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发布时间: 2021-02-12 10:59:27

『壹』 哪位好心人有Avicii唱的trouble中文歌词,在线等,不要翻译器的!谢谢啊!

"Trouble" - Avicii

I've been a beggar and I've been a king
我做过乞丐 也当过国王
I've been a loner and I've worn the ring
曾经单身 也经历过婚姻
Losing myself just to find me again
迷失自己 也只是为了更好的找到真我
I'm a million miles smarter, but I ain't learnt a thing
不知聪明到哪里去了 但什么都没有学到

I've been a teacher and a student of hurt
对于伤痛 有些心得体会 却也受过教训
I've kept my word for whatever that's worth
Never been last, but I've never been first
没吊过车尾 也从未夺冠
No I may not be the best, but I'm far from the worst
也许我不是最好的 但离最差的却也还有十万八千里呢
No I may not be the best, but I'm far from the worst
也许我不是最好的 但离最差的却也还有十万八千里呢

Oh I've seen trouble more than any man should bear
But I've seen enough joy, I've had more than my share
And I'm still not done, I'm only halfway there
现在盖棺定论还为时尚早 我在成功的路上才只走了一半
I'm a million miles ahead of where I'm from
But there's still another million miles to come

I keep on searching for the city of gold
And I'm gonna follow this yellow brick road
Thinking that maybe, it might lead me home
想着或许 或许它能带我回家呢
I'm a million miles farther and a long way from home
我在更远更远的地方 离家有太长一段路

I know that there's a plan that goes way beyond mine
Got to step back just to see the design
所以我需要后退一步 深思熟虑
The mind fears the heart but the heart doesn't mind
心里有过恐惧 但这并不重要
No I may not be perfect, but I'm loving this life
我也许并不完美 但我热爱着我的生活
No I may not be perfect, but I'm loving this life
我也许并不完美 但我热爱着我的生活

Oh I've seen trouble more than any man should bear
But I've seen enough joy, I've had more than my share
And I'm still not done, I'm only halfway there
现在盖棺定论还为时尚早 我在成功的路上才只走了一半
I'm a million miles ahead of where I'm from
But there's still another million miles to come
这首歌听上去挺欢快的,歌词也非常励志,让我一下子就想到了Jessie J的Masterpiece,简直有异曲同工之妙。

『贰』 求broken arrows avicii 双语翻译

Avicii联手Zac BrownBand#最新励志单曲《Broken Arrows》MV!讲述经历... 听写强化训练系统有听写比对,按句停顿,中文翻译、听写错词提示等...

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