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發布時間: 2021-01-07 15:10:36

❶ 求英語演講稿加翻譯,最好可以放一個簡短的視頻,內容有趣

Working Together in the New Year


Hello, everybody. As 2011 comes to an end and we look ahead to 2012, I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year.


The last year has been a time of great challenge and great progrefor our country. We ended one war and began to wind down another. We dealt a crippling blow to al-Qaeda and made Americamore secure. We stood by our friends and allies around the world through natural disasters and revolutions. And we began to see signs of economic recovery here at home, even as too many Americans are still struggling to get ahead.

過去的一年我們國家遇到了很大的挑戰也取得了很大的成就。我們結束了一場戰爭,另一場也接近尾聲。我們重創了基地組織,讓美國 更加安寧。我們與全球的夥伴和盟友們一起面對自然災害和變革。盡管還有很多人依然要艱苦支撐,但我們很欣慰的看到美國的經濟有了復甦的跡象。

There』s no doubt that 2012 will bring even more change. And as we head into the New Year, I』m hopeful that we have what it takes to face that change and come out even stronger – to grow our economy, create more jobs, and strengthen the middle class.


I』m hopeful because of what we saw right before Christmas, when Members of Congrecame together to prevent a tax hike for 160 million Americans – saving a typical family about $40 in every paycheck. They also made sure Americans looking for work won』t see their unemployment insurance cut off. And I expect Congreto finish the job by extending these provisions through the end of 2012.


It was good to see Members of Congredo the right thing for millions of working Americans. But it was only possible because you added your voices to the debate. Through email and Twitter and over the phone, you let your representatives know what was at stake. Your lives. Your families. Your well-being. You had the cour

rage to believe that your voices could make a difference. And at the end of the day, they made all the difference.


More than anything else, you are the ones who make me hopeful about 2012. Because we』ve got some difficult debates and some tough fights to come. As I』ve said before, we are at a make-or-break moment for the middle class. And in many ways, the actions we take in the months ahead will help determine what kind of country we want to be, and what kind of world we want our children and grandchildren to grow up in.


As President, I promise to do everything I can to make America a place where hard work and responsibility are rewarded – one where everyone has a fair shot and everyone does their fair share. That』s the America I believe in. That』s the America we』ve always known. And I』m confident that if we work together, and if you keep reminding folks in Washington what』s at stake, then we will move this country forward and guarantee every American the opportunities they deserve.


Thanks for watching, Bo and myself, Happy New Year.


❷ 急!!有沒有1到2分鍾的英語演講視頻要有演講稿!謝謝!


❸ 小學快樂英語第三冊,(人教版)11課,說課視頻或演講稿 急急急

小學牛津英語5B Unit 8 說課稿
本課為小學牛津英語5B Unit 8 (the second lesson)以培養聽說能力為重點的新授課。 主要的句型為 How do you spend your weekends? I often…. How does she\\he spend her\\his weekends? She\\He often …. I can learn a lot from it. 下面我就從教學目的、教法與學法、教學過程,等幾個方面進行說課。
教學目的: 分為三個不同程度的教學目標
1 認知目標
使學生在日常對話中了解並靈活運用此句型 How do you spend your weekends? I often… How does she\\he spend her\\his weekends? She\\He often… 通過句型的深入使學生更為熟悉和靈活運用語言,使之成為自己的語言。
2 情感目標
3 能力目標
通過大量的語言實踐活動, 讓英語成為學生進行交際的一種技能,並在交際中培養他們的自信心和口語表達能力。
為突出How does she\\he spend her\\his weekends? She\\He often….這個教學重點,突破此教學難點,全面落實本課時的教學目標,教學過程要遵循循序漸進的原則。努力啟發學生,變「教」為「導」,引導學生發現問題、回答問題。針對訓練的重點句型,設計富有操練意義的兩人合作的pairwor和六人合作的小組活動,多層次、多梯度的操練,引導學生多多開口、 多多表達,加強學生對語言文字感受力的培養。

