當前位置:首頁 » 祝福演講 » 英語中早安問候語


發布時間: 2021-02-28 23:20:19

1. 英語問候語大全

Nice to meet you.(適用於第一次見抄面)很高興見到你。襲
Nice to see you again.(適用於曾經見過,但不太熟的人)很高興再次見到你。
How have you been?(適用於有一陣子沒見面的朋友)你過得怎麼樣?
Long time no see.(適用於很久沒見的朋友)好久不見。
How is it going?近況如何?
How's everything with you?

2. 早上好英語問候

Good morning, to my greetings, such as the cool early morning moisture as you!

Good morning, give you fresh greetings, warm wishes, early morning, a good start, I wish you the spirit of super beautiful today, lots of energy, feeling good, all right!

3. 早安問候語英語怎麼說

good morning !

英 [ɡud ˈmɔ:niŋ] 美復 [ɡʊd ˈmɔrnɪŋ]

int. (上午見面時用語制) 早安,你(們)好; (上午分別時用語) 再會;

[例句]Good morning. Nice to meet you and thanks for being with us this weekend.


4. 英語單詞,問候語,早上好,晚上好

呵呵 早上好 Good morning 中午好Good afternoon晚上好 Good evening

5. 常見英語問候語

How are you?
Glad/Pleased/Nice to meet/see you
Long time no see

6. 早晨問候的英語句子和感謝的句子

good morning 早晨好!
hello 你好!
good evening 晚上好!
good bye 再見!
see you later 再見!
good night 晚安!
take care 保重!
how are you? 你好嗎?
fine. thank you 謝謝你,我很好內!
have a nice trip 祝你旅途平安!
my name is…容… 我叫……
may i have you name? 請問你貴姓?
nice to see you 很高興認識你。
thank you very much 謝謝!
thank you for your help 謝謝你的幫助。
you are welcome 不用謝。
that's right 你說的對
yes, i think so 我也這樣認。
where is the toilet 廁所在哪裡?
where are you from? 你是從哪裡來的?
whom should i ask to? 我應該問誰?
what is this for? 這是做什麼的?
it is important 這非常重要
i'm in a hurry 我時間很急

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