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Ⅰ 科比在中國的演講稿原文


Ⅱ 搜一篇演講稿100字科比


Ⅲ 急需一篇關於科比的演講稿

無論科黑科蜜都請你珍惜科比 歲月無情,除了記憶,什麼也沒有為我們留下!作為球迷,我只想告訴你,從今天起,請你珍惜科比。不管你是一個科黑或者科蜜,那都不重要!

Ⅳ 我的英雄是科比的演講稿

KOBE is the most agressive scoreguard in the whole league.6.6height 220pounds and amazing motion of fade away which makes him hard to deffend.
kobe can score anytime he want but when he make him teammate take part in it turns lakers a much better team.someone said kobe 's shooting is the best in nba.it makes point you know.In the first 5 years of his career,kobe is defined as a flyman who often jumped first
before he took next move and it is the same way MJ used in his early career which earned him fame of next MJ.
In 2005-2006 season kobe made him a new career high of 81 points in one game against rapters.this is the second high score in nba history a man can get in one game only chanberlin can beats him with unbelivable 100 points.

Ⅳ 科比英語演講稿

Kobe Bryant first started turning heads on the basketball court when he was in middle school. His talents dominated the game so much that high schools from all over the Philadelphia area watched him grow up. The almost six-foot tall seventh grader definitely had the make-up and genes for the game, as his dad was former NBA forward, Joe Bryant. Kobe developed his basketball skills under the watchful eye of his father, helping his mission to become a professional basketball player. He worked daily on his game, watching video, playing in the playgrounds and listening to his father.

When he entered high school at Lower Marion in Philadelphia, Kobe was a highly touted recruit. He proved that he had the skills and work ethic to be a star at the next level and the scouts noticed this. Kobe didn't let anybody down either, as he played on the varsity basketball team his freshman year. He wouldn't immediately be a superstar, though. Rather it was the countless hours of early morning workouts by himself in the gymnasium that escalated Kobe's talents.

Kobe became a better player every year he played at Lower Marion and soon enough, he had developed into one of the premier talents at the high school level. He sold out the games everywhere he played ring his junior and senior years and he didn't disappoint anyone. He once packed the school gym so much that it caused a traffic jam on the main highway just outside the school.

Ⅵ kobe英文演講稿

Kobe Bryant may never be as lovable as he once was, when his killer crossover dribble was just as lethal as his enormous crossover appeal. When Fortune 500 companies and teenage girls fawned over his coverboy good looks and tremendous advertising appeal.

When he smiled, cash registers everywhere chimed in delight.

And when he stepped on a basketball court, brazen, brash and seemingly without blemishes, many believed the NBA calendar would mark his achievements like it does all of the legends.

The timeline would read: The Celtic reign. The Magic-Bird Rivalry. The Jordan Phenomenon. The Kobe Era.

Bryant had it, whatever it is.

His quest for transcendence elevated him to unparalleled heights, while simultaneously driving him into a solitary place. He drove family members away and fostered resentment from teammates, which paled in comparison to the universal scorn he received from fans after a 2003 arrest and sexual-assault charge.

Bryant's fall from grace played out nightly on the evening news. Once the criminal trial went away and the civil lawsuit was settled out of court, Bryant remained in the public eye and was vilified for allegedly driving Shaquille O'Neal to Miami and Phil Jackson into retirement.

The inside stuff

Thumbs up

Proof that you can have your cake and eat it too, the undefeated Detroit Pistons (6-0) are still one of the top five defensive teams in the NBA, but they're also thriving in new coach Flip Saunders spread offense. They're fourth in the league with a 100.7 average, which is a seven-point increase from last season.

Thumbs down

Jerome James, who signed a $30 million deal with New York in July, is in coach Larry Brown's doghouse. The former Sonics center has played a total of 18 minutes, committed 10 fouls, collected five rebounds and scored four points in three games for the 0-5 Knicks. He has fallen from the rotation and has not played in the past two games.

Game of the week

L.A. Clippers at L.A. Lakers, Friday, 7:30 p.m.

A little cross-town action here. Think of it as sibling rivalry, with the Clippers assuming the role of the little brother who finally seeks to emerge from the shadow of its extremely popular big brother.
Only after suffering injuries to his knee and ankle did he momentarily fade into the shadows. He missed 16 games last season and missed the playoffs for the first time in his career.

