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㈠ 五分鍾英文演講,大約需要多少字

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組織演講 --- 演講有開頭...本文...結論 (Opening... Body... Conclusion)... 給大家一個吸引人的開場能夠抓住每一個人的注意力...這個粉重要...我習慣一開場不問候大家 (開場完再問候...不然就不要問候)...因為問候語當成開場粉可惜...這是一個吸引大家注意力的大好機會...有人說...開場的30秒鍾就決定誰是冠軍了...進入本文時可舉幾個自己的故事來引證你的MESSAGE...講故事(Storytelling)比提供一些資訊(Informative)來的吸引人且不會太單調...更能以自己的經驗感動聽眾...本文結束時觀眾已經被你的論述所說服...結尾再強調一下你的MESSAGE...甚至要求行動(Call for action)...相信你的聽眾們會非常興奮的呼應你的呼籲...結束的掌聲可期喔!

PS1. 加點幽默在你的演講裡面會粉不錯喔...這樣氣氛比較輕松...

PS2. 如果能跟台下觀眾有互動也粉不錯...像是問問題...所有聽眾全部大聲回應(符合你的論述)...那就太棒了...當然你要先說服他們...再問問題嚕...不然回答稀稀落落...成了反效果!

表達 --- 包含目光接觸...面部表情...聲音...肢體語言...和移動...你的目光要粉自然的看著觀眾(掃來掃去...甚至有些時候盯著某位特定觀眾侃侃而談(如果知道哪些是評審最好)...千萬別盯著天花板...或是一直看著一個點...面部表情和聲音的抑揚頓挫可以讓你的演講更加生動...記得要微笑喔...裁判不喜歡看到一副嚴肅的臉(除非演講內容需要)...肢體語言(手勢)要簡潔俐落...場子大的話...肢體的動作要放得更開...否則後排的人會看不到喔...千萬不可把手一直握在肚子前面...這樣代表你粉緊張...移動也很重要...千萬別站在定點演講...這樣觀眾目光沒移動粉容易就打瞌睡了...移動也要看場子決定左右各幾步才夠...要配合你的演講內容做調整...也不能讓觀眾覺得你在上面晃來晃去不知干什麼...

語言 --- 發音跟文法...這點就比較難敘述了...


最後... 自信是最重要的啦... 自信會寫在你的臉上... 你的一舉一動... 聲音都會表現出來... 千萬別讓裁判看出你的緊張... 把緊張藏在心裡喔! 祝你好運!


㈡ 5分鍾的英語演講稿

Good morning, everybody!
In this world, there is one thing that is very fair to everybody, whether you are a male or female, young or old, rich or poor. Does anybody know what it is called?
Right. It is time. The topic I am going to present to you today is called 「 Treasure Every Minute」.

The clock is running. Make the most of today.
To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.
To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train.
To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident.
To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.
Treasure every moment that you have! And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with.
And remember that time waits for no one. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present!! The clock is running. Make the most of today.
Good luck, everybody!

