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㈠ 跪求一篇以挑戰和責任為主題的英語演講稿,謝謝啦

Our common destiny

「 We are made wise not by the recollections of the past but by our responsibility for the future」

----George Bernard Shaw

China is faced with some enormous challenges as it enters the 21st
century. In order to ensure the prosperity of our nation and its future
generations we must confront and ultimately solve these challenges.

Some of the more pressing issues facing China are universal. These
include environmental degradation, over population and the effects of

To overcome some of the things we need to implement include:

Enhancing our scientific and instrial technologies in such areas as IT, Bio- tech, AI and Cybernetics.

Further develop public infrastructure in under developed regions.

Promote ecation reform at all levels.

Introce sustainable development initiatives.

The implementation of free trade agreement between China and ASEAN.

The benefit to China in introcing these initiatives will be
significant and far-reaching. It is important to realize that these
initiatives need to filter down through all elements of the society in
China. For instance, cutting edge technologies and intellectual
properties; the development of e-commerce based economy; an ecation
system that encourages innovation and creativity; increased foreign
investment; higher living standards; more efficient use of natural

It is important for us to realize these reforms are
both essential and necessary. These will help China to fulfill its vast
and unrealized potential on the world stage. It will also contribute
more to a globalized world of the new century.

As for the future our task is not to foresee but to enable.










及知識產權;發展以電子商務為基礎的經濟; 一種鼓勵發明與創造的教育體制;更多的外國投資; 更高的生活水平;更加有效的利用自然資源。




㈡ 求英語演講稿,200詞左右,有關發明或科技類的,適合初中生,不必太難

My future

As the song goes 「 My future isn』t a dream .」 I love the song which brings me confidence when singing it every time . I believe that all our dreams can come true if we have courage to pursue them .When I was young my father always asked me what I would be in the future . Sometimes I found it very hard to give a certain reply . 「 I want to be a doctor .」 「 I want to be a teacher .」 and 「 I 』d like to be a scientist !」 Many of these answers are perhaps very childish and ridiculous . But I never think they are far away .

How time flies! Who is able to give a definition to his future ? I know clearly that those high buildings are based on solid foundation . As a student , I should have a reasonable aim , and study hard . My goal is to enter the best university for further study after middle school . I know it』s hard work , and I 』ll come across many difficulties and frustrations . But no matter what they are , I』ll keep working on it and never give up . My teacher says there 』s only one kind of people that are truly successful : those who are brave enough to put up with hardships . Even if I won』t achieve the goal , I have no regrets for what I have done , for I have struggled for my life .

http://www.hongen.com/pc/oa/chuban/chub0201.htm上面有 你自己去看

㈢ 哪為大哥大姐給我一份關於 人工智慧或電子商務 方面的英語演講搞

Artificial intelligence
From Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia
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"AI" redirects here.For other uses,see AI (disambiguation).
Garry Kasparov playing against Deep Blue,the first machine to win a chess match against a reigning world champion.
Garry Kasparov playing against Deep Blue,the first machine to win a chess match against a reigning world champion.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is both the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science which aims to create it.
Major AI textbooks define artificial intelligence as "the study and design of intelligent agents,"[1] where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions which maximize its chances of success.[2] AI can be seen as a realization of an abstract intelligent agent (AIA) which exhibits the functional essence of intelligence.[3] John McCarthy,who coined the term in 1956,[4] defines it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines."[5]
Among the traits that researchers hope machines will exhibit are reasoning,knowledge,planning,learning,communication,perception and the ability to move and manipulate objects.[6] General intelligence (or "strong AI") has not yet been achieved and is a long-term goal of AI research.[7]
AI research uses tools and insights from many fields,including computer science,psychology,philosophy,neuroscience,cognitive science,linguistics,ontology,operations research,economics,control theory,probability,optimization and logic.[8] AI research also overlaps with tasks such as robotics,control systems,scheling,data mining,logistics,speech recognition,facial recognition and many others.[9] Other names for the field have been proposed,such as computational intelligence,[10] synthetic intelligence,[10] intelligent systems,[11] or computational rationality.[12]
Electronic commerce,commonly known as e-commerce,consists of the buying and selling of procts or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.The amount of trade concted electronically has grown extraordinarily since the spread of the Internet.A wide variety of commerce is concted in this way,spurring and drawing on innovations in electronic funds transfer,supply chain management,Internet marketing,online transaction processing,electronic data interchange (EDI),inventory management systems,and automated data collection systems.Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at some point in the transaction's lifecycle,although it can encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail as well.
A large percentage of electronic commerce is concted entirely electronically for virtual items such as access to premium content on a website,but most electronic commerce involves the transportation of physical items in some way.Online retailers are sometimes known as e-tailers and online retail is sometimes known as e-tail.Almost all big retailers have electronic commerce presence on the World Wide Web.
Electronic commerce that is concted between businesses is referred to as Business-to-business or B2B.B2B can be open to all interested parties (e.g.commodity exchange) or limited to specific,pre-qualified participants (private electronic market).
Electronic commerce is generally considered to be the sales aspect of e-business.It also consists of the exchange of data to facilitate the financing and payment aspects of the business transactions.