"I think more than anything, he missed being in the limelight in a positive way," former Lakers great Magic Johnson said. "There's nothing like the playoffs. Everybody watches you. And for the first time, he was sitting home watching everybody else."

It's been a little more than two years since Bryant stood on the podium in downtown Los Angeles and celebrated the Los Angeles Lakers' third world championship.

He is 27 now and into his 10th NBA season. He's reunited with Jackson, the man who described him in unflattering terms in the book "The Last Season."

"Do I hold any hard feelings?" Bryant responded when asked by reporters in Los Angeles. "None whatsoever, none whatsoever. Forgive. Move on. We're all human beings. Who am I to sit up here and judge somebody? Life is too short to sit around and hold grudges; it doesn't make any sense to do it.

"I've matured a great deal. Two or three years ago, would I have had the same response? Probably not. But you kind of just grow and take your bumps and bruises as you get older and realize life is too short to be holding grudges."

There are few stories as compelling as the fallen hero who finds redemption.

Bryant is attempting to pen a classic, and this season appears as if it will be his best ever. He has scored at least 33 points in four of Los Angeles' first six games and leads the NBA with a 31.8 scoring average.

No one expects the Lakers to unseat San Antonio as NBA champions, but should Los Angeles qualify for the playoffs, it will be because of Bryant's indomitable will.

"Any team that he's on has a chance to win every night because he's what, like one of the top five players in the world?" said Sam Cassell, who joined the cross-town rival Los Angeles Clippers this summer. "Some might say top three, but easily top five. So they might be down for a year, but two? Nah, I can't see it.'

In the years since the Lakers last won the title, a new NBA has emerged. The past two champions won with teamwork, and their stars didn't shine as brightly as Bryant.

Cleveland's LeBron James is the new NBA king of endorsements. Miami's Dwyane Wade is emerging as a mega-star, even being named one of People's 100 Most Beautiful People, a designation once given to Bryant.

But Wall Street ad execs haven't completely forgotten about the Lakers star, and Bryant is quietly making his return as a pitchman. His association with Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Spalding and Nutella went away following his legal troubles, but Nike remained loyal after signing Bryant to a four-year, $45 million deal a month before his arrest.

The company unveiled a controversial print campaign a year ago that listed criticisms such as "selfish," "overrated," "not a leader" and "a fluke," followed by his grueling training regimen. And early next year, Nike plans to roll out a new basketball shoe called Zoom Kobe I, which speaks to his popularity among the Gen-X crowd.

"I think with Kobe, people get these ideas of who he is and what he's about without ever really knowing him," said Sonics forward Rashard Lewis, who along with Bryant and several NBA players participated in a Hurricane Katrina benefit game on Sept. 11. The players also visited Houston shelters filled with evacuees.

"I had no idea that that he'd be there," Lewis said, "and I don't mean to say that it was a surprise to see him do something like that, but like I said, you get these ideas of people without ever really knowing them.

"Kobe was cool. Down to Earth and just like everybody else... Real friendly and not like you'd expect."

Although he's open and much more media-friendly than he ever was, the fiercely private Bryant remains cautious of outsiders and wants stories about him to focus on the court and nothing else.

His feud with O'Neal is in the past until, well, their Christmas Day showdown. His tiff with Ray Allen is old news, and the squabbles with Jackson are over.

Though still perceived as selfish and an egomaniac in some circles, the only taunts Bryant hears when he steps into an opponent's arena these days focus on the ridiculous black tights he wears beneath his shorts.

Those insults are friendlier than what he used to receive, and proof that his basketball world is finally back to normal

OVID - Nic Greenhoe succumbed to cancer on Friday, barely a week after realizing his dream of meeting NBA superstar Kobe Bryant.

The 14-year-old Ovid boy battled bone cancer for more than two years, briefly beating the disease into remission.

For most of that time, Nic - a budding basketball player before he became ill - hoped to meet Bryant, who's led the Los Angeles Lakers to three NBA titles.


After several misfires, the two finally met on Feb. 10 before the Lakers played the Detroit Pistons at the Palace of Auburn Hills. Bryant chatted with Nic and his family for about 15 minutes and gave the boy a pair of autographed basketball shoes.

"I think he was hanging on for that. I really do," said Susan Viglianco, the mother of Nic's girlfriend, Dani, and a key player in arranging Bryant's visit. "It just seemed like after the game, he went downhill."

