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發布時間: 2021-01-24 13:33:33

① 我的偶像英語作文

My Idol
My idol is Wu Yifan. He is a Chinese. He is 25 years old. He has a pair of beautiful gemstone-looking eyes and black hair. He is 1.87 meter tall. He likes playing basketball and RAP. He is a good man. He is hard-working, effort , gentle and careful. Everything he does is perfect. He is extremely kind to his fans and take care of them with the greatest patience. He is my idol, my motivation, my learning goal.
Thank you

② 一分鍾英語演講稿 題目:我的偶像


③ 急!!英文演講稿、我的偶像(字數大概100個單詞)

My idol
My idol is Leehom Wang(王力宏).He is a talent singer.He can play many instrument.For example,he can play the piano,the violin,the guitar and so on. Also,his songs are very good!Such as "Forever love","Only one","Mary says","the small love in big city","Kiss goodbye"and so on. And he also writes the songs by himself,especially the original lyrics. So many people like him very much. Now,he concentrates on the Chinese music . Of course,he is very handsome.He also have the high academic records. He has many advantage,too.He is a kind man,he is hardly ever angry with other people. So many singers or actors are his friends.When he is making his CD,he even forgets the time and the meals.He is very earnest and gentle.I really take pride in his fans! 寫王力宏的素材多謝,JAY我寫不了那麼多,,

④ 鋼鐵俠我的偶像英文演講稿





⑤ 介紹我的偶像(英文作文)

A South Korean boy band under the proction and management group SM Entertainment, Super Junior (aka SJ or SuJu) made their debut in 2005 and were instantly popular in their home country and in a great deal of other Asian pop music markets.
The original idea was that Super Junior would be rotating cast of characters -- the name changing to represent the changes, i.e., Super Junior 05 would become Super Junior 06 -- but once the first round of rotations were to be made, an addition rather than a switch was made and the group expanded to 13. As Super Junior 05 {Leetuk, Heechul, Han Geng (the only Chinese member, Han Geng was chosen from a number of applicants to appeal to a broader Asian market), Yesung, Kang-In, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, and Kibum} the group released a self-titled debut album in December of 2005. Their second single, "Miracle" was a number one in a number of Asian charts, and shortly thereafter the decision was made to keep the group (plus one) and drop the year designator from the name.
In 2006, 13th member Kyuhyun was added to the line up, and the newly named Super Junior released their next single, "U." Again, the band scored a number one hit, and the band collected a number of awards for their work.
In 2007, the larger Super Junior broke into a number of sub-projects, including Super Junior-K.R.Y., Super Junior-T, and Super Junior-China. The main Super Junior's next full-length, Don't Don, was delayed e to an auto accident, but upon its release in September of 2007, Super Junior finally had an album debuting at number one.
In 2008, Super Junior consolidated and furthered their regional popularity with a multi-city Asian tour.

⑥ 三分鍾英語演講稿——我的偶像-東方神起

VXQ (Korean:

⑦ 英語演講,my idol(我的偶像),快,多多益善,


⑧ 我的偶像的英文作文

My Idol
My idol is Rainie Yang . She was born on June 4th,1984.She was born in taiwan. She is a singer and an actress . She is beautiful and cute. She is162cm tall. Her weight is 42kg . She can speak Chinese,English,Japanese and Cantonese dialect. Her lucky number is3.She is afraids the mouse. She has a mother and younger sister. Her ideal is to be a hair stylist,Make-up artist and dance teacher . She is clever andbrave. She is good at singing,dancing,swimming andacting. Her blood type is A. Her constellations is Gemini. She likes black,white and grey. She likes playing table tennis and swimming. She likes dogs. Her live concert will hold on Taipei Arena in April 24th .She loves her fans and her fans love her too.


⑨ 英語作文,我的偶像

Michael Joseph Jackson 【 1958.8.29-2009.06.25 】, pop, rock, R&B music singers, dancers, actors, choreography, philanthropist and record procer. Is known as the King of Pop (King of Pop), is a popular music and culture of the representative, from the 1980 s for the modern Pop music created a legendary era. As a very good artist, excellent music all-rounder, he in the lyricist, composer, arranger, singing, making the scene, instrument playing having outstanding achievement, in dance, stage performances, fashion also it has the unique contribution and special influence, he is regarded as one of the greatest artist, also is a recognized in the world the most popular and most supporters artist. Michael Jackson