㈢ 我要英文演講稿!5分鍾的

Knowing the Consequences of Choice

Over the past Spring Festival, I got involved in a family dispute. Right before I got home, four satellite channels of CCTV were added to the 14 channels we had already had. In prime time at night, they all had interesting shows. Therefore, the five of us-my parents, my sisters and I-had to argue over what to watch. Finally, we agreed that we should watch the "most interesting" programme... If we
could agree what that was.
However, all of us there remember that for a long time after we had TV, there were only one or two channels available. The increase in options reveals an important change in our life: the abundance of choice.
Fifteen years ago we all dressed in one style and in one colour. Today, we select from a wide variety of designs and shades.
Fifteen years ago, we read few newspapers. Today, we read English newspapers like the China Daily and the 21st Century, as well as various Chinese newspapers.
Fifteen years ago, English majors took only courses in language and literature. Today, we also study Western culture, journalism, business communications, international relations, and computer science.
The emergence of choices marks the beginning of a new era in China's history; an era of diversity, of material and cultural richness, and an era of the rebirth of the Chinese nation.
We enjoy the abundance of choice. But this has not come easily.
About 150 years ago, China was forced to open up its door by Western canons and gunboats. It has been through the struggle and sacrifice of generations that we finally have gained the opportunity to choose for ourselves. The policy of reform and openness is the choice that has made all the difference.
Like others of my age, I'm too young to have experienced the time when the Chinese people had no right to choose. However, as the next century draws near, it is time to ask: What does choice really mean to us young people?
Is choice a game that relies on chance or luck? Is choice an empty promise that never materializes? Or is choice a puzzle so difficult that we have to avoid it?
First, I would like to say: To choose means to claim opportunities.
I am a third-year English major. An important choice for me, of course, is what to do upon graation. I can go to graate school, at home or abroad. I can go to work as a teacher, a translator, a journalist, an editor and a diplomat. Actually, the system of mutual selection has allowed me to approach almost every career opportunity in China.
Indeed, this is not going to be an easy choice. I would love to work in such big cities as Beijing or Shanghai or Shenzhen. I would also love to return to my hometown, which is intimate, though slightly lagging in development. I would love to stay in the coastal area where life is exciting and fast-paced. I would also love to put down roots in central and western China, which is underdeveloped, but holds
great potential.
All of these sound good. But they are only possibilities. To those of us who are bewildered at the abundance of opportunities, I would like to say: To choose means to accept challenge.
To us young people, challenge often emerges in the form of competition. In the next century, competition will not only come from other college graates, but also from people of all ages and of all origins.
With increasing international exchanges, we have to face growing competition from the whole outside world. This is calling for a higher level of our personal development.
Fifteen years ago, the knowledge of a foreign language or of computer operation was considered merely an advantage. But today, with wider ecational opportunities, this same knowledge has become essential to everyone.
Given this situation, even our smallest choices will require great wisdom and personal determination.
As we gain more initiative in choice making, the consequence of each choice also becomes more important.
As we gain more initiative in choice making, the consequence of each choice also becomes more important.
Nuclear power, for instance, may improve our quality of life. But it can also be used to damage the lives and possessions of millions.
Economic development has enriched our lives but brought with it serious harm to our air, water and health.
To those of us who are blind to the consequences of their choices, I would like to say, To choose means to take responsibility. When we are making choices for ourselves, we cannot casually say: "It's just my own business. " As policy makers of the next century, we cannot fail to see our responsibility to those who share the earth with us.
The traditional Chinese culture teaches us to study hard and work hard so as to honor our family. To me, however, this family is not just the five of us who quarreled over television programmes. Rather, it is the whole of the human family. As I am making my choices, I will not forget the smile of my teacher when I correctly spelled out the word "China" for the first time, I will not forget the happy faces of the boys and girls we helped to send back to school in the mountains of Jiangxi Province. I will not forget the tearful eyes of women and children in Bosnia, Chechnya and Somali, where millions are suffering from war, famine or poverty.
All these people, known and unknown, make up our big human family. At different points, they came into my life and broaden my perspective. Now as I am to make choices for myself, it is time to make efforts to improve their lives, because a world will benefit us all only if every one in it can lead a peaceful and prosperous life.


㈣ 高分求5分鍾英語演講稿

ecation 1

Good morning,everyone.It』 my honour to stand here to share my opinion with everyone here.

It goes without saying that ecation is very important for everyone. If you are ecated and you have earned your degree in any of professional field you can expect to be a part of good organizations, institutions and companies. The most important thing is to have a legit degree from a recognized institution, therefore you always need to attest and verify about the association of an institution in which you are eager to take admission. If you are a busy person and you cannot take a step towards completing your studies then you can make the most of online ecation programs which are providing online courses to their students virtually by means of distance learning and there is no doubt that the number of good institution are offering such valuable online courses at affordable cost as you can get from any public institution.

You just need to sign up first by adding your name, address and the names of course you are more interested in, and few of online websites may require a pre-test but mostly don't ask for any kind of pre-test. You don't need to take a test before joining their ecation program.

You can surf on the internet to find many websites meet your ecational needs. Thousands of the websites which are offering good online ecation programs will be switched open on a single click then you can select the one of program and website that suit you better. Always check the association and affiliation of website and institution before you begin to take a course from them as many institutions claim to provide a legit online diploma or degree courses but they are fraulent organization, trading behind the scene.

ecation 2

Having a good ecation can really make a difference in someone's life, and in many different aspects. As you are a little boy or girl the only way to have a good life and be well off is if you go to school. Or at least that's what everyone tells you. Now don't get me wrong for the most part it is almost 100 percent true.

