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發布時間: 2021-01-22 02:46:33

❶ 一篇關於nba的英語演講稿

NBA= national basketball association
1.why do you like watching NBA
game is exciting, thrilling and very inspiring.
2.what can you learn from watching NBA
as long as you never give up, you can win the game. maybe not win the game, but you gain people's respect.只要堅持到最後,你就是最棒的,永不放棄,你就是球內場上的贏家。


❷ 急求關於NBA球星的英語演講稿,十萬火急!!!!!!!!下周用,還沒背啊!!

Kobe Teaching A New Kind Of Math

LOS ANGELES -- You might want to double-check the numbers because I never was very good at math, but I'm pretty confident that 23 points is better than 81 points.

It's impossible to see Bryant wearing the Lakers' white jersey against Toronto and not think of that Sunday night, Jan. 22, 2006, when he went Wilt and scored 81 against the Raptors. But it was also impossible to watch Bryant rack up 23 points and seven assists Sunday and not believe this version of Bryant is better and these Lakers are better for it, even if the NBA doesn't crank out a bunch of T-shirts to commemorate the occasion.

Here's some more counterintuitive logic: If you care one bit about winning, you don't want to be on the NBA's Top 10 single-game scoring list. None of the players on it -- Bryant, Wilt Chamberlain, Elgin Baylor, David Thompson and David Robinson -- made it to the NBA Finals in the same season in which they set their marks. Chamberlain's name pops up three times for the 1962-63 season and that San Francisco Warriors team didn't even make the playoffs.

It's obvious that any team so dependent on one player can't be very good. It goes against the basic elements of the sport. Not that it kept Bryant from trying in the past. But if you're going to channel Chamberlain it can lead you off the championship parade route and isolate you from the NBA's circle of winners. Unless you learn the lessons: The first time Chamberlain's scoring average dropped below 20 points just so happened to coincide with the first time an NBA team won 69 games in a season.

Another test came this weekend, a measure of Bryant's progress and priorities. He had a chance to surpass Chamberlain in the scoring section of the NBA record book, a place Chamberlain's name appears so frequently you'd think he kept buying property there and naming it after himself, like Donald Trump. If Bryant could get to 38 points Sunday he would have reached 22,000 at the age of 30 years and 99 days, beating Chamberlain by one day to become the youngest to achieve that mark in league history.

Lakers coach Phil Jackson didn't like that the Los Angeles Times made a note of it, calling it akin to dangling "a carrot in front of the donkey."

"Who did that?" Jackson demanded in mock anger. "What a stupid thing. That could really mess up the game."

He was joking. Kind of.

"Kobe does have agendas at times," Jackson said. "He could get into that. We hope that he stays focused on what the overall plan is."

Bryant seems almost overe for an outburst -- be it scoring or verbal. He doesn't often allow too much time to pass without somehow inserting himself into the headlines. He managed to upstage the NFL conference championships with his 81-point performance in '06. And it was only last year, when LeBron James was staking a claim to be the new face of the league by hauling his Cavaliers into the NBA Finals, that Bryant hijacked the summer with his public trade demands.

Hmm, LeBron sure seemed to be stealing a lot of attention in his last visit to New York to play the cap-clearing Knicks. How would Kobe respond?

As it turns out, with a whisper. The only thing loud about him and the Lakers is their neon 14-1 record after beating the Raptors.

Bryant had the chance to usurp Wilt. And he passed. Again and again and again, setting a tone that led to a season-high 34 assists for the Lakers.

He had as many assists as field goal attempts (three) in the first quarter, but still managed to score nine points thanks to five free throws. That's the thing. He still gets his points, just not in huge quantities. He cruises along, then takes an "early offense" turnaround jumper before the Raptors can get back on defense, runs out to get a long pass from Luke Walton for an easy basket, then gets out on the fast break and catches a feed from Lamar Odom for another bucket and all of a sudden Bryant's sitting on 21 points at halftime.

"You pick your spots a little bit," Bryant said, "which I'm able to do with this ballclub, as opposed to the past where you start the game and you've got to have your foot on the gas for 48 minutes."

It was only 30 minutes Sunday night, as the reserves had things in hand well enough for him to sit out the entire fourth quarter. He didn't check back in to knock out 15 quick points to dethrone Chamberlain.

If anyone took the t, Bryant said, it was the reporters.

