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發布時間: 2021-01-27 01:00:18

㈠ 緊急!!給一篇英語演講稿A friend in need is a friend indeed 患難見真情

would like to tell you something about myself, my true feel-ings. When I was in Senior One, I had great difficulty in learning science subjects. I was unable to understand the teacher and 1 could not do the exercises or the homework. I believed that I was stupid and could not learn anything. The sky was gray and the grass was yellow those days. Everything was a mess in my brain. My classmate, a good student, whom I only considered as one of the classmates before, came to me with a smile. She told me that if I needed help, she would like to help me. As she was also very busy with her studies,I asked myself, "Could she help me? "Sev-eral days later, I knew the answer. Yes, she could. She did as much as she could. She made time every day to help me solve the problems and showed me many good ways to study science. Her patience and earnest nature touched me deeply. I worked very hard and my progress was reflected in my examination result. I appreciated her help very much and wanted to thank her. When I looked at her, once again she smiled at me with an encouraging and congratulatory look. At that moment I understood that a true friend should be like this.

㈡ 患難見真情英語演講稿

The bear told me not to trust such selfish friend like you very much. And also said that a friend in need is really a friend indeed.
Two friends are walking in the forest. One is thin and tall, and very bad too. The other is fat and short, and very honest .The tall man says to the short man,「 are good friends. If any beast comes at all , I』ll help you.」The short man says,「Of course, we are good friends. We will help each other.」
At that time, a bear comes to them. It almost comes close very near. The tall man climbs up the tree quickly to conceal himself in the branches and forgot his promise to the short man. But the fat man can』t climb the tree. He says to his friends,「Help me! Help me! I can』t climb up. Look! The bear is coming!」The tall man says:「No! No! No! You can』t stay with me. The tree is not strong.」 The bear is coming. The short man lies down below the tree, posing as dead and holds his breath. The bear smells around his body. It doesn』t touch the death.
After the bear went away without harming the short man, the tall man comes down and asks the fat man,「What did the bear whisper into your ears when it closed to you?」The short man answers:「The bear told me not to trust such selfish friend like you very much. And also said that a friend in need is really a friend indeed.」

翻譯:患難朋友才是真正朋友 兩個朋友走在樹林里,一個又瘦又高,而且非常壞。另一個又胖又矮,但他很忠誠老實。高的男人對矮的男人說:「我們是好朋友,如果有野獸來襲擊我們,我會幫助你的!」那個矮的男人說:「那當然,我們是好朋友,我們會互相幫助。」

㈢ 患難見真情 演講稿

Lost to know what is precious and I have a cold winter walk in the streets of Tianjin also only wear a suit, all year round now the only place in the skirt Guili as a display, even ring the hot summer, Because I lost the most precious wealth - health, I am a bit of rheumatoid patients, so I lost all the opportunity to wear skirts!
Remember that three years ago just Shengguohaizi not long, one day, unfortunately suddenly fell, half of the body can not move, joint pain unable to walk, sleep, because my children are still breast-feeding, breast-feeding fears impact of medication, not Renzhe To the hospital for an examination, has been going on for a week, the pain is really no way but to go to the hospital, who knows that his findings in the rheumatoid, was not aware of this terrible disease, access to relevant information to be aware of rheumatoid Fear and serious. Emergency weaning children every day in the major hospitals Qunxun, examination, treatment, Datan everywhere where there is vaccine or treatment, and since then I know what Chen Jiang, what is the anti-O, what is ESR, in hospital out-patient rheumatoid Can see all types of patients, and some can be said to be shocking. I was also very serious disease, the ESR of up to 72, the indexes are very bad, not walk, dress to help people at home and even have difficulty squeezing toothpaste, Wannianjuhui, had previously heard a long time without Xiaozai Bingchuang Qian, Moreover, the disease I have no sign of improvement, so I had to carry a burden of serious thinking, their very afraid that one day will really paralyzed in bed, then I very young children how to do » ! Fortunately, my parents and I, continue to encourage me, meticulous care for me, has given me confidence, there are a lot of my friends constantly concerned about the provision of information and experts in the treatment of rheumatoid doctor to me.
Initially, I just have to see in Chinese medicine, because I believe that the motherland's national essence, but read about a year, three Dayton Chinese medicine every day, even with all Aohao mission of Chinese medicine, illness or no major improvement, Chinese medicine is the treatment of chronic, the results may not have Western medicine to the fast, I see people at home are so acute pain in his heart, persuaded me try to look at Western medicine, I am very lucky in the medical clinic met Dr. Xu Jianhua, I personally think that her treatment I am very suitable for the use of drugs is simple, just before eating the traditional Chinese medicine into methyl Liu Dan, the Chinese Pa Fulin also opened as usual to eat, severe pain when serving Fenbi De plus, adhere to medication every day, after a period of time Treatment is very significant, about six months after the indexes tend to turn for the better, in addition to rainy days and is now the turn of the seasons when the body feel a bit uncomfortable, the rest are really good, but also enhance immunity, the common cold is not easy, and now self-confidence Show in my face, in the park, playground, shopping malls and we can see the shadow of a three well-being.

㈣ 患難見真情的英語演講稿及中文翻譯

those dark openings in the Tombs; and what mig

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