㈣ 求一篇5分鍾的科普類英文演講

computers still a long way from truly aping human mind

Artificial intelligence'will equal and surpass human mental abilities;If not in 20 years then surely in 50.'So claimed US computer scientist Nils Nilsson back in 1984.Some people may still agree with him.
However, many more must still feel that computers are not going to catch up with the human mind quite so quickly.It has long been tempting for artificial intelligence (AI)researchers to underestimate the gap between their latest lavoratory toys and the human mind.
The enthusiasm of the early 1980s was for expert systems.But despite ambitions to matching the reasoningpowers of human,expert systems ended up being little more than glorified spreadsheet packages which could crank outanswers from built-in rules and 'facts'.
Today,enthusiasm is for neural computing.The idea is to wire up a network of logic cells in a way that appears to match the connection of neurons in the human brain.A web of feedback relationships allows a neural computer to 'learn from experience'.Instead of having to write programs from scratch ,a human programmer can keep restarting the computer until it adjusts it internal logic.
But neural computers,like expert systems ,are still a long way from the visionary's dream of an intelligent and aware computer.The problem is that to mimic the workings of the human mind,computer scientists must make something of a marriage of these two AI approaches--and do so on a vastly great scale.
The human mind is formed of two parts : the animal brainthat equates to the bottom-up processing of a neural computer, and the top-down patterns of thought built out of language,that are captured by expert systems.The hardest part to replicateis the functioning of the basic animal brain.Humans have a brain about four times the size of a chimpanzee's or gorilla's,but it is really little different from an ape's ,as the neurons are wired up in the same way.
Awareness, too, is created in the same way.Millions of detector cells in the sense organs channel a torrent of information across the grey,wrinkled surface of the brain.
The difference between humans and other animals is in the richness of detail that can be painted on the larger processing area humans process.With 30,000 in a pinhead-size lump of human grey matter,the number of possible connections runs into billions.
No computer has yet got near lhis level of connectedness.A leading massively parallal computer, such as Conection Machine built by Thinking Machines, has a mere 65,000 processing elements.Nor are brain cells the simple on/off logic gates of a digital computer.The functioning of nerves depends more on their chemistry than electrical impulses,which are just an efficient way of getting messages from juction to junction.
the real computational work is done at the junctions,where dozens of neuro-transmitters are involved in the complex committee decisions.Compared with even a cetipede's brain, today's hardware is rigid in its responses and build, deaf and mb to the outside world.But the good news is that if researchers can the brain's working,the next step--making this neural computer self-conscious and human-would not be so hard.