說教法: 要上好一節英語課, 就要做到個個參與, 議論紛紛、高潮迭起、聽聽寫寫. 結合本課的句型特點和重點,在本課的教學中,我主要選用「合作學習」和「獨立學習」的教學方式,採用創設情境法、和直觀教學的方法,引導學生學習,使之成為學習的主人。重在為學生營造一個民主、生動、活潑的學習環境,使學生主動參與到探究過程當中,培養學生的創新意識和自學能力。
說學法: 根據教材和學生的認知水平,使學生在不斷的參與競爭、團結合作的互動環節中滲透「你才是學習的主人」的意識,培養學生自主學習的能力和意識,使學生學到是學習的方法和提高的是學習的能力。
1 教師帶著一個大包進教室,一定會引起學生的注意,利用學生的好奇心,進行猜謎並進行日常對話,很自然的引出了本課的句型和單詞。
2 通過日常對話的導入,使學生在無意識的狀態下,學習了新的句型,而且,學生會通過新句型想知道我平時周末在干什麼,通過猜謎這個游戲,而引出幾個新出現的片語 爬山 瀏覽網際網路。這就很好的利用學生對老師存在的好奇心設置的巧妙情景,以最為快捷的方式讓學生學習,提高了學生的學習效率。
3 學生在不斷的操練中已經學習到了How do you spend your weekends? I often… 並通過新句型再學習新片語。讓學生在競爭傳紙條中,短時間內學習更多容量的知識。而且,很好的激發了學生的競爭意識和合作能力。
4 在於我與學生交流的同時,新的句型How does she\\he spend her\\his weekends? 也很自然的出現了,並通過在兩組合作,一組交流與另一組復述來更大密度的操練句型,調動了每個學生的學習積極性,使學生很自然的在這一情境中注意第三人稱單數的句式。這是本課的重點也是難點,通過多層次,多梯度,讓學生掌握的根好。
5 本課在注重說的同時也重視聽,因此,聽力練習也是本課的重要環節。而且,此次聽力練習得提示非常的有意思,讓學生在cross的字謎游戲中找,很富有挑戰性,相信學生很樂意做,真正將動手與動口結合在一會。
6 在最後的survey這個個人能力的展現的活動, 個人周末活動調查,讓學生不但在學習語言並且更好的、更多機會的運用語言,更好的培養學生個人交往能力,是一舉幾得的好方法。
反思: 在本課的活動中,應更大程度上的提高學生操練的機會,提高上課的節奏,在給與學生的肯定和贊揚更注意方式方法,這是給與他們自信心,這是學習的直接動力。在本課的動手動口相結合的活動中聽力內容的填以及找單詞太難了,學生存在困難,浪費了課堂時間,在今後的教學中,要注意難易層度的選擇。

❹ 六年級英語口語演講稿我的家及視頻

如果要學好口語,最關鍵就是外教水平 東南亞口音重 一定要找歐美籍 發音純正才可以 多聽一下 比較後就能了解差別,要避開便宜的介格陷阱 不要學奇怪口音 學習外語最重要就是.好.的語言環境 我經常和ABC天卞歐美外教口語的外教交流 外教很有耐心所以我上課時會多讀多說多練多問多聽,推薦去聽下他們的輕松試聽課程,貨比三家嘛!ILoveCneseMynameis***,Icomefrom***primaryschool..IamaCnese,.Cneseisveryinteresttome,whenIfealunhapy,Cnesemaymakemehappy.TherearemanytngsinCnese,likeTangpoetry,aphonetictranscription..IampridethatIcanspeakCnese.InmyCnesestudying.Ialsohaveproblems.Forexample,onedaywhenIwasonmywaytoshool.Aoldwowancallmeback.Sheaskedmetoreadalatterforher.'tsawbefore.ButIstillloveCnese..

❺ 英語演講視頻,每天更新一篇英語演講視頻,還配有演講稿,現在還有人對這個感興趣嗎


❻ 英語演講稿開頭和結尾

















❼ 求名人英語演講稿,3分鍾左右。要有稿子和原音視頻。請哪位大神提供啊!