"Phil likes giving you guys quotes just to mess with you guys and you guys bite that stuff all the time," Bryant said. "At some point you guys have to figure out that he does that just to mess with you.

"I never concerned myself with milestones or any of that. Honestly, if I cared about that I would have went to college and came in the league and averaged 30 and got my scoring up."

Well, he did seem to notice when he had a string of 40-point games that reached seven in 2003, or the time he just happened to score 42 points in the first half (55 for the game) the last time he went up against Michael Jordan in 2003.

But he did sit out the fourth quarter with a comfortable lead against the Dallas Mavericks when he was sitting on 62 points in 2005 -- and actually caught a little criticism for not going back in and scoring more. And he has certainly made scoring secondary throughout this season. He's down four points from last season's average of 28 per game. In fact, the top nine scorers from last season's team have lower averages than last season (except Jordan Farmar, who is the same).

The lessons, clearly, have been about moving the ball around and playing better defense. And Bryant is the primary pupil.

"He knows that he is on a better basketball team," Raptors coach Sam Mitchell said. "He understands that he doesn't have to try to score every time down the court, that he has guys he can defer to and get the ball to."

The word Bryant kept using was easier. Fewer forced shots, fewer attempts to take on entire defenses on his own.

"You get in the lane I can kick it out to shooters and we have great shooters and great playmakers," he said. "It makes it a lot easier for me to penetrate and kick and the defense is scratching their head because they don't know what to do. As opposed to in the past where I had to get in there and pull up and shoot the shot."

Jackson doesn't think we've seen the last of Bryant's scoring outbursts.

"If we need it and he has to unleash it, he may have a game like that, where he has to take a big part of the game scoring on," Jackson said.

But Bryant is being realistic. Most defensive game plans against the Lakers contain some variant of the phrases "swarm Kobe" or "blitz Kobe" at the top of the to-do list. It isn't worth the fight anymore. He tried it and kept winding up at home in June.

Lakers fans still hunger to see Bryant score. In the third quarter a long rebound came out to Bryant beyond the 3-point arc. He settled everyone down, drove into the lane, leaped ... and passed. The crowd groaned as the ball flew into the hands of Vladimir Radmanovic. But Radmanovic drilled a 3-pointer.

New math or old math, three is better than two. (漂亮的結尾)


❸ 關於NBA全明星周末即(NBA allstar weekend)的演講稿

NBA全明星(All Star Weekend)賽始於1951年3月2日,每年舉行一次。2010全明星logo該項比賽是由觀眾和教練選舉出的24名職業籃球運動員(東部聯盟、西部聯盟各12名,其中5名先發球員由球迷投票決定,7名替補由教練選出),組成東部隊和西部隊進行對抗。NBA全明星賽比賽時雙方球員輪流上場,以充分展現當選的每個球員的球技,對勝負要求不大。因此,該項賽事開辦以來,吸引了世界廣大的球迷觀賞。 至2008年,共舉辦了57屆全明星賽,其中東部隊取勝34次。
1950年秋,NBA剛剛創辦4年,卻開始走下坡路。NBA首任主席波多洛夫、波士頓凱爾特人隊的總裁沃爾特-布朗商定在賽季進行至一半時,從東區和西區(當時NBA只有這兩個區共11支隊)選出最優秀的球員進行一次對抗賽。 1951年3月2日,波士頓凱爾特人隊總裁布朗免費提供波士頓花園體育館,舉辦了首屆全明星賽。
經過演變,當代的全明星賽已經發展成為「全明星周末」,為期3天,其中包括「全明星聯歡會」、「新秀全明星賽」、「扣籃大賽」、「三分球遠投大賽」、「籃球技術挑戰賽」、「投籃接力賽」和「全明星賽」。 其中最精彩的當數「扣籃大賽」和「全明星賽」。在1984年首屆扣籃大賽中,菲尼克斯太陽隊的拉里-南斯雙手各持一球,飛身起跳將兩球分別砸進籃筐,名為「霹靂風車」。 1991年,凱爾特人隊的迪-布朗右臂蒙眼,左手持球橫躍扣籃成功,此招被稱為「奪命蝙蝠」,塞巴洛斯在1992年奪冠也靠這一招。公牛隊的喬丹在1987年從罰球線起跳飛向籃筐,贏得「飛人」美稱。此外,在「全明星周末」還有為球迷和記者舉辦的各種競賽和表演,包括「百萬美元超遠投大賽」。

