有变。


孟晓俊: 那是因为NBA需要中国市场,中国是全球最大的英语教育市场。今天,中国学生来美国不是为了留下,他们愿意回国,可是你还在关心他们有没有作弊。

成东青: 波诺先生,就在我们来美国之前,还一直在争论新梦想公司是否应该上市,就在刚才,我刚做了一个决定,新梦想会在今天正式宣布,启动上市。


成东青: 你会关心得,我一直在等一个时机把公司上市,现在终于等到了,对,是你们给了新梦想这个机会,波诺先生,谢谢你,是你们让华尔街投资者看到了我们,让他们看到我们的诚意和勇气,看到我们为错误承担代价,我们付出的赔偿金越多,我们未来市场得价值就越高,当然,上市还有另一个好处,会有一天,当我们三个不再只是教书匠,而是全球最庞大教育产业股的代表,你们就会真正尊重我们,再不需要通过打官司来沟通。对我来说,这件事还有一个更重要的原因,我有一个朋友,他远比我优秀,远比我更应该成功,他来到美国,我看见我们这一代人中游得最棒的在这里沉下去了,波诺先生,这里从来就不是一个公平的战场,我要用我的方式帮他赢回尊严,按中国说法,我是一个土鳖,害怕任何风险,此刻,我站在这里,仍然不免会害怕,但我同意我这位朋友的说法,总有一些更重要的事情,赋予我们,打败恐惧的勇气。

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