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发布时间: 2021-03-14 07:05:40

1. 睡前故事 用英语 怎么说呢

bedtime story

2. 睡前故事英文。

Bedtime story

3. 睡前小故事 用英语怎么讲

little stories at bedtime

4. 儿童英语睡前成语故事


5. 我想让妈妈给我讲一个睡前故事,用英语编一段

long long ago,there was an old man and a young man living in an old temple on the moutain;
one night,the young man asked the old man if he could tell a story about the old temple.the old man said yes and began "
ong long ago,there was an old man and a young man living in an old temple on the moutain;
one night,the young man asked the old man if he could tell a story about the old temple...

6. 常用儿童英语睡前小故事都有哪些

There is a beautiful hen, around the young cock for her beauty and mping, are very fond of her. 有一只漂亮的母鸡,身边的年轻公鸡都为她的美貌而倾倒,都非常喜欢她。

A beautiful hen wants to choose a suitable object among them. 漂亮的母鸡想从他们中间为自己选择一个合适的对象。

Pullet felt strong and brave Rooster can bring their own sense of security, so she to pursue her cock were announced: "you held a match it! Who will win, and I will marry who!" in order to compete for beautiful hen two roosters rally. 母鸡觉得强壮、勇敢的公鸡能给自己带来安全感,所以,她就对追求她的公鸡们宣布:“你们举行一场比赛吧!谁能获胜,我就嫁给谁!”为了争抢漂亮的母鸡,两只公鸡对打了起来。

7. 睡前故事英语翻译中文在线听

stories before bedtime

8. BBC儿童睡前故事

英文睡前故事来《Cbeebies Bedtime Stories》是BBC出品的给源孩子的睡前故事,由BBC的播音员主讲。BBC播音员现场播讲和故事的绘本图案交替出现,表情生动,英音标准可信,词汇和句型都比较简单,可以讲给孩子听,也适合英音学习者的听力练习或者模仿。



9. 谢谢你的睡前故事英文

  • Thanks for your bedtime story.

  • 谢谢你的睡前故事

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