2010 德文·韋德(Dwyane Wade) 邁阿密熱
2009 科比·布萊恩特(Kobe Bryant) 洛杉磯湖人+沙奎爾·奧尼爾(Shaquille O'Neal) 菲尼克斯太陽
2008 勒布朗-詹姆斯(LeBron James)克利夫蘭騎士
2007 科比·布萊恩特(Kobe Bryant) 洛杉磯湖人
2006 勒布朗-詹姆斯(LeBron James) 克里夫蘭騎士
2005 阿倫·艾弗森(Allen Iverson) 費城76人
2004 沙奎爾·奧尼爾(Shaquille O'Neal) 洛杉磯湖人
2003 凱文·加內特(Kevin Garnett)明尼蘇達森林狼
2002 科比·布萊恩特(Kobe Bryant) 洛杉磯湖人
2001 阿倫·艾弗森(Allen Iverson) 費城76人
2000 沙奎爾·奧尼爾(Shaquille O'Neal) 湖人+蒂姆·鄧肯(Tim Duncan) 馬刺
1999 因故取消
1998 邁克爾·喬丹(Michael Jordan) 芝加哥公牛
1997 格倫·萊斯(Glen Rice) 黃蜂
1996 邁克爾·喬丹(Michael Jordan) 芝加哥公牛
1995 米奇·里奇蒙德(Mitch Richmond) 國王
1994 斯科蒂·皮蓬(Scottie Pippen) 芝加哥公牛
1993 卡爾·馬龍(Karl Malone) 爵士+約翰·斯托克頓(John Stockton) 爵士
1992 魔術師約翰遜(Magic Johnson) 湖人
1991 查爾斯·巴克利(Charles Barkley) 76人
1990 魔術師約翰遜(Magic Johnson) 湖人
1989 卡爾·馬龍(Karl Malone) 爵士
1988 邁克爾·喬丹(Michael Jordan) 公牛
1987 湯姆·錢柏斯(Tom Chambers) 超音速
1986 伊塞亞·托馬斯(Isiah Thomas) 活塞
1985 拉爾夫·辛普森(Ralph Simpson) 火箭
1984 伊塞亞·托馬斯(Isiah Tomas) 活塞
1983 朱利葉斯·歐文(Julius Erving) 76 人
1982 拉里·伯德(Larry Bird) 凱爾特人
1981 奈特·阿奇博爾德(Nate Alchibald) 凱爾特人
1980 喬治·格溫(George Gervin) 馬刺
1979 戴維·湯普森(David Thompson) 金塊
1978 蘭迪·史密斯(Randy Smith) 水牛城勇士
1977 朱利葉斯·歐文(Julius Erving) 76 人
1976 戴夫·賓(Dave Bing) 活塞
1975 沃爾特·弗雷澤(Walt Frazier) 尼克
1974 鮑勃·雷尼爾(Bob Lanier) 活塞
1973 戴夫·考恩斯(Dave Cowens) 凱爾特人
1972 傑里·韋斯特(Jerry West) 湖人
1971 倫尼·威爾肯斯(Lenny Wilkens) 超音速
1970 威利斯·里德(Willis Reed) 尼克
1969 奧斯卡·羅伯遜(Oscar Robertson) 辛辛那提皇家
1968 哈爾·格瑞爾(Hal Greer) 費城 76 人
1967 里克·巴里(Rick Barry) 舊金山勇士
1966 亞德里安·史密斯(Adrian Smith) 聖路易老鷹
1965 傑里·盧卡斯(Jerry Lucas) 聖路易老鷹
1964 奧斯卡·羅伯遜(Oscar Robertson) 辛辛那提皇家
1963 比爾·拉塞爾(Bill Russell) 凱爾特人
1962 鮑勃·佩蒂特(Bob Pettit) 聖路易老鷹
1961 奧斯卡·羅伯遜(Oscar Robertson) 辛辛那提皇家
1960 威爾特·張伯倫(Wilt Chamberlain) 費城勇士
1959 埃爾金·貝勒(Elgin Baylor) 明尼阿波里斯湖人+鮑勃·佩蒂特(Bob Pettit) 聖路易老鷹
1958 鮑勃·佩蒂特(Bob Pettit) 聖路易老鷹
1957 鮑勃·庫錫(Bob Cousy) 波士頓凱爾特人
1956 鮑勃·佩蒂特(Bob Pettit) 聖路易老鷹
1955 比爾·沙爾曼(Bill Sharman) 波士頓凱爾特人
1954 鮑勃·庫錫(Bob Cousy) 波士頓凱爾特人
1953 喬治·邁肯(George Mikan) 明尼阿波里斯湖人
1952 保羅·阿里金(Paul Arizin) 費城勇士
1951 愛德·麥考利(Ed Macauley) 波士頓凱爾特人