If There Were No After Life Whether there』s afterlife, the answer has never been the same。 The atheists deny after life, believing that our life is no more than from the cradle to the grave。 They may care about their illustrious names after death; they may feel attached to the affection of their offspring, but they never lay their hopes on their afterlife。 They may also say that good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil, but they don』t really believe any retribution in their after life。 However, in the religious world or among the superstitious people, the belief in afterlife is very popular。 They do not only believe in afterlife, but thousands of reincarnations as well。 In the mysterious world, there are the paradise and the hell, the celestial beings and the gods, the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas。 Maybe they really believed it, or maybe they just wanted to make use of people』s veneration, the ancient emperors always declared that they were the real dragons, the sons of God, while the royal ministers claimed to be the reincarnations of various constellations。 But can the stars reincarnate? Many people burn incense and kowtow, do good deeds and strive for virtues, not just for the present, but mainly to let God see their sincerity so as to be reborn into a better afterlife, or to achieve the highest enlightenment after several lives of practice。 They do believe in afterlife。 But I can』t help asking: Suppose there were no afterlife, would you still do good deeds and strive for virtues? And If God does not see what you are doing, would you still be so upright and selfless? If you work, not for serving the public and liberating the others, but just for a better afterlife of your own, isn』t it a little too selfish? Comparing with this kind of believers, those who don』t believe in afterlife, but still keep doing good deeds, are the most sincere and honest philanthropists, because they do them not for themselves but for other。 You may wonder if I believe in afterlife。 My answer is: I know nothing about my previous life, so I dare not make improper 。ments on afterlife。 But I do hope there』s afterlife! Because our present life is so short that so many things slip away before our proper understanding。 I have so many dreams, so many wishes, so many ambitions, as well as so many regrets and concerns。 If there were no afterlife, all of them will remain unrealized! I』m not contented with the present 。monplace life, I』m very much attached to the affections that should have been mine but have been washed away by the hurrying time, and I yearn for the perfection and maturity if I could start all over again。 So believe it or not, I』d rather there were afterlife。 假如沒有來世 有沒有來世,眾說紛紜。無t神論者,不k相信來世。他們認0為5從6生到死,僅3此而已o。他們可能在意身後的英名,他們可能留戀後代的親情,但他們不y寄希望於l來世。他們也z會說善有善報,惡有惡報,但並不b相信下y輩子w報應什8么r。 在宗教領域、或在一p些迷信的人v群,來世之p說比1較盛行。不k僅6是來世,甚至會認1為5有千y百次的輪回。在那未知而飄渺的世界,有天l堂,有地獄,有神族,有仙界,有菩薩、有佛祖。 也x許真的相信、也s許是為5了x利用人f們的敬畏心4里,古代的帝王e們總是宣稱自己p是真龍天z子t,大c臣們則標榜為5天e上z的什7么z文7曲星、武曲星或太l白金星轉世。星星能轉世嗎? 許多人z燒香、磕頭,行善、修德,並不b都是為5了f眼前,而是為8了b讓上b天g看見3自己w的真誠,以5便下p輩子b有個d好的托生,或者幾u世之f後能修成正果。這些人g自然是相信來世的。但我不q禁要問:如果沒有來世,你們會不q會一t樣行善、修德呢?如果神靈看不c見4,你們是否也i會公7正無j私呢?如果不a是為2了f解脫他人r和服務大a眾才b去修行,如果僅4僅0是為7了b自己f將來托生好才o去行善,是否有些自私呢?比8較起來,那些不j相信來世而又m堅持行善的人n,則應該是最真、最誠的大y善。因為7他們不j是為1自身,而是為2公1理。 也n許有人m會問作者,你相信來世嗎?我的回答是:我不c知道前生,因而也g不k敢妄談後世。但我真的希望能有來世!因為4這輩子x時間太m短,許多事情都是在還沒弄明白的時候,就已z經匆匆過去了t。我有那麼b多的理想,我有那麼w多的心4願,我有那麼p多的奢望,我有那麼c多的遺憾,我有那麼q多的牽掛,我有那麼j多的雄心5壯志,如果沒有來世,那就一w切7皆空了n。 我不i甘心6眼前的碌碌無g為4,我留戀被歲月7沖走的本應屬於a我的親情,更嚮往從2頭再來的完美和成熟。為3此,信也b好,不d信也a好,我寧願有來世。 xm-п塄wbm-п塄rˉa纓z(波hl簟

❽ 求:希望之星英語風采大賽小學一年級組演講視頻或演講稿。

Good afternoon Dear teachers and my fellow classmates, I really appreciate having this opportunity to introce myself. I』m /////from …… school of classXXX. I』ve been paying attention to the Outlook English for many years and I am very interested in it For me, learning English is considered an enjoyment. At first, I have not participated in any oral competition before and I hesitated. I thought it was a hard thing to do in the past but I now believed that I should have a try. My teachers and friends have also given me the courage and I』ve become more confident through the process and that』s why I』m standing here. Everybody should have the courage to catch the chance and hold on to the given opportunity. If we didn』t try , how can we be near our goals? I believe we can all achieve our goals if we continue to take a step forward.
Just like when I』m learning English, the courage of facing the difficulties and my goal motivated me to move forward. Just as the old saying goes, 「the one who you must defeat is you yourself」, not only did I attained experiences and confidence throughout the process, I am also willing to learn that in order to improve, I had to defeat myself.
finally, I wish to thank all of my teachers and friends who gave me the chance here to participate in this activity, and I am really grateful and that I will strive for the better. Thank you for your kind attention and have a nice afternoon.

❾ 在准備小學的英語教師面試 想要十五分鍾左右的講課稿或者是講課視頻

在線英語學習的確很有.好.特色,很方便,我打了咨詢了一下,覺得還挺好的 我推薦ABC天卞英語 我目前學習的這一家挺不錯的 每天外教一對一的教學,除了語境好進步很快,課後還有雙語助教根據我的上課錄音給我學習建議和課後輔導 選擇學習中心最主要的是否適合你!每個地方的不一樣呢、面試都是各地方自己決定的。你最好是網路當地教育局的。我們這邊都劃定了教材范圍的、然後去了之後在教材中挑選一課。

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