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发布时间: 2021-01-09 08:48:14

1. 年兽的故事70字


2. 年兽的故事春节的来历 英语作文

Legend has it that in ancient China there was a monster called "Nian", head long sharp horn, ferocious abnormality, "Nian" Beast Nians deep in the sea floor, every New Nian's Eve, climb ashore to devour livestock to harm human life, so every New Nian's Eve, village villages Zhai people help, fled to the mountains to avoid the "Nian" injury. Another Nian on New Nian's Eve, the folks, as in previous Nians, are busy packing things ready to flee to the mountains, when the village of the East Tau came a white-haired old man, white-haired old man said to a woman as long as he stayed at her house one night, he will be able to "Nian" Beast drive away.


People do not believe, the old woman advised it or go up the mountain to avoid good, but the elderly insisted to stay, the crowd saw advised him not to live, then went up the mountain to avoid. When the "Nian" beast as in previous Nians ready to break into the village raging, suddenly came the sound of firecrackers, "Nian" Beast Shiver, no longer dare to put forward, the original "Nian" Beast most afraid of red, fire and explosion.


At this time the door opened, saw a stretched robe in the courtyard of the old man laughed, "Nian" Beast shocked, panic and fled. The next day, when people returned to the village from the mountains, found the village safe and sound, it dawned on the original white-haired old man is to help everyone banish the "Nian" Beast Immortals, people also found the white-haired old man banished the "Nian" Beast three Magic weapon. From then on, every Nian on New Nian's Eve, the family affixed red couplets, set off firecrackers, household lights bright.



3. 谁知到年兽故事的英文版

In ancient times, there are monsters called" year", form if the lion and unicorn. Timing appear to harm people and livestock, people have no uniform method. One time," " entered a village, coincidence wear red, burning bamboo poles heating," crackling " explosion sound, lights flashing," " frightened channeling panic. So people know " year", ring the "years", each and every family door home furnishing, pasted the red, burning firecrackers to drive "". " Year" fruit come no longer. People that have the "year", beat gongs and sound drums, called each other" Congratulations", was" have the spring festival".

4. 年兽的英文来历

Nian beast is also known as Nian, the evil beast in ancient Han myths and legends. Legend has it that every midnight at the end of the year, Nianbeasts attacked villages.

All villages occupied by Nianbeasts suffered brutal massacres, and the horns on their heads were weapons of massacre.

After the slaughter, the Nien Beast will eat everyone's head. In order to prevent people from fraulent bodies or escaping by chance, Nian beast pretended to leave the village and returned to slaughter survivors, even causing the village to shake violently. Even babies and children are unavoidable.

People take advantage of the three weaknesses of Nianwu, which are afraid of red, loud noise and fire, to set off firecrackers and paste doors to drive Nianwu away from attack.

Another legend is that on New Year's Eve, people get help from the gods called "Nian" and drive away "Nian", so there are New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.







5. 求大神帮我写一篇英语作文,关于过年的神话故事,就是所谓的'年兽',不用太长,简短明了就行


It is said that Nian is a small animal with a head of ten feet long, eyes like copper bells, coming and going like the wind, and the sound of "Nian" is emitted when it calls, so it is called Nian animal.

Over time, people graally found that Nian beast was afraid of three things, namely red, fire and loud noise; so later people would gather together on New Year's Eve when the animal would come, stick red paper (later graally changed to peach stickers or red couplets), hang red lanterns, set off firecrackers and so on, in order to drive away Nian beast.

When the animals were driven away, people would always say happily to each other, "Another year has passed."Slowly, there is the saying of New Year's Day, and thus the custom of New Year's Day appears.





6. 英文版 年兽的传说,不要太长的。 35字,或40字左右。 短一点啊

。「年兽」是一个残忍凶猛的野兽,古代人相信「年兽」在除夕夜时会出来吃人。传说「年兽」极惧怕红色、火光及吵杂的声音,人们就在门上贴著红纸条,并整夜点著火炬、燃放炮烛,来避开「年兽」。到了第二天一大早,「恭喜」之声不绝於耳,空气中弥漫著打败「年兽」胜利与重生的喜悦。 The lunar calendar new year origin, has the basis, also is rich and
picks the varied fable to be possible to trace to several millenniums
before; Most is famous is "the year beast" fable. "The year beast" is
a cruel terrible wild animal, ancient times the person believed "year
beast" when lunar New Year's Eve night can come out eats the person.
The fable "the year beast" extremely fears red, the flame and quarrels
the mixed sound, the people on paste the red paper in the gate, and
selects the torch all night, is setting off the artillery candle,
avoids "the year beast". To second day early morning, "has
congratulated" the sound to the ear, in the air does not fill the
air is defeating "the year beast" the victory and the rebirth joy.

7. 年兽的故事翻译英文

In ancient times, there are monsters called" year", form if the lion and unicorn. Timing appear to harm people and livestock, people have no uniform method. One time," " entered a village, coincidence wear red, burning bamboo poles heating," crackling " explosion sound, lights flashing," " frightened channeling panic. So people know " year", ring the "years", each and every family door home furnishing, pasted the red, burning firecrackers to drive "". " Year" fruit come no longer. People that have the "year", beat gongs and sound drums, called each other" Congratulations", was" have the spring festival".

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