年份 冠軍得主 所屬球隊 身高
2010 內特·羅賓遜 尼克斯 1.75米
2009 內特·羅賓遜 尼克斯 1.75米
2008 德懷特·霍華德 魔術 2.11米
2007傑拉德.格林 凱爾特人 2.01米
2006 內特·羅賓遜 尼克斯 1.75米
2005 約什·史密斯 老鷹 2.06米
2004 弗雷德·瓊斯 勇士 1.88米
2003 傑森·理查德森 勇士 1.98米
2002 傑森·理查德森 勇士 1.98米
2001 戴斯蒙德·梅森 超音速隊 1.96米
2000 文斯·卡特 猛龍隊 2.01米
1999 無賽事
1998 無賽事
1997 科比·布萊恩特 湖人隊 1.98米
1996 布倫特·巴里 快船隊 2.01米
1995 哈羅德·邁納 熱浪隊 1.96米
1994 艾賽亞·瑞德 森林狼隊 1.96米
1993 哈羅德·邁納 熱浪隊 1.95米
1992 塞德里克·塞巴洛斯 太陽隊 2.01米
1991 迪·布朗 凱爾特人 1.86米
1990 多米尼克·威爾金斯 鷹隊 2.03米
1989 肯尼·沃克 尼克隊 2.03米
1988 邁克爾·喬丹 公牛隊 1.98米
1987 邁克爾·喬丹 公牛隊 1.98米
1986 斯伯特·韋伯 鷹隊 1.70米
1985 多米尼克·威爾金斯 鷹隊 2.03米
1984 拉里·蘭斯 太陽隊 2.08米

年份 冠軍得主 所屬球隊 身高
2010 保羅·皮爾斯 凱爾特人 1.98米
2009 戴奎恩·庫克 熱火 1.96米
2008 賈森·卡波諾 猛龍 2.03 米
2007 賈森·卡波諾 熱火 2.03 米
2006 德克·諾維斯基 小牛 2.13米
2005 昆廷·理查德森 太陽 1.98米
2004 沃森·雷納德 金塊 1.93米
2003 P·斯托賈科維奇 國王隊 2.06米
2002 P·斯托賈科維奇 國王隊 2.06米
2001 雷·阿倫 雄鹿隊 1.96米
2000 傑夫·霍納塞克 爵士隊 1.93米
1999 無賽事
1998 傑夫·霍納塞克 爵士隊 1.93米
1997 史蒂夫·科爾 公牛隊 1.91米
1996 蒂姆·萊格勒 子彈隊 1.93米
1995 格倫·萊斯 熱隊 2.03米
1994 馬克·普萊斯 騎士隊 1.86米
1993 馬克·普萊斯 騎士隊 1.86米
1992 克雷格·霍奇斯 公牛隊 1.91米
1991 克雷格·霍奇斯 公牛隊 1.91米
1990 克雷格·霍奇斯 公牛隊 1.91米
1989 戴爾·埃利斯 超音速隊 2.01米
1988 拉里·伯德 凱爾特人隊 2.06米
1987 拉里·伯德 凱爾特人隊 2.06米
1986 拉里·伯德 凱爾特人隊 2.06米
2010年 達拉斯 斯蒂夫-納什(菲尼克斯)29.9秒
2009年 菲尼克斯 德里克-羅斯(公牛)德文-哈里斯(籃網)
2008年 新奧爾良 德隆-威廉姆斯(爵士) 克里斯-保羅(黃蜂)
2007年 拉斯維加斯 科比(湖人) 詹姆斯(騎士) 韋德(熱火)
2006年 休斯頓 韋德(熱火) 詹姆斯(騎士)
2005年 丹佛 納什(太陽) 博伊金斯(掘金)
2004年 洛杉磯 戴維斯(黃蜂) 費舍爾(湖人)
2003年 亞特蘭大 基德(籃網) 佩頓(超音速)

