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发布时间: 2020-12-28 04:13:08

㈠ 英雄联盟卢锡安和赛娜的背景故事中有哪些彩蛋

就是隐藏任务:隐藏任务类似于狮子狗与螳螂之间的任务 ,当狮子狗和螳螂在游戏中相遇并达到 16 级时,将触发任务狩猎。任务触发后,狮子狗可以通过杀死螳螂获得额外的攻击力,螳螂可以升级其第四技能。当赛娜与锤石遇到一个低级的对手时,他们会触发一个隐藏的任务,你可以通过杀死锤石获得 30 点力量和 30 点盔甲,你可以获得 40 点广告,50 点攻击距离和 30% 的临界打击概率通过杀死锤石。



㈡ 英雄联盟背景故事中锤石算暗影岛的老大吗




㈢ 英雄联盟都玩过锤石,但是你知道他的背景故事么





㈣ lol锤石背景故事被破败之咒影响后会使用黑魔法了吗

新英雄卡莉丝塔背景故事 新皮肤血月! 新英雄实战测评!大招由队友自行多玩首页;LOL英雄联盟专区;盒子新闻;腥红之月锤石与伊莉丝 今日正式开售!..

㈤ 锤石腥红之月是以什么为背景故事

新英雄卡莉丝塔背景故事 新皮肤血月! 新英雄实战测评!大招由队友自行...多玩首页>LOL英雄联盟专区>盒子新闻>腥红之月锤石与伊莉丝 今日正式开售!..

㈥ lol锤石的背景故事厉害吗 实力可以在所有英雄中排第几


㈦ 跪求英雄联盟钢铁大使和锤石的背景故事

钢铁大使:当其他的约德尔少女在载歌载舞、编织花环的时候,波比却在她父亲的铠甲铺里辛勤劳作。比起其他少女娇嫩可爱的双手,波比的则长满了老茧,浑身还沾满了油污。布罗格朗,波比的父亲,是班德尔城技艺最为高超的铁匠。他深爱着他的幼女波比,一如他深爱着自己的工作。波比——这个名字便是源于燃烧的熔炉里那欢快迸溅的火花声。当波比第一次举起了父亲那把忠实的铁锤时,布罗格朗的心里洋溢着无比的骄傲。波比与生俱来的铸造天赋加上父亲的悉心教导,很快便让她成为了一名能工巧匠。一天,德玛西亚的弗洛林 贝瑞尔将军来到了布罗格朗的店铺,请他为自己打造一套独一无二的盔甲。布罗格朗尽心尽力地工作着,打算将自己的倾心杰作呈现给弗洛林。他把盔甲最为重要的部分交给了波比,让她来安装正中间的珠宝。当盔甲完工之时,父女俩启程前往德玛西亚亲自呈上这份重物。然而,这个消息却走漏到了诺克萨斯高管的耳中,他们派遣了两名杀手半路拦劫。布罗格朗奋力抗争,使得波比能带上宝甲顺利逃脱。波比却只能眼睁睁地看着自己的父亲被杀害。坚强的波比并没有逃回家中,而是将宝甲一路护送到了德玛西亚。她拒绝接受将军的酬金,因为酬金再高也挽回不了她父亲的生命。她更愿意将宝甲当成一件厚礼,来光耀先父的遗志。弗洛林看到女孩那闪烁的泪花背后藏着的坚毅决心,便请求班德尔城的首领任命波比为德玛西亚的约德尔大使。不久之后,波比决心以先父铁锤粉碎诺克萨斯,自愿加入了英雄联盟。波比也许身材矮小,但她的铁锤、她的意志,却无比强大。
When the other about del girl at the time of singing and dancing, wove garlands, bobby has worked hard in her father's armor shop. Compared to other girls and delicate lovely hands, bobby is full of calluses, and also covered in grease. Block grant, bobby's father, is the most excellent blacksmith, bandar city skill. He loved his daughter, bobby, as he loved his job. Bobby - the name is derived from combustion furnace in the cheerful the splashed spark. When bobby raised the father for the first time that the faithful the hammer, the broad grant of heart was filled with pride. Bobby innate casting talent plus father taught devotedly, quickly let her become a skillful craftsman. One day, DE Marcia florins berry general came to a broad grant of shops, ask him to creating your own a unique set of armor. Block grant to work, going to own beautiful masterpiece presents florins. The most important part of his armor to bobby, let her to install in the middle of jewelry. When completed armor, father departed for DE Marcia personally presented the weights. However, the news has leaked to the north Texas executives, they sent two killer halfway heist. Block grant fighting, making waves than to take a treasure got away. Bobby watched his father killed. Strong wave ratio did not escape in the home, but will treasure escorted all the way to DE Marcia. She refused to accept the general fee, because of the high fee again won't save her father's life. She is more willing to treasure as a gift, to guangyao fathers legacy. Florins see girl that hiding behind the glittering tears gritty determination, ask the leader of the city of bandar appointed bobby DE Marcia about del ambassador. Soon after, bobby was determined by my father the hammer crushing, Texas, voluntarily joined the hero alliance. Bobby may be small, but her hammer, she will, but very powerful.



Lol soul lock the warden hammer stone background story, the warden hammer stone background overview: lol soul lock the warden hammer stone is a distorted the reaper, the chain of his hunger to trap a living soul. As long as the sight in his ghost appearance hesitate a moment, had no chance of escape. Target will soul out-of-body experience, and are drawn into the dark green lantern, leaving only the bodies of lost souls. Soul will lock the warden in the process of torture victims to enjoy the fun of abuse, whether it is in their lifetime or after their death. His cruel work will never finish, and he is on the mainland for more resolute spirit for decomposition.

Lol stone hammer carefully and leisurely carving the path through the tile lorraine. He alone choose his goal, putting all his energy to every soul in the hunting. He isolated and playing the goal, in his twisted their humor graally eroded, and the madness of the mind. Once the hammer stone interested in a soul, will not give up before hand. Then he will capture the soul back to the shadow island to meet a can't imagine the terrible fate. This is his sole purpose.
Lol soul lock the warden is known about the past, and most of the details exist only in the nursery rhymes and rumors. It tells a frenzied the gaoler's story. Hundreds of years ago, there was a jailer enjoyed the process of torture prisoners. His patience and very cruel, can use a series of methods to break the will of victims, even in their bodies to give in to his terrible design before. Chains are the jailer's favoured terrorist instruments of torture. Their sharp scratch marks his terrible means, and ensure that let him painful visit by those people. His rule is already dark, until his prisoners escaped in a large-scale riots. They beat him, and to him to be hanged on his own chains. Therefore, the name of this terrible ghosts to hammer stone began his undead, rumors about him also begin to emerge.
Now, lol hammer stone is like concealed in the mainland, and spreading fear and disappointment. Behind his trick, however, there is an ulterior purpose, and the barren spirit of ordinary people are unable to meet their requirements. He sought a more powerful spirit. Only if he breached earthen lorraine the most soldiers of perseverance, he will eventually get what he need.

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