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发布时间: 2021-02-26 06:09:04

① 三到四分钟的乌鸦喝水的故事的英语演讲稿

Near a big rock there is a bottle,some water is in the bottle, a crow is hot and thirsty , he comes to the bottle, and stands next to the bottle, but he can't drink the water ,because the bottle neck is veny long. He thinks and thinks ,then flys away. Aftre a while ,he comes back with a small stone in his mouth. He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle, the water in the bottle comes up to it's neck.the crow drink the water, he is very happy.


② 寻找一篇乌鸦喝水的故事(英文版)。

Near a big rock there is a bottle,some water is in the bottle, a crow is hot and thirsty , he comes to the bottle, and stands next to the bottle, but he can't drink the water ,because the bottle neck is veny long. He thinks and thinks ,then flys away. Aftre a while ,he comes back with a small stone in his mouth. He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle, the water in the bottle comes up to it's neck.the crow drink the water, he is very happy。




n.岩石,石头; 摇滚乐; 棒糖; <非正式>宝石(尤指钻石);

v.摇晃; 摇动; 震动;

vi.演奏摇滚乐; 随摇滚乐起舞;


n.乌鸦; 雄鸡的啼声;

vi.公鸡啼鸣,报晓; 欢呼; (尤指在其他人不成功时)扬扬自得地夸口;

③ 把乌鸦喝水的故事翻译成英语(少一点的)

CROW perishing with thirst saw a pitcher, and hoping to find water, flew to it with delight.
When he reached it, he discovered to his grief that it contained so little water that he could not possibly get at it. He tried everything he could think of to reach the water, but all his efforts were in vain.
At last he collected as many stones as he could carry and dropped them one by one with his beak into the pitcher, until he brought the water within his reach and thus saved his life.
Necessity is the mother of invention.

④ 乌鸦喝水的英语小故事

The Crow and The Pitcher

A crow felt very thirsty. He looked for water everywhere. Finally, he found a pitcher.

But there was not a lot of water in the pitcher. His beak could not reach it. He tried again and again, but still could not touch the water.

When he was about to give up, an idea came to him. He took a pebble and dropped it into the pitcher. Then he took another and dropped it in.

Graally, the water rose, and the crow was able to drink the water.

⑤ 求乌鸦喝水的故事,要英文的


⑥ 乌鸦喝水中英文对照版


Near a big rock there is a bottle. Some water is in the bottle. A crow is hot and thirsty. He comes to the bottle, and stands next to the bottle, but he can't drink the water ,beause the bottle neck is very long. He thinks and thinks ,then flys away. After a while, he comes back with a small stone in his mouth. He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle, the water in the bottle comes up to it's neck. The crow drinks the water. He is very happy.

⑦ 英语作文 乌鸦喝水的故事

乌鸦喝水(Crow drink water)

There is some water in a bottle near a big rock.A bird is very thirsty.

He comes to the bottle and stands next to the bottle.But he can't drink the water,beacause the bottleneck is very long and narrow.

So he thinks and thinks,and then flies away.

After some time,he comes back with a small stone in his beak.He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle.

He flies away and flies back again and again.He puts many stones into the bottle.

The water in the bottle comes up to its neck and the crow can catch up and drink the water.

⑧ 乌鸦喝水简短英语故事


⑨ 乌鸦喝水故事大意英文版


⑩ 英语故事:乌鸦喝水,30词以内的,谢谢!!!!!

A crow is thirsty.He is looking for water.He sees a bottle with some water.He happily flies down,but he can't drink some water."What can I do".He looks around and sees some pebbles, then he has a good idea. He drops the pebbles into the bottle one by one.The crow drinks the water happily.

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