參賽場次 全明星球員
18場 卡里姆· 阿卜杜·賈巴爾
15場 沙克·奧尼爾
13場 威爾特·張伯倫
13場 鮑勃·庫錫
13場 約翰·哈夫利切克
12場 埃爾文·海耶斯
12場 拉里·伯德
12場 阿倫·艾弗森
12場 哈基姆·奧拉朱旺
12場 奧斯卡·羅伯遜
12場 比爾·拉塞爾
12場 傑里·韋斯特
12場 卡爾·馬龍
11場 科比·布萊恩特
9場 邁克爾·喬丹

❹ 誰能為我找到一篇關於NBA球員的演講稿,,


❺ 急求關於NBA球星的英語演講ppt以及演講稿!

2009-11-26 11:40 | (分類:默認分類)

I would like to announce my plans to retire from the National Basketball Association. I always thought that when I left the game, it would be because I couldn』t help my team the way that I was accustomed to. However, that is not the case.

I still have tremendous love for the game, the desire to play, and a whole lot left in my tank. I feel strongly that I can still compete at the highest level.

Stepping away from the game will allow me to spend quality time with my wife and kids. This is a reward that far exceeds anything that I』ve ever achieved on the basketball court. I have prayed for this day and I see it as my greatest gift.

I want to thank the people of Reebok International Ltd., for always allowing me to be me and for supporting me my whole career through all the ups and downs. I have enjoyed 13 wonderful seasons in the NBA, and I am grateful.

I want to first acknowledge my fans everywhere, who have been with me throughout my entire career. Without you, there would be no me. You should all know that I appreciate your support from the bottom of my heart. Thank you!

To Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Isiah Thomas, Charles Barkley and Larry Bird, you guys gave me the vision to play the game that will be forever in my heart.

To my Mom, who encouraged and inspired me to play every day, and to all of my family and friends who stood by me from the beginning. Thank you!

To my high school coach, Michael Bailey, Coach John Thompson at Georgetown University, Coach Larry Brown and to all of my other coaches, teammates, administrators, owners and staff who』ve been a part of my career, Thank you as well!

I』d like to give a special thanks to the people of Memphis. I never played a home game for your beloved Grizzlies, but I want you to know how much I appreciate the opportunity given me by a great owner in Michael Heisley, and the support of the city. I wish the Memphis Grizzlies』 organization all of the success that the game has to offer.

And finally, to the city of Philadelphia: I have wonderful memories of my days in a Sixers』 uniform. To Philly fans, thank you. Your voice will always be music to my ears.

God Bless all of you,









致Michael Jordan、Magic Johnson、Isiah Thomas、Charles barkley和Larry Bird,你們的比賽使我看到了比賽的魅力,這種感覺將一直留在我的心底。


致我的中學教練Michael Bailey、喬治城大學的教練John Thompson、Larry Brown教練以及所有我的教練、隊友、管理人、老闆和員工,你們是我職業生涯的組成部分,也謝謝你們!

我想特別感謝孟菲斯的人們。我沒有在主場為你們熱愛的灰熊打一場比賽,但是我想要你們知道我非常感激球隊老闆Michael Heisley給我的這個機會,和你們對我的支持。我祝願孟菲斯灰熊能夠獲得比賽的成功。