Funeral services for Nic are planned for 10 a.m. Monday at Holy Family Catholic Church, 620 N. Mabbit Road in Ovid.

"He doesn't want people to cry over him," Viglianco said. "He doesn't want anyone to cry. He had a big impact on a lot of people. He was a great inspiration to so many."

The oldest of three siblings, Nic was a "sports nut" who loved to play and watch games, said his father, Dale.

Nic never let cancer stop him. He loved hunting and riding all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles. He also was an avid golfer.

When Nic lost his left leg to cancer, he replaced it with a prosthetic limb that bears the image of Bryant's gold and purple No. 8 jersey.

Nic continued to play for Ovid Middle School's eighth-grade team, even scoring two points.

A point guard, he loved the Lakers' leader almost as much as the game itself.

His fantasy: to play Bryant in a game of 1-on-1.

"Now that will have to wait until Kobe gets to heaven," Dale Greenhoe said.

Ⅶ 求科比在《開講啦》中的演講稿。

我現在35歲了,算是走到了職業生涯的後半程,像這樣一些受傷也是司空見慣了。一旦受傷,你就覺得世界停止了,不管是膝蓋受傷,肩膀受傷等等。我知道很多 人因此而把整個職業生涯都葬送了,有的人甚至一蹶不振,甚至無法返回賽場。當那個時刻發生的時候,我會看著鏡子中的自己說,「科比你會怎麼樣?如果你經歷 這樣的傷痛你會怎麼樣?「你知道我每次看到別人受傷,我見到很多人受傷後回不來,我看著鏡子中的自己喃喃自語說,」是不是應該退出了?是不是應該停止打球 了?「我自己都不知道還能否返回賽場。我現在坐在這里告訴你,我要完全康復回到球場。但我不敢打包票,因為很多時候我也有疑問,但是我覺得,這才是迎接挑 戰的意義所在。
要抓住一切機會,向所有人證 明你自己,證明你能夠迎接挑戰。向那些說你永遠不可能成功,你一定會失敗的人證明,這就是我的看法。如果有人說你這次受傷,要一蹶不振了,對我來說,如果 別人受了這種傷可能就退出了,但是科比不能這樣。別人說這下你不行了,我會說,你這樣你才可能會退出。所以我必須要證明給他們看,尤其是給那些支持我,熱 愛我的粉絲們,我一定要贏了自己,要贏了傷痛,能夠重返賽場。這樣才能讓那些懷疑我的人重新思考,什麼叫將不可能的變成可能。這些傷疤的重要性體現在這 里,這些傷疤就是我成長轉變的體現。
作為一個球員,我與生俱來的激情就是想要成功,想要贏。同時也是人生最難卻最重要的事情。作為一個球員,要到球場上去迎接最大的挑戰,我覺得最大的挑戰就 是要把全隊的人變成像一個人那樣,要不斷地,不斷地取得勝利,這就是團隊競技比賽的最大挑戰,這也正是我的激情所在。對我個人來說,最重要的事是不斷地迎 接挑戰,而且永不畏懼挑戰極為重要。
但更重要的是要對事物保持不斷的好奇心,比如說怎麼樣打得更好,怎麼樣提高技巧,怎麼樣從別人身上學到什麼。其實我從小到現在一直從各個方面尋找激勵我的 因素,不僅僅從邁克爾·喬丹身上,從魔術師埃爾文·約翰遜身上,還從邁克爾·傑克遜,貝多芬,達芬奇,李小龍身上,這些偉大的人給了我激勵,讓我前進,所 以這就是黑曼巴的精神。並不是說你要不斷進攻別人,而是要永不停歇你前進的腳步。人生是學無止境的,於是不斷學習就顯得極為重要。你要不斷地學習,學習, 再學習,和別人交談,了解,學習,而不是覺得你自己什麼都懂。只有這樣,你才能成為一個更好的人,你的技巧才能進一步提高。最後才會有一個副產品,成為冠軍,成為更好的自己。對我來說這就是黑曼巴的精神,我的精神的 源頭所在。所以如果我能夠把這種精神傳遞給在座的各位,不管你想要做什麼,成為一個籃球運動員,一個作家或者是主持人,不管你的夢想是什麼,你們一定要堅 持夢想,從成功的前人身上汲取經驗和知識,各行各業的成功人士,他們身上都有一些共性使得他們脫穎而出,取得成功,這就是我今天想要傳遞給各位的正能量。