Now notice I said ALMOST. The reason why I say that is because there are a couple of people that have become very wealthy and famous might I add that have dropped out of school. However if you are not one of these lucky people then dropping out of school might not be a good idea but the ultimate decision does lie within you and only you. However according to studies it is true that the longer that you stay in school the more money you will make. The reason for that is that because in this society ecation is regarded very highly because the is something that no one can take away from you.

However school is not for everyone. There are some people that just feel like they just aren't school material. Now if you want to be successful you have to be in the mindset that you can achieve everything that you want and it will happen. You must always believe in yourself and others will believe in you as well. However no one can change your life except you. You have to make sure that you are willing to put in everything of you that there is to give.

technology 1

Nowadays, there is much that a PC owner is able to do to maintain the performance or or even effect a simple repair with suitable Internet tools and software. Most complaints about the performance of a PC centre around the slowing down of the machine. In my experience fragmentation of the "C" or "D" hard drive or both is often a major cause. This is because with continual deletion and overwriting of new files, the data ends up all over the drive in small segments. The PC operating system, i.e., XP or VISTA provides a built in defrag program to rece the file fragmentation. Usually, the invoking of the defrag program will make your PC fast again.

Other Internet Tools and Software are available to fix problems involving the Internet when your machine becomes saddled with Spyware and Adware. These unwelcome programs enable outside indivials and companies to spy on your web browsing activities and invade your privacy. 'Scan your Computer for Free' programs are available to effectively eliminate these nasties. Also, most people are aware of virus infections in one's PC and there are good AntiVirus programs, which will keep your PC safe.

Another problem which will challenge your PC is missing and invalid references in your Windows registry. Again, there are good programs to clean any invalid or obsolete entries.

To summarise in this modern day of Computers and Technology, there are many Internet Tools and Software available for you to keep your PC running efficiently. These tools are easy to install and apply and are relatively inexpensive to buy representing good insurance for your PC investment.

technology 2

One of the most popular trends in technology is the social networking websites. There are over one hundred of these sites. Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube have become some of the most popular.

Young people ignited the trend for social networking sites and may have the habit of adding information, videos, or photos on these sites that would compromise their desirability. Keep your comments on the same standard as your letter of inquiry. Expect the company will do a search on you that will make or break your success in being hired. Review your posts and ask yourself "Would I show this to my Grandmother?"

After extensive research to package yourself as the best hire possible, why throw all your hard work down the drain with a picture of you doing something compromising? Remember, there is no such thing as privacy on the internet and your prospective employers are savvier than you think.

Beyond the cautions of the social networking sites, you can and should use them to your advantage. Videos and photos add to your presentation. If you have a website that showcases your skills, by all means, publicize it. If you do not have a web site you can get a page at the more professional social networking site, LinkedIn. There you can add material that will market you for your next job.

Finally, manage information about you that may be on other people's sites. Do a search of yourself and update anything that is not accurate or flattering.

evironment 1

When most people hear the term 'toxic waste,' they tend to think about large corporations and even construction sites where large amounts of it are being mped every day. The truth is toxic waste is anything that could be dangerous for living creatures. This includes things around the average home from mouse traps to cosmetics and most cleaning supplies. If people aren't careful about how to dispose of them, they could cause severe harm to the environment as well as themselves.

The biggest problem with most toxic waste, even the stuff that just sits around in the house, is that it can't be dealt with like other materials. Toxic materials should never be poured down the drain, flushed down a toilet, mped outside, or thrown in the trash. Most things that contain these toxins will give specific instructions somewhere on the label on how to safely dispose of them. Local mpsites will also have knowledgeable people who are able to inform people of how to get rid of the hazardous waste. Some landfills will also accept this waste for an extra charge.

Recycling is another option for people who need to get rid of toxic materials. As an example, ash is actually a toxin if it is in extremely large quantities. It can harm the environment when it is just tossed outside. Instead of someone throwing their ashes out they can actually reuse them as an ingredient for making things like candles and soap. Other toxic materials can be reused in a similar fashion such as plastic bottles or tires. They can be used for art projects and even useful items such as flower pots or playground materials.