❻ 關於NBA金州勇士後衛斯蒂芬庫里的英語演講稿

Stephen Curry is a basketball player, 29 years old, playing for the Jinzhou braves. When the library entered NBA at first, it gave the impression that it was thin and unqualified. His eyesight has never been tested. He's not tall and has very poor bounce. In many people's eyes, Curry is a person who can never play well. But in fact many people hit the face, only 29 years old Curitiba has won two championship rings, two times MVP, is also the annual performance of the best players, he is NBA's top players, is one of the greatest striker ever. All these can not do without his excellent qualities. First of all, hard work, especially in Curry's training. Curry is the most powerful player in the warriors and the hardest player. Every week, the library will throw 2000 points three points: of which, at least 250 shots a day, before each game to throw 100. If the hit rate doesn't reach 80%, he'll come back. At a young age he has calloused hands. Courier and training is not silly crazy shooting practice, he has a very high ball, in every shot, he will adjust the shot angle according to the defender's height and arm span, three shots in the defense also became his trademark. Another advantage of curry is humility, which few players can do. In training, he is always more open-minded than others, and that accelerates his progress more quickly. He is the core leader of the warriors, but never had their own declaration of library is a master of the game, he never put his teammates as a supporting role, it will make the team atmosphere more excellent, internal unity, teamwork. The last thing I want to say is that Curry is brave enough to face setbacks and failures. Curry has a childish appearance, but also a strong heart. Curry has not been recognized by other people, from the moment into the NBA, he suffered from questioning and exclusion, not only the media and comments, in the arena, he often received the opponent's bullying. He had been injuries, was considered to be outside the glass, but he has not been overthrown, after rehabilitation, more hard training, his ability is graally revealed, Curitiba in progress slowly, the team on the rise a bit. In 2015, the warriors a path through the library, led the team to win the championship, and won the best player of the year award this great achievements, Curitiba finally proved himself, ruthlessly fan a slap in the face to those who despise him. Get the champion of the warriors in the next season, a trend which cannot be halted, is to create a record of history, but in the finals was overtake lore, the championship with the passing, but curry is not discouraged, he and his teammates to reflect on mistakes, the reconstruction team, shortly before the end of the finals, the warriors the team took revenge again defeated the union boss James led the cavaliers. Curry won the trophy again. There are a lot of bright spots in his library. His efforts are hard, modest and restrained, and strong and unyielding in his bones. Curry's talent is not significant, by virtue of his efforts to occupy a space for one person in the league, we also should be diligent in learning and life, do not care about those talents is wise, as long as you work hard, get the harvest. Modesty is also the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. To be a man should be confident, but not arrogant. Guan Jingzhou lost the. Being a man is not easy to gain recognition and respect from others. In the face of those doubts, we can not ignore, we should believe that they can do. Don't conflict with the person who questioned you, prove yourself with strength and fact, and even harder to stop their mouth.

❼ 求nba的演講稿 大約五分鍾



NO.1 81分先生





NO.2 「AK47」走火


她對《鹽湖城論壇報》說,我和基里連科結婚6年了,雖未到7年之癢,但我深知,他一年有7個月要在美國比賽,包括女人在內的誘惑肯定很大。托娃認為堵不如疏,並允許基里連科一年可以有一次外遇。她說:「你越禁止他們做一些事情,這些事情對他們就越有誘惑力,運動員們都有這樣的性格。這和我們教育孩子一樣,你越對他們說,『沒有披薩,沒有披薩,沒有披薩。』他們越想得到披薩,不想要其他的東西了。」 托娃說:「我和基里連科達成了協議,如果他這樣做了,然後告訴我這是信任,而不是欺騙。但我不會要求得到同樣的待遇,我不想和別的男人上床。」 托娃開玩笑地說,當我這段訪問公開後,會有許多女孩整夜守在基里連科酒店門外的。



NO.3 緋聞纏上「小皇帝」





NO.4 新版英雄救美


作者: 〓遺失の美好〓 封 2006-5-31 06:42 回復此發言 刪除


2 NBA無奇不有——本賽季十大拍案驚奇

加時賽激烈異常,當一次暫停後,雙方教練正在緊張地布置戰術。戴維斯卻突然飛身從技術台邊越過前排坐位,直奔第10排看台而去。「我看見有人正在沖擊我的妻子,人身安全受到威脅,我必須採取行動。」戴維斯賽後說。他趕到妻子身邊時,卻發現妻子並沒受到任何攻擊,為避免事態激化,戴維斯當即被驅逐離場。盡管戴維斯沖上看台是為了幫助被他人攻擊的妻子,盡管戴維斯是NBA球員工會主席,但只要做了違犯NBA規定的事,不管是誰,不管出於什麼動機,都要受到處罰。 此事造成了很壞影響,NBA對他禁賽5場。



