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發布時間: 2021-01-05 02:43:29

⑴ 以 溝通的鑰匙,情感的橋梁 為主題 寫一篇演講稿


⑵ 第10屆「21世紀.外交社杯」全國英語演講比賽演講稿的翻譯 注意是關於walls and bridges 這一段的演講稿


⑶ 找一篇在三分鍾以內能演講完的一篇英語演講稿 最好是白雪公主的


1.Long ago had a king,he and his queen consort had a daughter that named Snow White.They lived happily,but one day,the queen consort passed away.

2.While Snow White wants to eat a(the)apple,apple starts moving suddenly with that unusual red light and become a beautiful girls.She has face such as Snow White.She brings the poisonous apple that had jealous of the queen consort killed the kind Snow White.She act as chokes by food when eating,replace Snow White to lie down on floor.

3."Can I bring away her,no matter use a big amount of money."a(the) prince asks.But the dwarfs reject,while they want to leave away ,princess opens her eyes slowly.The end is the prince and the apple live together happily.
4.A(The) queen goes into a laboratory,make a poisonous apple,and then act as a old woman,come to the front of the house of dwarfs.

⑷ 急!!急!!急!!我需要一篇英語演講稿,關於態度和命運的關系!!


I received a devastating blow to my self-confidence in the first interview of my college years. I applied to be a host in our Student Acting Troupe and felt confident that I would be accepted. But one of the panel members told me: "You seem inadequate and you are a little vertically-challenged." My life has never been the same since. I used bigger heels to complement my height and psychological maneuvers and tricks to hide my lack of confidence. But no matter how hard I tried to look the part, there was still something missing.
As president of English Club, I organized the rehearsal of Snow White for an English party. Unfortunately, we could not find an actor to be the last dwarf. It had to be someone who was humorous by nature and fluent in English. Suddenly, all eyes turned to me, and I knew I would have to be the dwarf. To my great surprise and delight, once on stage, I was totally absorbed in the performance and my humorous nature was put to full use. As the dwarf, I was a big hit.
Yes, each of us is only one among millions of others, but each of us is an indivial and each of us is unique. Cultivating our indiviality will transform our lives, making of them a kaleidoscope of new colors and textures.
A world deprived of diversity would be a bland and boring place. The real tragedy is not being short or shy or ugly, but having your identity lost in a world in which everyone is a clone of a model cool boy or a flawless charming girl.
Given a choice, I would rather be ugly than live in such a world. I'd rather be a genuine dwarf accompanying a Snow White than be a Snow White among nothing but Snow Whites. I would rather be myself. I would contribute my indivial and unique colors to create a more diverse universe. Please, be yourself.


⑸ 推薦白雪公主這本書的演講稿越快越好


⑹ 一篇關於白雪公主英文的演講稿兩分鍾中文內容如下:。。。。。。。。。求高手幫忙,不要用百度翻譯!

Hello,,I would like to share a story today.
Once upon a time,,there lived a girl called Snow White,she looks very beautiful.
One day,her mother died,then his father married another queen.
But Snow White's beauty caused envy and jealousy of queen.
She command the hunter to kill her, but the hunter didn't have the heart to do it,,and told the Snow White princess to fled to the forest.
Then Snow White met the seven dwarfs.
When dwarfs went to work,the queen dressed up as old woman and killed the princess.
But the prince was saved by prince.Then Snow White woke up,they lived a happy life.
Thank you!