People who share with their neighbors also have a handle on dealing with toxic waste. Many times people want to dispose of things because they won't use it anymore but rather than mp it there is the option of giving it away. Paint, cleaners, and other around the house items can be given away to other people who will use them. That means that there will be less of it to throw away. When people only need a proct for a one time occasion, it would be better for them to ask a neighbor to borrow it than buy a whole container of something. Saving procts for a later date is another way to rece the amount of toxic waste that occurs.

Of course the best way to manage toxic waste is to completely prevent it. Just about every household item that is toxic has a 'green' proct that has little to no toxins in it. For cleaning drains, people can actually use vinegar and baking soda as a safe method for unclogging and cleaning dirty drains. Stores also sell non-toxic procts and will label all of their procts that do contain serious chemicals. The safe procts will be in the same area as the chemical filled ones and will only be higher in price by a very small percentage. Online websites also offer alternatives to using hazardous materials.

evironmen 2

We are living in an instrial era. Instries are procing large quantities of proctions every day and in return they are polluting the environment. Although many people pointed out in earlier years that we should consider instrial pollution, years have passed before the countries focused their attention on this issue.

We are facing global warming issues now and the question is "How can we manage to escape this issue?". Although many attempts are being made to prevent the pollution, there are still issues regarding the environmental threats. However, governments are trying their best to overcome the problem. It is widely believed that attention is being focused on other rechargeable sources neglecting the need to prevent the pollution, planting of trees and controlling the exhaust emissions.

There is a recent development in the atmosphere that ozone layer is healing itself but on the other side, the greenhouse effect is growing worse as the time passes. Pollution can be handled by taking preventive measures. If we start using natural energy resources then pollution problem can be contained. Although some countries are taking measures to face this growing problem but there are still many countries that don't acknowledge these problems and taking no preventive steps. Our instries are emitting more and more pollution in the water and the air. This has to be stopped now.

We should acknowledge that the waste material emitting from the instries is the largest source of pollution and we should try to minimize the waste or take preventive steps that ensure that these fuels don't damage our environment. Many small countries where the growth rate is not that much are usually neglecting this problem. As the machinery they use is very old and is very dangerous. The pollution problem cannot be faced by one man or one country; it would take joint effort to overcome this problem. We need to somehow provide developing countries with new technology.


I recently went to China; Beijing to be exact. I found that after exploring the city for a month, having tried all the local fare, taken in the famous sites, i.e. the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven, etc., one of the most unique and beautiful aspects of Chinese society is its tea culture.

All around Beijing there are little teahouses. Inside these teahouses are little rooms, which are not unlike those found on trains. They are very small, have two couches along the walls opposite each other, and a table in the middle. Also, there is a door to each little room. A friend took me to one of these houses, and I was surprised by how quiet they are inside. A woman took us to a room and seated us, then brought us tea on a special table. It was this little table that caught my attention. It was beautifully and ornately carved, and seemingly very old. I was caught off guard when she set the teacups in a row on top of the table and then proceeded to pour boiling hot tea down the line of cups, showing no regard for the exquisite craftsmanship underneath. However, I was soon informed that it was customary to pour the tea like that, in fact, that this special table was made just for this; it was called a gongfu table. They have a hidden tray below the lid, which catches the tea, and water that falls through. So, when you are done drinking you may just pour the remaining tea onto the table and then wipe it down with a tea towel, a special towel, similar to a washcloth, used to maintain gongfu tables.

At this point I knew I just had to have an authentic tea set of my own, along with a gongfu table. I had never seen anything of the like in the United States. So after tea, I promptly made my way to the tea streets of Beijing. I don't know what you call them exactly, but I'm sure if you go there you can ask someone and they'll know what you're talking about. I couldn't believe there were so many buildings dedicated to nothing but tea paraphernalia. There are little family tea stores everywhere at the street level, and hundreds, if not thousands, of other tea stores in mall-type buildings, some of which are five stories high. I searched through most of them for hours, trying to find just the right tea set and table. The variations in design are astonishing. Some are huge, some are stone, some are small, and most are wooden. Ultimately, I found the perfect table for myself, as well as the perfect tea set. The table was small, stained a dark green, and had little leaves and berries carved along its sides. I found a white china tea set, which was a beautiful contrast against the dark table.

