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發布時間: 2021-01-27 07:53:53

『壹』 一分鍾的英語演講稿

What is success? It is what everyone is longing for.Sometimes success would be rather simple. Winning a game is success; getting a high grade in the exam is success; making a new friend is success; even now I am
standing here giving my speech is somehow also success.

However, as a person』 whole life is concerned, success becomes very
complicated. Is fortune success? Is fame success? Is high social status success? No, I don』t think so. I believe success is the realization of people』
s hopes and ideals.Nowadays, in the modern society there are many people
who are regarded as the successful. And the most obvious characteristics of hem are money, high position and luxurious life. So most people believe that s success and all that they do is for this purpose. But the problem is wether it is real success. We all know there are always more money, higher position and better condition in front of us. If we keep chasing them, where is the end? What will satisfy us at last? Therefore, we can see, to get the real Success we must need something inside, which is the realization of
people』 hopes and ideals.

Different people have different ideas about success; cause people』s hopes and ideas vary from one another. But I am sure every success is dear to everybody, cause it is not easy to come by, cause in the process of our striving for success, we got both our body and soul tempted, meanwhile we are enlightened by the most valuable qualities of human beings: love, patient, courage and sense of responsibility. These are the best treasures. So now I am very proud that I have this opportunity to stand here speaking to all of you. It is my success, cause I raise up to challenge my hope.

What is success? Everyone has his own interpretation as I do. But I am sure
every success leads to an ever-brighter future. So ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, we, every one of us, can make a
successful life!

Wish you all good success!


『貳』 一篇關於人生最簡單的1分鍾英語演講

Life is important to anyone in the world.But what the life mean is not clear to anyone on the earth.
What is the meaning of life?Someone thinks that life is working and working.They think that they don't need to know anything outside the field of their specializations,so they don't care about many things such as sports,entertainment,music...
Life is more than working.Of course working is important to our life,because it supports oppotunity to get money,and make our life better.However,working is not enough to life.As a human in today's society,he or she should know much more knowledge than his or her own field.The knowledge outside one's specialization can help him or her build up the moral sense.
The meaning of life is difficult to explain.No one can give the clear identification of it.But the life is not difficult.The meaning of life is to devote.If anyone in the world is ready to devote,the life of the world will be more beautiful.

『叄』 求一篇一分鍾英語演講稿

Animals are our friends we should set up nature reserves to protect their advocacy for the Protection of Animals knowledge we all act together with us and the world that there is an animal Earth

We should not destroy the surrounding of the animals and plates living .We should not catch and kill wild-animal ,not cut the plates for our greedy desire.I want scientists to stop using animals as experiments。
I thing killing or testing animals is very awful.It is wrong to kill animales for makeing clothes,or for some "fun".
Governments should help to protect animales,birds,plants and insects in their own country.I like the animals and I will do evrything to help them
I will never wear a fur coat 。When I grow up and make a lot of money I open Center for homeless animals。I want to be a vet when i grow up,I am an animal rights activist。

