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發布時間: 2021-01-04 10:47:06

① 宋美齡在美國國會致敬酒會上的演說稿英文版


② 宋美齡為什麼在美國的地位這么高.

因為有孔宋家族的支持與留美背景,宋美齡的聰明伶俐、美麗大方、先進的思想以及手腕,使她在權力、財 力與魅力的交織中,成為一個非常令人羨慕的女子,很多人對她有著很多的爭議。






③ 1995年宋美齡演講有演講稿內容嗎要英文原版的。急求!

Mr. President, Members of the Senate of the United States, ladies, and gentlem
en, I am overwhelmed by the warmth and spontaneity of the welcome of the Ameri
can people, of whom you are the representatives. I did not know that I was to
speak to you today at the Senate except to say,「How do you do, I am so very g
lad to see you,」and to bring the greetings of my people to the people of Amer
ica. However, just before coming here, the Vice President told me that he wouu
ld like to have me say a few words to you.
誠的歡迎,令我感動莫名。我事先不知今天要在參議院發表演說,只以為要到此說聲「大 家好,很高興見到各位」,並向貴國人民轉達敝國百姓的問候之意。不過,在來到此地之
I am not a very good extemporaneous speaker; in fact, I am no speaker at all;
but I am not so very much discouraged, because a few days ago I was at Hyde Pa
rk, and went to the President』』s library. Something I saw there encouraged me,
and made me feel that perhaps you will not expect overmuch of me in speaking t o
you extemporaneously. What do you think I saw there I saw many things, but t he
one thing which interested me most of all was that in a glass case there wa s
the first draft of one of the President』』s speeches, a second draft, and on a nd
on up to the sixth draft. Yesterday I happened to mention this fact to the
President, and told him that I was extremely glad that he had to write so many
drafts when he is such a well-known and acknowledgedly fine speaker. His repl y
to me was that sometimes he writes 12 drafts of a speech. So, my remarks her e
today, being extemporaneous, I am sure you will make allowances for me.
海德公園參觀過總統圖書館,在那裡看見的一些東西鼓勵了我,讓我感覺各位或許不會對 我的即席演說要求太多。各位知道我在那裡見到什麼嗎?我看到了許多,但最讓我感興趣
的,莫過於一個放著總統先生(譯按,即羅斯福總統)演說草稿的玻璃箱,里頭從第一份草 稿、第二份草稿,一直到第六份草稿。昨天,我碰巧向總統先生提及此事,我說我很高興
知道,以他如此知名又公認一流的演說家,還必須寫這么多份草稿。他回答說,有時他一 次演說得寫12份草稿。因此,今天本人在此發表的即席演說,我確信各位一定會包容。
The traditional friendship between your country and mine has a history of 160
years. I feel--and I believe that I am not the only one who feels this way--th
at there are a great many similarities between your people and mine, and that
these similarlties are the basis of our friendship.
I should like to tell you a
little story which will illustrate this belief. Wh en General Doolittle and his
men went to bomb Tokyo, on their return some of y our boys had to l out in
the interior of China. One of them later told me t hat he had to l out of his
ship. and that when he landed on Chinese soil an d saw the populace running
toward him, he just waved his arm and shouted the o nly Chinese word he
knew,「Mei-kuo, Mei-kuo,」which means」America.」Literal ly translated from the
Chinese it means「Beautiful country.」This boy said tha t our people laughed and
almost hugged him, and greeted him like a long lost b rother. He further told me
that he thought that he had come home when he saw o ur people; and that was the
first time he had ever been to China.(Applause.)
些美國子弟兵不得不在中國內陸跳傘。其中一人後來告訴我,他被迫從飛機跳傘,踏上中 國的土地時,看到當地居民跑向他,他就揮著手,喊出他會說的唯一一句中國話:「美國
這個大男孩說,敝國人民聽了都笑開來,擁抱他,像歡迎失散多年的兄弟一般。他還告訴 我說,當他看到我們的人民,感覺他已經回到家;而那是他第一次來到中國。(掌聲)