㈤ 未來之路 英文演講稿

尊敬的校長,清華大學的老師、同學們: 獲得清華大學這所世界一流大學的名譽博士學位,讓我感到非常榮幸。清華是一所有著百年歷史的名校,這里誕生了很多傑出的科學家、商業和政治領袖。 我上一次訪問清華是在1997年。當時,中國學生的才華、熱情和創造性給我留下了很深的印象。之後,我決定在中國設立微軟亞洲研究院。在沈向洋博士的領導下, 在清華等大學優秀畢業生的協助下,微軟亞洲研究院取得了成功,為微軟公司作出了巨大貢獻。在各種國際會議上都可以見到他們的身影。他們也為微軟的新產品如Windows Vista的誕生,付出了辛勤的努力。在計算機科學迅速發展的今天,身為清華的學生是件激動人心的事。我們才剛剛開始接觸到軟體魔法帶來的奇妙體驗。全世界有十億計算機用戶,他們才剛剛開始分享信息。隨著半導體、光纖技術的發展,軟體可以做更多的事情: 今天的電視還是被動的,在未來,你可以從網際網路下載節目,電視將能和人交流、互動; 昨天我參觀了中國農科院稻米研究所,看到那裡的技術人員開始用軟體來區分不同的稻米,為其排序,以後還可以通過軟體的分析計算,用較少的農葯培育出高產量的優良品種; 醫學界已經開始用軟體來管理資料庫; 今天的手機已經成為我們的「數字錢包」,可以顯示地圖,上網查找信息,未來它還將可以和人交流; 平板電腦的出現,使得在教室可以無線上網,用電腦錄音、識別手寫的文字。這樣,學生無需課本就能實現更有效的學習,老師也可以看到世界各地的優秀教案。 當然,軟體的未來還面臨很多挑戰, 比如:如何使得用戶更容易掌握?如何實現人工智慧?但不管怎樣,就計算機科學而言,我們所處的都是最激動人心的時代。 中國正在快速發展,對世界經濟、科技創新正在做出越來越大的貢獻。微軟公司願意幫助中國公司的成長,幫助所有的中國公民享受到計算機科學進步所帶來的成果:微軟已經開展項目,幫助中國的進城務工人員、殘疾人尤其是盲人享受科技成果; 微軟已經捐資設立了五所希望小學和五所網上希望小學; 微軟也同中國政府及大學合作,設立了很多學術交流項目,鼓勵優秀外國專家來華講學; 有來自39所亞太地區大學的超過2000名學生曾在微軟亞洲研究院實習,並有120人獲得了研究資助,其中清華所佔學生人數最多; 本學年,微軟亞洲研究院的研究人員將在清華開設一門課程:「計算機研究的熱門領域」。我還想藉此機會宣布,微軟公司將在清華設立「傑出訪問學者」項目。在該項目下,微軟亞洲研究院每年將邀請一位世界知名的計算機專家到姚期智教授領導的理論計算機科學研究所講學。第一位獲邀來訪的是美國麻省理工大學的弗朗斯·凱斯霍德教授。 總之,我今天非常高興來到貴校,並在接受我的母校哈佛大學頒給我名譽博士學位之前就成為清華的名譽博士。 剛才,我和大家分享了軟體領域在未來可能出現的一些突破,以及它們會給企業帶來的機會、為殘疾人和學生提供的幫助。我希望大家都能像我一樣樂觀:只要可以上網,就能獲得平等的受教育機會。 微軟公司對於中國市場的專注是長期的。我們對於以學術嚴謹聞名的清華大學有著很高的期望。讓我們攜手努力,共創信息技術未來的輝煌! 謝謝大家。

㈥ 幫忙把這段中文翻譯成英語,演講用,最好適合口語(逼格越高越好)

When it comes to dreams, my dream is to love those games and cartooncharacters in the dialogue. Is it right? Look innocent? But it is not impossible to achieve, which involves artificial intelligence. In many science fiction movies that everyone saw the technology 'achievements',so, in real life and how? We could have been in the mechanical structureto achieve in the movie 'mighty', but that is just a shell, just a model. We have not yet developed a real "artificial intelligence", although has proced various aspects and artificial intelligence, but does not have the ability to make these 'smart' together. Nowadays, more and more people began to research into artificial intelligence, from the beginning of the 'human battle', later to pattern recognition, such as fingerprint recognition, face recognition, and then to automation engineering now,artificial intelligence can say is completed though there is still a long way to go, but really is in progress, it is possible to achieve. I believe that this result is not only for scientists, trust, is also a Indoorsman. I believe each of the boys had a blood dream, each Indoorsman hope to dialogue withthe two dimension. There is a saying that good, you often come hometechnology. As a house, will be a good house! Do you want to have only one of their own 'day in' in Headset in naughty chowhound play every day? Whether imagined just a word can do this: (PPT)? Whether the thought of as the movie as automatic basic necessities of life? Yes, you want, hope, but you Is it right? Imagined these are from their own hands?Do you want? If you think carefully, then, you think, is my dream!

㈦ 准備做一個關於人工智慧的演講 應該從哪幾方面介紹人工智慧


㈧ 求英文演講稿 主題 人工智慧 (高中水平) 10分鍾演講的樣子

本文 僅供參考, 請自行修改

10 Examples of Artificial Intelligence You』re Using in Daily Life

Internet Tech
Artificial intelligence (AI) might seem like the realm of
science fiction, but you might be surprised to find out that you』re
already using it. AI has a huge effect on your life, whether you』re
aware of it or not, and its influence is likely to grow in the coming
years. Here are 10 examples of artificial intelligence that you』re
already using every day.