『肆』 一篇關於朋友的一分鍾最簡單的英語演講稿

順便提一下,目前我在學的ABC天芐歐美外教口語的教師才和我提過 其實要掌握好英語是輕松的。一定要有一個符合的學習環境及練習口語對象,最關鍵就是外教水平,東南亞口音重,一定要找歐美籍,發音純正才是最好,堅決每天口語交流 1對1個性化學習才能有最.好.的學習成果;完成課堂後同樣要重復復習錄音文檔,幫助加強記憶。實在是真的沒有人可以指導的話 只能上聽力室或愛思獲取課外學習資料練習 多用耳聽、眼觀、嘴動、腦想 很快的口語能力會提高起來 學習效果是絕對突飛猛進的~Hello,everybody! 大家好~ I am so glad to be here to give you a speech. 我非常高興在這里為大家演講! I would like to introce a famous film to you. 我想給大家介紹一部好電影 The title of the film is Ghost. 電影標題就是《人鬼情未了》 Ts film is both funny and toucng. 這部電影既好笑又感人 It tells that a ghost who was killed by s friend finally took s revenge on the killers. 電影講敘了一個人被朋友謀殺後,變成鬼魂,最終向朋友復仇的故事 It is a special film, because it is not full of blood at all. 這部電影之所以很特別,是因為它一點也不血腥 It shows the great love between friends and lovers. 它展示了朋友之間和夫妻之間的偉大感情 There is also a black woman in it who plays the part of a black fortune teller. She is a humorous and kind-hearted woman. 這裡面還有個女黑人扮演的算命大師,她是個幽默而善良的人 I have said so much about it. 我已經說了這么多 Are you a little interested in the film now? 你現在是否對這部電影有點興趣了呢? I hope that you can find some time to see the film. 我希望你們也能抽空去看看這部電影 That is really a wonderful film among the films I had ever seen. 在我所看過的影片中,這真的算一部很精彩的影片了 OK.That is all of my speech today. 好了。這就是我今天的演講~ Thanks for your listening! 感謝大家的傾聽!

『伍』 求一篇一分鍾的英文演講稿,要求越簡單越好,貼近生活,最好幽默點.

I love Yao Ming.
Boys and girls,
Look at me!
Boys and girls!
Listen up!
This is my idol.(你可以舉一張姚明的畫象)
Cause he is a role model.
His name is Yao Ming.
Can you repeat after me?
Yao Ming!
And this is his number (11)(你伸出兩個手指做勝利的手勢)
Can you repeat after me?
Eleven, eleven!
Eleven means victory!
Yao Ming is a sportsman!
Yao Ming is a superman!
He is super.
He is a dream catcher!
His dream has come true.
He is playing in NBA.

I have no doubt he has bigger dreams in his mind.
To get a NBA champion ring!
I pray for him!
I hooray for him!
I love my idol and my idol loves me!

Boys and girls, hooray for Yao Ming!

Boys and girls, thank you for listening.

『陸』 一分鍾英語演講稿

Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo.

The World Expo in 2010

Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians. ()ur government - has promised that it will be the best one. And Shanghai. as a host city. will have more chances to develop quickly. As a student in Shanghai. I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai. How To Be A Lovely Citizen(如何成為一個可愛的上海人)

Great changes have taken place in Shanghai and more and more people throughout the world are focusing their attention on Shanghai now. As a citizen of Shanghai. I feel I must spare no efforts to do my bit. First. I decide to help plant more trees to make our city more beautiful. Second. I should obey seven nos and be good at learning from others. Third. I should study hard so that I can do something better for my city in the future.

『柒』 求一篇一分鍾英語演講稿~要快

I was born in ***,and I lived in ***,I am very glad to introce myself .I graated form *** school, and now I am a freshman at ***class in ***



『捌』 英語一分鍾演講,我要最簡單的 如題~


『玖』 求一分鍾英語演講稿

Dear teacher and classmates:
I am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! This time, I\'d like to talk something about English.
I love English. English language is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.
When I was seven, my mother sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English songs with other children . Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world.
Everyday, I read English following the tapes. Sometimes, I watch English cartoons.
On the weekend, I often go to the English corner. By talking with different people there, I have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral English.
I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit Washington Monument, because the president Washington is my idol. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England is where English language developed. If I can ride my bike in Cambridge university, I will be very happy.
I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. I\'ll introce China to them, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Anshan.
I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.
If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.

『拾』 英語演講稿,一分鍾要簡單易懂的。帶翻譯


Everytime I am asked what I want to do in the future。 I think a minute and say being a doctor is my dream job。

Doctor is an other kind of artist who does human art by fighting with diseases and making people feel good。 I think it is a pleasure to try my best to bring happiness to others。 It is a feeling of pride and I am fond of it。

In modern life, a mass of people work day and night to seek wealth and as a result they ignore their health。 It is known that strong body is a foundation of beatific life。 I dreamed to be an excellent doctor who can help them have a right to enjoy life again。 Curing people is a doctor's holy responsibility。

Being a doctor is my dream job, now I should study hard to gain more knowledge to reach my goal。





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