⑺ 我喜 歡白雪公主演講稿


⑻ 誰給我一篇白雪公主英語的演講稿

In a distant nation, there lived a king and a queen, they are eager to have a child. So very sincere pray.
"God! We are good for the queen, please give us a child!"
Soon after, the queen really gave birth to a cute little princess, this girl's skin white as snow general, double buccal red like apple, has dark hair soft, therefore, the king and queen named her "Snow White".
The people all across the country for the Snow White princess deeply bless.
Snow White is under king and queen's favor, graally grew up, and finally became a beloved young beauty. Snow White is very kind, caring, she often and animals play together. Forest animals, like the fawn, bunnies, squirrels, birds like the Snow White princess, because the Snow White princess will give them to eat food, will also tell stories to them. Like angel personality kind Snow White, lead a happy life.
However, recently, the Snow White princess's mother is ill died.
The king to Snow White is married a new queen, however, the new queen is a proficient spell witch. Although she is very beautiful, but indivial character very proud, fractious. Especially her most hate others than her beauty.
"This is your new mother!"
When the king to the Snow White princess introced a new queen, she also is for dead mother felt sad?
The new queen has a very strange mirror, from the mirror can get everything you want to know the answer.
So, the queen often to the mirror asked: "mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?"
"The world is the most beautiful woman you, the queen."
But one day, when the queen asked the same question, the mirror magic mirror answered:
"Now than you beautiful Snow White princess."
New the queen was very angry.
"Damn, how can someone more beautiful than me, I must take her away."
So, she ordered the court the warrior say:
"I don't want to see the Snow White princess, you find an excuse, put her to the forest and secretly kill. Kill, after her heart and tongue back, as you kill her evidence. Do you hear? May not have a mistake..."
"Yes, the queen..."
Warriors after hearing this, they really put the Snow White princess went to the forest. When warrior drew sword to kill the princess, he saw the princess of gathering flowers, pure, docile, like an angel, samurai cannot bear to kill her and went to the Snow White said:
"The queen ordered me to kill princess, you, but I can not malicious heart, so you still went to the forest escape!"
Say that finish warrior see a pig, run past kill it, and to take down and tongue as evidence.
Later, warrior and went back to the palace.
Hear an owl sound Snow White, more walk more think forest awful.
Suddenly, there are a wooden cabin, hence then pleasantly surprised so:
"Oh, it's shack!"
Snow White hurried forward knock on the door, but the room no one came to the door.
She opened the door to make their own decisions. Into the cabin, see unexpectedly tidy arrangement after seven zhang little bed. Snow White in the forest ran day, feel very tired, in the seven zhang small bed down, imperceptibly asleep.
In the evening, when the seven dwarfs with hoes on their shoulders back, found himself in the house, and is someone sleep in his bed, everyone is very strange question:
"This beautiful girl is who?"
"She slept delicious which!"
"The little girl grow very beautiful."
Whispering little people by the sounds of the Snow White.
The little people very angry of say:
"Why are you breaking into our house?"
"Gentlemen, I'm sorry, because I got lost in the forest, left the road all day, is really was tired and hungry, saw the hut, I would go to rest."
Snow White and the incident, ability tell dwarfs. The little people listen to the great sympathy for the Snow White princess experience, took her to stay.
"You can stay here!"
The Snow White princess heard dwarfs willing to leave her, very happily say:
"I really appreciate, I'd rather be here for your cooking, the bed, washing, cleaning, I what all willing to do for you."
"Welcome, since then here is your house."
The Snow White princess the cabin everyday clean very clean. The seven dwarfs come back from the forest, there are delicious dinner waiting for them. So day after day, the Snow White princess and dwarfs live a happy life.
The new queen thought Snow White has died, one day, she asked mirror says:
"Mirror, mirror, who is the world's most beautiful person?" Mirror replied queen said:
"The queen, you are very beautiful, but the Snow White princess more beautiful than you, she is now in the forest and the seven dwarfs lived a happy life."
The queen was this answer, just know after the Snow White princess and have no dead, she felt very angry.
"It's damn pole, must let the Snow White princess from the world disappears"
Wicked queen thought of a way, she was in the bright red apple outside, coated with her the poison, ready to mix chlorpyrifos Snow White.
"Hey! Hey! The Snow White princess as long as have a bite this poisonous apple, will certainly die. Until then, I'm the most beautiful woman in the world." Then, the queen is dressed as old woman appearance, carrying a basket of apples go to the forest. Bad queen carrying a basket of apples came to dwarfs cabin before.
"Lovely little girl, do you want to buy a is red and sweet apple! I send a give you eat, I'm sure you'll like it."
It's always like to eat apples, see the Snow White and red big apple, then happily say:
"Wow! This red apple how cute! Must be very delicious."
So the Snow White princess he stretched out his hand and took the apple.
As a result, the Snow White princess to bite, immediately fell on the ground, unconscious.
Bad heart queen see she fell to the ground

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