I came to your country as a little girl. I know your people. I have lived with
them. I spent the formative years of my life amongst your people. I speak you r
language, not only the language of your hearts, but also your tongue. So com ing
here today I feel that I am also coming home.(Applause)]
是和貴國人民一起度過,我說你們的話,我想的和你們一樣,說的也和你們一樣。所以今天 來到這里,我也感覺我好像回到家了。(掌聲)
I believe, however, that it is not only I who am coming home, I feel that if t
he Chinese people could speak to you in your own tongue, or if you could under
stand our tongue, they would tell you that basically and fundamentally we are
fighting for the same cause (great applause); that we have identity of ideals ;
that the「four freedoms,」which your President proclaimed to the world, re sound
throughout our vast land as the gong of freedom, the gong of freedom of the
United Nations, and the death knell of the aggressors. (Applause.)
你們能了解我們的語言,他們會告訴你們,根本而言,我們都在為相同的理念奮戰(如雷 掌聲);我們有一致的理想;亦即貴國總統向全世界揭示的「四個自由」,自由的鍾聲、
I assure you that our people are willing and eager to cooperate with you in th
e realization of these ideals, because we want to see to it that they do not e
cho as empty phrases, but become realities for ourselves, for our children, fo r
our children』』s children, and for all mankind.(Applause.)
謹向各位保證,敝國人民深願亦渴望為實現這些理想和貴國合作,因為我們希望這些理想 不會流於空言,而是成為我們、我們的子子孫孫、全人類的真況實境。(掌聲)
How are we going to realize these ideals I think I shall tell you a little sto
ry which just came to my mind. As you know. China is a very old nation. We hav e
a history of 5,000 years. When we were obliged to evacuate Hankow and go int o
the hinterland to carry on and continue our resistance against aggression, t he
Generalissimo and I passed one of our fronts, the Changsha front. One day w e
went into the Heng-yang Mountains, where there are traces of a famous pavili on
called「Rub-the-mirror」pavilion, which was built over 2,000 years ago. It will
perhaps interest you to hear the story of that pavilion.

是一個非常古老的國家。我們有五千年歷史。我們被迫從漢口撤退,轉入大後方繼續抵抗 侵略的時候,蔣委員長和我經過一處前線,就在長沙。有一天,我們上衡山,山上有一處

Two thousand years ago near that spot was an old Buddhist temple. One of the y
oung monks went there, and all day long he sat crosslegged, with his hands cla
sped before him in an attitude of prayer, and murmured「Amita-Buddha! Amita-Bu
ddha! Amita-Buddha!」He murmured and chanted day after day, because he hoped that
he would acquire grace.
合十,口中喃喃念著「阿彌陀佛!阿彌陀佛!阿彌陀佛!」他唱念佛號,日復一日,因為 他希望成佛。
The Father Prior of that temple took a piece of brick and rubbed it against a
stone hour after hour, day after day, and week after week. The little acolyte,
being very young, sometimes cast his eyes around to see what the old Father P
rior was doing. The old Father Prior just kept on his work of rubbing the bric k
against the stone. So one day the young acolyte said to him.「Father Prior, what
are you doing day after day rubbing this brick on the stone」The Father P rior
replied,「I am trying to make a mirror out of this brick.」The young aco lyte
said,「But it is impossible to make a mirror out of a brick, Father Prior
.」「Yes,」said the Father Prior,「and it is just as impossible for you yo acq uire
grace by doing nothing except murmur』』Amita-Buddha』』all day long, day in and day
一周的磨。小和尚有時抬眼瞧瞧老和尚在做什麼。住持只是一個勁兒拿磚磨石。終於有一 天,小和尚對住持說,「大師,您每天拿這塊磚磨石頭,到底為什麼呢」住持答道:「我
要用這塊磚做鏡子。」小和尚說:「可磚塊是做不成鏡子的呀,大師。」「沒錯,」住持 說,「就像你成天光念阿彌陀佛,是成不了佛的。」(掌聲)
So, my friends, I feel that it is necessary for us not only to have ideals and
to proclaim that we have them, it is necessary that we act to implement them.
And so to you, gentlemen of the Senate, and to you ladies and gentlemen in th e
galleries, I say that without the active help of all of us our leader cannot
implement these ideals. It is up to you and to me to take to heart the lesson
動來落實理想。(掌聲)所以,我要對諸位參議員先生,以及旁聽席上的女士先生說,沒有 我們大家的積極協助,我們的領袖無法落實這些理想。諸位和我都必須緊記「磨鏡台」的

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