As The lead singer and his young members, in 1964, The Jackson 5 band appeared for The first time, and then again in 1971 years of successful solo career began. Founded in 1979 years after The release of The first album "Off The Wall" is known as disco music classic, issued in 1982 album "Thriller", is The only country in The world have a sales of album, in 2011, Lady gaga beat The songs, fusion is The medicine of The different music fans, pop, funk, rock covers, disco, R&B various elements of genius to make, not only broke through The racial boundaries, broke The white monopoly pop music of The situation, in The black music subculture at that time into The mainstream, black artists for The later spread The bright light avenue. The most famous public interest in the history of the single "We Are the World" Are just with his Leon hucknall richie to create the finish. He created the modern MTV, the music video from propaganda tool for converting into a music with a story of art forms. As the founder of modern MTV music with milestone, he created the "Thriller" real marks the birth of the MV. Be regarded as a "cultural, historical and artistic important value" of the single "Thriller" music video is the first one modern MV, history is known as "the greatest music video", became the first American library of congress collection of MV, unprecedented in modern music promoted MTV instrial position, while the "Billie Jean" music video also made Michael become the first man to appear in the MTV network black singer, destroyed the commercial radio for miles in a generation of racial segregation, now this music form modern MTV is widely used, almost all over the modern pop music. Michael Jackson also promote complex modern dance, such as mechanical dance and the moon walk. His unique tone, sound, singing, dancing, extend to all over the world, breaking the culture, race, economic, times of estrangement, incentive effect and the countless popular, rock, R&B, hip hop artist. Michael has already won grammy lifetime achievement award, as one of the few outstanding artist, his unique three times in the rock and roll hall, he also won several the guinness book of world records, including "the history of the world's most successful artist", "one year to make money the most pop singer" and "the most successful pop family". With 15 grammy awards, and The music awards a prize (The music awards won The most history artists, including "century artists"), has The first American billboard charts and single (including four The Jackson 5 period of The first song).

邁克爾·約瑟夫·傑克遜【1958.8.29——2009.06.25】,流行樂、搖滾樂、R&B音樂歌手、舞蹈家、演員、編舞、慈善家和唱片製作人。被譽為流行樂之王(King of Pop),是流行音樂和文化的代表性人物,從20世紀80年代起為整個現代流行音樂史締造了一個傳奇般的時代。作為一名極為優秀的藝術家,出色的音樂全才,他在作詞、作曲、場景製作、編曲、演唱、樂器演奏等方面都有著卓越的成就,在舞蹈、舞台表演、時尚等方面也有著獨特的貢獻和非凡的影響力,他被公認為是有史以來最偉大的藝人,亦是世上為人所公認最受歡迎和最多支持者的藝人。 邁克爾.傑克遜
他作為主唱和最年輕的成員,在1964年首次亮相The jackson 5樂隊,後來又於1971年成功開始獨唱生涯。1979年成年後發行的第1張專輯《Off The Wall》就被譽為迪斯科音樂經典之作,1982年發行專輯《Thriller》,是世界上唯一一個銷量過億的專輯,在2011年打敗了Lady gaga 的歌曲,是融合不同樂迷的良葯,涵蓋流行、funk、搖滾、迪斯科、R&B多種元素的天才之作,不僅突破了種族界限,打破了白人壟斷流行音樂界的局面,還把當時處於亞文化的黑人音樂推向主流,為後世的黑人藝人鋪下了光明大道。史上最著名公益單曲《We Are the World》正是由他與萊昂納爾·里奇共同創作完成的。他開創了現代MTV,把音樂視頻從宣傳工具轉換成一種帶有音樂故事情節的藝術表達形式。作為現代MTV音樂的創始人與里程碑,他所創作的《Thriller》真正意義上標志了MV的誕生。被視為有著「文化、歷史和藝術上的重要價值」的單曲《Thriller》的音樂錄像帶是全球第一支現代MV,被譽為史上「最偉大的音樂錄像帶」,成為第一個被美國國會圖書館收藏的MV,空前提升了MTV在現代音樂工業的地位,而《Billie Jean》音樂錄影帶更是使邁克爾成為歷史上第一個出現在MTV電視台上的黑人歌手,摧毀了商業電台里綿延數個世代的種族隔離,如今現代MTV這種音樂形式被廣泛應用,幾乎遍布整個現代流行音樂界。邁克爾·傑克遜還推廣復雜的現代舞,例如機械舞和月球漫步。他獨特的音色、聲音、唱腔、舞蹈,向世界各地延伸,打破了文化、種族、經濟、時代的隔閡,激勵與影響了無數流行、搖滾、R&B、hip hop藝術家。邁克爾已獲得格萊美終身成就獎,作為為數不多的傑出藝術家之一,他獨一無二的三次入選了搖滾名人堂,他還獲得了多個吉尼斯世界紀錄,包括「世界歷史上最成功的藝術家」、「一年賺錢最多的流行樂歌手」、「最成功的流行樂家庭」。擁有15座格萊美獎、26座全美音樂獎(全美音樂獎歷史上獲獎最多的藝人,包括「世紀藝術家之一」)、擁有17首美國billboard榜冠軍單曲(包括四首The Jackson 5時期的歌曲)。

⑩ 我的偶像英文作文(演講用的)

My idol
My idol is Leehom Wang(王力宏).He is a talent singer.He can play many instrument.For example,he can play the piano,the violin,the guitar and so on. Also,his songs are very good!Such as "Forever love","Only one","Mary says","the small love in big city","Kiss goodbye"and so on. And he also writes the songs by himself,especially the original lyrics. So many people like him very much. Now,he concentrates on the Chinese music . Of course,he is very handsome.He also have the high academic records. He has many advantage,too.He is a kind man,he is hardly ever angry with other people. So many singers or actors are his friends.When he is making his CD,he even forgets the time and the meals.He is very earnest and gentle.I really take pride in his fans!


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