Ⅷ 求一篇科比演講稿,體現黑曼巴精神

我現在35歲了,算是走到了職業生涯的後半程,像這樣一些受傷也是司空見慣了。一旦受傷,你就覺得世界停止了,不管是膝蓋受傷,肩膀受傷等等。我知道很多 人因此而把整個職業生涯都葬送了,有的人甚至一蹶不振,甚至無法返回賽場。當那個時刻發生的時候,我會看著鏡子中的自己說,「科比你會怎麼樣?如果你經歷 這樣的傷痛你會怎麼樣?「你知道我每次看到別人受傷,我見到很多人受傷後回不來,我看著鏡子中的自己喃喃自語說,」是不是應該退出了?是不是應該停止打球 了?「我自己都不知道還能否返回賽場。我現在坐在這里告訴你,我要完全康復回到球場。但我不敢打包票,因為很多時候我也有疑問,但是我覺得,這才是迎接挑 戰的意義所在。
要抓住一切機會,向所有人證 明你自己,證明你能夠迎接挑戰。向那些說你永遠不可能成功,你一定會失敗的人證明,這就是我的看法。如果有人說你這次受傷,要一蹶不振了,對我來說,如果 別人受了這種傷可能就退出了,但是科比不能這樣。別人說這下你不行了,我會說,你這樣你才可能會退出。所以我必須要證明給他們看,尤其是給那些支持我,熱 愛我的粉絲們,我一定要贏了自己,要贏了傷痛,能夠重返賽場。這樣才能讓那些懷疑我的人重新思考,什麼叫將不可能的變成可能。這些傷疤的重要性體現在這 里,這些傷疤就是我成長轉變的體現。
作為一個球員,我與生俱來的激情就是想要成功,想要贏。同時也是人生最難卻最重要的事情。作為一個球員,要到球場上去迎接最大的挑戰,我覺得最大的挑戰就 是要把全隊的人變成像一個人那樣,要不斷地,不斷地取得勝利,這就是團隊競技比賽的最大挑戰,這也正是我的激情所在。對我個人來說,最重要的事是不斷地迎 接挑戰,而且永不畏懼挑戰極為重要。
但更重要的是要對事物保持不斷的好奇心,比如說怎麼樣打得更好,怎麼樣提高技巧,怎麼樣從別人身上學到什麼。其實我從小到現在一直從各個方面尋找激勵我的 因素,不僅僅從邁克爾·喬丹身上,從魔術師埃爾文·約翰遜身上,還從邁克爾·傑克遜,貝多芬,達芬奇,李小龍身上,這些偉大的人給了我激勵,讓我前進,所 以這就是黑曼巴的精神。並不是說你要不斷進攻別人,而是要永不停歇你前進的腳步。人生是學無止境的,於是不斷學習就顯得極為重要。你要不斷地學習,學習, 再學習,和別人交談,了解,學習,而不是覺得你自己什麼都懂。只有這樣,你才能成為一個更好的人,你的技巧才能進一步提高。最後才會有一個副產品,成為冠軍,成為更好的自己。對我來說這就是黑曼巴的精神,我的精神的 源頭所在。所以如果我能夠把這種精神傳遞給在座的各位,不管你想要做什麼,成為一個籃球運動員,一個作家或者是主持人,不管你的夢想是什麼,你們一定要堅 持夢想,從成功的前人身上汲取經驗和知識,各行各業的成功人士,他們身上都有一些共性使得他們脫穎而出,取得成功,這就是我今天想要傳遞給各位的正能量。

Ⅸ 關於科比的演講稿

人人都崇拜的對象,只有喬丹一個,而他所達到的高度是後無來者的,哪怕科比能在冠軍獎杯上追平,甚至超越。科比不是神,也有人的各種缺點,偏執、好勝成狂、偶爾自私,是人們一直詬病他的原因,但也是逼迫他有今天的動力。正如我前面所說,有多少人愛他,就有多少人恨他,有「科蜜」就有「科黑」。如日中天的勒布朗正在逐漸打破屬於科比的最年輕記錄,但顯然,科比的傳奇還在繼續,而且他已經成為了NBA的一座不朽豐碑! 這是我的一篇博文 我是他忠實FANS, 望採納

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