NO.5 六打五超級笑話




NO.6 和解紀念日

奧尼爾和科比,這對積怨長達10年之久的仇人,在2006年1月17日「馬丁·路德·金紀念日」 的特殊日子,哥倆終結了恩怨實現了和解,成就了一段NBA佳話。
??? 這天的和解來得讓人措手不及,因為在2005年聖誕大戰中,兩人甚至都沒互相看對方一眼。這天比賽前,兩位主角作為各自球隊的隊長友好握手,並緊緊擁抱在一起,讓人驚喜不已。「他先向我走來,我忙迎向前,就這樣我們和好了。這一切來得太突然,我感到有些驚訝。」科比驚喜地說。開球前,「OK」又一次擁抱,斯台普斯中心球迷用掌聲和呼喊聲歡呼這一歷史性時刻。這天是科比女兒生日,他的第2個孩子即將出生,奧尼爾向他表示祝賀。「我感覺很好,我們之間發生過太多不愉快,但現在一切都結束了,我祝奧尼爾在邁阿密好運。」科比說。

奧尼爾和科比的和解,是著名的「指環王」拉塞爾促成的。「我的行動來自拉塞爾的建議。」奧尼爾說,拉塞爾在西雅圖和他談過這個問題,我問他職業生涯里是否憎恨哪位球員,他說從來沒有。他建議我和科比握手,過去的讓他過去,一切向前看。 拉塞爾手上戴有11枚總冠軍戒指,是NBA歷史上獲得總冠軍最多的球員,上世紀50年代後期、60年代中前期,他和張伯倫進行了長達10年的巔峰對決,結下了許多恩怨。「今天是馬丁·路德·金紀念日,他是和平的大使。拉塞爾告訴我,雖然很多人認為他和張伯倫互相憎恨,但他們之間只有愛。他和張伯倫幾乎每星期都會交談幾次。人家能這么做,我為什麼不能這么做?」奧尼爾長大了,聽上去心胸那麼寬廣。


NO.7 飛越「土豆」

說起NBA扣籃大賽,不得不提起一個人,他就是身高只有1.70米的「土豆」 安東尼·傑羅姆·韋伯。1996年扣籃大賽上,他用令人嘆為觀止的反身雙手灌籃,擊敗了兩屆扣籃王威爾金斯奪得冠軍,成為NBA扣籃大賽史上最矮的扣籃冠軍。



作者: 〓遺失の美好〓 封 2006-5-31 06:42 回復此發言 刪除


3 NBA無奇不有——本賽季十大拍案驚奇








NO.9 愚人節玩笑

2006年4月1日,正是美國當地時間的「愚人節」, ESPN發布了一條消息:火箭隊已經與隊中的防守專家鮑文簽下了一份6年5400萬美元合同,這條消息並沒得到火箭總經理道森證實。道森說:「擁有鮑文這樣的球員,是火箭隊的榮幸,他在NBA幹了7年,一直是一個不知疲倦的藍領工人,他的防守很好,能夠增加我們前場的板凳深度。」火箭主帥范甘迪欣喜地說:「鮑文是一位每場能轟下1.4分、1.4個籃板的球員,我們太高興擁有這樣的球員了!」




NO.10 偷天大盜


這天早晨醒來後,韋德突然發現自己的兩部汽車——2006最新款黑色道奇公羊和英菲尼蒂QX56 SUV越野車,全都沒了「腿」。價兩萬美金的8個輪胎和一套昂貴的鉻合金修車裝備全被人盜走。「閃電俠」趕緊報了警。這個小區發生這樣的情況不多,警局一下派了7名警察及其它工作人員,到了位於邁阿密皮內克斯特街59號的韋德家中。



❽ 跪求英語演講稿(關於NBA、時間2~3分鍾)

不知道你英文能力怎樣,給你介紹幾個關於NBA新聞報道文章的比較權威的網站: http://www.chron.com/sports/rockets/ 休斯頓紀事報官方網站 http://blogs.chron.com/nba/ 費根的博客(此人長期撰寫關於火箭和NBA方面的博文) http://www.realgm.com/ NBA新聞,球員消息等最權威的發布處 http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/index ESPN官方的NBA版面,裡面有很多ESPN NBA方面的專家、寫手寫的文章。作為一個NBA的忠實FAN,希望能幫到你。

❾ 誰能為我找到一篇關於NBA球員的演講稿,,謝謝


❿ 我要一篇演講稿,關於籃球的,關於NBA傳奇人物的故事,然後襯托出他們的執著和堅持,最好是喬丹的

喬丹的天抄賦好,不適合,你知道襲nba最低的人嘛,博格斯 只有160,但是能靠自己的堅持躋身nba,當初他和朋友說要進nba時候,朋友們都笑翻了,但是他真的進入了nba,題目可以定為「感謝那些嘲笑我的人」

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