Virtual Personal Assistants
Siri, Google Now, and Cortana
are all intelligent digital personal assistants on various platforms
(iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile). In short, they help find useful
information when you ask for it using your voice; you can say 「Where』s
the nearest Chinese restaurant?」, 「What』s on my schele today?」,
「Remind me to call Jerry at eight o』clock,」 and the assistant will
respond by finding information, relaying information from your phone, or
sending commands to other apps.

AI is important in these apps, as they collect information on your
requests and use that information to better recognize your speech and
serve you results that are tailored to your preferences. Microsoft says
that Cortana 「continually learns about its user」 and that it will
eventually develop the ability to anticipate users』 needs. Virtual
personal assistants process a huge amount of data from a variety of
sources to learn about users and be more effective in helping them
organize and track their information.

Video Games

One of the instances of AI that most people are probably familiar
with, video game AI has been used for a very long time—since the very
first video games, in fact. But the complexity and effectiveness of that
AI has increased exponentially over the past several decades, resulting
in video game characters that learn your behaviors, respond to stimuli,
and react in unpredictable ways. 2014』s Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor
is especially notable for the indivial personalities given to each
non-player character, their memories of past interaction, and their
variable objectives.

First-person shooters like Far Cry and Call of Duty
also make significant use of AI, with enemies that can analyze their
environments to find objects or actions that might be beneficial to
their survival; they』ll take cover, investigate sounds, use flanking
maneuvers, and communicate with other AIs to increase their chances of
victory. As far as AI goes, video games are somewhat simplistic, but
because of the instry』s huge market, a great deal of effort and money
are invested every year in perfecting this type of AI.

Smart Cars

You probably haven』t seen someone reading the newspaper while driving
to work yet, but self-driving cars are moving closer and closer to
reality; Google』s self-driving car project and Tesla』s 「autopilot」
feature are two examples that have been in the news lately. Earlier this
year, the Washington Post reported
on an algorithm developed by Google that could potentially let
self-driving cars learn to drive in the same way that humans do: through

The AI detailed in this article learned to play simple video games,
and Google will be testing that same intelligence in driving
games before moving onto the road. The idea is that, eventually, the car
will be able to 「look」 at the road ahead of it and make decisions based
on what it sees, helping it learn in the process. While Tesla』s
autopilot feature isn』t quite this advanced, it』s already being used on
the road, indicating that these technologies are certainly on their way

Purchase Prediction

Large retailers like Target and Amazon stand to make a lot of money
if they can anticipate your needs. Amazon』s anticipatory shipping
project hopes to send you items before you need them,
completely obviating the need for a last-minute trip to the online
store. While that technology isn』t yet in place, brick-and-mortar
retailers are using the same ideas with coupons; when you go to the
store, you』re often given a number of coupons that have been selected by
a predictive analytics algorithm.

This can be used in a wide variety of ways, whether it』s sending you
coupons, offering you discounts, targeting advertisements, or stocking
warehouses that are close to your home with procts that you』re likely
to buy. As you can imagine, this is a rather controversial use of AI,
and it makes many people nervous about potential privacy violations from
the use of predictive analytics.

Fraud Detection

Have you ever gotten an email or a letter asking you if you made a
specific purchase on your credit card? Many banks send these types of
communications if they think there』s a chance that fraud may have been
committed on your account, and want to make sure that you approve the
purchase before sending money over to another company. Artificial
intelligence is often the technology deployed to monitor for this type
of fraud.

In many cases, computers are given a very large sample of fraulent
and non-fraulent purchases and asked to learn to look for signs that a
transaction falls into one category or another. After enough training,
the system will be able to spot a fraulent transaction based on the
signs and indications that it learned through the training exercise.

Online Customer Support

Many websites now offer customers the opportunity to chat with a
customer support representative while they』re browsing—but not every
site actually has a live person on the other end of the line. In many
cases, you』re talking to a rudimentary AI. Many of these chat support
bots amount to little more than automated responders, but some of them
are actually able to extract knowledge from the website and present it
to customers when they ask for it.

Perhaps most interestingly, these chat bots need to be adept at
understanding natural language, which is a rather difficult proposition;
the way in which customers talk and the way in which computers talk is
very different, and teaching a machine to translate between the two
isn』t easy. But with rapid advances in natural language processing
(NLP), these bots are getting better all the time.