So, if you like tea at all or are interested in Chinese culture, I encourage you to do some research and learn more about traditional Chinese tea culture. And if you want to get something uniquely Chinese, then go shopping for a gongfu table. These are incredible pieces of culture and history, but also practical, gorgeous works of art.

㈤ 求一篇5分鍾的英語演講文章

Statement by the President on Conservation of Klamath River Basin

In Focus: Environment

I congratulate the many people of the Klamath River Basin in Oregon and California who recently put forward a shared vision for conservation of the river. The agreement my Administration announced today with Oregon, California, and PacifiCorp, the company that owns four hydropower dams on the Klamath River, will advance that vision. Federal, State, and private partners will now begin studying the feasibility of removing four hydropower dams on the river. This is the first phase of a long-term conservation program for upriver salmon habitats.

This agreement turns what was a conflict into a conservation success. For years, there had been disagreement among irrigators, States, tribes, conservationists, and others. Beginning with the drought of 2001, the community, working in partnership with the Federal government, rallied together to find a long-term solution. Since 2002, my Administration has requested and Congress has provided approximately $90 million annually - a total of more than $500 million - for Klamath Basin activities. Working together, the Federal government and its partners have restored irrigation and more than 10,000 acres of fish habitat and banked for conservation more than 800,000 acre-feet of water. These actions have provided adequate water for farmers while also helping species recover.

Together, we have proced an agreement that will greatly rece the risk of future shutdowns of the irrigation system. I applaud this example of Cooperative Conservation and thank everyone who worked to bring it about.


㈥ 5分鍾的英語演講稿一般寫多少字


㈦ 英語演講稿,4分鍾——5分鍾

Low-Carbon Lifestyle, Our Best Choice
Comparing with the past, do you feel any warmer these days? Maybe you don』t take much notice of it. Nevertheless, on account of the burning of fossil fuels, the temperature has been increasing ring the 20th century. In consequence, green house gasses( CO2)trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth, causing both rising of sea level and terrible climate catastrophe. Presume that the temperature keeps on going up, no bright sunshine will visit us, unclear air will choke us and heat waves will kill us mercilessly.
However, much to our delight, nowadays countries and some organizations are aware of the importance of cutting the procing of carbon-dioxide. The U.N. Climate change conference opened in Copenhagen, Denmark on Dec.7th, 2009 arouses great concern from experts and officials, us included. Besides, in China, an effective law system has been set up to avoid procing too much greenhouse gasses.
Well goes a saying that protecting the earth is protecting ourselves. At the same time we are supposed to undertake the responsibility to lead a low-carbon lifestyle, which is of great significance. Needless to say, low-carbon lifestyle means a lot to our society. First of all, so great a method is it to control the global warming that we are bound to make good use of it. Moreover, to some degree, it contributes a lot to our health.
Absolutely there is a diversity of measures we can take so as to lead such an environmental-friendly life. For one thing, it is known to us all that large quantities of greenhouse gases are proced mostly by motor vehicles so that we, if possible, can walk or ride to school instead of depending on cars all the time. For another, we should spare no efforts to rece energy in our daily life, for energy in the world today is decreasing rapidly. For instance, we can turn off electrical appliances if not necessary as well as using recycled materials. Furthermore, at our leisure, we can seek opportunities to plant more trees which can absorb carbon-dioxide. Last but not least, we are responsible for calling on others to lead low-carbon lifestyles.
In brief, low-carbon lifestyle is nothing but the best choice for us and only in this way can we form a harmonious relationship with the environment.

㈧ 一篇五分鍾的英文演講要寫多少字


㈨ 一個5分鍾左右的英語演講稿!

my summer holidays

I like the summer holidy so much. I look forward to summer holiday every year. Last summer, I went to Shen zhen for my holiday, which is also a city of seashore like Haikou. I enjoyed having a walk along the beach after supper or having a swim in the afternoon. The sky is blue, the air is fersh. Wherever you go, You can always see the green trees, the neat grasses and the colourful flowers. They were really wonderful. Shen Zhen has a lot of tall buildings. And it is a modern city.

I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year. Playing basketball is always my favourite, so some of my classmates and I will form a small team and play basketball together. Sometimes we may have a match against some other teams and I do enjoy the sense when we win the game.

If you ask me what my favourite summer holiday will be like, traveling aound the only answer. I hope that one day I could meet different people and vist different places of interest.

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