News Generation

Did you know that artificial intelligence programs can write news stories? According to Wired,
the AP, Fox, and Yahoo! all use AI to write simple stories like
financial summaries, sports recaps, and fantasy sports reports. AI isn』t
writing in-depth investigative articles, but it has no problem with
very simple articles that don』t require a lot of synthesis. Automated
Insights, the company behind the Wordsmith software,
says that e-commerce, financial services, real estate, and other
「data-driven」 instries are already benefitting from the app.

Of course, Wordsmith still needs quite a bit of help from an actual
author to get setup and give it the matrix article that data is placed
into. However, the concept has been proven, and it』s likely that we』ll
see more and more reports generated by these means. Moving beyond
data-driven fields will require major leaps in technology, but the
groundwork has been laid, and it seems like it』s only a matter of time
until fully automated reporters become a reality.

Security Surveillance

A single person monitoring a number of video cameras isn』t a very
secure system; people get bored easily, and keeping track of multiple
monitors can be difficult even in the best of circumstances. Which is
why training computers to monitor those cameras makes a great deal of
sense. With supervised training exercises, security algorithms can take
input from security cameras and determine whether there may be a
threat—if it 「sees」 a warning sign, it will alert human security

Of course, the number of things that these computers can catch is currently pretty limited—Wired talks about
seeing flashes of color that may indicate an intruder or someone
loitering around a schoolyard. Identifying actions that might imply a
thief in a store are likely beyond the current technological
limitations, but don』t be surprised if this sort of technology debuts in
the near future.

Music and Movie Recommendation Services

While they』re rather simple when compared to other AI systems, apps like Spotify,
Pandora, and Netflix accomplish a useful task: recommending music and
movies based on the interests you』ve expressed and judgments you』ve made
in the past. By monitoring the choices you make and inserting them into
a learning algorithm, these apps make recommendations that you』re
likely to be interested in.

Much of this functionality is dependent on human-assigned factors.
For example, a song might have 「driving bass,」 「dynamic vocals,」 and
「guitar riffs」 listed as characteristics; if you like that song, you』ll
probably like other songs that include the same characteristics. This is
the basis of many recommendation services; and while it』s not
futuristically advanced, it does do a pretty good job of helping you
discover new music and movies.

Smart Home Devices

Many smart home devices now include the ability to learn your
behavior patterns and help you save money by adjusting the settings on
your thermostat or other appliances in an effort to increase convenience
and save energy. For example, turning your oven on when you leave work
instead of waiting to get home is a very convenient ability. A
thermostat that knows when you』re home and adjusts the temperature
accordingly can help you save money by not heating the house when you』re

Lighting is another place where you might see basic artificial
intelligence; by setting defaults and preferences, the lights around
your house (both inside and outside) might adjust based on where you are
and what you』re doing; dimmer for watching TV, brighter for cooking,
and somewhere in the middle for eating, for example. The uses of AI in
smart homes are limited only by our imagination.

㈨ 比爾蓋茨演講 英文版





















㈩ 英語演講

Our common destiny

「 We are made wise not by the recollections of the past but by our responsibility for the future」

----George Bernard Shaw

China is faced with some enormous challenges as it enters the 21st century. In order to ensure the prosperity of our nation and its future generations we must confront and ultimately solve these challenges.

Some of the more pressing issues facing China are universal. These include environmental degradation, over population and the effects of globalization.

To overcome some of the things we need to implement include:

Enhancing our scientific and instrial technologies in such areas as IT, Bio- tech, AI and Cybernetics.

Further develop public infrastructure in under developed regions.

Promote ecation reform at all levels.

Introce sustainable development initiatives.

The implementation of free trade agreement between China and ASEAN.

The benefit to China in introcing these initiatives will be significant and far-reaching. It is important to realize that these initiatives need to filter down through all elements of the society in China. For instance, cutting edge technologies and intellectual properties; the development of e-commerce based economy; an ecation system that encourages innovation and creativity; increased foreign investment; higher living standards; more efficient use of natural resources.

It is important for us to realize these reforms are both essential and necessary. These will help China to fulfill its vast and unrealized potential on the world stage. It will also contribute more to a globalized world of the new century.

As for the future our task is not to foresee but to enable.










中國將受益於積極主動的採取具有重要深遠意義的措施。認識到這些措施需要實施到中國社會的各個層面是重要的,從而帶來廣泛且深遠的各種改善,如:邊緣科技及知識產權;發展以電子商務為基礎的經濟; 一種鼓勵發明與創造的教育體制;更多的外國投資; 更高的生活水平;更加有效的利用自然資源。




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噓的短句 發布:2021-03-16 21:38:07 瀏覽:816